Chapter Seven


The male servants congregated ahead of the women, most stumbling about blind in the unaccustomed light. Olivia scanned the crowd for Hernando, but found herself being pushed backward by the others as a stampede began. She gripped Valori's arm and dare not let go.

"What gives?" Olivia shouted. "Hey—watch it! You almost trampled her! Be careful where you're going!"

Olivia's gaze focused on what caused the panic. One of the men, trying to evade the Overseers and escape his fate at the farm, had jumped off the station platform. The Overseers didn't appear to be in much of a hurry to capture the wiry, middle-aged man. One hulking guard slowly made his way over to the platform's edge and reached under his cape to pull out an object the size and shape of a soda can.

"What's happening?" Valori blinked rapidly. "I can't make anything out but blurs in this bright light."

"A man is attempting an escape. He's jumped off the platform and is running into the fields beyond the station. The Overseers aren't overreacting at all. It looks like one has pulled out a hand-sized cylinder and is pointing it at the runaway."

"Oh, dear... I've heard about it, but I've never seen the device used."

"Device?" Olivia shifted her stance to gain a better view through the crowd. "He's going to throw a pop can at the guy?"

Before Valori could reply, the Overseer activated the device. A whip-like cord of gleaming metal exploded outward from the cylinder, covering the distance between guard and fugitive in the blink of an eye. The cord grabbed the escaping man's ankle and wrapped around his lower leg. Jerked off balance, the escapee tripped, fell, and was abruptly yanked back onto the platform and dragged to the feet of the waiting Overseers.

Olivia thought her heart would burst from her chest it beat so hard. She stood breathless with fear and awe.

" that? The cord zapped out of the can and grabbed the guy and reeled him in like a fish on a line, only much, much faster." She gulped. Okay, even dealing with the challenges of heat and light, the Overseers have some powerful weaponry on their side to keep slaves from escaping.

"I couldn't see it well, but I've heard the tales before of what happens when servants attempt to flee the farm." Valori gave Olivia's hand on her arm a squeeze. "Don't you worry. We'll help you keep from the Overseers' notice as much as possible."

They turned from the scene and followed the other women toward what looked like a dormitory or barrack block in the distance. Suddenly Olivia felt a prickling sensation on the back of her neck. She spun around and raised her hand.

"Hernando? Over here!"

"Olivia? Valori?" A figure from the men's line stepped away from the group. An Overseer raised his whip cord can device. Hernando stepped back into the line and glared at their guards. "I'm glad you're both okay. We'll talk in a little while."

Will they allow us to talk? Olivia worried. Or will my past from the dark side catch up with me here?

After a perfunctory tour of their quarters, given by a female Overseer, the women unpacked and settled into their bunks. Olivia had wondered about the differences between Overseer males and females and now she knew—none. They acted just as cross and surly as the males. In looks, the female Overseers closely resembled the angular, dark-eyed Pure Blood women at the festival, but Olivia noted some slight variations between them. Was it the overall shape of their faces? That was it. They were a bit rounder, softer in the features. Even if some human physical characteristics showed through, the Overseers did their best to hide these by acting twice as superior and ten times as condescending as their masters.

"We definitely know who's in charge around here," Olivia grumbled under her breath after an Overseer had verbally harassed another newcomer for failing to make her bed properly. The women servants stood at attention in a row in front of their bunks, waiting for their next instructions. "It's like we're in the army."

"Army?" Valori wrinkled her brow in thought. "You mean we've joined a group of armed men?"

"Women can join the army, too, where I come from. I suppose these Overseers feel we're lacking discipline, and that's why we've been sent to Boot Camp."

Valori chuckled. "Boot Camp? You do use the strangest terms, Olivia of the Clan Brown. Try not to be seen as a rebel. Answer 'yes' or 'no' and do as you're told like you do in your own clan on Earth."

Olivia sighed. "I hate to tell you, but I've never been very good at following orders. In fact, it's because I didn't follow my parents' orders that I ended up on BloodDark in the first—"

"Silence!" barked the lead Overseer. Olivia bit her lip and shivered in her sneakers. The broad-shouldered female stood at the front of the barracks. She paused to adjust her wrist translator, fine-tuning it to make her words understandable to the assembly as she strolled down the aisle between bunks. "I am Lynik, your matron at Farm Alphan. You are to obey all Overseer commands without question. Is that understood?"

