AB | Anchor Bible |
ABD | Anchor Bible Dictionary |
AnBib | Analecta Biblica |
ANF | Ante-Nicene Fathers |
ANRW | Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt |
Ant. | Josephus, Antiquities |
BAGD | Bauer, Arnmdt, Gingrich, and Danker, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature |
CBQ | Catholic Biblical Quarterly |
Dial. | Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho |
Eth. nic. | Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics |
Good Person | Philo, That Every Good Person Is Free |
Hist. | Tacitus, Historiae (Histories) |
HTR | Harvard Theological Review |
JBL | Journal of Biblical Literature |
Jub. | Jubilees |
LCL | Loeb Classical Library |
lit. | literally |
Macc. | Maccabees |
NEB | New English Bible |
NIV | New International Version |
NovT | Novum Testamentum |
NOVTSup | Novum Testamentum Supplement |
NT | New Testament |
NTS | New Testament Studies |
OT | Old Testament |
Pol. | Aristotle, Politics |
SBLSBS | Society of Biblical Literature Sources for Biblical Study |
SBLSP | Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers |
SBT | Studies in Biblical Theology |
SJT | Scottish Journal of Theology |
Society for New Testament Studies: Monograph Series | |
t. | Tosefta |
War | Josephus, Jewish War |
WBC | Word Biblical Commentary |