Chapter Eighteen


The moment MJ leaves, I stand beside Mads’s bed in the Veil of Shadows. I’m glad he left.

He should have took her and run after what happened at the park. I wanted to. I thought going to the Acquisitioner would solve everything. For as much as he wants that contract signed, I thought for sure he’d just tell me her weakness so I can stop wasting time, have her sign, and know she’s safe. But he didn’t seem to care.

No one does.

It doesn’t matter, though. I’ll protect her on my own—without the Acquisitioner’s help—if I have to. I will find out who the demon was, and I’ll make sure he never touches her again.

When she came back, she was different. Her confidence wavered. She’s looking to MJ for her source of strength, asking his permission to defend herself, though I don’t know why. She’s always looked to herself. I admired that about her.

Even now, he’s affecting her. She’s tossing and turning, struggling to find rest. She tossed and turned a little bit back when I used to watch her sleep, but not to this extent. With all the things she’s experienced in the last week, it’s no wonder she can’t sleep. He should be here, comforting her and helping her process this. Instead he’s rushing off to heed the call of the others. He’s made them his priority and left Mads in the hands of two pathetic excuses for Protectors.

I should take Mads just to teach him a lesson.

But instead, I’ll stay here, by her side, watching over her and keeping her safe.

.  .  .

It takes several hours for her to fall asleep. Now that she’s not moving, I slide in beside her.

Something’s wrong.

The air around her is fifty degrees cooler. She’s freezing. If I help her, I’ll have to step out of the Veil. They’ll know I’m here. While seeing the expression on their smug faces would be enjoyable, it wouldn’t help me figure out her weakness.

I’m close. Whatever the answer is, it’s simple. Right on the tip of my finger. I’m sure I’ll figure it out tomorrow. But first, I need to stop whatever is happening to Mads.

As much as I hate to admit this, MJ needs to return.

I purposely cause the bed to squeak, and the two Protectors jump from their positions near the window and door. A half second later, they’re beside the bed watching as Mads’s breath turns to ice.

Come on, you idiots. Call for MJ. It’s obvious she needs help.

If they don’t summon him in five seconds, I’m gonna use the Requiem Aeternam on them. Then I’ll take her. I swear.

I move to stand behind the large male. Five, four . . .