In unison the women answered, "Yes, we obey."

Olivia stood, head held high. Lynik stopped in front of Olivia's bunk, her intense glare resting upon her face.

"Is that understood?" The matron assumed her sharp-toothed sneer could cut through the thickest of dissent and leave any slave without hope, but Olivia would have none of it. She continued to stare back unapologetically.

Frowning, Lynik turned and barked orders to her underlings. Before she could react, Olivia found herself being hustled out of the dormitory.

"Wait, my mistress!" Valori cried. "She is very new to our world. She doesn't know our ways. I will teach them to her."

Lynik signaled for her assistants to halt. "You had better teach her well, old one, or she will be made a part of the sports." The matron motioned for Olivia to be returned to her bunk. "And you understand how much Overseers enjoy their sport, don't you Quadsang?"

Valori nodded. With an evil cackle, Lynik exited the building.

Olivia let out a long held breath. "Whew! That was close. Thanks again for saving my bacon, Valori."

"It is your life that I saved, not this bacon," her friend corrected her. "Remember to follow orders from now on. If you're taken away from the farm, Hernando cannot help you get home again."

Home. Whatever it took, she had to get back home.

"You're right." Olivia smiled. "I will act like a good slave—until it's time to get out of this place."

Suppertime couldn't come early enough for Olivia. After cleaning their dormitory from top to bottom, including scrubbing the front steps, she felt totally exhausted. The natives of BloodDark didn't act tired with all the physical exertion and adapted easily to the heat and light. She worried about how Valori and some of the older women would handle the work since they'd lived most of their lives in the city, but they held up their end of the tasks without complaint. Olivia felt genuine admiration for her ancestors who worked equally grueling tasks.

"Is it soup yet?" she asked Valori as she tossed her rag into the suds bucket.

"Food will be served in a short while. I heard one of the Overseers discuss the arrangements. Here, sit down, child." Valori cleared a place off the steps for her to rest. "The heat is draining on one not used to it."

Olivia plopped onto the spot and ran her fingers through her hair. Her scalp was damp with sweat. "It's a bit warmer here. Odd, I get the feeling the night side should be much colder."

Valori nodded. "We are on the terminator line, a land of perpetual sunrise—or sunset, depending on your point of view." She pointed toward the sun. "If you continue in that direction, you'll find yourself in endless desert where the sun beats down upon you without mercy. The scorching winds from the desert travel high into the air and around the globe to the dark side, keeping it warm in spite of the lack of light."

"Now I see why the Pure Bloods stayed put on the dark side. Who wants to fry?"

The metallic-clanging of a gong interrupted their conversation. Immediately the women began to line up and march toward the courtyard between the two dormitories. Olivia scrambled to her feet. "The cafeteria is open."

Upon reaching the courtyard, Olivia's heart skipped a beat. Hernando stood in the food line opposite. She couldn't help but smile, even if the slop ladled into her plate had all the color and texture of wet concrete.

"I knew we'd meet again." He winked.

"How can you act so laid-back?"

He shrugged. "It's a knack."

They were allowed to sit together on a small hillside covered in short grass. Olivia noticed how at home Hernando acted as he made small talk with the others. It seemed odd since Valori had told her they both had worked in the Clan Alphan household for many years.

"You've been here before haven't you?" She forced a forkful—or what passed for a fork since it was shaped more like a small triangular shovel—of the gray glop into her mouth. "Ugh. If I wasn't so hungry I wouldn't touch this stuff except with a concrete mixer."

"The food does take some getting used to," he admitted, "and yes to your question. I grew up here on the Alphan farm. It's nice to be home."

Olivia looked around at endless fields of grain and vegetables and drab stone buildings that broke the monotony of corn in places. It all reminded her of visiting her cousins in rural Kansas. "I guess you miss the peace and quiet, huh?"

"That, too, but most of all I missed the freedom we experience away from the city."

"Freedom?" She frowned at him. "What freedom is that? There are Overseers surrounding us, and they ain't particularly friendly."

"But do you notice how few of them there are compared to us? They can't have eyes and ears everywhere like they have in the city. Resistance groups meet regularly here. We're gaining strength and numbers with each transport full of servants exiled from the city."

