God called you to endure suffering because Christ suffered for you. He left you an example so that you could follow in his footsteps.
1 Peter 2:21
When it came to suffering at the hands of mean people, the apostle Peter knew what he was talking about, but he also knew where God was in the whole thing. So he wrote to tell people that suffering at the hands of others, though it hurts to no end, has a far greater purpose. He also wanted them to know that other people’s sin was never an excuse for their sin but was their chance to prove themselves to both those watching and to God himself.
Suffering might seem impossible to handle, but in the grand scheme of things it’s only temporary. And when you live through it with faith that God will use it all for good, you learn more than you could ever learn in the good times. You, God Girl, should not fear suffering but should know that it is far better to suffer for doing good than for doing wrong (see 1 Peter 3:17).
Think about the life of Christ: he suffered beyond belief on the day they hung him on that cross, yet he never fought back or resisted the trial. He never argued his case but did the very thing he now asks us to do: endure hardship in faith, knowing that God can be trusted. You have to remember that suffering lasts only a while and then the reward comes. And what a reward it will be! You have nothing to fear, because no one can harm your soul or take you away from the Father. All you need to do is trust that and obey God’s Word no matter what the world throws at you, and you will be sure to overcome.