Maybe Onesimus was gone for a while so that you could have him back forever—no longer as a slave but better than a slave—as a dear brother.
Philemon 15–16
I t’s pretty easy to knock people who have hurt you or have stepped on your rights. And it can be just as easy to want to get even with them or find justice, but justice can’t be looked at from a human perspective. A lot of times God’s justice, true justice, looks like unfairness. The mere fact that the girl who has been a believer since she was old enough to understand faith and the girl on her deathbed who’s led the most evil life imaginable can both find salvation and full acceptance from the Father is baffling, if not unsettling, to the human mind. In our lives here on earth we have set up our own ideas of justice and what is right and wrong, but God often has a different idea. His ways are far better than your ways, his thoughts far better than your thoughts, so when things seem unfair and justice doesn’t seem to be served, just remember that God’s plan is not to make you happy but to make you holy. How you react to the situations in life that demand justice, not how you feel about those situations, will determine your holiness.