
Chapter 37


We were having less luck than I anticipated. I had a feeling no one wanted to risk facing Fredrick’s wrath by blabbing to the executioner. It was very possible the only way we might find Fredrick was if the vampires cooperated. After almost two hours, Vance contacted Carter, and we agreed to meet up at a local diner.

Carter pulled into the parking lot and parked next to another large black SUV; Vance and Ezekiel were already inside. Everyone climbed out, and we headed inside. Curious looks seemed to follow us everywhere, but I was starting to get used to it. If they weren’t looking at me sideways because I was an elf, they were doing it because I was the executioner.

We joined Ezekiel and Vance at a table near the back. Rex slid in next to Ezekiel, and I slid in next to Rex. Vance and Carter sat on the other side.

“I assume none of you have had any luck,” Ezekiel asked dryly, then he took a sip of his coffee.

I shook my head. “Nope.” I let my eyes drift around the room, taking in the curious faces. I noticed right off that most of the staff were lycanthropes, and they seemed to be wearing guarded expressions.

Rex nudged me. “Everything okay?”

I hesitated, trying to decide if I was being too suspicious. “The staff seems ... uptight.”

Carter scoffed. “Two executioners are sitting in the same room as them ... of course they’re irritated.”

I shook my head. “They aren’t irritated ... they’re scared. Why would they be scared if they didn’t do anything wrong?”

Vance shrugged. “Just a natural response to law enforcement ... you’ll get used to it.”

“Maybe,” I agreed. I stood and made my way to the counter. I wanted to ask some questions, maybe see if I could figure out what was going on. As soon as I made it to the counter, the waitress scurried away. I was confused by her reaction. I shifted my gaze to the cook who was standing a few feet away.

His fists clenched at his sides, then he started forward, pausing as he reached the counter. “What can I help you with, ma’am?”

“You can start by telling me why everyone is so nervous.” I was careful to keep my tone low enough, so only he could hear.

His eyes darted around, and all the other employees were watching him cautiously. “He wants to speak with you in private.”

“He?” I asked curiously as I continued to hold his gaze.

“Fredrick.” Just speaking his name seemed to unsettle the man. His eyes darted around again as if he would be overheard. “He’s in the office, down the hall ... second door on the left.”

“When did he arrive?” I asked, careful to act casual, so I didn’t attract the other’s attention.

“A few minutes after the first two, before you and the other two.” He had his eyes focused on the bar as he wiped the same spot continuously. His eyes slowly met mine. “We don’t want any trouble.”

I smiled slightly. “I don’t want to make any trouble for you. I’m going to tell my friends I’m going to the bathroom, then I’m going to talk to him. As soon as I’m gone, quietly alert my friends and get everyone out.”

He gave a slight nod, so I turned back toward our table. Rex and the others seemed completely oblivious to the danger. “I’m going to head to the bathroom ... I’ll be back.”

Rex waved me off, not really paying attention to what I was saying. I sighed, then turned and started for the back hall. I just hoped the cook would do as I asked, since my team seemed to be oblivious.

I passed the bathroom door and continued to the door the cook spoke of. The door was closed, so I would have to knock. I looked down the hall, then knocked gently.

The door opened, and a man looked me over slowly before opening the door wide enough for me to enter. He was a lycanthrope ... more than likely a wolf since they seemed to be Fredrick’s preference.

“Back up,” I ordered, placing my hand on my gun.

I was surprised when he immediately complied. I stepped in the room, quickly scanning the entire space. The man who answered the door was now standing near the desk where Fredrick sat. Another man stood on the other side of Fredrick ... I was outnumbered, three to one. I moved sideways, so the wall was to my back, then my eyes met Fredrick’s dark gaze. His brown hair was cut short and neat, making him appear young. If I were unaware of his true nature, he would appear to be close to my age ... maybe even a little younger.

He was seated with his hands steepled in front of him. He would’ve been handsome if he didn’t look so sadistic. The smile he was wearing combined with the wild look in his eyes gave me an idea of just how dangerous he was.

