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He parked right out front, and I glanced at him as I reached for the door handle. “Thanks ... I’ll be in touch.” I opened the door and went to step out.
He touched my arm, making me hesitate. I looked back at him mildly confused. He smiled sheepishly. “Be careful trusting them. I know you like to see the good in everyone, but don’t forget they tend to kill just like you tend to trust.”
“I’ll be careful ... I promise. You be careful too. Call if you have any issues.” I smiled in an attempt to reassure him, then I stepped out. I closed the door, then made my way toward the entrance.
I didn’t recognize the guards tonight, but they let me pass without question. I entered the club, looking toward the upper floor as I did. I didn’t see Cassius in his usual place.
“Dorian,” Orion’s voice suddenly had my full attention. He was winding his way through the crowd on my left. He smiled as he slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a gentle kiss. His hand slipped into mine, then he broke the kiss careful to keep his lips nearly touching mine. “This way.” He turned, tugging gently on my hand, so I would follow him.
He led me to the guarded passageway. The guards let us by without speaking. Orion knew exactly where he was going as he wound his way through the dimly lit tunnels. He came to a stop just outside a door ... I remembered this room. It was the same one I embarrassed myself in last time.
Orion smiled, then he leaned in and kissed me briskly. “He’s waiting. I have to get back out there.” He turned and started back the way he had come.
I took a slow breath and reached for the door handle. I opened the door and stepped inside, then closed the door behind me.
Cassius was lounging on the red velvet couch. His shirt was open at the collar and untucked as if he wanted to be comfortable. A slight smile touched his lips. “I know I should be appalled by the fact that you are the executioner, but I rather enjoy the sight of you in that uniform. I find it quite ... arousing.”
“Into role play, are you?” I teased as I took up a position against the wall near the couch he was seated on.
His eyes lit with amusement, and he laughed. The beautiful sound that escaped his throat made my skin tingle and heat. “Possibly.” His eyes continued to appraise me, but I couldn’t decipher what he might be thinking. His face was perfectly blank ... a beautiful mask. “Henry believes I have some sway over you, Dorian. He believes if I ask you ... you will give up on this executioner business and go serve your people.”
I smiled slightly. “I’m aware of what he believes ... do you believe it?”
He looked away thoughtfully. “Even if I did believe that somehow my opinion could sway your stubborn nature ... I don’t know that I would want it to.”
I was mildly surprised by his confession. He didn’t want to control me ... that was shocking. “Henry seems determined to control me in an effort to keep me safe, so why wouldn’t you try to do the same?”
“Make no mistake ... if I thought I could lock you away and keep you safe from all the bad things in this world without you hating me, then I would.” The look in his eyes and the tone of his voice suggested he was considering doing just that.
“You’re worried I would hate you?” I asked amused.
His eyes danced with amusement. “We don’t all live to be hated, despite what everyone seems to think.”
I sighed as I looked away. “I don’t think anyone wants to be hated. Maybe we just all want to be understood ... sometimes that’s harder to accomplish than anything else.”
“Is that why you are doing this, Dorian? Do you feel misunderstood?” He was watching me curiously as if he were genuinely interested.
I shrugged looking at the floor as I did. “I don’t know. I don’t really know who I am, or what I’m supposed to be. I feel torn between two worlds, and I hate the feeling. On one hand, I’m Dorian the investigator and executioner, who is just trying to do her job and fit in. On the other hand, ... I guess I’m Aralia the supposed elf queen ... someone who is supposed to go to parties and marry Henry and have little elf-lings.” I looked at him, hoping he would share some infinite wisdom that I wasn’t old enough to be privy to.
A slight smile touched his perfect lips. “You could be both Dorian and Aralia. You can be an investigator, executioner, queen, wife, mother ... you just have to negotiate what you want from them, and they will concede if it means keeping their queen.”
