Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.

Hebrews 11:1

Y our life is filled with so many things that are a given and so many people who have everything planned out for you—your parents, your teachers, your friends. But what happens when you’re faced with the unknown? When the future’s not a given but a big old question mark? Do you freak?

Living with everything figured out is a piece of cake, but having no clue what’s gonna happen next leaves you with nothing but faith. Your future might be unknown, but your God is well known. Don’t let an uncertain tomorrow erase what you know about God, and that is that he is in control of it all. No matter what you know or don’t know and no matter who attempts to intervene, he’s still the ultimate authority in the life of the believer. You may be unsure of what’s coming next in the journey of life, but big whoop—you are sure of God. And that means you can be sure of his protection and peace.

The evidence of the spiritual life in you is when your heart is okay living with the unknown, because the unknown is where faith lives. Without a few mysteries in life, your faith would be weak and useless, because it wouldn’t be “convinced of the existence of things we cannot see.” So don’t freak when life seems all foggy and iffy, because those moments when you don’t know what comes next are when your faith gets stronger and your belief gets a boost of encouragement. Without faith you would be like the nonbeliever, all worried about tomorrow and using all your energy to make sure there were never any unknowns. Be different! Accept the idea of uncertainty in your life, look to the one who is certain, and life will be a great adventure.