Chapter Four



This part of the process is imperative to the accomplishment of your vision. Many think that if they understand their vision and they have the know-how that is all it takes. Almost always, this comes up short. The truth is that when you don’t share your vision you are limiting its potential and boxing it in. If you want to finish somewhere in the middle or end of the pack, keep doing it this way. However, if you want to win, follow the truth, and share your vision. Sharing your vision is the second most important step after writing it down. That is why the visionary template is so important, because now it is easier to share. It is there to be shared. The point of writing it in definable, measurable, simple terms is so that anyone can understand your vision; even if they are not part of your industry or business. You can always tell the people who share their vision, because they are lively and enthusiastic. Enthusiasm comes from the Greek word Entheos, which means the spirit of God within. Sharing is more spirit oriented and can magnify the spirit to new heights and new dimensions. You know that your sharing is right if the person can repeat it to others, sometimes using the exact definable terms. Like the phrase, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it is confirmation that your vision is extending to other energy sources. People transfer that energy. That is ultimately what you want.

Sharing brings things out into the open. It lets others know your intention. There is an unlimited amount of energy you can capture, and it starts with sharing. One of the things that restrain energy is a guarded mentality. Discrimination is another. When you don’t share you are subliminally saying that this form of energy cannot help me; but in fact, the seemingly weakest strand of energy is often stronger than you. Why would you pass on a strand of energy that could give you access to all the resources you require? Some people who share their vision and passions are selective. They are prejudice. I’ll share it with my spouse. I’ll share it with my co-workers. I’ll share it with some friends. The truth is the more people you share it with the better. There is no reason to play your vision close to the vest. What do you have to fear; more assistance, more power? Energy seeks other energy like a magnet. To truly be a part of it, it has to fuse together. Sharing your vision is like exercise. If you do it consistently, your vision will be in better shape, have more strength, and lasting longevity.

Many times corporations tend to be discriminating. Though they are focused on vision, they are often lax on gathering the very team of energy that they are employing. In addition to that, companies neglect to share within their own company by limiting the vision to its own department. It is completely the wrong attitude. They don’t have to be directly involved, but can become indirect beacons of energy. If nothing else, clearly, they can feel included.

Often employers think they are sharing because they are telling the employees what the vision is and renting their behavior alone. It can be very rigid and disconnecting. Unfortunately this creates a lot of inefficiencies, which is what they were trying to avoid by limiting what their employees did. When you share, you allow your vision to be heard and their input to be heard. Others are then willing to promote, nourish, and grow the idea simply because you made them part of the end result. In every successful corporation, you will find someone at the top that is extremely passionate. They conveyed that passion down to their employees for the sake of a singular vision; meanwhile allowing the team to create subsequent visions. Visionaries inspire others to be visionary. Being part of something creates a stronger energy force. If you can create a strong energy force of unlimited, numerous people that can be a part of your vision, then why would you limit it to two people or 200 people?


Vision creates a magnetic force. This magnetism increases by the amount of passion that you have, and by the amount of time you spend sharing your vision with others, connecting them to the end result. You will start to see proof in the number of people that are performing to assist with your vision. Sharing your vision has an exponential growth factor, because each of them may be presenting or expressing your vision to others that they know. People that you have never met or will never meet are now somewhat connected to your vision. Any of these touches could be the difference maker and game changer.

When you start sharing your vision, you are creating a new strand of DNA. We don’t know all the parts of the human DNA. All we know is that the human strand is being created, which is a complex genetic composition that constantly seeks to improve itself, and so will your vision. It is not completed overnight, but it does begin to work evidently in your sight. Each person that you share with has a place, because they understand what the DNA wants to be. That is the definable intention you shared.

Two things happen when you are creating this energy and center of influence. First, gravity is occurring and pulling what your vision needs into its field force. Second, it protects you from extraneous deviations that will steer you away. Quickly you can identify what is in your atmosphere. You are not only creating a magnetic force, but a protective field.

If you are passionate and communicate your vision enough, others will ultimately come across your magnetic field and be drawn to inquire. You become an attraction for people who want to connect to that vision. Some people want to connect to your vision for their own purposes or self-made desires. Others will connect because, unknowingly, they need a place to connect. It’s fun and something that benefits their lifeline. The key is that it becomes an energy source that has a pulling effect, which has constant attraction. It’s not a onetime deal. I believe, individually, we can be confined energy with limited geographical communication. Sharing opens up the universe of geography and communication.

