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Abdülhamid I, Ottoman Sultan, 207

Abdülhamid II, Ottoman Sultan, 207–9

Abdullah, King of Jordan, 295

abortion, 254

Abu Dhabi, xii

Acemoglu, Daron, 5

Adams, Abigail, 133–34, 140, 310

Adams, John, 133–34, 310

Adventures of Augie March, The (Bellow), 302

African Americans, 19

after-school jobs, 104–5

Agamemnon, 214–15

Agincourt, Battle of, 142

aging population, 38–39

agriculture, 150

      in Meiji Revolution, 261–62

      in Ottoman Empire, 206

      in Palestine, 291

      in Tokugawa shogunate, 260

Agriculture Department, US, 95

airline deregulation, 117–18

air pollution, 16

Alabama, 100

Albania, 52, 209

Alexander (of Epirus), 178, 179

Alexander, King of Greece, 215–16

Alexander, popularity of name, 171–72

Alexander the Great, 12, 31, 168, 171–96, 200, 205, 298, 309

      Aristotle’s tutoring of, 174–75

      birth of, 174

      coins minted by, 187

      cultures ruled by, 186–88

      death of, 196

      father’s banishing of, 178

      legacy of, 195–96

      lessons from, 183

      loyalty created by, 186–87

      mission of, 171

      sexuality of, 175–76

      skills of warrior learned by, 175–76

      superiority claimed by, 190–92

Ali, Muhammad, 136, 139–40

Allen, Woody, 62

Allenby, Edmund, 215

alpacas, 280

Al Qaeda, 160, 189

Amadeus (Shaffer), 57

American Dehydrated Onion and Garlic Association, 117

American dream, 2

American flag, 184

American Revolution, 80, 81, 82, 143

Americans All! (Christy), 156

Anatolia, 219

Anchorage, Alaska, xii

ancient cultures, 24

Andaman Islands, 297

Andes, 280

animals, 26

Anything Goes (musical), 309

apartheid, x

Apatow, Judd, 23

Apple, 53, 69, 151

apps, 124

Argentina, 39, 309

      crash in, 8

Aristotle, 29–30, 174–75, 307, 309

Arizona, 120

Arlington National Cemetery, 135, 136

Armenia, 22

Armenians, 221, 232

Arthur, King, 167, 192

Asian Americans, 106, 129

Asians, 22

Asian Tigers, 94

Assembly, Athenian, 183

Assyrians, in Turkey, 231

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 168, 197–204, 234, 277, 298

      Australians and British praised by, 213–14

      birth of, 198

      caliph dismissed by, 222–23

      children of, 234

      death of, 233–34

      fashion sense of, 202–3

      in Gallipoli, 212–15, 216

      in Italo-Turkish War, 211

      legacy of, 232–34

      Mehmed VI’s fear of, 219

      mission of, 197

      modernization and westernization pushed by, 221–22, 227–28, 229, 234

      murder plot against, 233

      optimism of, 233

      put in charge of republic, 220

      religion disdained by, 222–24, 305

      Turkey’s birth declared by, 209

      and women’s rights, 224–26

      Young Turks joined by, 209

Atatürkonomics, 232

Athens, 31, 181, 183

Attalus, 180, 182

Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 32, 34

Australia, 107

      in Gallipoli campaign, 212, 213

      gold rush in, xii

Austria, 57, 58, 65, 110

      see also Habsburg empire

Ayers, Bill, 299

Aztecs, 24

Baath Party, Iraqi, 189

baby boomers, 10, 87–88, 318

      number of, 15

Balfour Declaration, 289, 290

Balkan League, 209

Balkans, 57

Balloon Council, 117

bananas, 272

Bangladesh, 52

bankruptcy, 76–77

banks, 87

      in Turkey, 206–7

Barbados, 280

barbarians, 141

Baron Cohen, Sacha, 217

baseball, 102

Basques, 61

Bataan death march, 139

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Chua), 128

bauxite, 280

BBC, 46

Bear Stearns, 8

Beauty and the Beast (film), 23

Becker, Gary, 26–27

Belgium, 61

Bellamy, Edward, 122

Bellavista Fort, 275, 278

Belle Epoque, 35

Bellow, Saul, 302, 303

Ben-Gurion, David, 286, 290, 293, 294

Berlin Wall, 316

Bernstein, Leonard, 135, 303

Betzig, Laura, 24

Beverly Hillbillies, The (TV show), 92–93

Bevin, Ernest, 290

Bible, 23

Bill of Rights, US, 250

Biloxi Blues (Simon), 155, 156

birds, 140–41

BIRG (bask in the reflected glory), 137–38

birth control:

