You only have a little strength, but you have paid attention to my word and have not denied my name.
Revelation 3:8
If you only have a little strength, use it for God’s glory. When you are too weak to move and too tired to go on, all you have to do is obey. Not sure what God wants you to do? Then just do what he tells you to do in his Word. Don’t worry about hearing his voice right now. Don’t fret over finding his will for your life today. All you need to know for today is found in the pages of the Bible. Truth is written for the taking. With the little strength that you have, reach for truth.
It takes much less energy to take orders than to struggle and wrestle with indecision. A smart girl takes the resources she has and applies them to her life. As you move into adulthood, you will be met with all kinds of different choices that only you can make. When you were a child your parents made choices for you, but now it’s up to you. And because of that you will be held responsible. You can’t go blamin’ your life on anyone else but yourself now. Are you willing to take God at his Word and do what he commands, or will you complain, disagree, and do it your own way? If you only have a little strength, pay attention to God’s Word and don’t deny his name.