To love God means that we obey his commandments.

1 John 5:3

I f you love God, you will want to do what he says. But if you not only don’t want to do what he says but refuse to do what he says and are okay with that, then according to his Word there is no sacrifice left for you (see Heb. 10:26). As a God Girl you prove your love to him by doing what he says. It sounds like a tall order. Obedience isn’t normally presented as a part of the salvation story. Kindness, forgiveness, and restoration, yes, but obedience? How hard is that? But God’s Word is clear: you must make him Lord of your life, and that means more than a verbal agreement that he is God; it’s a willful choice to obey his Word (see Rom. 10:9; James 2:14–26; 1 John 2:3–4).

This doesn’t mean you won’t mess up or that God doesn’t forgive you when you do—oh yes, he does (see 1 John 1:9)! But it does mean that as a God Girl you will want to love him, and love obeys. Love doesn’t want what God doesn’t give; it doesn’t turn away from truth; it doesn’t make its own way; it stays faithful. It may fall down, it may get tempted or even distracted, but it never willfully disobeys. When love makes a mistake it corrects it; it doesn’t hide from it.

As a God Girl, if you want the blessing of God’s Spirit, then you will want to do what he says. And in order to do that, you have to know his Word. Study it, memorize it, teach it. Make it part of the very fiber of your being. When you do you will find that blessings abound.