
Entries correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.


Abbey, Edward, 92

Adams, Ansel, 109, 141, 143

Advice, hiking, 16-17

Agua Dulce, CA, 82, 95, 97

Air pollution, 158

Aliens, illegal, 25

Alleopathy, 56–57

Along the Pacific Crest Trail (Berger and Smith), 16

Alpine gardens, 158–160, 229–230, 290

Alpine Lakes Wilderness, 273–274, 278–280

ALPS (Alpine Lakes Protection Society), 279

Altitude sickness, 130–131

Amigos de Anza, 32–33

Amtrak, 298

Angeles Crest Scenic Byway, 68, 74, 75, 78

Animal Dreams (Kingsolver), 56

Anza, CA, 42, 63

Anza-Borrego Desert, 22, 24, 35–36, 41, 55; State Park, 29–31

Appalachian Trail, 10, 11, 20, 264

Ashland, OR, 198, 211–212

Ashland to Willamette Pass, 199, 201; hiking information, 210–212; map, 200; route, 201–204; what you’ll see, 204–210

Astor, John Jacob, 218 California Atlas and Gazetteer (DeLorme), 96


Baden-Powell, Robert, 75

Ballard, Charles H., 294

Ballard, Guy W., 183

Banner RV Park, 42

Barbour, Michael, 45

Barlow, Samuel K., 231

Barlow Pass and Road, 231

Bears, 14, 102, 120–122, 143–144

Belden, CA, 168, 177–178, 186

Belden-Longville Stage Coach Line, 177

Belden to Castella, 174–175; hiking information, 185–187; map, 175; route, 175–177; what you’ll see, 177–185

Belknap lava bed, 213, 216, 218

Bend, OR, 222

Berry Mountain, 246

Big Bear City, CA, 50, 63, 79

Big Bear to Soledad Canyon Road: hiking information, 77–78; map, 64; route, 65–68; what you’ll see, 69–77

Bighorn Plateau, 117–118

Big Lava Bed, 245

Biker festival, 186

Blackberry bushes, 191

Blake, W. P., 60

Bogue, Virgil, 267

Border patrol, 25

Boulder Oaks Campground, 41

Boy Scouts, 75

Bridge of the Gods, 240, 243–245

Bridgeport, CA, 162–163

Bucks Lake Resort, 173

Bull Run Watershed, 234

Bureau of Land Management, 48–49, 62, 102, 201

Burney, CA, 187

Burney, Samuel, 184

Burney Falls, 184

Butterfield, John, 30

Butterfield Stage, 30, 38


Cacti, 33–35, 55

Cajon Pass, 58, 67, 69–70, 73, 79

California: Aqueduct, 83, 87; Conservation Corps, 11; Desert Protection Act of 1994, 104; mountain ranges, 27–28, 43; Wilderness Act of 1984, 195

California Deserts, The (Jaeger), 60

Campo, CA, 41

Campo to Pines-to-Palms Highway, 19–20; hiking information, 39–42; map, 18; route, 20–24; what you’ll see, 24–39

Canada, 19, 203, 296–297, 298

Carson, Kit, 38, 155

Carson–Iceberg Wilderness, 147, 149, 151

Cascade Crest Trail, 10, 11, 239

Cascade Locks, OR, 256–257; City Park, 228

Cascade Locks to White Pass, 239; hiking information, 255–257; map, 238; route, 240–242; what you’ll see, 242–254

Cascade Range, 177, 189; volcanoes, 179, 204–205, 206–208. See also Ashland to Willamette Pass; Belden to Castella; Cascade Locks to White Pass; Santiam Pass to Cascade Locks; White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass Castella, CA, 197

Castella to Ashland, 188–189; hiking information, 195–198; map, 189; route, 190–192; what you’ll see, 192–195

Castle Crags, 192–193; State Park, 189, 190

Catclaw, 55–56

Cell phones, 17, 109

Chaparral, 14, 20–21, 70–71

Clarke, Clinton, 9, 10, 11, 157, 174, 203, 229, 274

Colorado Desert, 45, 46, 55–57

Columbia River, 243, 244, 245, 251

Compass directions, 16

Condemnation, 85

Conifers, 29, 46, 52–54, 119, 158; Coulter, 39; Jeffrey, 27; limber, 76; pinyon, 104

