
Chapter 2


“Dory ... Dory?” Rex’s amused voice followed by gentle nudging pulled me from the darkness.

I groaned as I lifted my head off the desk. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. “What time is it?” I murmured.

Rex chuckled as he plopped down in the chair across from me. “Greta just opened, so six.”

“Dammit,” I growled as I straightened more and ran my fingers through my hair. My eyes narrowed when I realized he was grinning at me. “What?”

His smile widened. “Nothing ... it’s just nice to know a creature as majestic as an elf snores and drools like the rest of us.”

I scowled as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve out of habit. “Bite me, Rex.”

He fell into a fit of laughter. “I’m not much of a biter, but I heard everyone is up in arms about your admirer who has an affinity for biting.”

I didn’t miss the teasing hint to his tone. I sighed tiredly. “There is nothing going on between Cassius and me.”

His eyes glittered with amusement. “I never said there was ... sounds like you might have a guilty conscience ... I want details.”

I scowled. “Details of what ... I just said ...”

He quickly cut me off. “Don’t bother lying. Jameson has already gone whining to Henry about what he saw. Something about touching and a look.”

My eyes narrowed even more as I stood. “Jameson needs to mind his business.”

He laughed. “You are his business considering you’re sleeping with him.”

“I can change it to was sleeping with him if he doesn’t knock his crap off.” I grabbed my coat and pulled it on. “I’m going home to shower and change.”

He continued to smile as he stood. “Shall I distract Henry while you make your getaway?”

I smiled, relieved. Rex was the best friend a person could have. I gave him a quick hug. “Please. I can’t take any questions right now.”

“I’m on it.” He slipped out of my office, and I waited until I heard him engage Henry in his office, then I made a beeline for the door. Greta raised her eyebrows as she watched me, but she didn’t say anything, which I was grateful for.

I climbed in my car and drove the short distance to my house. I was relieved to find it was vacant. I hurried upstairs, stripped out of my clothes, then started the shower. Once it was warm, I stepped in, groaning as the water washed over me.

The same questions were still haunting me because I was no closer to an answer. I wished I could quit focusing on it and focus on something else entirely. I needed a case ... a good case, not a boring run of the mill case.

I stepped out of the shower with a new determination. I was going to ask Henry for a case even if it meant facing his questions. I wrapped a towel around my body, then grabbed an extra towel and began drying my hair.

I stepped out into my bedroom, hesitating when my eyes locked with Mikel’s turquoise gaze. He was leaning against the wall next to my window like he belonged. I pulled my towel a little tighter. “What are you doing in my room?” I tried not to sound too testy.

His face remained blank as he continued to watch me; he betrayed nothing he was thinking or feeling. “I look at you and I still feel like I might be dreaming. I’m just waiting to wake up.”

My eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t sound creepy and stalker-like at all.”

A slight smile touched his lips. “You would think me being drawn to you was creepy and stalker-like due to Henry’s inability to teach you about your people.”

“Henry taught me what was necessary,” I countered as I moved toward the dresser. “So are you here for a reason, or were you just sorting through my panty drawer while I was in the shower.” I selected a pair of pink lace panties and a matching bra.

“I am here because you are my queen. I am here to serve you in whatever way you see fit.” His tone was the softest I’d ever heard him use.

I turned back toward him, watching him curiously. “You’re serious ... aren’t you?”

He scowled as he straightened. “Of course, I am serious. You are the leader of our people ...”

I quickly cut him off. “I am not the leader of anyone nor am I a queen. If you want to speak to the leader of the elves, then go talk to Roberto.” I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. I didn’t even want to consider taking the elves side at the moment because that meant turning my back on Cassius.

“Roberto does not have the right to the throne, you do,” he countered.

I scoffed. “I don’t want it, and obviously you didn’t want it either because if you did, you would be in line before Roberto.”

His expression darkened. “I was disgraced. The elves don’t want me leading them.”

“And I’m supposed to just trust you?” I asked incredulously.

He looked away as sadness filled his eyes. “I would never betray you, despite what some might say.”

I sighed, shaking my head. “You should go back to Cassius. You will be of more use to him than you will be to me.”

“If I remain in Cassius’s coven, the elven council will not allow me anywhere near you,” he said gently.

My eyes darted to his face, then I scowled. “The elven council doesn’t get a say in who I do and do not associate with.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Oh ... I thought ... Roberto made the announcement this evening that you were standing with the council. Your friend, Henry, was standing with him.”

I was a little shocked by his revelation. “Really?”

He gave a slight nod. “I was under the impression you knew.”

I shook my head, swallowing back my anger as I stood. “I need to dress and go see Henry. Can you give me a few minutes?”

He gave a slight nod, then stepped out of my room, closing the door behind him. As soon as I was alone, I made quick work of dressing. I didn’t bother with my armor because I didn’t want to take the extra time to put it on. I decided casual was the way to go, so I wore a pair of jeans, a tee shirt, and tennis shoes. I brushed my hair, then stepped into the hall.