He made it seem like it would be easy, but I knew it wouldn’t be. I started forward, pausing in front of the couch. Slowly, I dropped to my knees in front of him. He watched me with a guarded expression even though he remained relaxed.
I took a slow shaky breath as I held his gaze. “You are a hard limit for the elves, Cassius. They will never let me maintain our friendship. Choosing them means losing you.”
He sat up straighter and took my hands in his. His deep, blue eyes locked with mine, and they were tumultuous as the sea. “Everyone is telling you the same thing, Dorian ... I believe it would be wise to listen to them.”
“I can’t change how I feel, Cassius. I didn’t plan to fall in love with a vampire! Why does it matter what you are? Why does it matter what I am?” I demanded, trying not to get angry.
He sighed dejectedly as he shook his head and looked away. “It just matters, Dorian. I am not sure what you hope to gain by fighting so hard when the odds are stacked against you.”
I was starting to wonder the same thing. Not only was everyone telling me I was crazy, but Cassius was refusing to confirm how he felt either way. I swallowed past the lump that formed in my throat. My hands were still gripping his. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me. Tell me you don’t want me to fight for this ... for us.”
A fleeting pained look clouded his eyes, but he masked it before it could fully set in. His body seemed to go rigid, and his eyes went cold. “I do not love you, Dorian. I do not want you fighting for something that does not even exist. You are fascinating to me, but that it all you are ... a unique fascination. Do not destroy the relationship you have with your people over me. You will live to regret it, and if there is one subject that I am well versed in ... it is regret.”
I pulled my hands free of his and just stared at him. I didn’t know what to do or say. I wanted to call him a liar, but the lack of emotion in his tone and eyes made me think I’d been imagining everything. He never cared about me ... Henry was right. I stood, deciding I needed to leave before I made things worse. I didn’t speak as I turned and walked toward the door. I felt like I was on autopilot as I opened the door and walked out. He made no move to stop me, and I didn’t bother looking back.
I exited the hall and entered the main club. The music was loud, and there were still so many people present. It was nearly two in the morning, but the party seemed to be continuing full force. I pushed my way through the crowd, just trying to make it to the exit.
A hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me sideways. I was caught off guard by the suddenness of it. I was suddenly looking up into Fredrick’s brown eyes. His other hand grasped my other wrist, keeping me from going for a weapon.
His eyes gleamed with amusement as he pressed his body to mine. “You have the look of a jilted lover. Did things not go as you hoped?”
I just stared at him, refusing to play his games. I had nothing left in me. I had no snarky comment, no need to negotiate ... I was done.
He frowned, annoyed that I wasn’t playing along. He jostled me. “What is wrong with you? If you aren’t going to be any fun, then I’m just going to kill you.”
I had no doubt that he would do just that, and there was no way I would get to a weapon fast enough.
“Dorian!” Rex’s worried voice caught my attention.
I felt Fredrick stiffen as I looked in the direction Rex called from, but he made no move to do anything but hold my wrists.
Rex, Vance, Carter, and Ezekiel had returned. Rex, Vance, and Carter had their guns out, but they had them trained on the ground, not on us. They knew if they actively threatened him, he might rise to the occasion, and everyone would end up dead.
“We got a tip that he was here,” Ezekiel said in explanation as he looked from where Fredrick’s hands held my wrists to my face. He knew we were in deep shit, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
Fredrick laughed. “I will tear the pretty elf’s head off before you can raise those guns.”
“Fredrick ... release her.” Cassius had joined the group of onlookers. I didn’t bother to look at him, I was too focused on Fredrick.
I realized he meant every word. He would kill me without a second thought. “You would kill me without a second thought, wouldn’t you?” I asked softly. The room seemed to have gone deathly silent, so even my low voice could be heard. Several onlookers had their cellphones out, recording the interaction. It was as if they were waiting for bloodshed ... hoping for it.
Fredrick’s eyes met mine, and mild confusion flashed in them. He expected me to be afraid. He expected me to beg for my life. His confusion turned to arrogance ... he was pissed that I wasn’t cowering.