You can make it as big as you want. The bigger your sphere of sharing, the more elements will be attracted and start to perfect their energy toward your vision. Larger elements, forces, and people, who can have larger and quicker effects on the outcome, will get caught up in the magnetic force of your vision. The magnetic field you create takes a little time. However, it is always expanding and accelerating because it is gathering the energy to serve its purpose. Improving a new form of energy is a combination of hundreds of positive forces. If it is just you, your magnetic field will be limited, while the amount of force you can create by sharing is unlimited.


I’ve told this story many times. It is a reconstruction of a similar event that demonstrates the miracle of sharing your vision.

There’s a teacher. She works in an orphanage where they need to hire volunteer teachers to work. One afternoon she is writing on a hallway chalk board. It reads, Wanted- 6 volunteer teachers by September 1st. The teacher sees Phil in the hallway. What is Phil doing there? He’s the janitor. He’s sweeping the floor, doing his normal duties, thinking about light bulbs that need to be changed and other jobs to do that day. So she goes over to Phil and says, “Look at the board. We need six volunteer teachers by September 1st.”

Phil is thinking to himself, Leave me the heck alone. I’m the janitor, what do I have to do with this? So a couple of days go by, and the teacher sees Phil again. Phil is sweeping, minding his own business, and thinking, oh here she comes again. She says to him, “Hey Phil! We got a teacher. We only need five more!” She changes the number on the board. Phil is thinking again, Okay, I’m sweeping, where’s the light bulb. He’s just doing his job, right?

Three more days go by, she gets one more teacher. She says, “Phil, we got one more we only need four.” Phil is just absorbing at this time as he sees the number on the board change again. Then the next time she says, “Phil we got three. We only need three more!” Phil is beginning to feel the energy, which is replacing his complacency. Now a week goes by. The teacher walks down the hall and sees Phil again. This time Phil looks up at her and says, “How are we doing on those teachers?” What a turnaround!

Do you see what is happening? The teacher brought him into her vision. She connected him, just like you can connect people to your vision. Do you think Phil is praying for her and thinking about getting more teachers? You don’t know, but obviously he cares.

Later that month, Phil is working his weekend job at the museum. What does he do at the museum? He is a janitor. So one afternoon he is sweeping, and the museum curator walks by and asks, “Phil, how are things at the orphanage?”

Phil replies, “Great! We needed six volunteer teachers, and now we only need two by September 1st.”

The curator smiles and says, “It just so happens that my sister Phyllis just moved here from Cincinnati, and she is looking for something to get involved with. Phyllis is very resourceful, and I know she would love to help.”

Can you see the power? The teacher doesn’t know whom Phil knows. Now that’s just one person, Phil the Janitor. I picked the janitor distinctly in this story, because in our minds we picture Phil as a low intellectual resource. Phil is a great example because he is easy to overlook. Why should I share anything with Phil? The question I have is, why not? The fact of the matter is you can’t tell me what kind of resource Phil is. He is a resource. In the story, how much energy was spent? The teacher walked down that hall, she shared it with him, and only occasionally. Did she give him money? Did she spend hours with him? No, she connected him, because she shared her vision. She made him part of it, and that small act helped move her vision forward.

The moral of the story I am trying to illustrate is that the teacher was willing to share her vision with everybody, including someone who seemingly could never help. She walks down the hallway sees someone else and shares it with her and sees someone else and shares it with him. With her time, passion, and sharing the vision grew. The teacher may not be a superstar, but she certainly was a sharing star, because she understood how this process increased the power of her vision.

If you want to simplify the whole process of visionary creation the two things to do are; write it and share it. That’s it! The vision is the seed and sharing plants the seed.

Is visionary magnetism the same as the law of attraction?

The law of attraction means like attracts like. In other words, you attract what you are dispensing. Visionary magnetism is a more definable source in which fulfillment can be obtained. When we think about fulfillments from a psychological, emotional or eating perspective, much of the fulfillment is short term. Spiritual fulfillment is all the time. Visionary magnetism creates that kind of fulfillment. You are feeling fulfilled a lot more during your day, which is an attraction. It’s true that through sharing and creating your magnetic field, you will begin to attract the provisions and people that are instrumental to the achievement of your vision. However, these accomplishments have much more to do with sharing outwardly than just holding on to your inward thinking.


A great example of a magnetic force is sports teams. People from Ohio will say, “Cleveland is my team!” Sorry to disappoint you folks, but it’s not their team. First, the fans don’t pay their bills or the players’ salaries. They couldn’t afford to pay for the team. They don’t profit financially from the team’s revenue. Secondly, the players on the team are not from Cleveland. They are from all over the country and they change seasonally. So why are the fans proclaiming it is their team?

