The Novels
1, Fast and Loose
2, The Valley of Decision
3, Sanctuary
4, The House of Mirth
5, The Fruit of the Tree
6, Ethan Frome
7, The Reef
8, The Custom of the Country
9, Summer
10, The Age of Innocence
11, The Glimpses of the Moon
12, A Son at the Front
13, The Mother’s Recompense
14, Twilight Sleep
15, The Children
16, Hudson River Bracketed
17, The Gods Arrive
18, The Buccaneers
The Novellas
19, The Touchstone
20, Madame de Treymes
21, The Marne
22, Old New York
23, False Dawn
24, The Old Maid
25, The Spark
26, New Year’s Day
The Short Story Collections
27, The Greater Inclination
28, Crucial Instances
29, The Descent of Man and Other Stories
30, The Hermit and the Wild Woman and Other Stories
31, Tales of Men and Ghosts
32, Uncollected Early Short Stories
33, Xingu and Other Stories
34, Here and Beyond
35, Certain People
36, Human Nature
37, The World Over
38, Ghosts
The Play
39, The Joy of Living
The Poetry
40, Artemis to Actaeon and Other Verses
41, Uncollected Poetry
The Non-Fiction
42, The Decoration of Houses
43, Italian Villas and Their Gardens
44, Italian Backgrounds
45, A Motor-Flight Through France
46, France, from Dunkerque to Belfort
47, French Ways and Their Meaning
48, In Morocco
49, The Writing of Fiction
The Autobiography
50, A Backward Glance