Altman, N. 67, 114, 135–40, 146
American Psychological Association 150
analysability 68
The Analyst in the Inner City (Altman) 135–40
anti-psychiatry movement 59
Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association 61
Armitage, K. 154
Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (APP) 57
BACC see Battersea Action and Counselling Centre (BACC)
Balint groups 78
Battersea Action and Counselling Centre (BACC) 63–5
Benjamin, J. 53
Berlin Poliklinik 21, 22–5; child analysis at 24; establishment of 20; founders of 22; funding for 22–3; lengths of treatment at 23
Berlin Psychoanalytic Society 23
Bernfeld, S. 21
‘Beyond Consciousness? The Psychic Landscape of Social Class’ (Reay) 91
Bibring-Lehner, G. 27
Big Flame 11
Black Psychoanalysts Speak (Winograd video) 175–6
Blackwell, D. 108
Bodnar, S. 108, 114, 122, 132, 137
Botticelli, S. 103
Bourdieu, P. 6, 91, 92, 107, 109, 141; psychoanalysis and 97–100; theorisations of class 84–5
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) 4
British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) 4
British Society 28
Character Analysis (Reich) 27
Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class (Jones) 96
Cherry, S. 77
child analysis at Berlin Poliklinik 24
The Civilising Process (Elias) 83–4
class: burden of 90; capital and 84–5; within clinical work 176–8; clinical writings of (see clinical writings on class, contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapists); displacements and 152–5; education and 91; emotions and 1, 86–7; as exclusion 87–8; feminism and 91–2; gender and 2; hybridity and heterogeneity of 14; inequalities and 85–6; pluralistic approach to 12–14; politics and 6–9; processes and 82–3; psychoanalytic therapy and 5, 11–12; psychosocial thinking and 14–16; race and 2; Ryan and 9–11, 102–3, 118–19; and social mobility within psychoanalytic field (see psychoanalytic field, class/social mobility within); terms, use of 5–6; within therapy relationships (see therapy relationships, class within); as total figuration 83–4; as trauma 150–2; women and 87–8, 90–1
class, lived experiences of 82–100; ambivalences/ambiguities aroused by 87–9; Bourdieu and psychoanalysis of 97–100; evaluative judgements made as part of 89–93; middle classes and 93–7; overview of 82–3; sociological perspectives 83–7
class, psychoanalysis and 171–86; within clinical work 176–8; disavowal and 180–1; diversity/awareness and 175–6; inclusivity of practice and 173–5; money and 171–3; overview of 171; shame/contempt and 178–80; theory 181–6
Class, Self, Culture (Skeggs) 93
class decomposition 85
class difference, early awareness of 105–7
class drama 140
class mobility, psychic demands of 107–10
‘Class Unconscious: From Dialectical Materialism to Relational Material’ (Hartman) 146–50
clinical work, money and 164–7
clinical writings on class, contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapists 134–56; Altman’s reflection/projection model 135–40; displacements and class 152–5; Hartman’s ‘class unconscious’ 146–50; Holmes’s class as trauma 150–2; Layton’s distinction/normative unconscious processes 140–6; overview of 134–5; theory types 155–6
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) 8
Coles, P. 48
condescending alterations in technique 67
Corpt, E. 103, 106, 109–10, 113
cross-class love/loss relationships 47–50; see also elision and disavowal of cross-class relationships; Freud, S.
