Don’t get carried away by all kinds of unfamiliar teachings. Gaining inner strength from God’s kindness is good for us. This strength does not come from following rules about food, rules that don’t help those who follow them.

Hebrews 13:9

Food can play an important role in the life of the God Girl. It can be abstained from in order to pursue God and wait for an answer. It can be managed so that it doesn’t control you. There are vegetarians, vegans, and chronic dieters. There are girls who purge and girls who avoid food as much as possible. For a lot of us food can become our obsession. Through our effort to control it, it ends up controlling us. But God’s Word makes it clear: following rules about food doesn’t help us, but his kindness (or grace) does.

As a God Girl you have to be careful about “rules” on eating. Whether you have created them yourself or followed others who brag about the benefits of eating a certain way, beware—you may be creating an idol out of a way of eating or not eating. Food is not responsible for your ultimate health or holiness. Certainly you should control yourself when it comes to eating, but control that is reasonable and not obsessive is best. If you feel controlled by your commitment to eat a certain way, then start to ask yourself if you could be in danger of having an obsession, also known as an idol. If fear is involved in your food routine, then that is a red flag. Any kind of sin, or distrust of God, associated with your diet points to trouble. That means fear, worry, stress, guilt, depression, or self-inflicted pain associated with eating are all signs of dangerous “rules” or routines.

The best thing to do is to turn your life, body and soul, over to God’s care. Then eat a normal, balanced diet, trusting that God will not only protect your body but heal you where healing is needed.