Chapter Eight



Perpetual energy is the fuel that your strategic visionary plan utilizes. It is just like the power outlets in your home. You can plug any piece of equipment into the outlet, and it will function. This outlet is capable of handling any size power, need or vision. The power is already there. Just like vision, the power is available to everyone. The power is indiscriminate. The outlet doesn’t know if Catherine, or Amanda, or Gordon is putting in the plug. It only knows that someone is requiring this energy, and the outlet connects you to the source. Though similar, our sources are not the outlets in the wall. Our source is every type of energy that human intelligence can access.

To know that the energy exists is one thing, but tapping into it is another. Be confident that there is more energy available than you could ever use. With so much power available, you must be wondering where to start? It’s simple, start with one person or group at a time. Every time you share your vision you are encouraging ideas, positive communication, and defining goals. Creating perpetual energy is about being consistent and allowing energy to flow to your vision. The vision is the plug. You cannot just roll up the electrical cord when you think you are finished. You have to be ready to plug in your vision at any time.


Start the starters means taking active energy that has been dormant to your cause and igniting it towards your vision. The problem is most people underestimate what their resources are. The fact of the matter is that you have access to almost every resource available. It’s hard to say that because then people say, “Well, send me a million dollars.” It is not instantaneous, but you do have that access. You have to identify who are your resources, connections, friends, and continue sharing your vision. Pretty soon you will see the expansion of resources available for your cause.

The first step is to make a list of individuals, companies, organizations, and any form of connection that you know. The second step is to make brief commentary on each connection’s specialties. You will begin to see a lot of talent. How do you start the starters? The best way to approach a starter is by asking them questions about how they handle their niche. How many power sources does your connection chain know? Eventually it develops more starters, and this list becomes an endless energy force. How powerful the source varies by how much attention you give. You can start with, “I don’t know anyone. I don’t know a congressman. I don’t know a business man.” That’s okay, because eventually all your resources lead to the specific power you need. Know that once you’re in, you’re in for bigger measure. Vision does not expand and accelerate when you leave it in a box. So why not press the start button?


Think about your vision and list the individuals, companies, organizations, and any other connection whose energy is waiting to be ignited towards your vision.


When you author your vision you become this center point of energy. It’s transferable, because it is simple to understand. I want to help 1000 senior citizens have a stable financial future by the end of three years. When you plug in and share then you can ask, “What are your thoughts? Who do you know who has done this? How would you improve this?” Then the people who you plug into will perpetuate that energy. They may say, “I have a friend who helps senior citizens,” to someone they meet and speak with. It starts to perpetuate itself.


If you need access to all CEOs of all Fortune 500 companies, you can have access. Even if you were the most powerful CEO of that group, and you wanted to have access to all the other 499, you will be limited in doing so unless you use perpetual energy. It may be easier for certain people of certain power and certain status to get there faster and more efficiently. However, it is not restricted to them alone. You can perpetuate yourself into a position of higher resources, status power and quicker access to energy. Once you start perpetual energy that accessibility is available to anybody. That applies not only to Fortune 500 companies and business power, but any group with power. You want to perpetuate your energy into different groups and different sources. Start at the lowest level. The people perpetuating the energy in that particular source are married to the source. Those people also become married to your vision and they express it amongst the source. It’s free advertising, free electricity in multiples. It is an unlimited amount of power. I have yet to see a person who, once they start to connect to that power, has the ability to even keep up with the supply. No one person’s vision, in my experience, is beyond obtainable.

Every communication is a way to perpetuate energy, so you have to prepare. Keep your connection chain in front of the the numbers. Let them see status reports. It is key that your energy isn’t me, me, me. The purity and simplicity is the most important part in sharing. Give them the opportunity to contribute input to your vision. You can check in with them a month later and say, “My vision is to help 1000 senior citizens have a stable financial future by the end of three years. We have been able to help 100 so far. I just want to let you know, because you took the time to listen to me before. I appreciate your time and input.”

A bonding occurs and you create a connection and stay in their minds. It continues to perpetuate itself, because you have prepared yourself by having the vision and sharing. You don’t know who they know, and the millions of people they are connected to. That is why you share with everyone, and perpetuate every source. Maybe that is why there are sports standings in the newspaper? So everyone can keep score.

You ignite the energy of others, which is constantly working and expanding even if you are not physically present. You were the big bang of this energy so to speak. Perpetual energy is a gift and gives you access to the energy and resources of others. Use your visionary template to transfer what results you are seeking to the energy sources of people. To transfer it is the key. You can pray about it quietly, talk about it, or write it down. Visuals are always the best to transfer. Writing and showing can occur in many different fashions. You can write them a note or just keep showing your visionary plan. All of those create energy.

In the beginning, you may only use part of the energy. Over time, you will use two, three, and five times as much. The people who understand perpetual energy end up having 100 times or 1,000 times more from where they started. It is easy to perpetuate, because of the simplicity of having a written vision. It is a sum of the pieces. Through careful preparation, perpetuating energy and illuminating others can give you access to more resources and inspire more outside energy to start working on your behalf. Sounds super powerful!

Having access to all of that energy can also create some issues. Since the energy is so powerful, you get numerous opportunities. Some are positive and some are not. It puts you in a diversification situation, and you have to be careful not to drift off onto a rabbit trail. The ability to stay focused and be close to your core vision is key in the expedience and the prominence of which your vision is fulfilled.

Remember that you have to approach it with confidence. You can access this energy. The visionary person who has the written, transferable, energy-gathering plug is also much more respected. It is unique. Most people will not hand out a written vision. When is the last time you handed someone your written thoughts? You have to believe in what you have written. Be proud of your vision and share it! Whether they help you or not doesn’t matter. You are still going ahead regardless! You have to decide whether you believe in the power of this universe. There is talent and resources or there isn’t. Once you decide there is, the rest is just plugging in. The plugging in is a constant process that you prepare for on a daily basis. Perpetual energy is a great way to win the day. During the day did you work your tail off? I know a lot of people who work their tail off and don’t get the results they want. You can answer 200 emails a day, but if you are not perpetuating energy you are running on a treadmill. You are moving and getting nowhere. Perpetuate energy in whatever you do. Whether it’s answering an email, requesting an energy return, or making a call to action, you will see the result. Every day can be won, and every day you win your vision multiplies and grows stronger in size and effectiveness.

If you want access to all the power, all the intelligence, and all the growing resources that exist then now is the time to get all the ingredients to reach your vision. So start perpetuating.