Resistance? The slaves have been planning a revolt? Olivia's spirits rose. Perhaps there was a way to get home and set this world to rights after all? She didn't want to sound too interested, however, in case her pushy behavior might turn him off and prevent her from joining their organization.

"Valori tells me that only those who can't work hard enough to please the Pure Bloods are sent to the farms. Are you sure these are the type of people you want by your side to throw over the current order?"

He furrowed his brow. "Of course. Who else but those who have been mistreated and misunderstood have the will to fight against their oppressors? Those who feel they're better off working for the Pure Bloods than running their own lives are the ones who aren't worthy to join our cause."

"Lower your voice," she reminded him. "You don't want the Overseers to hear you, do you?" Olivia couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm and courage. He took her hand, put it to his lips, and gently kissed it. She blushed, but didn't take her hand from his as they sat closer together.

"No worries. They don't understand us without their translator devices. If you notice, the drudges they have watching us at mealtimes don't wear them and couldn't care less what we're talking about." He squeezed her hand and grinned. "If you don't believe me, say something to the guard standing over to your left."

"What would I say to him? He looks very annoyed. I can't tell him something like, 'Have a nice day, Mr. Drudge,' can I?"

"Go ahead. He won't take any notice."

Olivia looked at Hernando askance. "All right, I'll do it." She turned and waved at the hulking Overseer who stood with his hands planted firmly on his hips and a vacant expression permanently etched on his face. "Yoo-hoo, Mr. Drudge. Do you enjoy your work here at the farm, or would you rather work in town?"

The Overseer blinked and stared at her for full five seconds as if she'd lost her mind but did nothing. After a moment he looked away and continued scanning the crowd.

"You're right," she admitted. "He's oblivious to our conversation. We really can talk freely here."

"We can. During the long rest period, the Resistance will meet and discuss our plans for the Day of Two Suns."

"And how to get me home?" She batted her eyelashes at him.

He laughed. "Perhaps. First we must gain control of the city and the Portal. Only the Portal can return you to your world—if you really wish to return."

Olivia looked deep into Hernando's brown eyes and saw the longing there. She didn't like the idea of leaving him, but she had to return home. She owed it to her family and to the others kidnapped with her to try.

She gave his hand a squeeze then let go, averting her eyes. "I have to go back. My parents are probably beside themselves with grief wondering what happened to me. Think of all the others who have gone missing. Somebody has to go back to let Earth know what has become of us."

"I understand. It's selfish of me to want to keep you here. BloodDark is not your home, and there's no reason for you to risk your safety to liberate it."

The light in his eyes a moment ago dimmed in sadness. She felt her heart breaking.

"Oh, how I wish you could come back with me," Olivia blurted without thinking.

Hernando smiled. "You—you do?"

"Uh, I mean you're more than welcome to visit my world." Olivia back-pedaled her enthusiasm so she didn't come across as acting too forward. "Yeah, you really should visit Earth. You'd be very popular, especially with the conspiracy nuts."

"Is that the only reason?" He leaned closer and cocked a playful eyebrow. "Could it be you can't live without me?"

Olivia felt her cheeks warm. She scooted away from him, and he smiled. "I want to help liberate BloodDark, too," she said with as much dignity as she could muster. "I can't think of anything more noble or necessary."

"You've convinced me. I'll introduce you to the others. After we're dismissed for the rest period, wait at the entrance of the women's dormitory. I'll send someone to take you to the meeting."


Under the perpetual twilight—or dusk—of the so-called bright star, there was no difference in night and day. The farm workers were placed on work shifts of ten hours each with the newcomers placed on the first rest period. Olivia watched Valori crawl into her bunk and fall fast asleep before heading to the doorway. To her surprise, she saw no Overseers guarding the dorms. The closest must be standing watch over the entire encampment from the gate tower in the distance.

A female voice from the shadows beckoned her. "This way, human. Hernando told me to guide you to our meeting."

Olivia took a step onto the stoop and peered into the grayness. "Are you to my right or to my left?"

"Your right. Be careful of your footing and keep low. We will travel along the hedgerows until we reach the field."