Looking in his eyes made me realize Henry was right ... there was no soul there. There was no remorse, regret, mercy ... nothing that would indicate he might feel bad for all the pain he’d caused. There was nothing to indicate he had any human emotion left inside him at all. Maybe Cassius was the same way. Maybe all vampires were just like him ... soulless monsters.
“By the order of the witness, I have been authorized to carry out the death warrant issued against you, Fredrick. Do you have any last words?” My voice didn’t even sound like my own. It was cold and empty ... almost like a vampire would sound.
A murmur went over the crowd as Fredrick watched me both confused and amused. “Cassius must’ve really done a number on you, pretty-pretty.” He pulled me in close, barely giving me any room to breathe. “You will be dead long before you can reach a weapon.”
I held his gaze, refusing to waver. “Give me a reason not to do this, Fredrick. Tell me you regret what you’ve done.”
His eyes darkened with anger. “I regret nothing, and I would do it all again. The only shame is that your blood will be spilled just so I can prove a point to my dear friend, Cassius.”
His words and the look in his eyes were all I needed. His eyes widened as my power flared. I didn’t give him a chance to react ... I pushed my power into him where his hands were latched onto my wrists. He let out an agonizing scream as his body was engulfed in white flames. He stumbled away from me as if breaking the connection would help ... it didn’t. The stench of burning cloth, flesh, and hair made my stomach twist, but I forced myself to remain in place, watching as he collapsed to the ground. The flames died off the moment his life force was distinguished ... it was just gone, eaten by the flame. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to bring him back ... he didn’t get twelve minutes.
No one moved ... it was as if time stood still. Finally, Ezekiel cleared his throat as he reached in his pocket and retrieved a rolled piece of paper and pen. “Aralia ... if you could just sign the warrant.” He didn’t seem to have as much luster in his tone as he did before.
He held the warrant for me, and I could feel his eyes on my face as I signed my name under the executioner. I shifted my gaze to his as I offered him the pen back. “Is that all you need from me?”
He nodded as he looked the warrant over again ... anything to keep from looking me in the eye. “The next time I have a warrant ...” He trailed off as if he were worried that I might snap at the question. He wanted me to be the executioner ... he made that clear when this began.
“You know where to find me,” I said softly, then I turned and headed for the exit.
I forgot I didn’t bring my car, but it didn’t matter. I would find my way home one way or another. I stepped out into the cool morning air. Police cars were arriving rapidly.
Jameson climbed out of the first unmarked car that made it to the scene. He saw me standing off to the side and hurried over to me. “I heard Fredrick attacked you. Are you okay?” He was looking me over as if he expected to find injuries. The concern in his eyes made my skin heat ... he loved me. I was sure he loved me, and I loved him.
“I’m fine.” I pulled him into a kiss, burying my tongue in his mouth. I kissed him roughly as I ran my hands over his broad chest. I broke the kiss but held him close. “Can you take me home?” I whispered against his soft lips.
A low purr escaped his throat as if he had a good idea of what I was suggesting. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” He took my hand in his and led me to his car. He opened the passenger door and helped me inside, then he went to the driver’s side and climbed in.
He set off toward the house, and I turned my attention to the passing scenery.
“What the hell happened, Dorian?” He sounded worried. He probably thought I was acting strange, but it wasn’t intentional.
I felt off ... cold and empty. “I killed him like I was supposed to.” A small bubble of laughter escaped my throat, and I shook my head. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. I killed him, and I’m not even that upset about it. I’m more upset that I’m not upset ... if that makes any sense at all.”
“Have you ever killed before, Dorian?” He sounded cautious like he was worried I was a ticking time bomb.
I shook my head as I slouched in my seat. “I hate death. I usually feel bad when any creature dies ... even the bad ones. I didn’t feel bad this time. He deserved it. I looked into his eyes and there was nothing there. There was nothing even remotely human left, so I killed him.” I sighed heavily. “Maybe Henry’s right. Maybe they’re all soulless monsters.”
