
B&B blood and bone
CM compost topped with mulch
CMC composted manure with a topping of compost
COF compost and organic fertilizer
GE genetically engineered
GM genetically modified
Half a square one 3-foot square divided in half lengthwise or diagonally
Half row 1.5 feet, or half a yard
LS liquid seaweed
OF organic fertilizer
Plot the same as square, a 3-foot square plot
Plugs plants plugged in
Quarters a 3-foot square divided into four equal squares or triangles
Row 3 feet long, or one side of the square
Season either spring/summer or autumn/winter, spring, and early autumn/late summer (depending on your climate) being sowing seasons, and summer and autumn (and even winter in some places!), growing seasons
Singles single seeds
Square 1 square yard, or 3 × 3 feet