Reid slowed his pace. His heart resumed its steady beat. He felt great. He had accomplished much today and thoroughly enjoyed his ten-mile run. Though it was approaching seven, the summer sun had yet to settle beyond the horizon. He approached the stairs to his apartment but was halted by a noise he'd heard before. Thump, thump, kathump, thump, thump, swish. Continuing around the corner of the building he spotted a man bouncing a basketball. Two bounces then a toss – cleared the net. Two bounces, a toss – cleared the net. Over and over and over again.
Whoa, not bad. By the time Reid arrived at the edges of the hand-painted court he recognized the guy and his better-than-average abilities. It was easy to see that Badge-man was no stranger to the game of basketball.
Before Reid could stop himself, he slipped in under Doug's uplifted arm, stole the ball, drove toward the basket and slam-dunked it.
"Hey! Great shot." Doug smiled as he recognized Reid. "You up for a little game?"
Reid shook the hand the man extended. "Sure, I'll go a little one-on-one with you." Telling himself he was crazy for spending time with a local cop, Reid still found the challenge impossible to resist. He loved basketball and he was good at it. His ego could handle beating the pants off the friendly policeman. He hated to admit even to himself, but he kind of liked the guy, what little he knew of him. They had crossed paths a couple times in the area but only exchanged a few comments.
A voice called out from behind him. "Are you recruiting help tonight, Doug?"
Reid spun around to find Callie approaching them attired in worn mesh shorts and a tank top. The college emblem was so washed out, he couldn't decipher what team it represented.
"Hi, Reid." Callie smiled a welcome at him. "Poor Doug needs some help, so I do hope you're planning on joining us."
Reid watched as Doug playfully put a fist to Callie's chin then leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips. He wanted to be disgusted by the public display, but something about the sweet vibes between the two sent a spear of emotion through him. Jealousy? Surely not envy? Nah! He wasn't wanting a relationship. Better to remain unfettered – for now, anyway.
"So do we play H O R S E, or...?"
"Don't start without me. I'm coming."
Reid would recognize that smooth alto voice anywhere. Hadn't he'd just spent the last week pushing it to the back of his mind? His heart sped up and slumped at the same time. His stomach did flip-flops. Boy, even his body organs were confused, to say nothing of his brain.
Excitement pounded in his chest as he waited for Anne to appear. She popped around the corner of the big building. He watched her approach. An ear to ear grin lit his face. One look at her, and he knew his initial desire to tromp the cop would have to wait for another time. Tonight was definitely kindergarten basketball.
"Hi, Reid. Glad you're joining us. This is the best game in town, a good workout, too."
Reid choked on a laugh. Hardly a workout, but it would be entertaining at least. He was certain Anne would look cute trying to put the ball into the basket. She was already drawing his gaze to her slim figure, decked out in dark green gym shorts and shirt that looked like they just came from the store. The brightness of brand new, sparkling white tennis shoes completed the story – she was new to this game.
"How do you want to team up?" Doug looked at Callie with a strangely wistful expression.
Reid thought it was pretty obvious how they'd better partner if they wanted any kind of play at all. One of the guys would have to cover for Anne. Callie looked like she might be able to handle herself well enough. Before he could speak, however, Callie laughed.
"Honey, you know the Gnat and I are a team. It's T vs E as usual, right girl?" Callie slung an arm around her much shorter friend.
"T vs E? What's that?" Reid looked to Doug for an answer.
Doug grimaced. "Testosterone vs Estrogen." He smiled over at Callie but stepped shoulder to shoulder with Reid. "She thinks that sounds tougher then guys vs gals."
A laugh burst from Reid's lips. "Tough? Does this game get tough?" His voice dripped with disbelief.
"Buddy, you are in for the surprise of your life. I hope you're up for it, 'cause I'd hate to lose you on the first game. I especially hate to lose to those two." Doug pointed to the grinning ladies. "They can brag on and on forever!"
Anne squatted to retie her shoe.
Oh, boy, thought Reid. Maybe he should find an excuse to go back to work. He'd probably burn more calories pushing a pen. This was going to be a fiasco, anyway. Before he could think of a plausible excuse, Anne launched herself into the air and yelled.
"Play ball!"
Five minutes into the game, and Reid knew he had made a big mistake. He was glad he'd kept his ridicule to himself.
Anne darted in front of him, whisked the ball away and fired it to Callie at the net. Callie jumped and eased it through, clearing the rim.
Doug retrieved the ball, launched it to Reid, who vaulted it over the heads of the ladies and into the basket.
Anne grabbed the ball and dribbled across court, slipping it through her legs at each step. Reid came alongside, intimidation in mind. With a lightning slash of her arm she swung the ball behind her back and into Callie's waiting hands. Whoosh. Through the net again.
Thirty minutes and Reid felt like he'd played six games in a tournament back to back. Sweat soaked his clothes and dripped off his forehead. Thankful for the headband that kept the salty drops from running into his eyes, he tried to tell himself he was tired due to the ten mile run he'd completed before entering this game of killer basketball. Honesty said he couldn't keep up with a tiny pixie that flew around the court slinging a basketball like it was fairy dust.
Reid slapped his hands on his knees and bent forward to suck air like a bellows.
He didn't feel quite so bad when he noticed his fellow players sprawled on the court. Each one groaning and gasping for air.
Dropping into a sitting position, Reid started to laugh.
