References and
further reading
Mathieu, M., Rignot, E., Binder, T., Blankenship, D., Drews, R., Eagles, G., Eisen, O., Ferraccioli, F., Forsberg, R., Fretwell, P., Goel, V., Greenbaum, J. S., Gudmundsson, H., Guo, J., Helm, V., Hofstede, C., Howat, I., Humbert, A., Jokat, W., Young, D. A. 2020 “Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges unveiled beneath the margins of the Antarctic ice sheet,” Nature Geoscience, 13, (2)132–137.
Strobel, L. 2016. The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus Zondervan.
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT). 2018. “How plants can generate electricity to power LED light bulbs”, Science News.
The Holy Bible, New International Version [NIV], 1973/2011, Joshua 14:11 (Joshua was 80 years old but looked 40).
Wenzel, R. 2015. Angels, Demons and the Unseen World (2015). Madleigh Publishing House
Ross, H. 2017. Beyond the Cosmos: The Transdimensionality of God. RTB Press.
NEDU LLC. 2021, Biology Made Easy: An Illustrated Study Guide For Students To Easily Learn Cellular & Molecular Biology.
Smith, T. 2020. PreFlood: An Easy Journey Into the PreFlood World (Preflood to Nimrod to Exodus Book 1) God in a Nutshell Project.
NIV, 1973/2011, 2 Samuel 5:6-10 (David’s capture of Jerusalem through an underground shaft).
Copan, P. 2011. Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testament God. Baker Books.
Ferri, D. 2022. 50 Biblically Accurate & Interesting Facts about Angels in the Bible.
Godawa, B. 2020. When Watchers Ruled the Nations: Pagan Gods at War with Israel’s God and the Spiritual World of the Bible (Chronicles of the Watchers) Warrior Poet Publishing.
Norton, M.E. 2021. The Divine Council Worldview: The Supernatural Worldview of the Bible – A Devotional Introduction.
NIV, 1973/2011, 2 Kings 23:6 (Worship of Baal and Asherah by Israelites).
NIV, 1973/2011, 2 Kings 10:18–28 (Destruction of Baal by King Jehu).
NIV, 1973/2011, Matthew 12:24–27 (Beelzebub as lord of dung).
NIV, 1973/2011, Matthew 8:29 (Demons asking what Jesus wanted from them before the appointed time).
NIV, 1973/2011, Mark 5:9 (Reference to Legion demons).
NIV, 1973/2011, Ezekiel 28:13 (Description of Lucifer before his fall)
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 10:4 (Sealed up prophecy that was not revealed in the Bible).
NIV, 1973/2011, 1 Samuel 5:1 (Dagon, god of the Philistines).
NIV, 1973/2011, Is Easter Pagan in Origin and Roots?
NIV, 1973/2011, Acts 4:12: (Salvation is found in no one else).
NIV, 1973/2011, 1 Kings 11:7 (Chemosh, the abomination of Moab).
Godawa, B. 2013. Noah Primeval: A Supernatural Epic Bible Novel (Chronicles of the Nephilim Book 1) Warrior Poet Publishing.
Skwarecki, B. 2018. Genetics 101: From Chromosomes and the Double Helix to Cloning and DNA Tests – Everything You Need to Know about Genes (Adams 101) Adams Media.
Smith, T. 2020. Nimrod: The Tower of Babel (Preflood to Nimrod to Exodus Book 2) God in a Nutshell Project
NIV, 1973/2011, Genesis 3:15 (Prophecy about crushing the snake’s head)
NIV, 1973/2011, Matthew 1:17 (42 generations from Abraham).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 1:18 (Jesus holds the keys of death and Hades).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 9:1–12(Locusts from the bottomless pit).
SA-Venues. n.d. Tunnel and Dungeon Tour. SA-Venues.
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 9:13–15 (Four angels chained prior to killing a third of humankind).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 9:1–12 (Locusts from the bottomless pit).
Gema & Co. n.d. The Difference Between Moissanite and Diamond. Gema & Co. Blog.
Wikipedia contributors. n.d. Year 6000. Wikipedia.