“No ... he’s not right,” Jameson said firmly, catching me off guard.
I smiled as I looked over at him. “You believe they are all soulless ... what’s changed?”
“Maybe I do, but you don’t ... and that’s important. It’s what makes you who you are,” he said firmly.
I scoffed. “I’m young and naïve ... some would even go as far to say I’m a fucking fool. Honestly, I’m probably lucky to even be alive.”
He pulled into the driveway and shut the car off. “What the hell happened, Dorian? There has to be more to it. What aren’t you telling me?”
I smiled as I leaned across the seats and pressed my lips to his. I moaned eagerly as I kissed him. I pulled back slightly, my eyes locking with his. “I don’t want to talk. I want you to take advantage of my good mood.” I pulled away and climbed out of the car. I didn’t go toward the house, instead I wound my way around the house and ducked into the woods. I began stripping, discarding clothes and weapons as I made my way to the clearing. As I entered the clearing, his strong arms wrapped around me from behind.
I twisted in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck as our lips met. We tumbled to the soft grass, and I raked my fingers down his bare chest, leaving red marks in their wake. His excited purrs intensified as our mouths battled for dominance. I forced him to roll, so I was straddling his strong body. I rubbed my pussy against his swollen cock, earning moans of excited protest from his throat. He wanted inside me as much as I wanted him inside me.
A low whistle, then an excited yip filled the air, making me pause. Jameson went rigid under me, but I caressed his chest as if to reassure him as my eyes locked on the woods in the direction of the noise.
Bear and Kane stepped out of the shadows. They were nude as if they’d been out running. I wasn’t quite sure why they were out in this area, but I was going to find out.
Kane grinned when he realized I had his full attention. “Rumor had it the elf queen was rolling around with one of us dirty animals, although the elven council would never admit to such an atrocity.”
I scowled. “I’m not ruled by the elven council, and why are you skulking around my house?”
Kane smiled as he dropped to his hands and knees. “We’ve come to play with you, pretty elf.” His hair fell around him like a silver curtain. His eyes had the same inhuman glow that Jameson’s did. He was a stunning male, and I was sure he knew it.
I moved off Jameson, settling on my knees next to him, so he wasn’t pinned under me. I went forward onto my hands as I held Kane’s gaze. “What makes you think I want to play with you?”
Jameson rubbed against me as if to reassure me of his presence. I looked back at Jameson, and he was watching me with an unreadable expression.
Kane used my distraction to his advantage. His body brushed against mine, pulling my attention back to him. He was so close his lips were nearly brushing mine. “My ancestors offered to serve your ancestors, but they turned my people away for being too unclean. So, we joined the vampires and slaughtered those arrogant son-of-a-bitches.”
“Are you threatening me, Kane?” I was trying not to jump to conclusions, but it sounded like a threat to me.
He leaned in and nipped at my lips. “I’m offering you a second chance. Accept us as your loyal servants ... share your light with us.”
Bear was moving in on my left, and Jameson was still at my back. I was nearly surrounded by lycanthropes, but for some reason ... I wasn’t worried in the slightest.
“I don’t rule the elves, despite the rumors,” I whispered playfully as I pushed against him. The woodsy scent of his skin washed over me, feeding my desire.
He growled playfully, nuzzling my neck. “There are no elves without you, Aralia.”
I scoffed as I settled back on my knees, so I was nearly pressed against Jameson’s chest. “You’re wasting your time if you hope to get their acceptance through me.”
Kane growled angrily, closing the space between us. “I could care less about their acceptance. I want your acceptance. I want to be part of your inner circle. I want to be in your bed.”
I let my eyes drift to Bear. “And you ... why are you here?”
Bear smiled as he held his position a little way away from Kane. “I could care less about politics, you know that, girly. I want your body ... plain and simple.”
