Introduction—Tongues: A Good Gift From the Father of Lights
Chapter 1—My First Experience of Speaking in Tongues
Chapter 2—Tongues in Scripture
1. What happened on the day of Pentecost?
2. Where else in Acts did people speak in tongues?
Chapter 3—Tongues and Spirit Baptism
Chapter 4—Tongues and Foreign Languages
Chapter 5—The Purpose of Tongues, Part I
5. Is the gift of tongues primarily designed for the evangelism of unbelievers?
6. Is it OK to seek personal edification by speaking in tongues?
8. Is tongues-speech an “ecstatic” experience?
Chapter 6—The Purpose of Tongues, Part II
10. Is tongues-speech primarily directed to men or to God?
12. Is tongues also a way to worship God?
13. Is it permissible for people to sing in tongues in corporate worship?
Chapter 7—Public Expression of Tongues
Chapter 8—Tongues as a Spiritual Gift
16. What is the gift of interpretation of tongues?
17. Why is tongues-speech often so rapid?
18. Why do some say that speaking in tongues is the least important spiritual gift? Is it?
20. What does it mean to “pray in the Spirit”? Is this a reference to speaking in tongues?
21. Does Romans 8:26–27 refer to the gift of tongues?
22. Can we learn anything about tongues from Mark 16:17?
23. Can a person pray for another person in uninterpreted tongues?
24. How might tongues help us in our spiritual battle with Satan and his demonic forces?
Chapter 10—Tongues and Revelation
26. Is tongues a sign of judgment against unbelieving Jews?
Chapter 11—Tongues and the Believer
27. If I don’t have the gift of tongues but want it, what should I do?
Chapter 12—Tongues in Early Christianity, Part I
29. Do we have good biblical reasons to believe the gift of tongues is still valid for today?
Chapter 13—Tongues in Early Christianity, Part II
Chapter 14—Encouraging Testimonies of Others Who Speak in Tongues