Coulter pines, 39

Coyotes, 93–94

Crampons warning, 128

Crater Lake, OR, 206–208, 212; National Park, 201, 203

Creosote, 55, 56–57

Crescent Lake, OR, 221

Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, 28–29


Dean, Wade, 250

de Anza, Juan Bautista, 29; expedition of, 31–33, 69

Deep Creek Hot Springs, 69

Desert, 45; plants, 33–35, 55–57. See also Mojave Desert; Sonoran Desert

Desert Divide, 46

Desolation Wilderness, 147, 151, 171

Devils Postpile National Monument, 109, 135, 139–140, 266

Diamond Lake Resort, 203–204, 212

Diamond Peak Wilderness, 204

Digueño Indians, 25

Diversity, ecological, 51–52. See also Ecological zones

Dogs, traveling with, 197

Donner Pass, 156–157

Donner Pass to Belden, 164–165; hiking information, 171–173; map, 165; route, 165–168; what you’ll see, 168–171

Douglas, William O., 185, 242, 247, 251, 261, 263–264, 268, 276, 283, 288

Dryer, Thomas J., 250

Dunsmuir, CA, 197

Dust devils, 88–89


Eagle Creek Trail, 226–228

East to Katahdin (Douglas), 264

Ebbetts, John, 153

Ecological zones, 26–27, 48, 50, 52, 76, 230

Ecology: High Sierra, 117–118; North Cascades, 289–290; southern California, 51–52

Edwards Air Force Base, 101

Elk Lake Resort, 222

El Niño, 62

Emergencies, snakebite, 38. See also Warnings

Emigrant Wilderness, 138

Equipment. See specific hikes, hiking information

Essentials, hiking, 17

Estacada, OR, 236

Etna, CA, 197–198


Fages, Pedro, 31

Fair, Jack, 95

Fairy rings, 57

Feather River, 164, 168–169

Feet, swelling of, 40–41

Fish Lake Resort, 212

Flora/fauna: High Sierra, 119, 120–124; North Cascades, 289–292; San Bernardino National Forest, 51–52; San Jacinto Mountains, 52–55. See also Conifers; Desert plants; Joshua trees; Wildflowers

Forests: adaptation of, 52–54; Cascade Range, 184–185; old-growth, 285, 289, 290–292

Fremont, James, 88, 105

Fremont, John C., 155–156, 157


Garlock Fault, 88, 100, 101

General Sherman tree, 53

Gifford Peak, 246

Glacier Peak, 274, 284–285, 288–289, 290; Wilderness, 280, 283, 296

Glaciers, 114–118, 170, 229, 232, 241, 249, 264, 274, 287

Goat Rocks Wilderness, 239, 241, 242, 251–253, 266

Goats, mountain, 251, 253

Golden Spike ceremony, 11, 85

Gold rush, 29, 169–170. See also Mining

Gopher, pocket, 124

Granite Chief Wilderness, 147, 151

Granite Mountain, 23

Gray, Robert, 243

Grazing, livestock, 94–95, 160

Great Basin Desert, 45

Greyhound Bus, 281, 298


Halfway point, 175, 185

Harris, Stephen, 249, 288

Hart, Del, 293–294

Harts Pass, 293–294

Hat Creek Rim, 176, 181

Hazard, Joseph, 10, 147, 266

Henry M. Jackson Wilderness, 283

High Sierra, 152; ecology, 117–118; forests, 119. See also Kennedy Meadows to Reds Meadow; Reds Meadow to Sonora Pass

Hikes, short: Ashland to Willamette Pass, 211; Belden to Castella, 186; Big Bear to Soledad Canyon Road, 78; Campo to Pines-to-Palms Highway, 41; Cascade Locks to White Pass, 256; Castella to Ashland, 197; Donner Pass to Belden, 172; Kennedy Meadows to Reds Meadow, 129–130; Pines-to-Palms Highway to Big Bear, 62–63; Reds Meadow to Sonora Pass, 146; Santiam Pass to Cascade Locks, 235–236; Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass, 281; Soledad Canyon Road to Tehachapi Pass, 96; Sonora Pass to Donner Pass, 161–162; Stevens Pass to Manning Provincial Park, Canada, 297; Tehachapi Pass to Kennedy Meadows, 107; White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass, 270; Willamette Pass to Santiam Pass, 221