      in ancient world, 30

      in Great Britain, 36

birth control pill, 17

birthrates, falling, 8, 15–42, 298

      in China, 19–20

      in France, 35, 36

      in Great Britain, 35–36, 42

      in Greece, 31–32, 34

      immigration and, 41–42, 61

      in Japan, 21

      and middle class, 18

      modern rule of thumb on, 36

      in Rome, 33

in Sparta, 29–31, 34

      traditional societies and, 21–26

      in US, 19

birthrates, in Japan, 37

Birthright USA, 317

Bismarck, Otto von, 101–2

Black Sea, 211

Bloom, Sol, 155–56

Bo, 297

Boa, 297, 300

Bob Hope Christmas Special, 9

Boeing, 63, 69

Bohemia, 300

Bonaparte Visits the Plague Stricken in Jaffa (Gros), 313–14

bonding, 131–39

      of Companions, 184–85, 191, 192

      see also group identity

bonds (securities), 87, 89–91, 93, 156, 257, 258, 315

      sharia-compliant, 206–7

Bono, 2

books, 129–30

borrowing, 87

Bosnia-Herzegovina, 162

bottled water, 43–45

Bowling Alone (Putnam), 162

brain, 110–11

Brazil, 27

Breaking Bad (TV show), 130

Brendan Byrne Arena, 315

Bridges, John, 76

Brighton Beach Memoirs (Simon), 154, 155

British Bankruptcy Acts, 76

British War Council, 212

Brooke, Rupert, 142, 214

Brooks, Arthur C., 111

Bucephalus, 177

Bulgaria, 204, 209

Bulge, Battle of the, 147

Bunker Hill, Battle of, 147

bureaucracies, 72, 117–19, 298

      licensing and, 119–21, 319

      and schools, 123–24

Burma, 52

Burton, Richard, 174

Bush, George H. W., 287

Bushido, 241–42

Byrne, Brendan, 314–15

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 277

Byzantium, 174

cacophony, 156, 157–58

Café Landtmann, 58

Cagney, James, 45–46

Calderón, Rafael, 272, 273, 274

California, 43, 292

      subprime mortgages in, 77

call centers, 64

Callisthenes, 195–96

Callixeina, 175

calluses, 156–57

Cambodia, 299

camels, 206

Canada, 280

Cape Town, South Africa, 25

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 5

capitalism, 299

      contradictions of, xi

Capote, Truman, 303

capture theory, 117

Caria, 178

Caribbean League, 274

Carnegie, Andrew, 60, 257

Carnegie Mellon, 262

carpets, 206

Carson, Johnny, 17

Carson, Rachel, 17

Cartago, Costa Rica, 275

Carter, Jimmy, ix, 192, 314

Casablanca (film), 1, 2

Castro, Fidel, 51, 274, 275, 277

Castro, Raul, 51

Catalans, 61

Cato the Elder, 63

cats, 18

CBS News, 89

Ceausescu, Elena, 314

Ceausescu, Nicolae, 45, 314

Chamber of Deputies, 207, 209

Charles, Emperor of Austria-Hungary, 57–58

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 55, 56

Charter Oath, Japanese, 253, 254, 258, 262

cheating, 5–6, 113

Cheney, Dick, 188–89

Chetty, Raj, 104

Chevalier, Maurice, 35

Chicago, Ill., 123


      development of, 310–11

      as luxury goods, 26

      parents taken care of by, 20, 22

      trade-off between quantity and quality of, 26–27

Children’s Place, 18

Chile, 280

China, 23, 24, 34, 52, 64, 67, 75, 141

      birth rates in, 19

      declining work ethic in, 115–17

      gender bias in, 25

      stock market crash in, 8

Choshu domain, 248, 250–51

Christie, Agatha, 201

Christie, Chris, 122

Christy, Howard Chandler, 155–56

Chrysler, 235

Chua, Amy, 128

Churchill, Winston, 142, 215, 216, 289

Cincinnatus, 276–77

Cisco, 53

citizenship, renunciation of, ix–x, 2

civic institutions, 16

Civil Aeronautics Board, 117

Civil War, US, 82, 210

Clarkson, Kelly, 315

Clemenceau, Georges, 216–17

Cleopatra, 178

Cleveland, Ohio, 12

Clinton, Bill, 319

Coca-Cola, 45–46, 66, 89

Code of Hammurabi, 115

coffee, 272

Cohan, George M., 153

coins, 187

Cold War, 162

Cole, Nat King, 140

collapse, and prosperity, 5, 6

college, 20

college endowments, 75

Colombia, 39

Colonial Office, 290

Columbus, Christopher, 308–9

Columbus Day, 308, 312

commercialism, 16

commodities, 75, 86–87

commodity bubble, 8

communication, 156, 158–59

communism, 51, 168, 231

Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), 267

Communist Party, Costa Rican, 274, 276

Companions, 184–85, 191, 192

computers, 158

Confederate flag, 184

confidence, 69–70, 148

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A (Twain), 167

Connery, Sean, 61

Constantinople, 55, 207, 218–19, 221

      occupation of, 217, 228

Constitution, Costa Rican, 276

Constitution, US, 143

Consumer Reports, 122

Cooper, Martin, 124

Copland, Aaron, 303

Corinth, 174

corn, 75

corporations, 151

Corregidor, 139

Cosby, Bill, 315

Costa Rica, 12, 52, 54, 168, 268

      black immigrants in, 276

      constitution of, 276

      education in, 276

      poverty in, 270

      voting rights in, 276

      World War II internment camp in, 272–73

cotton, 261–62, 263

counterculture, 16

creative destruction, 121

Crete, 74, 209

Crimean War, 206

crime rates, in 1960s, 6

Croatia, 162

Crossman, Richard, 290

Crystal, Billy, 129

Cuba, 280

Cuban Americans, 39–40

Cuban Revolution, 51


      bonding and, 135, 141–42

      entropy of, 9–11, 169

      evolution of, 301–2, 321

      homeland and, 286–92

      humor and, 127–29

      immigrants and, 16, 39–40, 41, 187

      Meiji Revolution and, see Meiji Revolution

      melding of, 187–89, 198–99

      reproduction and, 23–24, 35, 41

      survival of, 129–42, 297

      volunteerism and, 40

cyberspace, 2

Cyprus, 8, 66

Cyropolis, 191

Cyrus the Great, 191

Czechoslovakia, 300

Czech Republic, 57

Dahl, Roald, 49

daimyo, 239–40, 258

      conspicuous consumption of, 243

      and opening of Japan, 247–48

Dante, 172, 183, 195, 196

Dardanelles, 211