Danto, E. 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 60
Davoine, F. 66
Devine, F. 88
Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis (Reich) 29
Dimen, M. 118, 150, 160, 163–4, 165
disavowal 180–1; class and 90; extrusion of class as 53–4
displacements, class and 152–5
diversity, awareness and 175–6
drive theory approach 136
Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) 78
elision and disavowal of cross-class relationships 36–54; abjected nurse and 37–40; love/loss and 47–50; Oedipus complex and 53–4; overview of 36–7; privilege and, identities built on 50–3; return of nurse and 40–3; Wolf Man case and 43–7
Fairbairn, R. 65
Fallenbaum, R. 64, 135, 148–50, 152
Fanon, F. 67
Fenichel, O. 20, 21, 23, 31–4, 160; on capitalism 33; Children’s Seminar group and 24–5; Freud and 31; Rundbriefe 25, 31
Fisher, D. 19
Fletcher, J. 185
Fletchman-Smith, B. 66
Fliess, W. 38
Fonagy, P. 174
Foster, R. 64, 67–8, 70–1, 179
Frankfurt Institute for Social Research and Critical Theory 25
free clinics see Berlin Poliklinik; Vienna Ambulatorium
free/low-cost clinics: accessibility to 60; BACC and 63–5; Freud’s visionary speech about 57–8, 64; history of 58; innovations in 77–8; Langer on 61–3; political motivations/understandings and 61–6; White City project 66
Freiere, P. 65
Freud, E. 22
Freud, S. 21, 136–7; Colombo writings of 42; cross-class relationships and (see elision and disavowal of cross-class relationships); free/low-cost clinics and 57–8, 64; intention to debase notion of 43, 45, 47; Laplanche reworkings of 41–2; Miss Lucy R case 49–50; money and 164–5; Oedipus complex and 38–40; patients, disavowal of cross-class relationships in 53–4; on psychoanalysis vs. psychotherapy 73–4; seduction theory, abandonment of 39–40; Vienna Ambulatorium and 26; Wolf Man case 24, 43–7
Freud’s Free Clinics: Psychoanalysis and Social Justice 1918–1938 (Danto) 19
Fuechtner, V. 24
Gallop, J. 38
Gaudillière, J-M. 66
Gherovici, P. 72
Glick, R. 114
Growing Up Girl (Walkerdine) 94–5
Hardin, H. 48
Harris, A. 52–4, 138, 149, 152
Herron, W. 69
The Hidden Injuries of Class (Sennett and Cobb) 6, 90
Hill, S. 52
Hirsch, I. 166
Hitschmann, E. 26
Hoggart, R. 7
Holland, R. 65
Holman, D. 63
Horney, K. 31
IAPT (Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies in the NHS) 174
identification with aggressor 32
identities, built on privilege 50–3
Imperial Leather (McClintock) 36
implantation processes 185
inequality 1; as identifier of class 5; of accesst to psychoanalytic therapy 73; and stratification 85–6; dieregard of 172
Institute of Labor and Mental Health 149
institutional frameworks, class discussion in 110–12
internal oppression 32
International Psychoanalytic Association 28
The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud) 37
intromission 185
Jacobs, T. 165
Javier, R. 69
Jimenez, L. 8
Josephs, L. 166
Klein, M. 24
Lambeth Mental Health group 65
Landscape for a Good Woman (Steedman) 136
Laplanche, J. 41–2, 148, 156, 184–6
Layton, L. 15, 96, 98, 136, 140–6, 155, 181
Lebeau, V. 50
Lewis, H. 179
Light, A. 10
‘Lines of Advance in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy’ (Freud) 21
low-fee or free psychotherapy 167–9; and clinics 2, 19, 21f, 28, 58, 60f; see also money
low-level shame 179
The Mass Psychology of Fascism (Reich) 30
melancholia 51
Mentalisation-based Therapy 78
middle classes 93–7; see also therapists; therapy relationships, class within; Lawler on 96–7; Reay on 91–2, 93, 95–6; Skeggs on 93; Walkerdine on 94–5
Mitscherlich, A. 161
Moketzie, D. 51
‘The Mole Leaves his Hole’ (Music) 174
money: access to psychoanalysis and 171–3; clinical work and 164–7; discussion about, as indelicate 160; low-fee/free psychotherapy and 167–9; open dialogue about 173; overview of 159–60; political economies and 160–2; private practice and 159–60; psychoanalysis and exchange of 162–4; psychoanalytic work and 159–60; role of 172; symbolic meanings of 159
Mulvena, T. 76
Music, G. 175
Myers, K. 166
National Health Service (NHS), UK 2, 7, 28, 57, 59
normative unconscious processes 32, 134, 140–1, 143, 151, 153
one-person psychology 136
otherness of the other 185
Parent-Infant Psychotherapy (PIP) 78
‘Peasant in the Analyst’s Chair’ (Corpt) 103
A Phenomenology of Working Class Experience (Charlesworth) 63
Phillips, A. 162