Hiking Information, 15–16. See also specific hikes

Hill, Mary, 177

Honey mesquite, 55, 56

Horses, 268–269

Huckleberries, 240, 246–247, 255


Ice axes, 45, 62, 127, 145, 183, 233, 235, 241, 250, 256, 265, 280

Idyllwild, CA, 47, 48, 63

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 25

Independence, CA, 133

Indian Heaven Wilderness, 240, 245–246

Indian myths and legends, 232–233, 243–244, 253–254. See also Native Americans

Insects. See Mosquitoes

Inyokern, CA, 131


Jackass Mail System, 30

Jaeger, Edmund, 60

Jardine, Ray, 121

Jefferson Park, 229–230

Jeffrey pines, 27

John Muir Trail, 10, 11, 111–112, 113, 132, 135–136, 143

Joshua trees, 61, 83, 88, 89–91

Journey on the Crest (Ross), 16

Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, 32


Kamp Anza Kampground, 42

Kawaiisu people, 88

Kelly, Hall Jackson, 253

Kennedy Hot Springs, 289

Kennedy Meadows to Reds

Meadow, 109–110; hiking information, 126–133; map, 108; route, 110–114; what you’ll see, 114–126

King, Clarence, 115, 125, 183

Kingsolver, Barbara, 56

Kinney, Milt, 197

Klamath Mountains, 174–175, 193–195, 204. See also Castella to Ashland

Klickitat Indians, 250, 253

Kumeya’ay people, 29


Laguna Mountains, 25–28, 43

Lake Chelan, 287, 292–293; National Recreation Area, 286

Lake Hughes, CA, 82, 97

Lake Morena County Park, 21, 26, 41

Lakeshore, CA, 133

Lake Tahoe, 155–156, 157–158

Lassen, Peter, 178

Lassen Volcanic National Park, 174–175, 176, 179

Lava beds, 213, 215–216, 218, 245

Lemurians, 183

Leopold, Aldo, 10

Lewis and Clark, 228

Limber pines, 76

Logging, 167–168, 184–185, 192, 234, 261, 263, 267, 271, 279, 292

Lone Pine, CA, 111, 125, 131–132

Longmire, David, 267

Los Angeles, CA, 50, 58, 75, 83, 86–87; Aqueduct, 83, 86–87, 96


MacKaye, Benton, 10

Mail drops, 211

Man and Wilderness (Douglas), 242, 288

McArthur, Frank, 184

McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park, 184

McClellan, George R., 277

McKee, Bates, 205

McKenzie, Donald, 218

McKenzie Pass, 218

McLoughlin, John, 205

Manning Provincial Park, British Columbia, 19, 203, 296–297, 298

Maps, 13; Ashland to Willamette Pass, 200; Belden to Castella, 175; Big Bear to Soledad Canyon Road, 64; Campo to Pines-to-Palms Highway, 18; Cascade Locks to White Pass, 238; Castella to Ashland, 189; Donner Pass to Belden, 165; Kennedy Meadows to Reds Meadow, 108; Pines-to-Palms Highway to Big Bear, 44; Reds Meadow to Sonora Pass, 134; Santiam Pass to Cascade Locks, 224; Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass, 275; Soledad Canyon Road to Tehachapi Pass, 80; Sonora Pass to Donner Pass, 148; Stevens Pass to Manning Provincial Park, Canada, 282; Tehachapi Pass to Kennedy Meadows, 98; White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass, 258; Willamette Pass to Santiam Pass, 214