Darius III, King, 188, 190

Datsun, 235

David, King, 286

debt, 71–95, 298

      benefits of, 72–76

      long-term, 89–90

      of Ottomans, 206

      public vs. private, 79–80

      rising, 8

      short-term, 90

      wealth and, 72, 86–87

debt, US, 318

      interest rates on, 88

      recent growth in, 88–89, 90–91

Declaration of Independence, Israeli, 294

Declaration of Independence, US, 294, 310

deficits, 86

Degas, Edgar, 244

de Gaulle, Charles, 3

Dejima, 245

Dell Computer, 151

Deloitte, 99

Demosthenes, 181, 182, 183

De Niro, Robert, 145

Denmark, 110

Denver, Colo., 283

dialectical materialism, 299–300

Diamond, Jared, 94, 280

disability payments, 5, 106–9, 111, 319

discrimination, 153

Disney, 17, 89, 90

Disraeli, Benjamin, 310

divorce, 225

dogs, 18–19, 20

dollar, US 87

Dominican Republic, 290

Donald Duck, 17

dopamine, 110 stock crash, 8

drivers’ licenses, 103, 104

Duckworth, Angela Lee, 148–49

East African Bottling Share Company, 46

East Asia crash, 8

East Germany, 316

economic growth, x–xi, 150–51

      of Habsburg empire, 58, 59

      in isolated economies, 51–52

      in Israel, 291–92

      of Ottoman Empire, 206

      in Palestine, 291

      sports and, 102–3

      trade and, 50–52

      see also prosperity

Edo, 242

education, 27

      in Costa Rica, 276

      in Meiji Revolution, 262

      in Turkey, 229

Efendi, Semsi, 203

Egypt, 12, 24, 129, 186, 188

      in Yom Kippur War, 295

Ehrlich, Paul, 17, 25–26

Eight Point Plan, 250, 251, 254

Eijanaika (film), 252

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 298

elections, Costa Rican, 274–75, 1948

elections, US, of 2012, 4

Elizabeth, Empress of Austria, 58

Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 309

Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 287–88

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 257

employment rate, 98

Energy crash, 8

Engels, Friedrich, 267

England, Victorian, 18

entrepreneurship, 99


      fighting, 316–20

      globalization and, 7–8, 11–12

      of nations, 298

Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 226, 231

Ethiopia, 46

Eurozone, 86

exceptionalism, 190–92

Exodus, 290, 311

Facebook, 2, 9, 53, 69

factor endowment, 280

family, 132

“Fanfare for the Common Man” (Copland), 303

Fannie Mae, 77, 78, 93

Farrell, Colin, 174

fascism, 113

Faulkner, William, 32

FBI, 315

Federal Express, 89, 117–18

Federal Reserve, 91, 98–99

Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 55

fertility, 19–21

      age and, 37–38

      in Japan, 21, 37, 87

      in Turkey, 226

fez, 227

50 Cent, 86

Figueres, Henrietta Boggs, 271, 273, 276

Figueres Ferrer, Jose Maria (Don Pepe), 168, 268, 269–78

      army abolished by, 275–76

      Calderón denounced by, 273

      education of, 270–71

      farming by, 271

      guns smuggled into Costa Rica by, 274

      in march to capital, 275

      mission of, 269

      power in Costa Rica taken by, 275

      reforms of, 276, 277

      retirement of, 276, 277

      as terrorism, 268, 271

      terrorism stopped by, 269

FIJI water, 43–44

Fikret, Tevfik, 207

Fillmore, Millard, 246

Finland, 316

Finlay, George, 35

fireworks, 133–34, 310

fish, 18, 255–56

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 322

Fixed Period, The (Trollope), 100, 101

Flemish, 61

Food and Drug Administration, 17

Ford, 89, 235

Ford, Gerald, 9, 75, 118, 136, 143

Fort McHenry, 131

Fox News, 3

France, 56–57, 65, 110, 222, 224, 262, 280

      birth rates in, 35, 36

      bonds sold by, 90

      Constantinople occupied by, 217, 228

      divisions in, 3, 4

      growth rates in, 206

      Industrial Revolution in, 34–35

      literacy in, 206

      Middle Eastern borders drawn by, 216

      religion in, 133

      revolution of 1848 in, 267

Franchet d’Esperey, Louis, 215

Frank, Robert H., 144

Franklin, Benjamin, 147, 153, 311–12

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 58, 164, 209

Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, 57–58, 163, 164

Frazier, Joe, 139

Freddie Mac, 77, 78

Frederick III, Emperor of Germany, 216

Freedom Corridor, 317

free market, 53, 307

Free to Choose (Friedman), 4

French Revolution, 35, 238

Freneau, Philip, 277

Freud, Sigmund, 58, 144

Friedman, Milton, 48

Fritz (dog), 215–16

Fukuzawa Yukichi, 256–57

GAF, 50

Gallipoli, Battle of, 142, 212–15, 216

Garanti Bank, 225–26

Garibaldi, Giussepe, 20–21

Garvey, Marcus, 137

Gavona family, 160–61

gearing (leverage), 74–76

gender bias, 25–26

General Motors, 235

Generation X, 15, 99

Generation Y, see Millennials (Generation Y

genetic links, 25

Genghis Khan, 24

Geographica (Strabo), 30

George V, King of Britain, 210

George VI, King of Britain, 287

Germans, in East End of London, 42

Germany, x, 34, 102, 113, 220, 222, 224, 262

      divisions in, 4

      fertility rates in, 20

      hyperinflation in, 231

      post-war growth in, 118

      religion in, 133

      revolution of 1848 in, 267

      in World War I, 210–11

Gigi (film), 35

G.I. Joe, 145–46

Gladstone, William, 310

globalization, 7, 8, 43–70, 94, 298, 302

      entropy and, 7–8, 11–12

and isolationism, 51–52

      transportation and, 43

Gods Must Be Crazy, The (film), 46–47

Goebbels, Joseph, 228

gold, 79, 280

Goldmar, Peter, 267

Goldwater, Barry, 136

golf, 102–3

Google, 9, 53, 69

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 316

Gordian knot, 168, 192–93

Gordon, A. D., 286

Gospels, 314

Gothic cathedrals, 302

