Some people have slipped in among you unnoticed. Not long ago they were condemned in writing for the following reason: They are people to whom God means nothing. They use God’s kindness as an excuse for sexual freedom and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jude 4

G od’s kindness can never be an excuse for sin. His grace shouldn’t be a loophole to disobedience. Knowing that he forgives everything you’ve ever done or ever will do isn’t a reason to turn your back on him and to sin. If you tell yourself it’s okay to disregard his law because of grace, you lie to yourself and prove that you love yourself more than you love him. God means nothing to the person who uses his kindness to do whatever she wants.

You can’t be a slave to two masters. You can serve two people, like having two jobs, but you can’t be a slave to more than one master. When you’re a slave you don’t have the freedom to work a second job. And when you are a slave to God, you don’t abuse his kindness but obey him and him only, in spite of his ability to offer grace for your disobedience or crime.

A lot of times disobedient and self-serving people slip into your life without you noticing. They talk a good talk, they preach, they teach, and they lead you to believe that grace is the most important and useful thing in the life of the believer. And while God’s kindness is essential because without it you wouldn’t know God, it can’t become a replacement for doing what is right. You are saved by God’s kindness or grace, but you prove your love by your faithfulness. Don’t let deceivers say otherwise. Enjoy the grace of God, accept it when you fall, and when you discover areas of your life that were in the dark, know that he can and will forgive as soon as you repent and confess. But don’t use that knowledge as an excuse for premeditated sin, as a free pass to selfishness, or you will prove that God means nothing to you.