
Chapter 10


I was still looking at Marcus, only half-listening to the conversation, when someone placed a light kiss on my bare shoulder. “Hello, lovely. Sorry I’m late.” I jumped and pulled away from Kit, all dressed up in beige chinos and a navy blazer, holding a magnum of champagne in each hand. “Where do I put these?” he asked. “They need to be chilled.”

“I’ll see if any of the staff are around,” I said with just a hint of sarcasm. “Or maybe the butler can help you.”

“There’s a butler?” Kit looked around. “I don’t see any—” He stopped. “Oh yeah, I get it. You’re having me on.”

“Big time, sweetie,” I chortled. “So, what did you think of the magazine, then? What’s the verdict?”

Kit looked only slightly embarrassed. “Uh, well, I haven’t had a chance...”

I glared at him. “Shit, you didn’t bother to read it.”

“I will. Later. Promise.” He pushed the bottles at me. “What’ll I do with these?”

I took the bottles. “I’ll put them in the freezer for a bit. You go and introduce yourself. The cute woman with short blonde hair is Jules, the tall brunette in hippie clothing is her sister Miranda, and the gorgeous pregnant woman is the third sister, Dessie. The hunk trying to light the barbecue is Jules’ boyfriend, Marcus, and the mature but very beautiful female in the pink dungarees is my neighbour, Liz.”

“Who’s the overgrown boy scout?”

I bristled at his sneery tone. “That’s Jonathan. He’s actually the most interesting man here.”

“Sounds very charming.” Kit moved closer. “I’ll go and meet them all. Will we get together later? Under the trees over there to look at the stars?”

“In your dreams,” was all I managed before he galloped down the slope and greeted everyone as if he’d known them for years. Even more annoying was him acting as if we were a couple. But when I saw Marcus’ puzzled eyes, I decided to play along. Why not let them all think Kit and I were an item, especially Marcus?

I went to the kitchen to put the two magnums in the tall freezer, reminding myself not to forget to take them out before they froze. I crammed the bottles in between two huge bags of frozen vegetables and slammed the door shut, just as Jonathan walked in.

“Do you know where the meat for the barbecue is?” he enquired. “Jules asked me to get it. She said it was in the kitchen.”

“There.” I pointed at the steaks on a wooden board on top of the freezer. “Out of reach of the dogs.”

“Thanks. They’ll need them in about twenty minutes, when the barbecue’s hot enough.”

I dragged a tall stool to the freezer. “I’ll get them for you.”

Without waiting for a reply, I kicked off my sandals and got up on the stool, realising too late I was giving Jonathan a great view of my knickers. He glanced up and immediately turned his gaze away, but not before I saw the glint of something close to lust in those hazel eyes. Moments later, as I handed him the steaks, I was sure I had imagined that brief flash. I had been overthinking his feelings for me as I wrestled with all that stuff Jules had told me. “Shut up,” I said to myself.

“What?” Jonathan asked, looking alarmed.

“Nothing.” I laughed. “I thought I heard the dogs barking.” I jumped down from the stool. “It’s the heat. Makes you kind of crazy sometimes.”

“Not me. Just makes me sleepy. Not a huge help when I have a deadline for that paper I’m writing for the university.” He stood there, holding the steaks, looking at me. “You know what?”

“What?” I couldn’t help smiling at his sweet expression and earnest eyes.

“Your magazine. It’s really good. I read all of it this morning in one go, sitting on my terrace. Should have been writing, but I got so caught up in the articles. And as I read it, I felt there was something missing.”

“Missing? Like what?”

“An historical feature. I mean, our town and all this area are steeped in history. From megalithic tombs to Norman castles and everything in between and beyond, all the way to modern times, there is so much to discover and learn. Most people don’t bother. But it’s part of our heritage and who we are.” He drew breath, looking at me with something akin to passion.

“Hmm.” I thought for a while. “I’m not sure I want to do that. I feel we need to sex it up a bit, not be all intellectual or housewifely all the time.” An idea suddenly hit me. “How about combining sex and history? ‘Scandal of the Week’ or something? I mean,” I babbled as Jonathan looked alarmed. “We could have an historical scandals page. You know, those illicit love affairs from long ago. I’m sure we could find some saucy stuff if we looked hard enough. That would be both informative and fun. It’d make people learn history while thinking they’re reading something kinky. Teaching history by stealth. How about that?”

As Jonathan considered my idea, a slow smile in his eyes turned into a cheeky grin. “Sex and history? Perfect. There’re quite a few old scandals in the archives of the castle, for example. Then we have nuns and priests and the reported secret tunnels between the convent and the abbey...” He nodded. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”

“There should be images. Perhaps old portraits?”

He nodded. “Yes. There are lots we could use. I even have some in my computer files.”

“We could call it ‘Fifty Shades of History,’” I suggested with a wink.

Jonathan laughed. “You’re a scream, Audrey.” He glanced at the board with the steaks he was holding. “But let’s go and cook up a storm. Everyone must be starving.”