Grant, Bud, 28

Grant, Ulysses S., 86, 255

Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 104

gray cells, 110–11

Great American Novel, 302

Great American Novel, The (Roth), 303

Great Chain of Being, 240, 304

Great Depression, 85, 111, 231, 232

greater fool theory, 74–75, 78

Greatest Generation, 10, 106

Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 322

Great Recession of 2008, 6, 75, 77, 86, 93, 99, 104, 105, 107

      gold price in, 79

Great Siege of Malta, 289

Greece, 8, 168, 204, 209, 220

      Ottoman population exchange with, 219

Greece, Ancient, 31–32, 34, 35, 141

Greeks, 129

Greeley, Horace, 246

grit, 147–51

Gros, Antoine-Jean, 313–14

group identity, 133–42

      immigrants and, 152–61

      national, 132–33

      patriotism and, 143–44

      see also bonding; myths, unifying

Grunderzeit, 58

guilds, 58, 114

      banned in Meiji Revolution, 261

Habsburg, Karl von, 164

Habsburg, Otto von, 164

Habsburg empire, 6, 12, 48, 57–61

      economic growth of, 58, 59

      emigration from, 60–61

      end of, 57

      peoples in, 162–64

      riots in, 59

      slowing of population growth in, 58–59

Haifa, 284–85

Haiti, x

Hale County, Ala., 107, 108

Hamilton, Alexander, 81–82, 87, 309

Hamilton, Ian, 213

Hamilton, William, 82–84, 131

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 71, 72, 76

Hammurabi, 115

Harappans, 129

Harris, Townsend, 247, 248

Harris Treaty of Amity and Commerce, 248

Hasbro, 145–46

hats, 226–27

Hawaii, 95

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 141

Health, Education, and Welfare Department, US, 118

Hellenic League, 180

Hemingway, Ernest, 105–6, 218–19

Hendren, Nathaniel, 104

Hengist, 312

Henry V, King of England, 142

Hermitage, 51

Herzl, Theodor, 283

Hideyoshi, General, 241

Hindemith, Paul, 226, 227

Hindus, 25, 100, 101

Hispanics, 19, 39, 42

history, x–xi

      cynical view of, 308–9

Hitler, Adolf, 136

holidays, 308, 312, 315

Holland, 65

Holocaust, x, 279, 290

Holy See, 65

Homer, 185, 190, 195

Honda, 235

Honduras, 52

Hong Kong, 52

Horsa, 312

hot money, 92–95

Houseman, John, 150

Housing and Urban Development Department, US, 77, 118

housing bubble, 6, 8

housing vouchers, 104

Huangdi, Emperor of China, 24

Hungary, 57, 58

      revolution of 1848 in, 267

Hurd, Mark, 151

Hussein, King of Jordan, 295–96

Hussein, Saddam, 189

hygiene, 34

IBM, 69, 89

Iceland, 8

Idaho, xii

IDE, 292

Iliad (Homer), 175, 214

Illustrated Course in Physics, An (Fukuzawa), 256

immigrants, immigration, 16, 36, 100, 152–61, 309–10, 313, 321

      culture brought by, 129

      fighting paradox of, 316–17

      hard work by, 156–57

      home countries visited by, 158–59

      jobs for, 41–42

      languages spoken by, 157–58

      lower birthrates and, 41–42, 61

      prejudice against, 159–60

Incas, 24

inclusive fitness, 83–84

Independence Party, UK, 160

India, 24, 25–26, 34, 64, 75, 143, 188, 211

Indonesia, 86

Industrial Revolution, 34, 35

      in Ottoman Empire, 205, 208

inequality, 50

infanticide, 254

infant mortality, 34

      in North Korea, 52

inheritance, 35

Instagram, 9

Institute for the Investigation of Barbarian Books, 245

institutions, 16, 306–7

International Paper, 64

Internet, and polarization of society, 4

Interview, The (film), 52

Inuits, 100, 301

Iraq, 192, 226

      refugees from, 3

Iraq War, 188–89

Ireland, 2, 8, 23, 24

Irish, 42, 157

ISIS, 189, 192

      Turkish attack of, 231

isolated economies, 51–52

Israel, 52–53, 131, 268, 317

      borders of, 216

      creation of, 291

      economic growth in, 291–92

      in Yom Kippur War, 295

Istanbul, 197–98

Italo-Turkish War, 211

Italy, 3, 61, 76

      Constantinople occupied by, 217

      fertility rates in, 20–21

      revolution of 1848 in, 267

      Tripolitania taken by, 209, 220

Iwakura mission, 254–56, 257, 259

Jackson, Andrew, 210

Jahoda, Marie, 112

James I, King of England, 311

Japan, 3, 64, 86, 168, 220

      bonds sold by, 90

      debt in, 242–45

      debt-to-GDP ratio of, 87

      fertility rates in, 21, 37, 87

      guns in, 237, 238, 250

      isolation of, 51

      merchants in, 241–42

      missionaries in, 245

      opening of, 51, 238, 245, 246–48

      Portuguese explorers in, 245

      post-war growth in, 118

      psychological theories of, 236

      recent economic problems of, 235–36

      US imitation of, 235

      Western books banned in, 245–46

      see also Meiji Revolution; Tokugawa shoguns

Japan Family Planning Association, 21

Jefferson, Thomas, 312

Jerusalem, 187

Jesus, 314

Jewish National Fund, 286

Jews, x, 42, 129–30, 222, 281

      Sephardic, 221

jingle mail, 77

Joan of Castille, 163


      after-school, 104–5

      for immigrants, 41–42

      replaced by technology, 62–63

Johnson, Lyndon B., 9, 118, 279

Jolson, Al, 153

Jones, Bobby, 103

Jordan, 216, 295

Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 57

Josephus, 186–87

Justice and Development Party, 226

Juvenal, 46

kaffiyeh, 227

Kalgoorlie, Australia, xii

Kann, Robert, 163

Katsu Kaishu, 249–50

Katz, Lawrence, 104

Kay, Aunt, 160

Keats, John, 140

Keene, Donald, 253

Kennedy, John F., 9, 315–16

Kennedy, Paul, 5

Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 133, 134, 135

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 66, 67, 68

Kerouac, Jack, 106

Key, Francis Scott, 130–31

Keynes, John Maynard, xi, 85

Khrushchev, Nikita, 45, 316

kibbutzim, 285, 290, 293