“Aren’t you insulting, Jameson?” I asked curiously since Jameson didn’t seem to be chiming in.
Jameson nuzzled my neck. “They asked my permission to approach you.”
“And you gave it?” I asked incredulously.
He sighed as he ran his hands down my arms and pressed his lips to my neck. “You don’t understand the effect you have on us, Dorian. We want to be yours. We want to be coveted by you. It wouldn’t be right for me to try to keep you to myself.”
I closed my eyes, moaning as Jameson’s teasing lips made their way down my neck. My lips parted in surprise when Kane’s warm mouth covered my breast. Bear’s scent washed over me as he moved closer, pressing his lips to mine. Large, warm hands began to touch and caress my breasts, driving my desire. I moaned into Bear’s mouth as his kiss became more aggressive.
The heat and energy of their bodies overwhelmed me. I felt almost like I was going to suffocate, but in a good way. I wrapped my body around Bear’s massive frame, and he fell back, breaking free of the other two. He landed on his back with a grunt, and I quickly shifted my hips, taking him inside me. The intense pressure from his size made my pulse quicken. His eyes almost seemed to glow, and a guttural groan spilled from his throat as his hands went to my hips.
I moved against him, running my hands over his bulging muscles. His skin rippled as if it had a life of its own. His jaw clenched and the look in his eyes excited me. He was fighting the shift and he was doing well at it, but I wanted him to lose control. I smiled wickedly as I pressed my hands to his chest and poured energy into him. His back arched and he let out a wild cry of excitement as he began to shift underneath me. I’d seen Jameson shift ... it was violent and messy. It was also exciting, dangerous, and extremely arousing.
“Dorian ...” Jameson reached for me, but I brushed his hands away.
“He won’t hurt me,” I whispered excitedly as I moved against him.
His cock swelled inside me, making me gasp in excitement. My eyes locked on his face, and I watched Bear’s body writhe and twist. Thick brown fur flowed outward, covering his skin. His face elongated and his canines became more prominent. His chest widened and his muscles became taut and pronounced. His fingers lengthened, turning into sharp claws. He let his hands fall away from my hips to avoid scratching me. I was surprised when I realized he wasn’t a wolf at all ... he was a bear. I massive grizzly bear ... suddenly his name made complete sense.
I ran my hands through the thick fur on his chest, knotting my fingers in it as a feeling of euphoria washed over me.
His eyes locked with mine as he lay there, attempting to recover from the abrupt change. He shuddered and his eyes closed, then he let out an excited roar as he lost himself, spilling his release.
I cried out slumping over him and running my fingers through his thick fur, feeling his burning skin underneath. He was mine ... all mine. He lay stunned as if I took everything out of him. I pressed my cheek to his chest, and my eyes locked with Kane’s silver gaze.
He was watching me with a look of horrified amazement. He suddenly didn’t seem as cocky as he had moments before.
I moved off Bear and crawled toward him. “Are you next?”
A look of uncertainty flashed in his eyes as he looked at his incapacitated friend. I ran my hands over his chest, drawing his attention. I pressed my lips to his, kissing him hungrily. I could feel the power flowing between us, thick and sweet.
He whimpered and shrunk away from me as if I hurt him. I knew it wasn’t pain he was afraid of ... he was afraid of how good it would feel. I moved forward, refusing to let him run from me now. They had me all worked up, and I wasn’t ready for it to end.
He let out a warning growl. I paused and smiled. “Don’t be a coward, Kane. If Bear could handle it, then you can too. It’s fun, isn’t it, Jameson?”
“Yes.” Jameson’s voice was husky with need. “It’s the best feeling in the world.”
Confusion marred Kane’s handsome features. “She forces the change. The vampires do that to punish us. It’s painful and cruel.”
“It doesn’t feel that way when she does it, Kane. Trust me ... give in to her,” Jameson pressed. “I wouldn’t lead you wrong.”