She did as she was told, following the black-haired woman as they quickly made their way past several Overseer barracks. Most of their guards appeared to be either sleeping or busy taking care of their own chores and not the slightest bit worried about any of their charges getting up to any mischief.

About a quarter mile from the dormitory they came to small hollow. Low, tree-covered hills surrounded the spot. From a distance, it would be difficult to see the small campfire that had been built there.

"Greetings, Lucy. Is this Olivia of the Clan Brown with you? Greetings as well." A deep voice welcomed them as they came into the circle of firelight. Olivia looked in vain for Hernando in the grouping of men sitting cross-legged around the fire.

"Is Hernando here?" she asked.

"Sit, sit! He'll be here shortly. Lucy, please give our guest some water and some of our roasted desert serpent. It's quite good."

"I'll pass on the serpent, thank you." She tried hard not to think what other wild creatures might live on this side of the planet. "I'll take you up on the water."

Olivia could tell from her expression that the petite Asian woman named Lucy didn't trust newcomers, but would do as she was told. The deep voice came from a thin, white-whiskered man. In the harsh shadows of the campfire, she noted his tanned and wrinkled skin. He must have been at least ten years older than Olivia's grandfather, yet he appeared to be strong and muscular and in good health. She realized she hadn't seen too many older men on BloodDark. What was this gentleman's secret to longevity?

Olivia did as she was commanded and took a seat across from the older man. Her escort Lucy gave her a metal cup of water and then sat beside him. Olivia noticed a family resemblance.

"You two are related?" she asked, trying to make friendly conversation.

Lucy nodded. "Byron is my father."

Olivia kept a straight face and tried not to act too surprised. She thought more likely they were granddaughter and grandfather. Maybe the tough life of a farm worker had prematurely aged her host?

"Are there many families on the farm?" she asked.

"We are all brothers and sisters in the Resistance." Byron nodded at the others gathering around the campfire. "We fight against those who would break apart our families. We fight for the right of all peoples to live in the light and to not be afraid of the dark."

"But can the Pure Bloods live on the dayside? I mean, isn't it bad for their health?"

Byron chuckled. "They are welcomed to continue dwelling in their dark caves, provided they leave the rest of the world to us who can tolerate the light."

She heard a familiar laugh. "It's a fair enough deal."

Olivia turned at the sound of Hernando's voice. "About time you showed up!" She sat up straighter and fussed with her hair, trying to act like her heart didn't beat faster whenever he came near. "I was beginning to wonder if you hadn't woken one of the Overseers."

"I did." Hernando sat down next to her but directed his comments to the group. "Wornok says the next transport isn't scheduled for another two time periods."

"That long?" Byron stroked his whiskers and seemed to mull over the information. "You have any reason to doubt his word?"

Hernando shook his head. "He's never given us bad intelligence before. Besides, he's eager to get back at Lynik for breaking up his romance with one of the matrons. I do believe he's looking forward to the revolution."

"It is hard to believe that an Overseer would so easily turn on his own kind." Lucy flashed a disapproving frown. "They want to come out on top. They feel they're the true masters of BloodDark."

"We all know it's the Quadsangs who should rule, don't we, Lu?" Hernando's raucous laughter only made the petite woman frown more. "Hey, think about it. There are no natives of this world—we are all immigrants. Only those who are equally human and Pure Blood can lay claim to being the true and rightful rulers. I'm right, aren't I?"

Other voices jumped into the argument that humans were more suited for governing, although perhaps the Overseers had a point, and really who could prove their heritage was equally alien and human? Olivia noted that the Resistance consisted of all the various BloodDark servant races, and each held a unique position on who should rule once the Pure Bloods were removed from power. How would they ever unite and become powerful enough to change their world if they argued all the time?

She'd never had much interest in the debating societies at school, but Olivia knew enough American history to recognize the familiar tone. The founding fathers must've sounded much like this during that first Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Every group thinks their way is the only way. They'll argue forever if I let them, too.

"You guys have got to learn to shelve your petty differences for the good of the whole, don't you think?" Olivia blurted before she realized it. Immediately the arguing ceased. All eyes turned to focus on her. She blushed and stumbled forward.

"Uh, yeah. I'm saying that you all have to show a bit more unity in the face of opposition, you know? Work out what you have in common instead of debating where you differ."