Kido Koin, 258, 259

Kiev, 290–91

King, Charles, 218

King, Martin Luther, 134

King and I, The (musical), 24

King Kong, 241

Kissinger, Henry, 168, 295

Kitchen Debate, 45

Klein, Robert, 163

Knocked Up (film), 23

Kodak, 50

Kojiki, 264

Kokoro (Natsume), 263

Korean War, 52

Krakow, Poland, 45

Kranepool, Ed, 79

Kurds, 61

      in Turkey, 231, 232

Kyushu, 245

labor participation, 99–100, 101–2

Labor Participation Rate, 98, 99

Laconia, 28, 29

La Lucha Sin Fin, 274

Landscape and Memory (Schama), 286–87

Las Vegas, Nev., 40

Latin America, 51

Lawrence, T. E., 214, 216

Lazarsfeld, Paul, 112

leaders, characteristics of, 168–69

League of Corinth, 180–81, 183

League of Nations, 219

Le Brun, Charles, 176

Lee, Robert E., 135

Lehman Brothers, 8

lending standards, 77, 78

Leonidas, 176

Leutze, Emanuel, 155

leverage, 74–76

Lex Papia Poppaea, 33

Leyte, 139

Liberia, 22

Libya, 209, 211, 220

licensing, 119–21, 319

life expectancy, 11, 70

      rising, 37–38, 318

Lincoln Memorial, 133, 134–35

Lindbergh, Charles, 158–59


      in France, 206

      in Ottoman Empire, 205–6

      in Turkey, 221, 229

      in UK, 206

“Literature of 9/11, The” (course), 3

Lloyd George, David, 216–17

Locke, John, 286

London Daily Mail, 217–18

London Examiner, 130

Long Island Railroad, 5, 106–7

Looking Backward (Bellamy), 122

Los Angeles Herald, 59

Los Angeles Times, 89

Lost Generation, 105–6

Louis, Joe, 136–37, 139–40

Louis XIV, King of France, 176, 239

Louisiana, 120

loyalty, 186–87

Lucas, George, 49

Lupanar, 33

Lyft, 122

M*A*S*H (TV show), 9, 73

Mabovitch, Moshe, 281–82

Mabovitch, Sheyna, 282, 283

MacArthur, Douglas, 139

McDonald’s, 67

Macedonia, 172–74, 180, 181, 209

McKinsey, 64

Madama Butterfly (Puccini), xii, 263–64

Madison, James, 143, 310

Madras, 100

Magna Carta, 310

Mahler, Gustav, 58

Mahmud II, Ottoman Sultan, 207

Mailer, Norman, 302–3

Malaysia, 64, 94

Malcolm X, 309

Malta, Great Siege of, 289

Malthus, Thomas, 25–26

Man and Superman (Shaw), 27

Manchus, 116–17

Manet, Édouard, 244

Mango, Andrew, 209

Manila, 139

manufacturing, 99

      in Palestine, 291

Marciano, Rocky, 139–40

Marienthal, Austria, 111–13, 242

Maroon 5, 315

marriage, 23

      in Rome, 33

Marshall Plan, 147

Marx, Karl, xi, 267, 300

Mason, Jackie, 293

Mass (Bernstein), 135

Math Arrow, 124

Mays, Willie, 313

Mead, Emily, 287–88

Meat Loaf, 86

media, explosion of, 9

medical care, 34

Medicare, 88

Meet the Fockers (film), 145

Mehmed V, Ottoman Sultan, 209, 215

Mehmed VI, Ottoman Sultan, 218, 219

Meiji Revolution, xii, 168, 169, 235–65, 306

      agriculture in, 261–62

      education in, 262

      feudalism dissolved by, 253

      mission of, 235

      mobility in, 260–61

      patriotism in, 253, 260

      samurai in, 253, 258–59

      taxes in, 258

Meir, Golda, 111, 169, 268, 278–96

      attitude of, 279–81

      death of, 296

      education, 283

      at kibbutz, 285, 290

      marriage of, 283–84

      mission of, 278

      money for Israel raised by, 292

      move to Palestine, 284–85

      US assistance requested by, 289, 295

      US upbringing of, 278–79, 282

Melting Pot, The (Zangwill), 156

Melville, Herman, 245

Memorial Day, 308, 312

merchants, in Japan, 241–42

Merman, Ethel, 11

Mesopotamia, 24

Messenia, 29, 30

Mexicans, 42, 158

Mexico, 58, 86, 90

      1995 bankruptcy and bailout of, 8

Meyerson, Morris, 283–85, 288

Miami Beach, 38–40

Michener, James, 301

Microsoft, 53

middle class, 18

      children viewed by, 26

Midnight Express (film), 230–31

military service, 316–17


      confidence of, 69–70

      drivers’ licenses and, 103, 104

      in Japan, 21

      jobs of, 104–5

      lack of ambition in, 99

      living at home, 104

      patriotism and, 66

      pessimism of, 2

Miller, Amalia, 38

Ming dynasty, 6

      declining work ethic in, 115–17

Minnesota Vikings, 28

Mitterrand, François, 299

mobility, 103–4, 148, 319

      in Meiji Revolution, 260–61

Moby-Dick (Melville), 245

Moldavia, 204

Monaco, 2

Mongkut, King of Siam, 224

Mongolia, 87

Mongols, 24

Montenegro, 162, 204, 209

Moore, Roger, 2

Morales, Jimmy, 39

mortgages, 74, 79

      subprime, 6, 77

Moses, 311–12

Mossad, 296

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 57, 59


Mualla, Fikret, 19

Muhammad, 221

multiculturalism, 16

Murray, Bill, 143–44

Muslims, in Britain, 3

Mutsuhito, Emperor of Japan, 252–53, 306

      childhood of, 253–54

      death of, 265

myths, unifying, 129, 162, 182, 222, 230, 260, 264–65, 302–6, 307, 309–13, 315

Nader, Ralph, 68

Nagano artisans, 168

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 55, 56–57, 238, 313–14

Napoleonic Code, 35

narcissism, 144–45

National Assembly, Turkish, 219, 225

nations, identity of, 132–33

Native Americans, 301, 308

Natsume Soseki, 263

Nazi Party, 113, 228

Nepal, 212

Netflix, 9

Netherlands, 2, 52, 107, 245

Newfoundland, 212

New Jersey, 122

New Mexico, 25, 107

New Orleans, Battle of, 210

New York Police Department, 4

New York Times, 5, 66–67, 103, 160, 278, 284

New Zealand, x, 212

Niall of the Nine Hostages, 24

Nicaragua, 277

Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, 204

Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, 210

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 128

Nike, 53

Nissan, 235

Nixon, Richard, ix, 9, 45, 75, 118, 134, 136, 279, 295

noble lies, 306, 311

Nordstrom, 18

Norfolk Southern, 89

Noriega, Manuel, 277

North Africa, 183

North American Civic League, 161

