In their greed they will use good-sounding arguments to exploit you.

2 Peter 2:3

P ersecution from nonbelievers isn’t always the only danger to the church. Sometimes the danger is people inside the church who take the truth and change it to fit their own ideals and experiences. That’s why knowledge of the truth is so essential for all believers. Without it you can easily be led astray by people pretending to teach about true faith but really teaching a lie. As a God Girl you can’t simply accept what you are taught without considering how it aligns with God’s Word.

Oftentimes teachers of God’s Word allow the ideas of the world to seep into their way of thinking, and then over time they forget what is the world and what is the Word. Their motives may be pure but their words evil. You are never too young to judge truth for yourself, and the only excuse you might have is that you don’t know enough. But you can’t let that stop you. The Word is available to everyone who is willing to look into it. Knowledge is a powerful thing and an essential for the life of faith. We can’t let people draw us away with enticing arguments that appeal to our desire to be happy and comfortable. We need to bring everything back to God’s Word. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m hearing or thinking consistent with God’s Word?” If not, then you must reject it.

As a God Girl you can’t allow the world to infiltrate your faith, even if it has infiltrated the lives of those who appear to know more than you. It’s easy to let lies seep into your mind and become a part of your worldview (your beliefs about faith and living), but as the world starts to make its lies look like God’s truth, your faith can become distorted. If you believe something to be true, check it against God’s Word. You might be surprised how many “truths” you find out to be complete and total lies. Don’t let the world pull the wool over your eyes. Run it all by God and his Word before you believe a word of it. Be smart and be a faithful God Girl!