Rubin, R. D., Watson, P. D., Duff, M. C., & Cohen, N. J. 2014. “The Role of the Hippocampus in Flexible Cognition and Social Behavior” (Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, Article 742.
Dehghani, N., & Wimmer, R. D. 2018. A Computational Perspective of the Role of Thalamus in Cognition. Ithaca.
NIV, 1973/2011, Mark 9:25 (The mute and deaf spirit).
Ross, H. 2011. Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job (Reasons to Believe): How the Oldest Book in the Bible Answers Today’s Scientific Questions. Baker Books.
NIV, 1973/2011, Daniel 10:10–14 (In this narration of the angel delayed in coming to Daniel, the Bible does not specify the angel or who the Prince of Persia may be. The references to Gabriel, Abaddon and Azazel are fictional).
Dobelman, D. n.d. Ten Egyptian Plagues For Ten Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
How some whales live more than 200 years. n.d. Science. (How some whales live more than 200 years.
How long do Greenland sharks live? Scientists estimate the Greenland shark lives at least 250 years. They may live over 500 years. n.d. NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.
Bandea, B. 2021. God of the Details: The Scientific Cover-up of Intelligent Design.
Moran, H. 2021. Biology Help For The Virtual Weary Student: 17 Stories To Ace the Tests, Pass the Class, and Finally Understand.
NIV, 1973/2011, Matthew 19:27–29 (Peter responds about how they left everything to follow Jesus).
Arnold, F. 2016. The Ultimate Earthquake and Volcano: The Entire Earth Bursts Into Flames Outskirts Press, Inc.
Spriggs, J. n.d. Who are the fallen angels referred to in 2 Peter and Jude?
NIV, 1973/2011, Psalm 45:6–8 (How God’s throne lasts forever).
NIV, 1973/2011, Isaiah 6:1–4 (God on the throne).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 4:3 (Rainbow around God’s throne).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 4:4 (Elders surrounding the throne).
NIV, 1973/2011, Isaiah 6:1–8 (Seraphim angels as the burning ones).
NIV, 1973/2011, Ezekiel 1:6 (cherubim angels).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 4:8 (Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God).
NIV, 1973/2011, Ezekiel 28:24 (How Lucifer was adorned before wickedness was found in him; this verse can also refer to the King of Tyre).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 4:11 (You created all things, and because of your will they exist).
NIV, 1973/2011, Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 (For everything, a season is appointed).
Ross, H. 2010. Why the Universe Is the Way It Is (Reasons to Believe). Baker Books.
Ross, H. 2018. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God. RTB Press.
Graviton. n.d. (Graviton that is thought to be the carrier of the gravitational field)
What Is the Geometry of the Universe? 2020, March 16. Quanta Magazine.
What Are Fractals? n.d. Fractal Foundation.
Fibonacci Sequence: Nature’s Code n.d. Live Science.
Tan, C., & Stadler, R. 2020. The Stairway To Life: An Origin-Of-Life Reality Check. Evorevo Books.
Godawa, B. 2013. Joshua Valiant (Chronicles of the Nephilim Book 5) Warrior Poet Publishing.
Baby Professor. 2017. It’s In Your DNA! What Is DNA? – Biology 6th Grade | Children’s Biology Books. Baby Professor.
Gillcrist, K. 2020. It’s in my Genes. Pulse, LLC.
Burcik, R. 2020. The DNA Lottery: How Science Shows That Liberals Are Wrong About EVERYTHING.
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. n.d. Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
NIV, 1973/2011, Proverbs 25:2 (The glory of God is to conceal a thing secret).
NIV, 1973/2011, Genesis 22:17 (Promise to Abraham about his descendants).
Relations between Christianity and the Roman government and the Hellenistic culture. n.d. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Gutenberg Bible. n.d. Wikipedia.
National Geographic Society. n.d. Biodiversity.
Government of South Africa. n.d. National Anthem. South African Government.
NIV, 1973/2011, Psalm 23:4 (Through the valley of the shadow of death).
CHAPTER 22 n.d. Mount Menzies, Antarctica.
NIV, 1973/2011, Matthew 26:73 (Peter’s betrayal).
