Callie awakened the next morning to a shaking bed and rattling windows—ominous portents of the day to come. As the seismic shivers faded, the gardener outside her window began clipping again. She stared at the ceiling, wishing she didn’t have to get out of bed.
Sleep had been long in coming last night, held at bay by churning afterthoughts of her interview with the Partas. That it was Cephelus himself she’d faced gave her satisfaction, for he wouldn’t waste his time with her if she wasn’t close to success. But the way he’d kept eyeing the mirror had nagged at her. Perhaps he wasn’t admiring her—or himself—after all. Perhaps he was looking at someone behind the glass. Like Pierce. However Cephelus threatened Callie, Pierce would know he could stop it.
A rustle from the doorway preceded Mira’s voice. “It’s time.”
Callie shut her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to slow the wild acceleration of her pulse. She clung to her memories, reminding herself of what Elhanu had done and what he was and what he’d promised. It’s not trust unless it looks really bad. And it must’ve looked really bad for those Zelosian prisoners when they were put down into the mine.
It must’ve looked bad when they were tortured, too. The knot in her stomach twisted.
Don’t think about that.
“I heard you.”
She got up, put on her tunic, and braided her hair. In the kitchen, Mira had prepared oatmeal and fresh peaches, but Callie’s stomach was too tight to eat them. The two women sat at the table in silence as the news played on the table screen. A picture of Pierce appeared, the announcer reporting that the captives would be given their final chance for absolution at today’s trial. After a week of kind and gracious treatment, it was expected that all would see the light and join the Splagnosians in new life. After the first few words, Callie recognized the report as another attempt to sway her, and turned her gaze to the window, willing herself to tune it out.
Time ticked slowly by until suddenly Mira stood and snatched the bowl from Callie’s place, her lips tight, her eyes bright with moisture. She cast their utensils in the cleanser, yanked open the kitchen door, gestured Callie outside, and escorted her wordlessly through the city to a side door in one of the larger government buildings. A guard in a short leather skirt brought her to the other holdouts, who were waiting in a dimly lit corridor—Whit, Evvi, John, Brody, and Meg. The sight of them was deeply heartening. That Pierce wasn’t among them didn’t worry her. She knew if he had turned, she would have heard of it, and being the Partas’s ward—and “a worthy antagonist”—he would certainly have a special place in all this.
They shuffled down the hall to a vast chamber packed with spectators, where mammoth pillars marched in tandem down a central aisle as long as a football field. A strip of gold-flecked black marble gleamed between facing lines of red-roped silver stanchions, set up to restrain the jostling crowd. Armed and armored giants stood the length of both ropes, and gray Tohvani bodies covered the pillars and vaulted ceiling. Silence greeted the prisoners as they entered, the rustle of their clothing and the slap-thump of their bare feet echoing loudly around them. Callie stared at John’s back, feeling the Splagnosians’ hostility, and wondering if there were familiar faces in that crowd. She couldn’t bring herself to look, though, and by the time they reached the gauntlet’s end, her chest was tight and her hands sweat slicked and icy.
A circular dais arose at the head of the hall, surrounded by an expanse of shining black marble across which the opposing lines of guards angled away from each other to encircle the stage. The Partas Guivas sat upon it in a great white chair, bracketed by guards in gold gilt and high-ranking government ministers. Above it all, a domed ceiling glowed sky blue.
A man stood on the dais at Guivas’s immediate right, wearing the gold-banded garment of citizenship, and Callie’s heart seized the instant she saw him. His blue eyes flicked once over the prisoners, then fixed on a point above them, his teeth clenched. He looked ravaged—thin, haggard, almost as gray as a Watcher, with deep circles under his eyes. Even from the distance she could see him shiver and twitch. He probably hadn’t slept in days.
The prisoners were directed into a line along the dais’s base, and the Partas Guivas let his green-eyed gaze slip over them one by one. Callie refused to meet it when it reached her, lifting her chin and staring at a spot midway up the blue dome. His attention moved on, and her glance caught Pierce’s. A current leapt through her at the contact, but at the same time she saw a terror that shook her to the core.
“For six days you have enjoyed our hospitality,” the Partas Guivas said finally. “Your counselors have freely answered all your questions and tried hard to persuade you against throwing away your lives. But you have spurned them. And if you will not join us, we must consider you our enemies. I give you one last chance. Declare allegiance to Splagnos and join with us in the baptism of fire or become slaves of the state.”
No one moved or spoke.
