What I’ve discovered in all of this is how extremely difficult it is for caregivers, and for loved ones looking after those who are sick. Jean doesn’t complain, but I worry about the toll it is taking on her. I worry how it’s affecting Matthew and Emily too. They were so upset when I first told them the diagnosis. I know one thing that frustrates them is that I’m not as communicative as I probably should be about what I’m going through. But I’m their father. I want to shield them from any pain. I’m happy that they have lives of their own and I don’t want them to see me when I’m going through an especially bad day. But now because of the COVID-19 quarantine, I can’t shield them from it. And gradually they have adjusted in ways that have increased my pride in them. They’re around me much more than before, and I know why. And it makes me love them even more.