Marble Mountain Wilderness, 189, 190, 194

Markleeville, CA, 163

Marmots, 122–124

Marshall, Bob, 10

Matterhorn peaks, 209, 216, 217, 218, 228

Mazamas, 233, 279

Mazama Village and Campground, 212

Medford, OR, 212

Mexico-U.S. border region, 19, 24–25

Mileages, 15

Mining, 88, 250, 277, 293–294; gold, 23, 29, 30, 31, 169–170, 178

Modoc Plateau, 181

Mojave, CA, 107

Mojave Desert, 45, 51, 61, 65, 87–88, 100; wildflowers, 91–92. See also Soledad Canyon Road to Tehachapi Pass

Mokelumne Wilderness, 147, 151

Mono Lake, 86, 87

Montgomery, Catherine, 10

Monuments, 19–20

Mormon Battalion, 38, 69

Mormon Rocks, 73–74

Mormon settlers, 69, 89, 155

Mosquitoes, 144, 172, 210, 220, 255, 261, 269, 294, 295

Mount Adams, 228, 239, 247–250, 253; Wilderness, 241

Mountain goats, 251, 253

Mountain passes, 152–157, 266–268, 277, 293–294

Mountain, sacred, 183 Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada (King), 115

Mountaineers, The, 279

Mount Ashland, 194

Mount Baden-Powell, 65, 75–76

Mount Baker, 253, 274, 294

Mount Hood, 206, 223, 231–232, 233, 253, 275; National Forest, 225–226

Mount Jefferson, 223, 228–229; Wilderness, 223, 225

Mount Laguna, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 42

Mount Lassen, 100, 171, 176, 178–181, 205

Mount Lyell, 136

Mount McLoughlin, 203, 205–206

Mount Mazama, 206–207, 288

Mount Rainier, 182, 239, 242, 243, 253; National Park, 259, 261, 264–266

Mount St. Helens, 205, 207, 239, 250–251, 253; National Volcanic Monument, 179

Mount Shasta, 182–183, 205

Mount Shastina, 182

Mount Tehama, 181

Mount Thielsen, 209–210; Wilderness, 204

Mount Washington, 216, 218, 220, 228

Mount Whitney, 100, 102, 111, 112, 119, 124–126, 132, 135

Muir, John, 48, 70, 73, 74, 109, 114, 115, 125, 126, 137, 141–142, 143, 160, 177, 182, 183, 231–232

Muir Ranch, 114, 133

Mulholland, William, 86


Naches, WA, 270

National Park Service, 13, 39,179, 207, 279; bear regulations, 122

National Trail Systems Act, 9, 11, 85

Native Americans, 25, 30, 86, 88, 104, 105, 182, 194, 208, 246–247, 250, 266, 276, 293. See also Indian myths and legends

Noble, William H., 178

Norse Peak Wilderness, 259, 261, 263

North Cascades, 274–277, 296; Conservation Council, 279; ecology, 289–290; National Park, 279, 287, 293. See also Cascade Range; Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass; Stevens Pass to Manning Provincial Park, Canada


Of Man and Mountains (Douglas), 268

Olallie Lake Resort, 236

Olancha Peak, 102

Old-growth forests, 285, 289, 290–292

Old Station, CA, 186

Olmsted, Frederick Law, 140, 143

Onyx, CA, 107

Oregon Desert, 203, 208–209

Oregonian, The, 250

Oregon Trail, 267

Oriflamme Mountain, 29


Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail. See Pacific Crest Trail (PCT)

Pacific Crest Trail, The, Volumes 1 and 2 (Wilderness Press), 12–13, 15, 96

Pacific Crest Trail Association, 11–12, 15; hot line, 12, 40 Pacific Crest Trail Data Book, 15

Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), 9–11, 84–85, 171; hotline, 83

Palmer, Joel, 231

Palmer, Tim, 177

PCT Hiker’s Handbook (Jardine), 121

Permits, 14, 15, 126, 132, 135–136, 145–146, 281

Pierce, E. D., 183

Pikas, 122–124

Pinchot, Gifford, 10

Pines-to-Palms Highway to Big Bear, 43, 45; hiking information, 61–63; map, 44; route, 45–50; what you’ll see, 51–61