political contexts of psychoanalysis 20–2
political economies, psychoanalytic 160–2
practice, inclusivity of 173–5
private practice, money and 159–60
processes, class and 82–3; Bourdieu on 84–5; Elias on 83–4; emotions and 86–7; inequality and 85–6
psychoanalysis: in America 74; challenges to 8–9; divisions within field of 73–8; excess hierarchy in field of 75; exchange of money and 162–4; exclusivity of 2; introduction to 1–16; organisations representing 4; perceptions of 2; vs. psychotherapy 73–6; in public sectors (see public sectors, psychoanalysis in); pure gold of 73, 172; in UK 74–5; working-class patients of 2–3
psychoanalysis history 19–34; Berlin Poliklinik and 22–5; Fenichel and 31–4; overview of 19–20; Reich and 28–31; social/political contexts of 20–2, 24–5; Vienna Ambulatorium and 25–8
psychoanalytic community 4
psychoanalytic consultations/supervision for mental health staff 78
psychoanalytic field, class/social mobility within 102–15; class difference, early awareness of 105–7; class mobility, psychic demands of 107–10; hybridity/heterogeneity of 103–5; institutional frameworks and 110–12; overview of 102–3; therapists as patients and 112–15
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 59
psychoanalytic psychotherapy, copper alloy of 172
psychoanalytic therapy: defined 4; innovations in 77–8; overlap in field of 4–5
psychodynamic counselling 4, 172
psychosocial thinking, class and 14–16
psychotherapeutic culture and class 66–73
Psychotherapy and Counselling Union 167, 173
public sectors, psychoanalysis in 57–78; divisions within psychoanalytic field and 73–8; free/low-cost clinics and 60; overview of 57–9; political motivations/understandings and 61–6; psychotherapeutic culture/class and 66–73
Racker, H. 61
Reay, D. 69, 91–2, 95–7, 99–100, 107–8, 110, 112
Red Therapy 11
reflection/projection model, Altman’s 135–40
Reich, A. 21
Reich, W. 11, 21, 25, 28–31; clinical vs. political aspects of 28–9; Vienna Ambulatorium and 27
relational psychoanalysis privilege, identities built on 51–2
Rendon, M. 67
The Repression of Psychoanalysis (Jacoby) 19
Respect (Sennett) 1
Riviere, J. 37
Sales, S. 59
Sanville, J. 131
Savage, M. 85
Schloss Tegel Sanatorium 24
Schonbar, R. 166
The Second Mother (Coles) 40
Sennett, R. 1, 48, 54, 90, 99, 114, 125
Sex-Pol 30
Shanok, A. 166
Skeggs, B. 5, 10, 49, 63, 85–8, 90–2, 111
social class categories, elevation of 139
social contexts of psychoanalysis 20–2, 24–5
social marginalisation 70
social mobility see psychoanalytic field, class/social mobility within
Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission 7
societal opposing forces 151
Spurling, L. 132
Steedman, C. 136
Steiner, J. 180
Strachey, A. 24
stratification, inequality and 85–6
subjectivity, defined 15
Swan, J. 38
symbolic violence 91
Taylor, H. 4, 58, 76–7, 78, 175
therapeutic collusion with neo-liberal values 136
therapists: middle-class, middle-class patients and 130–2; middle-class, working-class patients and 123–6; as patients 112–15; working and lower middle-class, middle-class patients and 120–3; working and lower middle-class, working-class patients and 126–9
therapy relationships, class within 118–32; middle-class patients and working/lower middle-class therapists 120–3; middle-class therapists and working-class patients 123–6; middle-class therapists with middle-class patients 130–2; overview of 118–19; similarities of 126–32; working-class patients and working/lower middle-class therapists 126–9
Trevithick, P. 70, 152, 179–80
ungrievable lives 48
United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) 4
‘The Universal Tendency to the Debasement in the Sphere of Love’ (Freud) 47
Vienna Ambulatorium 25–8; closing of 27; establishment of 20, 25; funding for 26; politics and 25–6; training institute and 26–7
Vienna Psychoanalytic Society 25, 26
Wachtel, P. 59
Walkerdine, V. 8, 66, 94–5, 115, 186
Walton, J. 37
Waters, M. 88
The Weight of the World (Bourdieu) 92
White City project 66
Whitman-Raymond, L. 69, 103, 112, 118, 128
Winnicott, D. 51
Wolf Man case, class and 43–7; intention to debase notion and 43, 45, 47
working class: access to psychoanalytic therapy 21, 27, 60, 66f, 171–2; ‘analysability’ and 58, 68; bias against 2–3; disavowal and 180–1; women and 88, 90–1; see also class
Young-Bruehl, E. 139
Zajic, M. 38