Dear friend, never imitate evil, but imitate good.

3 John 11

I f she jumped off a cliff, would you?” Following the crowd can sometimes seem like the safest route. No one notices you, no one calls you out, no one judges you. But when the crowd is jumping off a cliff, how smart is diving to your destruction just to fit in?

The world doesn’t know Jesus, so they think he’s crazy. They create their own rules and values. They focus on what the eye can see and avoid what can’t be seen. But as a God Girl you know there is more than the physical world. You are aware of the spiritual, that unseen world that surrounds you and fills you. Temporary happiness might be found denying the existence of God and the commands of his law, but permanent happiness comes when you drop what the world believes and trust only what God says.

It’s human nature to want to fit in, but when you act, look, and think like the rest of the world, you prove not your faith but your distrust. True God Girls follow not the world but the Savior. Going against the grain and doing what God wants you to do not only proves you believe but also increases your faith. Each time you risk disobeying the world by doing what is right, your faith grows.