Original Permissions

We would like to acknowledge the following publishers and individuals for permission to reprint the following material. (Note: The stories that were penned anonymously, that are public domain or were written by Jack Canfield or Mark Victor Hansen are not included in this listing.)

Hugging Is from Let’s Hug! Reprinted by permission of Charles Faraone. ©1981, 1995 Once Upon A Planet.

On Courage and Sachi from Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman ©1991 Dan Millman — Reprinted by permission of the author and H.J. Kramer, Inc., P.O. Box 1082, Tiburon, CA 94920. All rights reserved.

The Gentlest Need. Reprinted by Fred T. Wihelms. Reprinted by permission of the author and Educational Leadership, 48, 1:51. ©ASCD.

My Declaration of Self-Esteem and Everybody Has a Dream reprinted with the express written permission of the AVANTA Network which was founded by Virginia Satir and has inherited rights to all of her intellectual property. For information about copyright materials of Virginia Satir and/or the AVANTA Network contact: Avanta Network, 310 Third Avenue N.E., Ste. 126, Issaquah, WA 98027 or call (206) 391-7310.

Why I Chose My Father To Be My Dad from The Six Ingredients of Self-Esteem and How They are Developed in Your Children by Bettie B. Youngs. ©1992 Rawson Assoc.

Bilding Me A Fewchr. Copyright ©1990, ProTeach Publications. Authored by Frank Trujillo. All rights reserved. (800) 233-3541.

Willing To Pay The Price from Self Made in America by John McCormack. Reprinted by permission of Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., and the author. ©1990 by The Visible Changes Educational Foundation and David R. Legge.

Love: The One Creative Force. Reprinted by permission of Eric Butterworth. ©1992 Eric Butterworth.

All I Remember and The Bag Lady. Reprinted by permission of Bobbie Probstein. ©1992 Bobbie Probstein.

Heart Songs. Reprinted by permission of Patricia Jean Hansen. ©1992 Patricia Jean Hansen.

True Love. Reprinted by permission of Barry Vissell. ©1992 Barry Vissell.

It Can’t Happen Here. Reprinted by permission of Pamela Rogers. ©1992 Pamela Rogers.

Who You Are Makes a Difference. Reprinted by permission of Helice Bridges. ©1992 Helice Bridges.

A Brother Like That. Reprinted by permission of Dan Clark. ©1992 Dan Clark.

Big Ed. Reprinted by permission of Joe Batten. ©1989 by AMACOM Books.

Love And The Cabbie. Reprinted by permission of Art Buchwald. ©1992 Art Buchwald.

A Simple Gesture and I Am a Teacher. Reprinted with permission of John Wayne Schlatter.

©1992 John Schlatter.

The Smile, Did The Earth Move For You and Just One More Time. Reprinted by permission of Dr. Hanoch McCarty. ©1991 Hanoch McCarty and Associates.

A Story For Valentine’s Day. Reprinted by permission of Jo Ann Larsen. ©1992 Jo Ann Larsen.

Carpe Diem! from Dare to Be Yourself by Alan Cohen. Reprinted by permission of Alan Cohen. ©1991 Alan Cohen Publications. For a free catalog of Alan Cohen’s books, tapes, and workshop schedule, write to P.O. Box 98509, Des Moines, WA 98198, or call (800) 462-3013.

I Know You, You’re Just Like Me. Reprinted by permission of the Human Awareness Institute. ©1992 Stan V. Dale.

Puppies for Sale. Reprinted by permission of Dan Clark. ©1989 Dan Clark.

Nothing But The Truth! Reprinted by permission of David Casstevens.

Children Learn What They Live. Reprinted by permission of Dorothy Law Nolte.

Touched. Used by permission of Victor H. Nelson. ©1990 Victor H. Nelson. This article first appeared in the May/June 1990 issue of the Family Therapy Networker.

I Love You, Son! by Victor Brook Miller. Used by permission of The Institute for Humanistic and Transpersonal Education. ©1977 IHTE.

What You Are Is As Important As What You Do. Reprinted by permission of Patricia Fripp. ©1992 Patricia Fripp.

The Perfect American Family. Reprinted by permission of Michael Murphy, Ed.D. ©1992 Michael Murphy Ed.D.

Just Say It! Reprinted by permission of Gene Bedley. ©1992 Gene Bedley.