Pine trees. See Conifers; Forests

Pinyon pine, 104

Poison oak, 71–73

Preuss, Charles, 155


Rainier Mountaineering, Inc. (RMI), 265, 266

Rain-shadow effect, 27–28, 118, 294

Rattlesnakes, 14, 36–38, 93

Red firs, 184–185

Reds Meadow to Sonora Pass: hiking information, 144–146; map, 134; route, 135–138; what you’ll see, 139–144

Reptiles, 93

Resupplies and trailheads: Ashland to Willamette Pass, 211–212; Belden to Castella, 186–187; Big Bear to Soledad Canyon Road, 79; Campo to Pines-to-Palms Highway, 41–42; Cascade Locks to White Pass, 256–257; Castella to Ashland, 197–198; Donner Pass to Belden, 172–173; Kennedy Meadows to Reds Meadow, 131–133; Pines-to-Palms Highway to Big Bear, 63; Reds Meadow to Sonora Pass, 146; Santiam Pass to Cascade Locks, 236–237; Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass, 281; Soledad Canyon Road to Tehachapi Pass, 97; Sonora Pass to Donner Pass, 162–163; Stevens Pass to Manning Provincial Park, Canada, 298; Tehachapi Pass to Kennedy Meadows, 107; White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass, 270–271; Willamette Pass to Santiam Pass, 221–222

Rogers, Warren, 10, 11

Roosevelt, Theodore, 143, 184

Ross, Alexander, 276

Ross, Cindy, 16

Ross Lake National Recreation Area, 293

Route, 13–14. See also specific hikes

Russian Wilderness, 189, 190


Sacred places, 183, 208

San Andreas Fault, 48, 57–59, 62, 73, 74, 88, 100

San Bernardino Mountains, 43, 45, 47, 49–50, 51–52, 55, 61, 62

San Diego, CA, 41

San Felipe Hills, 23

San Francisco, CA, 31, 32, 58, 59, 169–170

San Francisquito Ranger Station, 97

San Gabriel Mountains, 43, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74–75, 78, 82

San Gorgonio Pass, 48, 49, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 87

San Gorgonio Peak, 48, 50

San Jacinto Mountains, 43, 45–50, 57, 61, 62; flora/fauna, 52–55

San Jacinto Peak, 47; Aerial Tramway, 52

San Joaquin River Trail, 136

San Pelona Mountains, 82

Santiam Pass to Cascade Locks: hiking information, 234–237; map, 224; route, 223–228; what you’ll see, 228–234

Sawtooth Huckleberry Fields, 240, 246–247

Sawtooth Mountain, 246

Schaffer, Jeffrey, 177

Scorpions, 92–93

Seattle, WA, 279, 281, 298

Seiad Valley, CA, 198

Sequoia National Park, 53

Shakespeare Festival, 211

Shelter Cove Resort, 221

Sierra Buttes Fire Tower, 164, 170–171

Sierra City, CA, 173

Sierra Club, 49, 142, 143, 167, 279

Sierra Nevada, 99–100; end of, 177. See also High Sierra; Sonora Pass to Donner Pass; Tehachapi Pass to Kennedy Meadows

Sierra Nevada, The: A Mountain Journey (Palmer), 177

Silver Moccasin Trail, 75

Silverwood Lake State Park, 67, 79

Siskiyou Mountains, 194

Sisters, OR, 222

Skykomish, WA, 298

Sky Lakes Wilderness, 201, 203

Skyline Trail, 10, 11, 199, 236, 239

Smith, Bart, 16

Smith, Jedediah, 105, 153, 155

Snakebite, 38

Snakes. See Rattlesnakes

Snoqualmie Pass, WA, 277, 281

Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass, 272–273; hiking information, 280–281; map, 275; route, 273–274; what you’ll see, 274–280

Snow: plants, 54–55; warning, 221; See also specific hikes

Soda Springs, CA, 163

Soledad Canyon, 77, 97

Soledad Canyon Road to Tehachapi Pass, 81–82; hiking information, 95–97; map, 80; route, 82–84; what you’ll see, 84–95

Solomons, Theodore, 139

Sonoran Desert, 45, 55, 61. See also Desert

Sonora Pass to Donner Pass, 147; hiking information, 161–163; map, 148; route, 149–152; what you’ll see, 152–160