When he didn’t speak, I decided to start. “I’m here as requested. What is it you wanted to discuss?”

He tilted his head slightly as he continued to regard me calmly. “It will be a shame if I have to kill you ... you’re such a beautiful creature.”

I smiled slightly. “It’s awful presumptuous of you to think you’ll be able to kill me.”

His eyes lit with amusement. “You are either very brave or very stupid ... I do hope it is not the latter. It will make things less interesting.”

I was starting to get irritated with the pointless banter. “Cut to the chase, Fredrick. You know why I’m here, now I want to know why you are. What would possess you to come out of hiding? Do you really doubt the marshals’ ability to take you down?”

“No one can defeat me ... not even your precious Cassius. I almost got the best of him, but his minions stepped in and saved him.” The glee in his tone was mildly alarming. He continued to watch me, and his eyes were full of curiosity. “Is Cassius your lover?”

I frowned, slightly confused by the course of the conversation. “No, he’s not.”

“But you want him to be,” he pressed as his eyes continued to bore into me.

I frowned, fighting the urge to shift from foot to foot nervously. There was something about the intensity of his gaze that unsettled me. “That’s none of your business. The only business you and I have to discuss is the warrant that I intend to carry out. I’ll let you decide how it’s done. You can make this really easy or really difficult ... it’s entirely up to you.”

Slowly, he stood, and I immediately went on guard. His eyes danced with amusement when he noticed my response. “I’m not going to hurt you yet, pretty-pretty. I’ll give you a chance to join my side first. If you don’t, then I will add your pretty head to my collection.”

He touched the two lycanthropes and disappeared before I could formulate a response. I didn’t expect the meeting to be so brief. I stepped into the hall, and Rex cussed under his breath as he lowered his gun. “You scared the hell out of me. Where is he?”

I sighed. “Gone. I need to go see Cassius. Can you and Vance get Ezekiel back to his hotel? I’m going to have Carter drop me at The Scarlett Room.”

“Yeah ... I can handle that. Was Fredrick in there just now?” he asked confused.

I nodded as I started down the hall. “He’s looking to play games, and I don’t have time for games. I’m hoping Cassius has some helpful information.” I didn’t mention that I doubted he did. Helpful information from Cassius seemed to be harder and harder to come by.

The restaurant was vacant, and Vance and Carter were holding position outside by the SUVs. We exited the diner, and they immediately relaxed.

“Is he in there?” Carter asked.

I shook my head. “He was. He’s gone now. We need to regroup and come up with a plan. Carter, I need you to drop me at The Scarlett Room. Vance, you can take Zeke and Rex where they need to go. I will meet up with all of you later when I have a plan in place.”

Ezekiel glared at me. “He was in there and you did nothing?”

I met his glare with one of my own. “There was nothing I could do. He probably would’ve massacred the place if I pushed him. He just wanted to talk, so I gave him that courtesy.”

Ezekiel made an annoyed noise as he stalked to the back door of nearest SUV and climbed in. He made a point to slam the door, so I would know he was angry with me.

I smiled apologetically at Rex. “I’ll call you once I come up with a plan.”

He smiled as he back toward the passenger front door. “Don’t worry about him ... he’ll get over it.” He climbed in, and Vance climbed in the other side.

As soon as they were gone, I looked at Carter. “Let’s get out of here.” I walked to the passenger side of the SUV and climbed in.

He followed my lead and got in the SUV. Once he set off, he glanced at me. “What did he say?”

I sighed, shaking my head. “Pointless stuff. He was just taunting me.”

He turned his attention back to the road. “I probably would’ve tried to put at least one bullet in him.”

I shook my head. “He’s not like other vampires I’ve met ... he’s unstable. I couldn’t get a good read on him ... all I could feel was his crazy energy.”

“That’s just great,” he muttered. He fell silent as he navigated the rest of the way to The Scarlett Room.

I was perfectly okay with him being quiet. I had my own thoughts to worry about.