I opened the freezer and fished out the two magnums of champagne. “I think these are chilled enough.”

“Must be. We’ve been here about half an hour.”

We went to join the party and found that everyone from the office had just arrived. Mary, Fidelma, and Sinead, all dressed up, and Dan with a diminutive brunette called Sally, who he told me was his girlfriend. We opened the champagne, the steaks were cooked to perfection by Jonathan, and Marcus was happily mixing salad and cutting up bread. “Much less risky,” he declared. “Thanks for inviting the chef of the year, Audrey,” he said without the slightest hint of embarrassment.

The girls flocked around Kit and expressed their thanks for giving us the money to do the magazine and rescue the paper. He lapped it all up, flirting with them all in his slightly lewd way, which got heavier the more champagne he drank. I was going to get Mary away from him when I saw him sliding his hand down her back to her bottom, but she said something under her breath and stepped away smartly, leaving him looking foolish. Good on you, Mary. You can look after yourself, I thought and shot her a smile.

“Are all Irish birds this bitchy?” Kit asked, pulling me aside. “Or is it only around here?”

“It’s quite widespread throughout the country,” I said. “Us Celtic chicks like to be handled with courtesy and respect.”

He nodded and lifted his glass, which Jules had just topped up. “Cheers to them. I like girls with a bit of sass. But you’re the belle of the ball tonight, lovely.”

I couldn’t help laughing. I felt as light as air, the champagne and the new plans I had made with Jonathan lifting my spirits. Combined with the beautiful evening, the setting sun behind the Galtee Mountains in the west leaving a pink tinge to the darkening sky, I felt as if I could fly.

I lifted my own glass. “Cheers, Kit. To our new venture, even if you couldn’t be arsed to look at it yet. And cheers to a new item I have just discussed with our new collaborator.”

He looked startled. “New venture? Collaborator? Is this going to cost me even more money?”

I smiled and winked. “No, darlin’, it will make you money in the end. And, as it’s kind of suggestive, it’ll be something you’ll love.”

He looked doubtful. “I smell a conspiracy. You’re doing something behind my back and flirting with me to cover it up.” He moved closer, sliding his arm around my waist. “But I’ll play along for now.”

I leaned against him, sipping champagne, looking at the view. Funny, I didn’t really like him, but it felt good to be so close. Somehow, he managed to move us further away, to a spot behind the trees that was more private. I didn’t protest. His hand on my waist gave me a faint tingle, and his lips brushing my neck wasn’t off-putting in the slightest, quite the opposite. It was just a physical attraction, and a little voice deep down whispered, “Don’t,” but I ignored it and turned to him as he put both his arms around me and looked deep into my eyes.

“You’re a very sexy woman,” he said, his lips brushing mine. “Very desirable.”

“Mmm. You too.” I lifted my glass behind his back and took a sip behind his shoulder. Then I met his hot eyes and fell into some kind of deep hole of desire while we kissed.

Oh God, could that man kiss. Long, deep, sensual, his tongue probing, his hands on my back, seeking my bare skin above the dress. His firm body, his muscular thighs, and then his erection pushing at my groin. The champagne, the warm air, the moon rising, that magic of the summer night all made my head swim and my body respond shamelessly. My glass fell with a tinkle to the grass, but I was unable to break away to pick it up. I was hypnotised, my sensuality surging to the surface as he kept kissing me and touching me in the light of the rising moon. The background sound of laughter and voices, clinking of cutlery, and dogs whining and barking receded into the distance. I wanted to lie down in the soft grass and pull him down on top of me, but he suddenly broke away.

“Not here, sweetheart. Not in public. Come with me to my hotel.”

“Yes!” I nearly shouted, but he put his fingers on my mouth.

“Shh. Not so loud.”

“Sorry,” I whispered. “Where’s your car?”

“I didn’t drive here. I took a taxi. What about you?”

I tried to remember. “ God, I can’t drive. I’ve been drinking. How stupid. I was going to stay here, with Jules tonight, but now...”

He laughed softly and pulled up the zip of my dress. “I think we’ll have to put this on hold, my dear.”

“On hold?” I stammered, feeling suddenly cold despite the warm breeze.

“Yeah,” he grunted, smoothing his hair and pushing his shirt into his trousers. “This is not the time or the place. I don’t know what came over me. You’re just so delicious, and the champagne and the beautiful night and everything made me feel quite...amorous.”

I stepped away, sobering up in an instant. What had I been thinking? Snogging with my boss like a teenager. How unprofessional. How utterly stupid. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed us. Nobody was looking in our direction. Except Jonathan. Our eyes met across the expanse of lawn. He was too far away, and it was too dark to see his expression, but I could still sense his disappointment. My heart sank.

“Let’s join the party,” Kit said and took my hand.

I eased out of his grip. “No. I think I’ll wait here for a bit. See you later.”

“I’ll be in touch.” His lips grazed my cheek, and then he walked away, leaving me looking at the moon, wishing I could turn the clock back and undo what had just happened.