South Fork Kern River, 105–106

South Lake Tahoe, CA, 163

Southwest Rural County Transit System, 41

Stanislaus National Forest, 158

Stehekin, WA, 292–293, 297, 298

Stevens, Hazard, 265

Stevens, John F., 277

Stevens Pass, 277

Stevens Pass to Manning Provincial Park, Canada, 283–284; hiking information, 294–298; map, 282; route, 284–287; what you’ll see, 287–294

Stream crossings, 106, 112, 128–129, 191; warning, 234, 241

Summit Valley Country Store, 78

Sutter, John, 169

Sweathouse of the Gods, 178. See also Mount Lassen


Table Mountain, 245

Tahquitz Peak, 47

Tehachapi, CA, 107

Tehachapi Mountains, 83

Tehachapi Pass to Kennedy Meadows, 99–100; hiking information, 106–107; map, 98; route, 101–103; what you’ll see, 103–106

Tejon Ranch, 84, 85–86

Three Fingered Jack, 228

Three Sisters Wilderness, 213, 215, 216–217

Thru-hikers. See specific hikes, hiking information

Timberline Lodge, OR, 233–234, 236–237

Toponyms, 29, 253, 261, 267, 284

Tortoise, desert, 93

Townsend, Chris, 259, 261

Treasures of the Yosemite (Muir), 142

Tree line, 26–27, 201, 241, 275; See also Forests

Trinity Alps Wilderness, 189, 190, 194, 195

Tuolumne Meadows, CA, 137, 143, 146


U. S. Forest Service, 13, 45, 62, 75, 82, 102, 172, 176, 195, 230, 239, 250, 279, 296


Vancouver, George, 253, 265

Van Trump, Phillmon, 265

Vermilion Valley Resort, 114, 133

Volcan Mountains, 23

Volcanoes, 178–181, 182–183, 199; Cascade Range, 204–205, 206–208; Mount Hood, 231–232; Three Sisters, 216–217; Washington, 245–246, 249, 250–251, 264–265, 274, 288–289


Walker, Joseph R., 105, 155

Walker Pass, 105

Walong Loop Railroad, 103

Warm Springs Indian Reservation, 225, 229, 230

Warner, Jonathan, 38

Warner Springs, CA, 23–24, 38–39, 42

Warnings: crampons, 128; hot-spring amoeba, 69; lightning, 210; Mount Hood, 233; Mount McLoughlin, 206; Mount Whitney, 124; poison oak, 73; snow, 221; stream crossings, 234, 241; thru-hiking permits, 145–146; water, 66, 67–68, 110–111, 190, 240, 242

Washoe people, 157

Water: advice, 40; desert plants and, 33–35; lack of, 21, 100, 138, 203, 215, 263, 273; Mojave Desert, 81–82; purification, 161, 192, 195; quantity, 77–78, 95, 176, 185; sources, 22–23, 28–29, 30, 46, 48, 50, 83, 102, 106, 216; warnings, 66, 67–68, 110–111, 190, 240, 242

Weather, 27–28, 159; High Sierra, 118; Washington, 242–243

Web site, Pacific Crest Trail Association, 12

White, Charles W., 266

White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass, 259–261; hiking information, 269–271; map, 258; route, 261–263; what you’ll see, 263–269

Whitney, Josiah Dwight, 114–115, 126

Wilderness Act of 1964, 195, 279

Wilderness Press, 12, 96

Wildflowers, 35–36, 87, 88, 91–92, 255, 268; alpine gardens, 229–230; Sonora Pass to Donner Pass, 158–160. See also Flora/fauna

Wildlife, 29, 92–94, 104. See also Flora/fauna

Willamette Pass to Santiam Pass:

William O. Douglas Wilderness, 259, 261, 262, 263–264, 269

Windmill farms, 60–61, 104

Winthrop, Theodore, 266

Wolf lichen, 184

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 233

Wrightwood, CA, 68, 74, 79


Yakima Tribe, 247

Yapoah lava bed, 213, 215, 218

Yellowstone National Park, 179

Yosemite National Park, 112, 135, 136–138, 140–141, 143, 145–146