People will pay large amounts of money for tickets to go and be part of that event. Fans are pulling for things. They want to touch things. They want home runs, baskets, and touchdowns. They want points to be scored for their home team. That is what the fans are screaming for. That is what they want. They know the big game is next week. The fans are not playing in the game, they are not paying for the game, they are not profiting from the game, but they are part of it. Why? Because the team has their name on it, their city’s name on it, and they feel connected to it. If the team loses, then the fans moan and groan. When the team wins, fans are often ecstatic and exhilarated. It affects their life. They have spent energy on something to which they were connected. Energy is driven there. The manager of that team controls the chemistry of the players. If the team wins, he affects the lives of people who gravitated to that team, people who he is never going to meet. The team manager is thinking about his job and his results. He’s not thinking about affecting the lives of people in the city. That’s not in his job description, but he will affect them; because they gravitated and connected to that team.

Sports are very simple. The team with the most points wins. What are the standings at the end of the season? This is very tangible and measurable with a time line. Make your vision the same. Think in terms of a season, standings, and measurability. You have to break them off because you do not want to have lifetime standings. You need to refresh and restart. Why does it have to work that way? Because it connects people. If they said your home team is going to play another team, and there are no standings, no winning for playoffs, no measurability, accountability, it would lessen the ability to share and connect. It doesn’t lessen who wins, but tracking makes it easier to claim their connection.

During the first Super Bowl, Kansas City versus Green Bay, there were so few people in attendance. They had to move the people to the middle of the field so the cameras could see them, and the stadium appeared to be packed. Now, Super Bowl tickets sell for $2500 to $20,000 per seat, if you can even get one. That was something created by the National Football League, a group of people who took a sport and connected millions of people before there was cable. We all have that same power.

The point I’m trying to make is the things that connect people are things we can create in advance of the story. Every person has this ability. In a way, people have the ability to create their own football league and their own Super Bowl by explaining their criteria, measurability, time line, and creating this gravitational force that will grow, enhance, and develop perpetually. With vision, you can create your own home team. When you share your vision, believe it or not, people are mentally buying tickets to your game. They mentally want a seat. They are pulling for you. They’re rejoicing in your success. Why? It is because you have connected them to your game, your vision. Think of all of the fans that could support your home team, your vision. In much the same way, you can attract people. Your vision, in a way, is their team. Your visionary result can make them ecstatic and exhilarated, because they are connected.

Vision is like a nucleus and the nucleus has the ability to capture nearby energy. The energy in this case is individuals. The nucleus itself may have limitations, but its surrounding energy is unlimited. What attracts that astonishing amount of energy is a shared vision. When the vision is clear, and it is chosen by the recipient to become a common denominator, someone that can create fulfillment, it’s very gratifying for that member to be a part of that vision. Once that energy is created, it can overcome anything. It can overcome countries and cultures. Not only does it create the force of those people who are willing, but other people who are not part of the vision can still sense it and they are often amazed by the connection, the culture, the power, the movement, the flow and they are happy to be a part of it in whatever distant way.

What happens if you don’t share your vision?

Think of it like a great idea. By not sharing it you immediately limit its potential. A great idea, like medicine, that you don’t share is only going to help a confined area of people. However, by sharing it others can say “Hey I really need this. This is going to help.” Or “We can add this chemical to eliminate this side effect.” Or “We can use this system to distribute it”. So you get endless input that is designed to the extension and development of a vision, simply by sharing it. Every time you advance your vision, you advance your energy, and the likelihood that your vision will occur. It will occur in a quicker period of time.


The sharing part is very instrumental because of the openness, the transparency, and the willingness to ask for input. If you go about sharing your vision with an attitude of this is our goal no matter what, and we can’t tolerate any differentials, energy does not have the freedom to grow. You might end up with the exact vision you started with, but to ask an opinion; how do you feel about this? This is where we are headed, would you edit any part of this? That takes the guardedness away, and invites the creative energy of others. The more times that it is tested, the more minds you get involved. People feel better connected when they know they have helped. Sharing will generate ideas to enhance your vision as time goes by.

Input is a form of glue. When you share your vision and ask for input and they say, “I want to be part of this” or “I have an idea”. They are putting their glue toward your vision and that glue really sticks! The way they become part of it is through input. The more definable your vision, the more they will understand, connect, and commit to the end result.


Connection is a big area where companies fail, and you can take it to any level. Let’s say you give an assignment or understand what your job is; it’s clear, it’s definable etc. There is no connection, which is created partially by the input. If the connection does not exist, you have weakened the whole philosophy. In a case where you are trying to engage others in the visionary ending, we want to simply believe that everything is great, but we have to confirm that connection. They have to understand the vision. They have to contribute. Do you understand the vision? Yes. That is not a strong connection. We just want to get on to the next thing. We want to delegate it so bad, or we want to transfer the result performance elsewhere without making sure that it works. Just giving people work to do is an inefficient process. When you are talking about vision you have to create connection. The stronger the connection is, the more powerful the result.

