JUNIPER (Juniperus communis)

Common Use
   Allergies (topical rinse), bladder infections

Juniper is often recommended for treating bladder infections due to its diurectic effects. It has also been recommended for its antiseptic properties that may relieve itchiness and infections of the skin.


Juniper has been recommended for bladder infections, as a diurectic, to treat edema (fluid accumulation in the body,) to treat arthritis, and topically to relieve itchy and irritated skin.


Studies in rats have shown that juniper can lower blood glucose, making juniper a possible treatment for diabetes. A derivative of the juniper berry called 14 acetoxycedrol has anticoagulant effects and also appears to relax the smooth muscle in blood vessels. This may make juniper a therapy for cardiovascular disease.


The volatile oils in the plant and berries can be irritating to the skin unless properly diluted when preparing the rinse. Juniper should not be used internally in pets with kidney disease, or if pregnant or lactating. Juniper should not be used in diabetic pets or pets with cardiac disease without veterinary supervision.