Mikel was waiting patiently, leaning against the doorjamb. He straightened as I approached. “I would like to accompany you.”

I glanced at him as I headed for the stairs. “You have to have something more important to do, Mikel. I don’t need a babysitter.”

“It’s not about you needing a babysitter,” he said testily as he followed me down the stairs.

“Then what it is about?” I asked as I walked out the door. I paused long enough for him to join me on the porch, so I could lock the door.

“It’s about making sure the last, pureblooded, female elf stays alive.” His annoyance with me was obvious.

I smiled, slightly amused as I continued on to my car. “I can take care of myself, Mikel, as you are well aware.”

His jaw muscle tightened as he climbed in next to me. “I am aware, but another watchful eye won’t kill you.” He fell silent as I navigated my way out of the neighborhood. After several minutes of silence, he spoke. “Are you and Henry a couple?”

I shook my head. “We are friends ... sometimes friends with benefits. Why?”

He shrugged. “Just curious. You seemed rather fond of him ... fond enough to die for him.”

“He would die for me too ... it’s called a friend, you should get some instead of pestering me,” I said dryly.

“I have friends,” he muttered, shifting uncomfortably. “Just none I would die for.”

I glanced at him, wondering if I could question him about Cassius and discover anything useful. “Are you and Cassius close?”

He hesitated, then shook his head. “No particularly. I certainly wouldn’t die for him.”

“I would,” I said quietly before I really thought about it. I glanced at him when he didn’t immediately speak. I frowned at the expression he was wearing. “What?”

“I think you know him a lot better than you lead on.” He actually managed to sound offended.

I laughed softly, shaking my head. “I don’t really know much about him at all. I just know this world would be a darker place without him in it.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “I doubt anyone would share the same feelings for a vampire.”

“He’s not just a vampire,” I muttered as I parked in front of the office.

“No ... I suppose he’s not ... he is the man you obviously love.” Mikel opened the car door and stepped out before I could counter his claim.

I hurried after him. “I never said I loved him.”

He glanced at me as he continued toward the office. “You didn’t have to say anything. How you feel is apparent.”

“It is not. You’re just making things up now,” I muttered as I hurried past him and walked into the office.

Greta’s eyebrows shot up as she took Mikel in, but she didn’t comment. Her gaze shifted to me. “Hello, Dorian.”

“Hey, Greta. Is Henry in his office?” I asked gruffly.

She gave a slight nod. “He is in there with that Roberto fellow.”

I rolled my eyes. “Great.” I detoured to the coffeepot, deciding I would try my hardest to avoid Roberto.

“Why don’t you like Roberto?” Mikel asked as he hovered nearby.

I shot him a dirty look. “I didn’t say I didn’t like him.”

Mikel smiled. “Again ... you didn’t have to. You have a very expressive face.”

I pressed my lips together, trying to fight the urge to be rude and nasty to him. He was annoying the hell out of me, but I wasn’t really sure why. Henry’s office door opened, distracting us both.

Roberto’s boisterous laughter proceeded him. He entered the main office followed by Henry. Roberto’s eyes landed on me and Mikel, and a frown clouded his previously smiling face. “Dorian ... it is nice to see you again. I wasn’t aware you were well acquainted with Mikel.”

“I’m not well acquainted, but we do know one another.” I was trying to keep my testy tone to a minimum as I held his gaze.

He forced a smile. “I see. You do understand Mikel is aligned with vampires, don’t you?”

I noticed Roberto refused to even acknowledge Mikel. He spoke about him like he wasn’t even in the room. I glanced at Mikel. His eyes were locked on the floor like he was going to take any shit Roberto had to sling at him.

“He can’t be trusted any more than the vampires can be, Dorian,” Henry added gently.

My eyes locked with his, and I knew it was now or never. I had to make my stand. “I’m not really sure what’s going on or what plans you’ve made for my future, but who I align with isn’t your choice, Henry. I’m not aligned with Cassius and his coven, but I certainly won’t turn my back on any of them simply because that pompous ass says I should.” I nodded in Roberto’s direction as I spoke.

Greta stifled a giggle as Henry’s eyes widened in shock. “Dorian ...”

I cut him off. “Don’t. You don’t know what is best for me ... I know what is best for me.”

Henry scowled, glancing at Roberto before his eyes locked with mine again. “Cassius doesn’t care about you, Dorian. Don’t be a fool.”

I took a slow breath. “I never said he did, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him. I consider him a friend ... one who has gotten me out of a bind more than once. That’s more than I can say for Roberto or the elven council.”

“Dorian if you would just give us a chance, you will see how much your people are willing to do for you.” He glanced nervously at Henry before looking back at me. “Henry and I were just discussing the possibility of both you and him moving to the council headquarters.”

My eyes darted to Henry. “I’m not moving.”