He glanced at Pierce and said something Callie could not hear. When Pierce did not respond, Guivas waved a hand at one of the guards. “Begin with the redhead.”
He stood and walked to a wooden box standing at the side of the dais beside the last pillar. A small gate permitted him egress and closed behind him as the box rose six feet alongside the pillar and stopped. Simultaneously the throne sank into the floor and a panel slid over it. At Callie’s back, a motor whined and whirred, and as the guards herded the prisoners to one side, she saw two thick bronze poles spearing out of the floor toward the roof and beyond them a stone table rising into view. When the poles reached their full extension, the whirring stopped. A succession of clicks and thumps followed, and then men hastened forward to activate the device. As the membrane of blue fire leaped between the poles, several gaunt Splagnosians in loincloths emerged from a side door.
“You can stop this whenever you wish,” Guivas said to Pierce. And to one of the guards, he ordered, “Bring him closer, where he can feel it.”
Pierce was brought to within arm’s reach of the pulsating energy. Another guard dragged Callie to the table. Four sets of shackles told her what they intended—she was to be chained onto the stone to serve the needs of those who came through the curtain.
The guard lifted her onto the table, and at first it all seemed so unreal, she didn’t even struggle. He snapped the bracelet around her left wrist, his hands rough and heavy, and she drew a low hiccupping breath—part cry, part sob. The stone was icy beneath her thin shift, and as he moved to her left ankle, she struggled for calm, reaching as never before for the invisible, untouchable link. No matter what they did to her body, they couldn’t touch her soul. And if they killed her, they would only send her home.
She was breathing rapidly now, a selfish, craven part of her hoping fiercely that Pierce would give in and save her. Cold metal pressed unpleasantly against her anklebone as the latch snicked shut, and terror—so violent, so oppressive she could hardly breathe—pounded at the doors of her soul.
“No!” The cry rang sharply, tinged with desperation.
The guard froze. Callie turned her head to see Pierce launch himself into the curtain, his body seized in midair, spread-eagled, jittering with blue-green-gold incandescence. Despite Mira’s assurance that this was a pleasant experience, he screamed, the sound mingling with Callie’s own shriek of denial.
It held him for an exceedingly long time. Sparks flew along his limbs and up the poles. The curtain flickered as the blue and green drained into his body. He shuddered and twitched and screamed until only blackness swirled around him. Then, in a blinding flare, he was hurled out, staggering for balance as the crowd erupted in a savage cheer. Horrified, Callie watched him veer drunkenly into the line of guards—
And drop all pretense of incapacitation as he slammed into the nearest giant, shoulder to belly, the two of them falling in a tangle of legs and arms. Seconds later blue fire flared from the pile. The short triple bursts found their marks with deadly accuracy. The guards to either side of him dropped like empty garments. Then he was up on one knee, his SI pointing toward the box where the Partas stood openmouthed with astonishment. Three blue lances cut the air, and Guivas crashed forward to the floor, a gray vapor trailing briefly behind him and vanishing.
By then Pierce had taken out the guards closest to the other prisoners and was running for Callie, the guards beyond her diving for cover. Behind him their fellows had recovered their wits and began firing on him as the spectators scrambled to escape. Callie could see the lances of light striking his body, but this soon after exposure they didn’t faze him. He loomed over her, his face awful. Sweeping the SI from side to side as he continued to fire, he gripped the ankle shackle that held her, wrenched it out of the stone, then did the same with the wrist restraint. As she scrambled down, he upended the whole table, pulling it from its moorings in a display of superhuman strength that left her awestruck. Pushing her behind it and using his own body to shield her further, he fired at the crowd. Civilians and soldiers alike fled in panic.
New firing broke out from the side of the stage, aimed at the soldiers shooting at Pierce. Whit and the others had commandeered their dead guards’ weapons and had taken cover behind the fire curtain’s control box, which was now raining plumes of sparks and smoke. Pierce stood over Callie, taking hit after hit, and firing as if nothing was happening. But he was bleeding now. The wounds closed quickly enough, but clearly his invulnerability was fading.
Then his weapon’s beam turned purplish pink. Paled. Sputtered. He looked down, surprised, then dove behind the table as his enemies quickly took advantage. Blue fire danced off the stone, filling the air with a fine vibration. And stopped.