North American Free Trade Agreement, 49

North Carolina, 100

North Dakota, 97

Northern League, 61

North Korea, 52

nuclear war, 16

nuclear weapons, 16

nutrition, 34

Obama, Barack, 53, 89, 91, 299

      in election of 2012, 4

Occupy Movement, 11

Odessa, 211, 290–91

“Ode to a Nightingale” (Keats), 140

Odyssey (Homer), 214

Ohio State, 89

oil, 75

Olson, Mancur, 117–18

Olympias, 173, 174, 175, 178, 181

One, Two, Three (film), 46

one-child policy, 20, 25

“Operation Drumbeat,” 272

opportunity costs, of children, 26–27, 30

Orient Express, 201, 217

Oryo, 236–37

Osaka, Japan, 244

Osler, William, 101

Othello (Shakespeare), 66

Ottoman Empire, 6, 12, 55

      decline of, 57, 204

      First Constitutional Era of, 207

      Greek population exchange with, 219

      half-millennium empire of, 205

      Industrial Revolution in, 205, 208

      literacy in, 205–6

      rise in living standards in, 206

      transportation in, 206

      Venice vs., 65, 66

      in World War I, 210

      see also Turkey

outsourcing, 62–70, 302

“Over There” (song), 149–50

Pakistan, 52

Palestine, 281, 289–90

      economic growth in, 291

      languages spoken in, 306

Panama, 277

paradox of theft, 85–92

paradox of thrift, 85–86

paternity, 25

pathogens, 94–95

patriotism, 1–2, 8, 9, 66, 298–300, 306–7

      in American Revolution, 143

      debt and, 80

      in Meiji Revolution, 253, 260

      narcissism and, 144–45

      Reagan on fading of, 298–99

      in Turkey, 229

Patriotist Manifesto, 300, 315, 320–21

patriotists, 2

Pausanias, 179–80, 182

Peace Corps, 106

Pearl Harbor, attack on, 272

pencil, 48–49

Pennsylvania, University of, 89

pension plan trustees, 75

People’s History of the United States, A (Zinn), 300

Pepsi, 45

Pera Palace Hotel, 217–18

Perry, Mark, 50

Perry, Matthew, 238, 246, 261

perseverance, 149

Persia, 178–79, 183, 185, 188

Peru, 24

Petco, 18

Peter, Paul, and Mary, 16, 17

Peter the Great, 259

pets, 18–19, 20

PetSmart, 18

Philadelphia Medical News, 101

Philip II, King of Macedon, 173–75, 176–78, 182

      assassination of, 178–80, 181

      Persian invasion plans of, 178–79

Philippines, 139

Piaget, Jean, 310

Picado, Teodoro, 274

Picasso, Pablo, 11

Piketty, Thomas, 5

Pilgrims, 308–9, 311

pirates, 66

pistachios, 43, 44

Pizza Hut, 67

Plato, 306, 311

Pledge of Allegiance, 308

Pliny the Younger, 33

Plutarch, 177

Pocahontas, SS, 284–85, 292

Poland, 52, 57

polarization, 10–11

      importance of, 5–6

      technology and, 4–5

      and television, 9–10

      in US, 3–4

Politics (Aristotle), 175

Pollock, Jackson, 11

Pol Pot, 299, 300

Polybius, 31–32, 33

polygamy, 225

pomegranates, 44

Pompeii, 32–33

population explosion, 17

Porter, Cole, 10–11, 309

Portes, Alejandro, 158

Portugal, 8, 204, 245

      Japan’s opening and, 51

Price, Vincent, 11

price system, 49

primogeniture, 35

Princip, Gavrilo, 209

professors, 299–300

prosperity, 298

      collapse of, 5, 6

      falling birthrate and, 21–26

      see also economic growth

prostitution, in Turkey, 228

Proust, Marcel, 47, 48

Ptah, 186

public debt, 79–80, 81–84

Puccini, Giacomo, 263–64

Puerto Limón, Costa Rica, 275

pumpkins, 312

Putin, Vladimir, 86, 192

Putnam, Robert, 162

radicalization, 4

Ragú, 53–54

Ragusa, 53–57, 300

railroads, 201, 208

Ramses II, Pharaoh, 130, 131

Rastafarians, 137

Razzi, Serafino, 54

Reagan, Ronald, ix, 9, 168, 298–99, 316

refugees, 3

regulators, 117–21

religion, 132–33

      Atatürk’s disdain for, 222–24, 305

religious freedom, 255–56

Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 47, 48

Republic (Plato), 306, 311

research and development, 151

Resnick, Lynda, 44

Resnick, Stewart, 44

retirement, 11, 101

revolutions of 1848, 267

Rhoda, 25

rice, 243, 244, 258

Richard II (Shakespeare), 289–90

Rise and Decline of Nations, The (Olson), 117

Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, The (Kennedy), 5

risks, 132

Riza, Ali, 200

Riza, Zubeyde, 200

Robinson, James A., 5

Rockefeller, John D., 257

Rogers and Hammerstein, 24

Romania, 45, 57, 314

Rome, 32–34, 35, 46, 61

ronin, 240

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 102

Roosevelt, Franklin, 101, 136, 272

      radio broadcasts of, 4, 6

Roosevelt, Theodore, 2–3, 155

Ross, Betsy, 298

Rossini, Gioachino, 303

Roth, Philip, 303

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 304

Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, 58

Rule of Repeats, 307

Russia, 36–37, 87, 95

      bankruptcy of, 8

      budget deficit of, 86

      in World War I, 211

Russian Revolution, 238

Russo-Japanese War, 265

Ryan, Sonny, 108

Ryoma, Sakamoto, 247

      assassination of, 251

      in battle at Teradaya Inn, 236–38, 250

      Eight Point Plan of, 250, 251, 254

      legacy of, 251–52

      in rebellion, 249–52

      as ronin, 240

Sadat, Anwar, 296

Saigo Takamori, 259–60

Saint Petersburg, Russia, 51

Salonica, 198, 200–201, 202, 209, 220

Sam (author’s grandfather), 157

Samuelson, Paul, 85

samurai, 236–37, 240

      conspicuous consumption of, 243

      end of, 241–42

      in Meiji Revolution, 253, 258–59

      and opening of Japan, 247

San Diego, Calif., 78

Sandinistas, 277

San Francisco, Calif., 123

San Pablo, 272

Sarnoff, David, 157

Satsuma domain, 248, 250, 251

Saudi Arabia, 216, 217

Saverin, Eduardo, 2

savings, 85

Scandinavia, religion in, 133

Scene of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence (Christy), 155–56