Johnson, J. D. 2016. The Absurdity of Unbelief: A Worldview Apologetic of the Christian Faith Free Grace Press.
Meyer, S. C. 2021. Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. HarperOne.
Spicer, M. 2023. A Golden Eagles World: A Book About Eagles For Kids – Fun Facts Book About Golden Eagle.
Scott, V. 2014. Hummingbirds: Fun Facts and Fantastic Photos For Kids – A Look and Learn Book About Those Magical Creatures We Call Hummingbirds.
Arning, L. E. 2020. Hummingbirds (Nature & Science Book 16) University Standard Media.
NIV, 1973/2011, Genesis 1:27 (Creation of mankind).
NIV, 1973/2011, Genesis 3:8 (God walking in the garden).
NIV, 1973/2011, Psalm 19:1 (Heaven declares Your Glory and the work of Your hands).
NIV, 1973/2011, Genesis 3:1-24 The temptation and the Fall
Ross, H. 2010. Why the Universe Is the Way It Is (Reasons to Believe) Baker Books.
NIV, 1973/2011, Joshua 24:15 (Choose whom you will serve).
NIV, 1973/2011, Isaiah 14:13 (How Lucifer said in his heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God”).
Constellation Guide. n.d. Draco Constellation. Constellation Guide.
NIV, 1973/2011, Galatians 3:1–9 (Who has bewitched you?)
NIV, 1973/2011, Lamentations 2:11 (My eyes fail from weeping)
NIV, 1973/2011, Mark 4:11 (Secret of the Kingdom of God).
NIV, 1973/2011, Jeremiah 33:3 (Hidden things).
NIV, 1973/2011, Jeremiah 38:10 (Escape from cistern).
NIV, 1973/2011, Genesis 6:4 (Giants in the land).
Wikipedia contributors. n.d. Denman Glacier. Wikipedia.
Fianarantsoa. n.d. Encyclopedia Britannica.
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 10:4 (Sealing what the seven thunders said).
NIV, 1973/2011, Isaiah 59:1 (Is His arm too short?)
The Zulu Army and Their Tactics at the Battle of Isandlwana. n.d. History Hit.
NIV, 1973/2011, Judges 16:28 (Samson’s prayer for final strength).
NIV, 1973/2011, 2 Corinthians 10:3 (We do not wage war according to the flesh).
Ramirez, J. 2017. Armed and Dangerous: The Ultimate Battle Plan for Targeting and Defeating the Enemy. Chosen Books.
Burke, J. 2015. >Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You. Baker Books.
NIV, 1973/2011, Zechariah 4:6 (Victory is not by might nor power but by his Spirit).
NIV, 1973/2011, Hebrews 11:33 (Through faith, heroes conquered kingdoms and shut the mouths of lions).
NIV, 1973/2011, Romans 8:37 (We are more than conquerors. This also became the source of the name “Conquerors” for Lydia’s team).
NIV, 1973/2011, 1 John 4:4 (We can overcome because the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world).
NIV, 1973/2011, John 1:5 (Light can overcome darkness).
NIV, 1973/2011, Luke 9:1 (We have authority to drive out demons).
NIV, 1973/2011, John 10:10 (The devil and his demons only come to steal, kill and destroy). Nothing they offer in this world is life-giving).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 12:11 (We can overcome by the blood of Jesus).
NIV, 1973/2011, Psalm 28:7 (God strengthens and shields us).
NIV, 1973/2011, Psalm 18:32–37 (God arms us with strength for our battles).
NIV, 1973/2011, 2 Samuel 22:29 (God is our shield. With his help, we can battle troops and scale over mighty walls).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 13:16–18 (Number of the beast).
NIV, 1973/2011, Jeremiah 38:10 (Rescue from the hole).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 16:16 (Megiddo, Armageddon).
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 21:21 (Streets of pure gold in heaven)
NIV, 1973/2011, Revelation 22:1 (River of the water of life).
NIV, 1973/2011, Luke 16:26 (Great gulf between heaven and hell).
NIV, 1973/2011, Psalm 37:7 (We are commanded to wait patiently on God even though evil seems to prosper).
NIV, 1973/2011, Jeremiah 29:11 (I know the plans I have for them).