A Legacy Of Love. Reprinted with permission of PageMill Press, 2716 9th Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 from Winning The Image Game by Bobbie Gee. ©1991 Bobbie Gee.

I Like Myself Now from Man, The Manipulator by Everett L. Shostrom. Used by permission. ©1967 Abingdon Press.

All The Good Things. Reprinted by permission of Helen P. Mrosla. OSF, and Shippensburg University. ©1991 Shippensburg University. This article originally appeared in Proteus: A Journal of Ideas, Spring 1991. Reprinted with permission from the October, 1991 Reader’s Digest.

The Little Boy. Reprinted by permission of Helen E. Buckley. The poem first appeared in School Arts Magazine, October, 1961.

I Think I Can! Reprinted by permission of Michele Borba. ©1992 Michele Borba.

Rest In Peace: The “I Can’t” Funeral. Reprinted by permission of Chick Moorman. ©1992 Chick Moorman.

The 333 Story. Reprinted with permission of Robert C. Proctor. ©1992 Robert Proctor.

There Are No Vans! Reprinted by permission of Anthony Robbins.

If You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get — But If You Do, You Do. Reprinted by permission of Rick Gelinas. ©1992 Rick Gelinas.

The Magic Of Believing. Reprinted by permission of Dale Madden, President of Island Heritage Publishing, a division of The Madden Corporation. ©1992 Dale Madden.

Glenna’s Goal Book. Reprinted by permission of Glenna Salsbury. ©1991 Salsbury Enterprises.

Another Check Mark On The List. Reprinted by permission of John Goddard. ©1992 John Goddard.

Look Out, Baby, I’m Your Love Man. Reprinted by permission of Les Brown and Look Who’s Talking.

The Box and You’ve Got Yourself A Deal. Reprinted by permission of Florence Littauer. ©1992 Florence Littauer, President, CLASS Speakers, Inc., Author of 20 books including: Silver Boxes, Dare to Dream and Personality Plus.

Encouragement. Reprinted with permission of Nido R. Qubein. ©1992 Nido R. Qubein.

Walt Jones. Reprinted by permission of the Edge Learning Institute, Inc. ©1992 Bob Moawad, Chairman/CEO.

Try Something Different. Reprinted with permission of Price Pritchett, Ph.D. ©1990 Price Pritchett, Ph.D.

Service With A Smile from Service America, page 128. Reprinted by permission of Dow Jones/Irwin. ©1985 Karl Albrecht & Ron Zenke.

Obstacles. Reprinted by permission of Beacon Press. ©1992 Viktor E. Frankl.

John Corcoran — The Man Who Couldn’t Read. Reprinted by permission of John Corcoran. ©1992 John Corcoran.

Don’t Be Afraid To Fail. ©1981 United Technologies Corporation, Hartford, CT 06101.

The Ultimate Rebounder. Reprinted by permission of Danielle Kennedy. ©1991 Danielle Kennedy/Prentice Hall.

Failure? No! — Just Temporary Setbacks. Reprinted by permission of Dorothy Walters. ©1992 Dorothy Walters.

For Me To Be More Creative, I Am Waiting For... Reprinted by permission of the Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC ©1992, Issues and Observations. The center is a non-profit educational institute working to adapt the theories and ideas of the behavioral sciences to the practical concerns of managers and leaders. To receive information about the Center’s work, or a free subscription to Issues and Observations, please write: Center for Creative Leadership, P.O. Box 26300, Greensboro, NC 27438-6300 or call (919) 288-7210.

The Power Of Determination. Reprinted by permission of Burt Dubin. ©1992 Burt Dubin.

She Saved 219 Lives. Reprinted by permission of Betty Tisdale. ©1992 Betty Tisdale.

There Is Greatness All Around You — Use It! Reprinted with permission of Bob Richards. ©1992 Bob Richards.

Take A Moment To Really See! Reprinted with permission of Jeffrey Michael Thomas. ©1992 Jeffrey Michael Thomas.

If I Had To Live My Life Over by Nadine Stair. This poem, which has been passed around and reprinted for years, has been attributed to Nadine Stair. It was supposedly written at age 85. The general consensus is that she was living in the state of Kentucky at the time she wrote the poem. We have been unable to contact any family to verify these claims.

The Dolphin’s Gift. Excerpted from The Dolphin’s Gift ©1980. Reprinted with permission of New World Library, San Rafael, CA 94903.