Schama, Simon, 286–87

Schiller, Friedrich, 304

Schmeling, Max, 136–37, 139

school, 123

school admissions, 6

Schumpeter, Joseph, xi, 27, 121

Schwartz, Stephen, 135

science, 221–22, 304–5

Scorsese, Martin, 92

Scotland, 61–62

Scott, Hugh, 136

Sea of Marmara, 211

Sears Christmas “Wish Book,” 50

“Second Happy Time,” 272

Seeger, Pete, 16

segmented assimilation, 158

Seinfeld, Jerry, 124–25

Seiyo Jijo (Fukuzawa), 256

Senior, Nassau William, 144

senior citizens, 2

separatist movements, 61–62

Sephardic Jews, 221

seppuku, 240

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 2

Serbia, 162, 204, 209

serotonin, 110

Shaffer, Peter, 57

Shakespeare, William, 66, 76, 142, 217

sharia law, 3

Shaw, George Bernard, 27

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 130

Shimomura Crossing the Delaware (Shimomura), 154

Shimonoseki, 251

Shinto, 264–65

shishi, 249

shizoku, 259

Silent Spring (Carson), 17

Silicon Valley, 53

silk, 206

silkworms, 261

Simon, Neil, 154, 155

Simon, Paul, 135

Singapore, 2, 36–37

Sirkeci Station, 201–2

skin in the game, 76–77

slavery, 76, 311

      in US, 32, 260

Slovakia, 57

Slovenia, 162

Smith, Horace, 130

Smyrna, 218

Snapchat, 9

Social Democratic Party, Costa Rican, 274

Social Security, 88, 101–2, 108, 192, 318, 319

Sogdiana, 191

“Soldier, The” (Brooke), 142, 214

“Soldiers of Christ, Arise” (hymn), 132

Somalia, x

Sony, 64

South, US, 32

South Africa, x

South Carolina, 184

Southern California, University of, 89

South Korea, 36–37, 63, 94

Soviet Union, x, 162, 168, 280, 290–91

soybeans, 244

Spain, 8, 55, 61

Spanish, 158

Spanish Inquisition, 308

Sparta, 18, 28–31, 34, 35, 174, 181, 241

Spitamenes, 191

sports, 102–3, 136–37, 154

Sri Lanka, revolution of 1848 in, 267

Stalin, Joseph, 300

Star-Spangled Banner, The, 131

State Department, US, x, 45

State of the Union, 9

statues per young citizen, 32

Stein, Ben, 75

Stein, Gertrude, 106

Stein, Herb, 75

stepchildren, 25

sterility, 27

Stevens, John, 257

Stevens, Robert, 257

Stigler, George, 117

Stiller, Ben, 145

stock market crash (2009), 8, 78

Stolichnaya vodka, 45

Strabo, 30, 31

Strauss, Johann, 60

Stripes (film), 143–44

structural changes, 99

subprime mortgages, 6, 77

subways, 255

Sudan, x

sugar, 272

Suleiman the Magnificent, 205

sultans, 206–7

summer jobs, 105

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, A (Seurat), 10

Sun Language Theory, 230

Sunstein, Cass, 4

Super Bowl, 10

Sweden, 63, 107

Switzerland, 2, 316

swords, 241

Sykes-Picot Agreement, 216

Syria, x, 183, 190, 192, 226, 295–96

      refugees from, 3

Syrian War, 188

“Tables Turned, The” (Wordsworth), 304–5

Taft, William H., 102

Taiwan, 64

Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare), 22

Tanzania, 25

Tanzimat, 207

Target, 18

tax code, 192

taxes, 2, 106

      in Meiji Revolution, 258

      in Tokugawa shogunate, 244


      for fertility, 19

      jobs replaced by, 62–63

      and polarization, 4–5

Tel Aviv, Israel, 285, 292

television, 9–10

Temin, Peter, 32

tennis, 103

Teradaya Inn, 236–38, 250

Tesla Motors, 122

Thailand, 94

“Thank Heaven for Little Girls” (song), 35

Thanksgiving, 308, 312, 313

Thebes, 29, 30, 31, 174, 180, 181, 182

Thessaly, 180, 181

300 (film), 28

Ticket to Work, 109

Tilden, Bill, 103

Tillett, Ben, 42

“Tintern Abbey” (Wordsworth), 288–89

Tito, Marshal, 162

Tokugawa shogun regime, 6, 12, 51, 239

      collapse of, 238, 242–45

      debt in, 242–45

      economy of, 243, 260

      literacy rates in, 244

      rebellion against, 248–52

      tax system in, 244

Toll, Robert, 79

Tonight Show, 17

Toronto Star, 218–19

Tosa domain, 248

Toyota, 235

trade, 48

      benefits of, 48–53

traditional societies, 21–26

trains, 201, 205, 263

transcontinental railroad, 201

transportation, 43–44, 158, 201, 205, 206, 263

Transportation Department, US, 118

travel, 94

Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee, 90

Triballi, 194

Tribuna, La, 272–73

Tripolitania (Libya), 209, 220

Trollope, Anthony, 100, 101

Truman, Harry S., 290

tsunami, 297

Turkey, 61, 168, 198–234

      alphabet in, 229, 230, 305–6

      banks in, 206–7

