Editor’s Note: At this point, the end of the second volume in this series, it seems to me that the narrative has become so complex that I should supply the reader with a short glossary of the characters thus far introduced into the tale, together with a brief account of their positions in this history.

ACHMED THE MOOR: First mate of the corsair ship Red Witch.

BORAG: One of the Drugars on guard at the entrance to Kor when One-Eye returned to the cave country.

BUO: A soldier of the Gorpaks, under the command of Cap­tain Lutho.

COPH: The old wise man of the Sothar tribe; counselor to Garth, the High Chief.

DARYA: Daughter of Tharn and gomad, or Princess, of Thandar. It was Darya who instructed Eric Carstairs in the language of Zanthodon, and with whom he fell in love.

ERDON: A warrior of Thandar.

ERIC CARSTAIRS: The young American soldier of fortune who piloted Professor Potter into Zanthodon; the true author of these adventures.

FATSO: A leader of the Drugar slaves who took Eric and the Professor captive soon after their entry into Zanthodon. “Fatso” was Eric’s nickname for this individual; at the time he was still too unfamiliar with the language to catch the name by which his fellow Neanderthals knew him.

FUMIO: One of the chieftains of Thandar, a former suitor for Darya’s hand. He betrayed his trust and became an outlaw.

GARTH: High Chief of the Sothar tribe, who made friends with Eric Carstairs during their period of captivity in the cavern city of the Sluagghs.

GOMAK: One of the Drugars on guard at the entrance to Kor when One-Eye returned with his lone captive, Fumio.

GRONK: Lutho’s superior officer in the military hierarchy of the Gorpaks.

HOOM: One of the people of the caverns. Eric Carstairs ap­pointed him leader pro tem of his people after their libera­tion from their Gorpak masters.

HUROK OF KOR: A chieftain and mighty warrior of the Drugars of Kor, who became the friend of Eric Carstairs and his loyal companion on many of his adventures.

ITHAR: A chieftain of the Thandar tribe; leader of the huntsmen who accompanied Tharn on their quest for the solen Darya.

JORN THE HUNTER: The faithful young Cro-Magnon boy who rescued Darya from the embraces of Fumio, and, later, from the arms of Kâiradine Redbeard.

KÂIRADINE REDBEARD: Prince of the Barbary pirates of El-Cazar, and captain of the Red Witch. He accounted himself to be the seventh in line of direct succession from the notorious Khair ud-Din of Algiers.

KEMAL THE TURK: A crewman of the Red Witch.

KOMAD: Leader of the scouts who accompanied Tharn on the expedition to rescue Darya.

LUTHO: A captain of the Gorpaks.

MURG: A sly and crafty man of the Sothar tribe.

NIAN: The mate of the Omad Garth of Sothar, and mother of Yualla.

NOORKA: A female of the cavern folk.

ONE-EYE: A chieftain of the Drugars of Kor; upon the death of Uruk he seized the role of High Chief, but never really ruled.

OTHA: The chef of the Gorpak kitchens.

PARTHON: A Sotharian warrior.

THE PROFESSOR: Professor Percival P. Potter, Ph.D., scientist, savant, explorer and all-around polymath.

QUEB: Witch doctor of the Gorpaks and priest of the Sluaggh cult.

RAGOR: One of the warriors of Thandar.

RUKH: A chieftain of the Sothar tribe, imprisoned with Eric and the others in the cavern city.

SUNTH: One of the Gorpak soldiers.

TARBU: A Barbary pirate.

THARN OF THANDAR: High Chief of his tribe; Darya’s mighty sire and Eric Carstairs’ loyal friend.

THUSK: One of the men of Sothar. Eric was never quite certain that he correctly remembered the name of this man.

UNGG: One of the Gorpaks of the cavern city.

URUK: High Chief of Kor, and a dreadful ogre of incredi­ble ugliness and bestial cruelty. Eric put a bullet through his brain just before the stampeding thantors crushed the Drugar host.

VARAK: A fine young warrior of Sothar who became one of Eric’s friends.

VUSK: A Gorpak soldier under Lutho’s command.

WARZA: One of the warriors of Thandar.

XASK: A strange personage of mysterious origin; exiled from the Scarlet City of Zar, he became vizier to Uruk of Kor. Much of the mystery surrounding him will be ex­plained in the third volume of these narratives.

YUALLA: A Sotharian maid; the teen-aged daughter of Garth the High Chief of that tribe.

ZORAIDA: A dancing-girl of El-Cazar. Of Moorish descent, like Achmed, she was his rival in influence over Kâiradine Redbeard.


THE EMPRESS”: An unknown woman, presumably the sovereign of the Scarlet City. Very much concerning her will be explained in the third book of this series.