ORGANIC GARDENING magazines carry lists of organizations, publications, nurseries, seed companies, new products, and service providers. If you are interested in growing native food and fruit, consult your nursery and library.
Native Seeds | SEARCH
(Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resource Clearing House)
3061 North Campbell Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85719
(An essential resource for anyone living in a hot, dry part of the country, but worth learning more about wherever you live on account of the amazing work they do to preserve and perpetuate the agricultural traditions of peoples indigenous to the Southwestern United States.
Territorial Seed Company
PO Box 158
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Seeds of Change
PO Box 4908
Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220
(The company that supplied the seeds for the 2009 White House Organic Garden!
3094 North Winn Road
Decorah, IA 52101
Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company
2278 Baker Creek Road
Mansfield, MO 65704
Biodynamic Association
1661 North Water Street, Suite 307
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Heirloom Gardener
Rodale's Organic Life
Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database
(A fantastic site that allows you to search plant names in over 60 languages and 20 scripts.
Seeds for Africa
(Works to provide developing communities in Africa with diverse and indigenous plants and growing practices to start their own food gardens. Contact for information or to donate.
If you don’t have a garden, join a community garden near you. Consult your city council, library, or resource center, or visit the American Community Gardening Association, which supports gardens in both the United States and Canada, online at
Slow Food Movement, Italy, holds an annual Terra Madre (Mother Earth) exhibition and coming together of traditional food growers from all over the globe. A major aim is to prevent loss of food diversity. To discover what is happening with the Slow Food Movement in North America, visit or