Talk and act as people who are going to be judged by laws that bring freedom.
James 2:12
H ow can the law set you free? Have you ever wondered that? I mean, “law” sounds like something that holds you back. It’s the great “don’t touch that” or “I said no” of the spiritual world. If all you do is read the law but don’t do what it says, that’s exactly what it is: a bunch of dos and don’t-dos. But a funny thing happens when you actually do what the Word of God says to do and avoid what he says not to do: you get set free.
See, you have all these things in your life that you have let control you without even realizing it, and all these things are actually sin, because letting them control you contradicts God’s Word. Doing whatever you want, giving in to your passions, and just letting loose for a change might feel like freedom, but take a look at your heart. Does this thing that takes your eyes off God really give you the payoff it promises? Or does it eventually lead you to fear, depression, worry, loneliness, or anger?
When you disobey by looking at God’s Word and then deciding doing what it says just isn’t worth the trouble, you miss out on your chance to be set free from all that hurts you. Everything bad in your life is a result of sin. If you were to refuse to sin and choose to obey God’s Word, you would find you have everything you’ve ever wanted. Freedom would be yours because God’s Word sets you free from the bondage of unmet needs, worry, and fear. It opens up your heart and your mind and sets you free from what your corrupt nature wants. So whatever you do, remember that you will be set free by the law, should you choose to follow it.