All that energy is wasted if they don’t know what the vision is or they don’t feel they have a specific relationship to the vision. They are just doing a job or making a quota. Even though it may seem like a goal, it is not a common shared vision. That is why the magnetic force is so important to understand. When companies create an agenda with an intention and allow participants to design an intention that is completely harmonious with the company’s intention it intensifies the connection and magnifies the result. My vision becomes our vision, our idea; our objective. When you share your vision with others, you also connect them with the power of vision. Not everyone is aware that they too have visionary powers and talents.


Believers are the people that have officially connected. They come into play and they want to take part. They are saying, I want to be part of it. How can I be part of it? Those are believers. If they don’t know how to be part of it, they are just being honest. Believers are advanced connectors, like DNA strands that want to be connected to make the vision improve and come to pass. Often times they are just waiting for a connection to attach themselves. When your vision is clear you will attract more believers. The people you are going to attract are players and leaders. They are contributors. They are effective, credible people with a history of success that will be loyal during the creation process and beyond. That is a benefit of going through the visionary process. They are not all coming to the table the first time you say, this is my vision come sign up. They are always out there. They are kind of waiting for the bell to ring. That is when they will come. There are numerous people of this level just waiting for your visionary ring. It’s time for you to tap the bell and attract these extraordinary contributors.


It’s okay to begin sharing and making it public to your immediate network; which is not a big number for most people. It is usually a number fewer than 20. Even with a smaller number, how much more effective, powerful, and energetic is your vision when it is shared with that number versus being self-contained? Whatever your number is, if it goes beyond you then it has unlimited possibilities. When you don’t initiate others into your vision, you will start to lose the energy. When you connect those people, they likely have either elements or energy. You are either building energy or losing energy. Which direction do you want to go? Sometimes it’s a provisionary element; meaning a substance for your vision. Think about the word provision. You can break it down into pro and vision, meaning supporting the vision. You say, “I am looking to get my son a bike.” Then someone says, “My father owns a bike store, and he would be happy to help.” The substance, in this case, is not a creation; it is a substance that is always there. It is a combination of a person and the supply. Every supply needed for your vision either already exists or is ready to be created for your use. The interim step is to gather or create the element.

Most people think they have to go out and buy the substance, find the substance, or make the substance, but it’s already there. There are exceptions, but many times it is readily available for you. If you said, “Gee, I need to get a book on astrophysics” and you hear, “Someone is moving and they are getting rid of a bunch of books.” That may be the initial response. You have to share with more people, because then you hear, “My friend works at NASA and he has a bunch of books they aren’t keeping anymore, he’d be glad to send you 10 or 12.” Who knows, he might send you 10 every three months. That’s provision. The provision can’t expand until the vision is shared. Provisions are endless. Try it, it’s free!

It is the concentric circle mentality. You can think of it like a radio beacon. It is not just a circle, but it is a living thing. It is a vibrating membrane. What does that mean? Well, I’ve expanded three, four, five rings outside my network to someone who I vaguely know through a connection. If something comes their way, they are vibrating and it will stick to them like glue, or orbit. They have no news, no provision, no elements, and no energy; they are just aware. If they are vibrating, those elements will stick to them. Suddenly something flies by them or they hear something. Then there is a new person, a new provision that entered in because of the vibration. It doesn’t have to operate through you directly. It could be through anyone in the concentric circles. They become webs for any type of information or provision that happens to be flying in their space. They will catch it in their web and you will now have it. Your space to catch provisions is always expanding. Before, your space was only big enough to catch a finite amount but now your space has expanded so you can capture infinite amounts.


Whatever you want to bring into existence you can, if there is enough time. Chances are that anything you want to do; access to an element, a person, an executive, it already exists. So the question is, can you share your vision enough that it leads you into this desired position that you want? It is already there. Somebody you know, who knows somebody, who knows somebody else will eventually get you there. It is not a favor or begging. It comes through sharing. The unique part is the provision that you thought you needed comes to you better than you ever imagined. It should be expected, not hoped for. There is a big difference.

Sharing the vision needs to be watered and nurtured regularly. It’s not like you can just share your vision once a year at a retreat or one time at a national conference. It is something that is repeated, nourished and discussed. You are constantly acting as a beacon for your vision. Its energy is passed around and the people are invited to add to the solution, the direction, the construction and the creation of how the vision will come to pass. That is what creates the dynamic forces of energy that can literally accomplish anything.