Henry’s expression darkened. “You need the council’s protection if you insist on walking around freely.”

I pressed my lips together in slight annoyance. Maybe he was right. My appearance drew a lot of attention, but there was a solution to that. “I will speak to Gideon ... he can make me another necklace ... I’m sure of it.”

Roberto’s smile faltered. “You would rather hide?”

I hesitated. “No, but it’s the best thing for me right now. I want to work cases and move freely. I don’t want to be hindered because of what I am.”

Henry quickly cut in before Roberto could speak. “Dorian and I have a lot to discuss before any final decisions are made.” He guided Roberto toward the exit as he spoke. “I will be in touch once those decisions are made.”

I bit back the urge to comment. In Henry’s true style, he was avoiding conflict in hopes of talking me into whatever plan he had. Roberto didn’t argue; he allowed Henry to walk him out of the office.

I stiffened when Mikel touched my hair gently. “You shouldn’t have to hide.”

“Maybe not in a perfect world, but this isn’t a perfect world.” I moved closer to the coffeepot out of his reach and focused on making myself a cup of coffee. I wasn’t sure why, but his touch was unsettling. I didn’t want to think about him in any other way than as an acquaintance.

Henry strode back into the office with purpose. His stiff posture and the annoyed expression on his face suggested he was gearing up for a battle. Unfortunately for him, I was just as, if not more stubborn than he would ever be. His eyes briefly landed on Mikel before meeting my gaze again. “My office ... now.” He continued on to his office without another word.

I muttered under my breath and stalked after him. He was such a pain in my ass, and he knew it. I shut the door as he settled into his chair behind his desk.

He cleared his throat as he looked up at me. “I want you to seriously consider moving to the council headquarters.”

I shook my head firmly. “No.” There was no argument in the world that could convince me to move where I would be policed like a prisoner.

His scowl deepened. “You don’t seem to understand the seriousness of your situation, Dorian. Cassius knows about you now ... should he decide ...”

I quickly cut him off. “Cassius has known about me for a while now. He doesn’t care as much as you think.”

Henry’s face went blank, which wasn’t a good sign. It was easy to deal with his anger and disappointment ... blank was new territory for me. He appeared to be taking slow breaths as he held my gaze. “How did he find out?”

I shrugged. “I told him. He’s not the horrible monster that everyone seems to think.”

Henry stood abruptly. “You told a master vampire what you are! Have you lost your fucking mind?”

I hesitated when I realized Henry was furious. “He found out anyway ... what does it matter now?”

“It matters because you trusted him! Why on earth would you trust a fucking vampire ... a master vampire?” He was yelling now, and I was sure the entire office heard. “I thought Jameson was just being jealous ... but he’s not, is he? You’re taking risks with Cassius, aren’t you?”

I scowled as I straightened. “I am not a child anymore, Henry. If I want to trust Cassius, it is my choice.” I managed to keep my anger in check and my tone even. I didn’t see how yelling and screaming at him would solve anything.

His eyes darkened with anger as he held my gaze. “Fine ... if that’s how it is, then moving to council headquarters is my choice. I am going whether you come with me or not. Our people need us now more than ever, but if you’re too busy consorting with vampires, then that is on you.”

I scoffed. “I’m not consorting with anyone, and why does anything have to change for you to help our people who, by the way, you didn’t give a rats ass about until now.”

He glared at me as he slammed a book down on the desk. “My entire world revolved around protecting you, and now, since you know everything, I have no purpose. I need a purpose!”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re being ridiculous, Henry. I love you and I appreciate all you have done for me.”

His angry eyes met mine. “If you love me as you claim, then marry me and take your place among your people.”

My eyes widened in shock. “What? When did this become about marrying you?” I was confused ... things were getting way too complicated.

“Other than Mikel, I am the closest thing to a pureblooded, male elf. Your duty is to continue your line and rule your people,” he said firmly.

I raised my hands defensively. “Whoa ... Henry ... now you’re talking about children. You’re moving way too fast.”

His eyes glittered with anger. “You need to grow up, Dorian.”

“I need to grow up?” I was furious now. “You spent my childhood keeping me from the elves, now all of the sudden it suits your agenda to force me to conform to their ways. What’s in it for you, Henry?”

He stood abruptly. “How could you even suggest I’m using you for some personal gain? I lost everything because I chose to protect you!” The force behind his words took my breath away. His voice was laced with anger and regret. If he had a second chance, maybe he would’ve left me behind to die with my family. My stunned silence brought him out of his angry haze, and his eyes immediately softened. “I didn’t mean that, Dorian.”

I scoffed as I started to back away. “It sounded like you meant it to me.” I turned and yanked the door open. He called my name, but I was too angry to look back. I went straight for the exit ... I couldn’t stay in the same building with Henry if I planned not to yell and scream all night. The cool night air hit my face as I jogged to my car. I wanted to escape before anyone could stop me.