Kane didn’t look like he wanted to, but he finally took a shaky breath and nodded.
I lunged at him, pressing my lips to his. I’d wanted to taste his soft lips from the moment I saw him. He was one of the most beautiful men I’d ever laid eyes on. He ran a close second to Cassius, and that was hard to do.
He fell back, allowing me to pin him to the ground. My hands explored his chest as my tongue explored his mouth. I broke the kiss and began to kiss my way down his body. I traced the dips and curves of his chest and abdomen with my tongue until I reached his swollen cock. I took him in my mouth and began to tease him. His fingers knotted in my hair as he lifted his hips eagerly. I teased him until he was on the edge of release, then I rolled away. His ragged protests made me smile as I settled on my knees and looked back at him.
He was on his knees without having to be prompted ... he knew what I wanted. He moved up behind me, grasping my hips as he eased his cock inside me. His groans of excitement filled the air.
Jameson pressed his lips to mine as he settled in front of me. I moaned against his lips as Kane rode me from behind.
“Please,” Jameson whispered, desperate for my attention.
My hands slipped to his hips, and his eyes closed as I covered his throbbing cock with my mouth. I began to tease him with my lips and tongue, fighting to focus as Kane’s thrust became desperate.
I pulled back, pressing my body against Kane’s as I drew Jameson in. Kane’s muffled protests were cut short the moment Jameson joined him inside me. Kane groaned, grasping my hips as he fell into rhythm with Jameson. My eyes locked with Jameson’s golden gaze, and I understood the look in his eyes. He wanted release ... complete release.
My eyes fluttered shut as I let their energy wash over me. I pushed it outward, drawing it through them before pulling it slowly back into me. Their bodies began to quiver, then their skin rippled. Jameson was anticipating the feeling. He immediately gave in to the feeling. He purred in ecstasy as he let go. He fell away from me and surrendered to the shift, allowing it to tear him apart and put him back together again.
Kane cried out, fighting the shift. I frowned, confused by his refusal to give in. “Kane ... stop fighting.”
“I can’t!” He pulled away from me, then collapsed into a ball.
I crawled over to him, forcing him to roll on his back. “Don’t fight, Kane ... please.”
His wild eyes met mine and his jaw was clenched. I straddled his waist, taking his heavily aroused cock inside me and drawing him close. “Surrender to me,” I whispered as I pressed my hands to his chest. His eyes glazed and he relaxed. His skin rippled and he groaned as the shift began to consume him. I smiled triumphantly as I watched his body shift. He took the form of a beautiful half man, half wolf. His fur was white as fresh snow ... he was beautiful.
He lay still with his eyes closed as the shift completed. His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, and I could feel him solid inside me. He didn’t find his release like the others had. Slowly, his eyes opened, and my lips parted when they locked on me.
He sat up suddenly, making my pulse quicken. His massive arms encircled my body, and he gently began to encourage me to move. I slid my hands over his chest to his shoulders. I began to lift my hips, pumping against him.
He groaned, then let out a howl that sent tingling sensations racing down my spine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his fur as I moved against him. There was something incredibly exhilarating about making love to him while he was in form. Usually, after Jameson’s shift the encounter ended. Jameson generally shifted to full lion. Kane was a true werewolf ... a beast both man and animal.
I shuddered as his claws scraped against the delicate skin of my shoulder. I couldn’t catch lycanthropy like a human could, and I didn’t fear a little pain. His soft tongue caressed the bleeding cut, earning an excited moan from his throat.
A sudden heat flared inside me, growing with every thrust of my hips. I clung to him as the feeling grew until it was spreading outward, washing over me in heavenly waves. My cries filled the blissful silence. He threw he head back and let out an ear-piercing howl as he lost control and spilled his own release. He fell back with me clinging to his body. His breathing was steady, but his heart was racing.
I was suddenly exhausted to the point I wasn’t sure I could move even if I wanted to. I closed my eyes and drifted away into blissful numbness.