The end of everything is near. Therefore, practice self-control, and keep your minds clear so that you can pray.

1 Peter 4:7

Faith takes practice. You can’t decide to do the right thing in the middle of the trial without doing the right thing now, before the test hits. Self-control comes through repetition. Start with the small things so that when the big things come, you’ll be able to control yourself. When you’re in the heat of the moment, obeying can be super hard if obedience isn’t already your natural response to life. Letting yourself get away with the small things doesn’t do you any good.

Remember, obedience is a noble thing, and noble things are hard, even heroic. Doing what’s right might take all your energy, but it gives back as much as it takes by changing your character and strengthening your faith and your resolve.

If you find yourself failing the test of obedience, it might just be because you haven’t practiced enough. Be faithful in doing the small things, and then you’ll have the strength and ability to be faithful in the big things. Living through a crisis will let you know if you have been practicing or not. Every day you have to do what God has designed you to do and helped you to do by his Spirit. Then when the crisis comes, you’ll have both God’s grace and your nature on your side. Then you will succeed. You will overcome temptation, rise above, and resist the enemy.