Crouching with Pierce behind the table, Callie looked into the gun barrels of four huge guards. The nearest guard reached for her, then staggered back as the floor lurched. She heard a low rumble as the other guards looked around in alarm and people started screaming. Down the hall toward the open doorway, she saw the floor undulate like an oily black sea, and the rocking intensified, bouncing her hard against the tile. The fire curtain’s poles whipped back and forth, spewing sparks as plaster chunks rained from the ceiling. To the right a pillar cracked with a boom, half of it peeling away to fall on screaming, fleeing Splagnosians. Thinking she needed to get under a doorway, Callie pushed herself to her feet, only to be thrown back into Pierce. He pulled her close as rocks pelted them, and another pillar gave way, thundering down the length of the hall. She clung to him as the ground churned and the dust thickened and the ceiling came down around them. It seemed the awful roar would never stop, that the floor would never stop rocking, that surely they would be crushed at any moment.
But they were not. And gradually the tumult slowed, the screaming stopped, and the world fell back to stillness. When Callie finally dared open her eyes, she found a slab of ceiling angling inches above her, one end propped on the overturned table.
She and Pierce sat up together, coughing in the settling dust and looking around, astonished to be alive. Voices at the chamber’s far end drew their attention to their friends, staggering up from the rubble. Aside from them, though, and a few residual trickles of plaster, nothing moved. Chills crawling from scalp to heels, Callie realized they alone had survived.
Beside her Pierce was surveying the wreckage with a horror that had nothing to do with the carnage. When he finally looked at her, his face was dead, his eyes bright with tears.
“Oh, Callie,” he whispered, “what have I done?”
And for the first time it dawned on her that going through the fire curtain had killed his chances of using the exit portal anytime soon.
“Why didn’t I wait?” He stared at the floor, layered with dust and rock. “Why didn’t I trust him?”
Battling her own horror and dread and rising anger, Callie had no words of comfort. He closed his eyes and speared his fingers through his dusty hair, shaking his head. She wanted to hit him, scream at him, and fall sobbing into his arms all at once.
The others congregated silently near the crushed fire curtain, looking around in bewilderment until John’s voice broke the spell. “Hey, look! Is that a passage beyond that crack?” He gestured toward the only patch of sky-painted backdrop remaining at the rear of the curve, rent now by a yard-high crack. Evvi investigated and confirmed there was indeed a passage, and one by one they disappeared into it.
Callie stood. “Are you coming?” she asked Pierce.
He swallowed, opened his eyes without looking at her, and got up.
The crack led into a corridor lit by a glowing white line in the floor.
They stood in silence, puzzling over it, and then Evvi said, “Hey! I can feel the link again.”
The others looked at her, first in surprise, then in blankness as they sought their own connections and found them.
Callie hesitated, still entangled in the riot of emotion that gripped her. Beside her, Pierce sagged against the wall and closed his eyes. To her surprise, the tightness of his jaw immediately loosened, and the anguish between his brows softened as pain gave way to peace and renewed purpose. His gaze caught her own, and she could almost feel the warmth of the link through it. Elhanu had forgiven him. Again.
She turned away, chagrined by the sudden memory of her own wish that Pierce do exactly as he’d done—go through the curtain and save her, no matter the cost. She had trusted no more than he.
Chastised, she took her own failure to the link and found the wondrous warmth she craved. He wasn’t even surprised. It was as if he had known all along . . .
And knowing, he’d be able to make it all work out. Wouldn’t he? Footfalls and shouting sounded outside. Even in the midst of disaster the surviving Splagnosians weren’t going to let them go without a fight. She wondered if Cephelus had already found a new body.
Together they hurried up the serpentine path through a honeycomb of intersecting corridors. Without the lighted line they would have been hopelessly lost, and Callie gave thanks that the Splagnosians apparently couldn’t see it. Behind them, the shouts and footfalls waxed and waned erratically, but never actually caught up. It wasn’t long, however, before she realized Pierce was failing. Stopping to face him, she saw blood wreathing a walnut-sized hole in his thigh and numerous stains marring his tunic. He was disturbingly pale, and the pain in his face was now purely physical.
“You’re hurting,” she said. “We’d better stop.”
“I’m fine. It’s just taking longer to heal.”
“You’re not fine.”
“The longer we wait, the worse I’ll get.”
She pressed her lips together and did not argue with him, but his pace continued to slow. Finally, when they stepped into a grotto from which several corridors opened, she insisted he rest, and he let her push him onto a rock, still protesting his wounds were not serious.
“Don’t lie to me,” she said, pulling up his tunic to examine him. “You haven’t a clue how bad they are.”
