As they flew home on Sunday, Dee Dee had much on her mind. She had left home, running from a stalker, who had then become the least of her worries once she’d been confronted with her Godless lifestyle and the possibility of losing her family to the rapture. The experience had gripped her heart with so much fear that she'd finally realized that she didn’t want to live without God anymore. But she didn’t know what would happen to her career if became a Christian. What did God expect her to do with the rest of her life? She didn’t have the answers, so she turned to Drake and began asking him questions about his production company.
Drake answered her questions freely, but after the fifth question, he said, “You’ve never been this interested in what I’m doing. What gives? Are you interested in starring in a film I’m producing?”
“I don’t know about that, Drake. I doubt if I could grow my audience with inspirational films.”
“You never know what God can do. You bet on me, and I’ll bet on you.”
She leaned back in her seat. “I don’t know, Drake. I’d have to think about it.”
When they got off the flight and headed for the luggage area, Drake spotted Dee Dee’s picture on the front page of about three different gossip rags. They normally ignored stuff like that, but he was curious so he walked over to the newsstand, and saw the words "Dee Dee has a stalker."
“Dee, you’ll want to see this.”
She held up her hands. “You know I don’t like reading those things.”
He put the magazine in her face and said, “Read the caption above your head.”
“Oh my God,” was her immediate response after reading it. She grabbed the magazine and turned to the specific page that discussed her stalker. When she'd finished reading it, she told Drake, “Nick did this.”
“But you told him not to do it. Why wouldn’t he listen to you?”
“He’s trying to up my profile, make me seem dangerous enough to get that R-rated film I was going after.” She handed the magazine back to Drake and stormed away with Natua.
Drake caught up with her, putting his hand on her shoulder to slow her down. “Look, I know you’re upset, but I think we should pray before you call Nick.”
Dee Dee stood in front of Drake, grappling with her feelings about praying over this matter. If Drake had asked her to pray with him before they left town on Friday, she would have cussed him out. But now prayer seemed like the right thing to do. “Okay, let’s get our luggage and then go home and pray.”
And they did just that. After prayer, Drake fed Natua some of her "perfect" noodles, and then he and Dee Dee got the child ready for bed together. Once Natua was down for the night, Drake grabbed the keys to his SUV and said, “I’ll pick you up in the morning, so we can go to the police station.”
Dee Dee’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re leaving?”
Unsure of himself now that they were back on her turf, Drake said, “Yeah, I know you like your space, so I thought it best that I go on home.”
Inching toward him, she stuttered, “B-but, this is your house.”
His cell phone rang. He looked at the number and then told Dee Dee, “I’m sorry, but I have to get this.”
He turned his back to her as he picked up the call. “Hey Bill, how are you this evening?”
Dee Dee heard the nervous edge to his voice, and wondered who Bill was and why Drake would be nervous about speaking with him. And then she heard him say, “Dee Dee had nothing to do with the story in those tabloids… Yes, it is true that she’s planning to do an R-rated film… I fail to see what that has to do with our business arrangement.”
She couldn’t hear a thing being said on the other end, but she didn’t need to. She knew exactly what was going on by Drake’s responses. He was speaking with an investor—an investor for a Christian project who didn’t appreciate Drake’s wife being associated with very unChristian-like projects.
She felt bad for Drake. He had nothing to do with her choices in life, but he was nonetheless guilty by association. And the worst part of the whole matter was that she no longer wanted to have anything to do with that film. After praying with Drake, God had revealed to her what she could do with her career. She hadn’t said anything because she was still trying to come to terms with it. But at that very moment, the thing God had spoken into her heart seemed to fit. And she had no more doubts.
She took the phone away from Drake while he was in mid-explanation mode. She put the phone to her ear and said, “Hello Bill, this is Drake’s wife. We thank you for your interest in his production, but he has a new investor. Have a nice day.”
She hit the end button on Drake’s cell phone and handed it back to him.
“Why did you do that? Bill is the biggest investor I have. Without him, my production budget is cut down to almost nothing.” His nostrils were flaring as he tried to control his anger.
“You don’t need him, because I am your new investor. Daddy wanted to invest in your project anyway, I heard him tell you that himself. So, now we are going to use his money to promote the gospel.”
The stunned expression on his face didn’t go unnoticed.
Dee Dee laughed. “What’s wrong, Drake? I mean, you did pray that God would open my eyes, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I just didn’t know it would happen this soon.” He looked at her skeptically, and then asked, “What are you up to?”
“Well, there is a catch.” She smiled sweetly at him. “God is moving my career in a different direction, so I’d like to star in your film.”
At that moment, you could have knocked him over with a feather. “But what about the other movie you’re interested in?”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to do R-rated movies. I would be too ashamed to show them to our children.”
Now Drake was stuttering. “Y-you said, children. So you do really want to have more kids…with me?”
“Duh,” she said, with a my-husband’s-not-too-bright look on her face.
Drake didn’t care about the expression on her face. He picked her up and swung her around as the wall he'd built to protect his heart tumbled down. He kissed her while she was still suspended in the air. “I love you, Dee. I promise to make you happy this time.”
As her feet were planted back on steady ground, she looked into her husband’s eyes and confessed, “You’ve always made me happy, now it’s my turn to make you happy. I love you, Drake.”