Byron smiled a wide toothy grin. "She is quite intelligent, your Olivia. I see now why you invited her to join us." He winked at Hernando. Soon everyone in the circle was laughing and smiling at her red cheeks.

Hernando gave her shoulders a quick hug. Olivia took courage. "I'm only speaking the truth as I see it," she whispered to him. "How am I going to get off this rock if this Resistance cell is bickering all the time?"

He pulled back. "I'd forgotten. You want to go home. Back to Earth... Leave us here to deal with the bloodsuckers all alone."

Her heart sank. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I want to help."

"Of course you do." He turned to his comrades and announced, "Olivia is the key to our successful capture of the Portal and the city."

This statement caught the squabbling members' attention. Hernando explained how and why they were sent out of the city through the use of a scent-masker.

"Olivia is willing to be used as a scent decoy again to let us get close enough to the Portal to capture it." He smiled broadly at her. She stared daggers at him.

"Decoy? You want the Pure Bloods sniffing after me again?" Hernando's words caught Olivia off guard. "This is the first I've heard of your idea," she said under her breath, unsure she wanted to be used to lure anyone away from the Portal. Her voice rose as the implications sank in. "Without the scent-masker, they'll know they were duped before, and they won't be happy. What if they catch me?"

"They won't. Trust me. We'll be able to get in and out before they know what's hit them."

Byron looked askance. "Hernando, you know it's not possible to guarantee the outcome of any operation, let alone one as dangerous as capturing the Portal. Olivia shows great wisdom in voicing her objections."

"Thank you." Olivia smiled at the Resistance leader. She could tell that Byron's levelheadedness would win out in the end. Others also voiced skepticism at Hernando's daring plan to capture the Portal.

"I still think it's our best hope of getting into the city," Hernando protested. "We don't have the numbers to outman the Overseers in the city. Even if we can group together with the cells from the other farms, we'll have how many? Perhaps one or two hundred able-bodied humans, an equal number of Quadsangs, and a few sympathetic Overseers? There's no way we can take on the Pure Bloods and their technology with so few. The only way we can hope to do so is to utilize the element of surprise."

"I'm the surprise, right?" Olivia folded her arms across her chest. "I don't know about you, but I think I can be of more use to the Resistance as a fellow fighter than as a decoy."

"How can you assist us?" Lucy's frown and tone of voice indicated the young rebel was far from convinced. "Have you been trained in the ways of combat and weaponry? Very few humans with such talents have ever been abducted from Earth. The Pure Bloods make sure those they kidnap are relatively harmless and without military skills."

Lucy was right. Olivia bit her lip in thought. What did she know about hand-to-hand fighting? What did she know about shooting weapons? The closest she'd ever gotten to anything approximating a rifle was while she was playing a video game. Still, Olivia didn't want to play a passive role as bait for the Pure Bloods to sniff out.

"I might not be a trained soldier or a terrorist bomber, but I'm a fairly fast runner. Yes, my scent might work well to trick the Pure Bloods into following me while others can get close to the Portal, but I believe my ability to think quickly on my feet will allow me to stay two steps ahead of them."

"Don't underestimate the intelligence of the Pure Bloods," Byron said. "They aren't motivated through their animal nature alone. They can prove to be very calculating foes, willing to sacrifice their own desires if necessary for the good of their people."

A sudden snapping sound in the surrounding woods made everyone jump. They turned in unison to see who or what had made it.

"It's me, Wornok. I have information you might find useful."

Olivia's heartbeat raced. She could tell from the others' cautious expressions that even a sympathetic Overseer's appearance at their cell meetings was not a usual occurrence.

Hernando stood and approached his contact. After a short conversation, he returned to the circle and the Overseer disappeared the way he came.

"Wornok's information isn't good news. He heard from a contact in the city via telegraph. Murnau was seen leaving the city soon after the transport departed. He's heading this way."

The group members all at once began to discuss their concerns. Byron cleared his throat and hushed the murmurings. "What is the reason given for the dark lord in charge of clan protocol to travel so far?"

Hernando swallowed hard. His wild-eyed look said it all. "Murnau claims he will prove his instincts regarding Olivia were correct and valid. He promises that the festival will recommence and be celebrated as originally planned."