Brothers and sisters, because of the blood of Jesus we can now confidently go into the holy place.
Hebrews 10:19
I ’m not good enough. I can’t do all this Christian stuff. I’m just not perfect. Sometimes it seems like there are so many rules, so much to do in order to be holy—how can you do it all? The answer is that you can’t, but God can. For centuries the Hebrews tried to be good by doing what God commanded them to do, but they just couldn’t be perfect. So God did something about it: he sent his Son to be the final sacrifice for all sin. Now, this side of the cross, the commandments still stand, but faith in Jesus is the answer to your failure to be perfect in your attempt to obey God’s Word. And so as a believer, when you have a desire to follow and obey all the commands of God but fail, even daily, you can be sure that you are still accepted by God because of the sacrifice of his Son.
Your faith will grow in direct relationship to your access to God, and Christ is your all-access pass to the Father. Before the cross, the only way people could have access to God was through the act of sacrifice. But now, through the forgiveness of sin allowed by the blood of Christ, we all have access to the Father every minute of the day. Take advantage of that access to the one who moves mountains. Don’t wait a second longer to talk to him, listen to him, and learn from him. You are now a child of God and can knock on his door and enter in anytime you want to.