
1. This Little Light

2. Where the Heart Is

3. Tools of the Trade

4. Comfort Food

5. Thicker Than Water

6. Hired Hand

7. Bring in the Experts

8. Rules of the Game

9. Table Talk

10. Orientation

11. Better Left Unsaid

12. New and Improved

13. School of Hard Knocks

14. Sincerely Yours

15. Field Work

16. Come-to-Jesus

17. Forget and Forgive

18. Roll with It

19. Keep It Together

20. Honestly

21. Uncharted Territory

22. Old Habits

23. Self-Defense

24. Missing Persons

25. Prison Break

26. Nothing but the Truth

27. As Good as It Gets

28. Grace Sufficient

29. Days of Plenty


Sergeant Jack Knight

Grandmother Mary’s Rhubarb Pie

A Final Word from Amos Shetler