He pulled the tunic back down before she could see anything. “It doesn’t matter, Callie.”
She frowned at him.
Then Whit and John entered the chamber, the others right behind. “Someone’s following us,” Whit said. “Not Splagnosian—at least he’s not wearing armor. And he’s sneaking, like he doesn’t want us to know he’s there.”
“Just one?” Pierce asked.
“Sounds like it.”
“Maybe he can’t see the guide light,” Evvi said.
“A lot of good it’ll do him to find the portal, then,” Pierce said, standing up.
“NO!” The rough bellow echoed off the stone walls as a wild-haired man lurched through the doorway behind them. He wore blood-stained leathers and held a Zelosian riot gun low across his body. His one good eye was ringed with white and was full of madness.
Screaming invectives, he insisted they couldn’t be here. “I’m the one who worked for this. Not you.”
“Garth, we can both go,” Pierce said, reaching for his weapon.
“You’re not going anywhere, you traitorous bone sucker! None of you are!”
Callie’s eye flicked to the firing lever of the riot gun, saw it was on automatic, and understood—Garth meant to shoot them all. In that instant everything seemed to slow down and clarify. She saw the tendons in his arm ripple, contracting his trigger finger as she dove for the floor, seemingly miles away. Whit was bringing his weapon slowly around as Pierce launched himself at Garth. Two green beams slid out of the riot gun, penetrating Pierce’s chest one after the other as he hung in space. Then momentum carried him into his target, and both men fell, the gun clattering aside. Callie scrambled for it, but Garth rolled free and recovered it first.
Whit’s weapon finally discharged, its blue lance burrowing into Garth’s shoulder, hurling him back against the wall. He pushed off, gazed about wildly, and fled a blaze of pursuing fire.
Callie rushed to Pierce, who was now struggling to rise. Bright blood soaked the front of his tunic in a huge, spreading stain, but again he refused her attentions. “I’m not gonna make it anyway, and you’ve got to reach the portal.”
“I’ll carry you,” Whit suggested.
“No. Garth won’t know which way to go if there’s another fork. He’ll wait for you—try to take you out once he knows the way.”
“Ah, Pierce, why would he do that?”
“Because we prove everything he believes to be a lie. Because he’s whacked out from too much fire curtain. Because he’s being driven by something other than his own passions.”
For a moment, no one spoke. They stood panting, looking at one another in surprise.
Then Whit said gravely, “You mean a Tohvani?”
“I mean Cephelus himself. He had to go somewhere after I killed the Partas.”
“Cephelus was in the Partas?” John asked, wide-eyed.
“We can’t just leave you,” Whit persisted.
“You don’t have a choice, my friend. Please. Go!”
The black man regarded him unhappily but finally turned away. As he and the others disappeared up the dark corridor, Callie turned to Pierce. “I’m not leaving, so don’t even suggest it.”
“Callie, one of us has to make it.”
“You said yourself it’s close now. Just get up and let’s go.”
“I can’t.” His body trembled under her touch, and his skin felt cold. His breathing was coming fast and shallow. It was like reliving the nightmare in the Cauldron cave all over again. “Everything’s getting numb and fuzzy,” he murmured.
She grabbed his tunic, strange little whimperings issuing from her throat. “Please, Pierce. Don’t do this. You have to go on.”
His eyes were starting to glaze. “Look at me, Cal.” He slid his hands through the blood on his chest. “I’m all shot up. And you know I can’t go through the portal this soon.”
She struggled to breathe. “We could wait. Hide out until you’re better. Even go back. They could heal you. We could live here—”
He pressed a hand to her mouth. “Go home. You know that’s the right thing to do. Splagnos is a ruin. And even if it wasn’t, you don’t want their lies.”
“Oh, Pierce, I can’t do this.”
“You have to.”
“It’s not fair. If not for you, the rest of us would never have made it. You don’t deserve an ending like this.”
He smiled ruefully. “Yes, I do. I took the bait . . . tried to do it myself when I very well knew better. More than anyone else . . . I knew. This is exactly what I deserve.”
Her throat was tight and hot. Tears blurred her vision. “Oh, Pierce . . .”
He stroked her cheek. “It won’t be as bad as you think. Trust him, Cal.”
“I love you.”
He smoothed her hair, then cupped the back of her head with his palm and drew her down to him, kissing her gently. Even in the kiss she felt him slipping away, and when they drew apart, he was gray.
He touched her tears. “Find me. On the other side.”