"What? How can you laugh now, partner? I can barely get my breath. Besides, we just lost by two points." Doug playfully rolled the ball toward Reid.
Reid looked at the two ladies, or maybe NOT ladies, since he'd always heard that ladies didn't sweat. These females were soaked and dripping just like the men. But they were the most beautiful women Reid had ever seen.
"Wow! That was great. Maybe the best game we've ever played," said Anne with a breathy quality to her voice. "I think I worked off that piece of chocolate pie I splurged on at lunch."
Doug groaned. "Don't tell me. You were the one who got the last piece of Donna's pie. I went by the cafe this afternoon, hoping for pie and coffee, but all the pie was gone."
Callie laughed. "You know Anne can smell chocolate from a mile away. You've got to get up early to beat my roomie."
"Well, guys, though we ladies WON, we will still provide the celebratory lemonade. It's cooling down while we do the same," said Anne.
After fifteen minutes of groaning and stretching, the foursome headed to the back door of the shop.
Callie and Doug walked in front, holding hands and teasing one another.
Reid walked beside Anne. Her head just below his shoulder. She looked up at him and grinned. Something inside his chest shifted.
"Did you say you were related to Pete Maravich?" he asked.
Anne's laughter caressed his ears.
Callie stopped at the door and turned to Reid. "At the state basketball finals our senior year, the opposing team made up a special cheer for Anne. They'd clap their hands together and yell "Smash the gnat!""
"The gnat being you, I wager? Impressive!" said Reid. "So did they smash you?"
Callie jumped and punched her fist in the air. "The Gnat flies! We showed them – 69 to 2! State champs and full-ride scholarships in our pockets."
Anne pushed Callie toward Doug. "Quit bragging and go pour the lemonade. You might give your honey a compensatory hug, too. He looks b-e-a-t."
"Cruel." Doug playfully glared at Anne. "But if it gets me a good hug, I'll let it pass."
Reid looked down at Anne again. He wouldn't mind a compensatory hug. Beautiful, smart, champion ball player, and humble too. It was getting more difficult to "smash" his attraction to the gnat.
Anne was too tired to be nervous of Reid's company, but that hadn't been the case when she first saw him standing on the basketball court with Doug and Callie. It had taken all her nerve to keep heading toward the others.
Now, she was glad she hadn't chickened out. It had been a great game. And Reid had behaved like any red-blooded male...beat the women. She liked that he'd played hard but never bullied or used his superior height to intimidate.
While Callie set out the icy glasses and cold lemonade, Anne grabbed four hand towels and ran them under cold water and set out four bottles of water.
"What's this?" asked Reid.
"Rehydrate before you enjoy the sweet lemonade." Anne twisted the cap from hers and chugged half before taking a breath.
Reid followed suit but drained his.
Doug grabbed a towel and dropped it over his head. Reid slapped his on his face, then draped it around his neck.
"Ahhh. Wonderful."
They discussed the plays, teasing one another about fouls or sloppy shots. Then conversation lagged as they sipped the cold lemonade and munched on brown-sugar cookies.
Doug held his glass out for a refill. "Reid, since you're new here, you probably don't have a full schedule yet. I could sure use a man with your abilities to help with a team I coach. Interested?"
Anne watched Reid's face flash with conflicted answers before he quickly slipped behind a bland expression.
Doug continued his supplication. "You know your way around a basketball court like a pro, and the teens I work with are all pretty new to the game. Will you give it a try?"
Anne laughed at the cornered look that swamped Reid's handsome face. She felt compelled to give him an out yet she hoped he would step in and help Doug. "Hey, you can tell Doug NO. He may be a policeman, but he's also a nice guy. I guarantee he won't pull you into a dark alley to persuade you."
“He won't make me an offer I can't refuse?”
Callie draped her arms around Doug's neck and playfully kissed him on the cheek. "Yeah, he looks tough, but he's a marshmallow."
"OK. I'm out of here," said Doug. He smiled at Callie. "Marshmallow, indeed."
Anne began gathering glasses."I'll clean up here, if you want to walk the guys out and lock up."
Good-nights said, Anne and Callie wearily climbed the steps to their apartment.
Anne read her Bible while Callie showered then took her turn. She slipped on her favorite oversized T shirt and climbed into bed. The game had worn her out, and she should be able to drop off to sleep immediately.
Ten minutes later she knew she was fighting a losing battle. She could still hear the smooth tones of Reid's baritone, see the shadow of golden whiskers darkening his square jaw, and watch his firm lips shaping words she'd only heard on game shows. The man spoke like he'd swallowed a dictionary. Yet he didn't come across as one who was trying to impress or show off. The words rolled simply and naturally off his tongue.
How was she to clear her mind when his image was indelibly stamped on the insides of her eyelids? She stared at the ceiling and concentrated on pushing away thoughts of Reid. Attraction warred with doubts. Should she allow feelings to develop? Green lights flashed to yellow and red, like a street light zapped by lightning – YES...MAYBE...NO.
Suddenly muted footsteps sounded overhead.
"Oh, no." She had forgotten that the bedroom upstairs was directly above hers.
Anne turned over and began to pray. Talking with the Lord was the best way to end her day, and tonight she needed the Lord's help in putting things in perspective. She wanted to keep her life lined up with God's plans for her, and giving her heart to a certain handsome man might be a step in the wrong direction.