      birth of modern, 198–200, 209

      economy of, 231–32

      education in, 229

      fertility rate in, 226

      history of, 229–30

      literacy in, 221, 229

      modernization and westernization of, 221–22, 227–28, 229, 234

      patriotism in, 229, 230–31

      terrorist attack in, 231

      trade by, 221

      women in, 224–26, 229

Twain, Mark, 59–60, 167, 256, 281, 307

Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 54

Twenge, Jean, 146–47

Tyre, 193–94

Tyson Fresh Meats, 107

U2, 2

Uber, 63, 122–23

U-boats, 272

ukiyo-e, 244

Ukraine, 57

unemployment rate, 97–98

unions, 68, 114

United Food and Commercial Workers Union, 107

United Kingdom, 51, 222, 262, 280

      birth rates in, 35–36, 42

      bonds of, 90

      Constantinople occupied by, 217

      disability payments in, 107

      division in, 4

      growth rates in, 206

      immigration to, 160

      immigration to Palestine stymied by, 288–90

      Industrial Revolution in, 34

      Japan’s opening and, 51

      literacy in, 206

      Middle Eastern borders drawn by, 216

      Muslims in, 3

      separatist movement in, 61–62

      as “sick man of Europe,” 204

United States, 64, 262

      birthrates in, 19, 32

      budget deficit of, 86

      in Cold War, 162, 168

      Cuban embargo of, 51

      culture of, 66–67

      debt-to-GDP ratio of, 192

      divisions in, 3–4

      growth of bureaucracy in, 118

      growth rates in, 206

      as necropower, 3

      and opening of Japan, 238, 245, 246–48

      renunciation of citizenship in, ix–x, 2

      retirement in, 110

      slavery in, 32, 260

      transcontinental railroad in, 201

      values transmitted in, 308

Univision, 158

upper-income, children viewed by, 26

U.S. News & World Report, 41

utopian socialism, 282–83

Valentine’s Day, 308, 312

Venezuela, 39

Venice, 6, 12, 54, 55

      declining work ethic in, 113–14

      outsourcing by, 65–66

Vermont, 98

Versailles, 239

Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 20–21

Vienna, 60

Vietnam, 52, 86

Vietnam War, 16, 134, 135

virtue, 307

Voltaire, 280

volunteerism, 40

voting rights, in Costa Rica, 276

Walloons, 61

Walmart, 18, 64

Washington, George, 77, 81, 154, 277, 298, 308–9, 313

Washington Crossing the Delaware (Leutze), 155

Washington Post, 109

Washington’s Birthday, 308, 312

Watergate Hotel, 133, 134, 135–36

Watt, James, 257

Watt, Mel, 78–79


      debt and, 72, 86–87

      declining, 16

Weber, Max, 304

Webster, Daniel, 246

Weimar Germany, hyperinflation in, 231

Weizmann, Chaim, 306

Welcome Wagon, 9

welfare reform, 318–19

Western Europe, fertility rates in, 20

West Germany, 315–16

West Virginia, 98

wheat, 244

wheel, 246–47

When Harry Met Sally (film), 129

“Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” (song), 16

Why Nations Fail (Robinson and Acemoglu), 5

Wilder, Billy, 46

Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 210, 213, 216

Williams, Bert, 153

Williams, Tennessee, 80

“William Tell Overture” (Rossini), 303

Wills, Helen, 103

Wiseman, Richard, 128

Wittgenstein, Karl, 60

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 60

Wolf (legislator), 59–60

Wolf of Wall Street, The (film), 92

women, 98

      in Costa Rica, 276

      in Palestine, 293

      in Turkey, 224–26, 229

woodblock prints, 244

Wordsworth, William, 288–89, 304–5, 306

work ethic, eroding, 8, 69, 104–5, 106, 298

      and disability payments, 5, 106–9, 111

      in Marienthal, 111–13

      and mobility, 103–4

      in Venice, 113–14

work ethic, of Golda Meir, 285–88

work hours, 49–50

World Council of Churches, 267

World Cup, 137

World War I, 58, 60, 142, 149–50, 164, 199, 210, 289

World War II, 136, 139, 143, 154, 210, 271–72, 289, 297

Xenophon, 194

Xerxes the Great, 28

Yale University, 89

“Yankee Doodle Boy” (song), 153

Yeats, William Butler, 142, 305

Yemen, 27

Yidiz Palace, 208

Yom Kippur War, 295–96

young adults, 2

Younger (TV show), 100–101

Young Turks, 209

YouTube, 9

Yugoslavia, 162, 300

YUM, 67–68

Zangwill, Israel, 156

zero population growth, 17

Zheng He, 116

zinc, 75

Zinn, Howard, 300

Zionists, 111, 283, 284, 288