Big Catch

Book Four

Chapter One


The warm summer sun beats down on me, and while there isn’t a single muscle in my relaxed body that wants to move, I know I have less than a half an hour to get my shit together for the cockle fishing tour. I twist sideways as Tyler goes up on his elbows to watch a cute girl in a bikini run by.

“Trade?” I ask, preferring Tyler’s task of tutoring a few of the local kids tonight over clam digging with my feet, all part of the Antigua vacation experience we offer the guests who stay at our villa. I love the clambake afterward, sure—hey, I love food—but coming home covered in mud, not so much.

Tyler grins. “No fucking way. I went last week. It’s your turn.” He lowers himself onto the warm white sand, as laid back as I’ve ever seen him. Moving here has been good—for both of us—even though I’m not, and never will be, as mellow as my best friend. “While you’re knee-deep in mud, I’ll be here relaxing and soaking up the rays, bro.”

“Fine, while you’re tutoring tonight, maybe I’ll go see what Jennie is up to,” I say as I push to my feet. Jennie is a local, and a real sweetheart. Tyler and I have tag-teamed with her—as well as a few other women—but I backed off when I thought Jennie was becoming serious about Tyler. Not that I thought he wanted to settle with her. He’s having too much fun chillin’ and going with the flow. But still.

Ty shades the sun from his eyes and looks up at me. His mouth twists into a frown. “Yeah, Jennie and I, we kind of called it quits.”

“You’re fucking kidding me?” When he goes quiet, I kick his foot. “What the fuck, dude?”

“I don’t know. Jennie is nice. I like her, but she’s just looking for a good time, and I think I’m getting a little played out.”


“You, played out?” I ask, shocked by that insane idea—which can’t be true—as I grab my towel and toss it over my shoulder. “I actually thought she wanted more with you.”

“Oh yeah? Is that why you backed off?” I nod, and he goes dead serious. I brace myself because when my carefree friend’s smile disappears, I know where his thoughts have gone. “You know what’s mine is yours, right?”

“Yeah, I know. Same.” Shit, we’ve shared everything since kindergarten, and his parents practically raised me. I pretty much moved in with them during high school, when Dad’s drinking became too much. He drove my mother away, and my whole life he told me I was a bastard, good for nothing. I wouldn’t have gotten an education if it weren’t for Ty’s parents. They were teachers, strict but fair, and I feel indebted to them. Ty is my best friend in the whole world, and I didn’t want to be a third wheel if Jennie only wanted him. I’d always sacrifice for Ty. Always.

He shrugs and wipes his wet hair from his face. “I guess I just want more, you know. Someone I can have a life with.” He pretends to bat a ball. “Become dad of the little league team.”

I stare at him for a moment, waiting for the punch line. This is Tyler, a natural born player, a guy who had his dick in a different woman every week when we were growing up. “Wait, you’re serious?”

Ty settle down? If he told me he had monkeys flying out of his ass, I might find that easier to believe. The idea of him settling down is blowing my fucking mind.

“Don’t you ever feel like something is missing?”

I glance around at the beach then at the villa and business I inherited a year ago, after my uncle passed away. As soon as I found out I owned a bed and breakfast in Antigua, Tyler and I quit our stressful jobs on Wall Street—which were going to drive us each to an early grave—and headed to paradise.

I spread my arms. “What more could you want?” I say, but as soon as I do, my mind trips back to the doctor I met last year in the emergency room when I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. I have no idea why I still think about her, yet every now and then she pops into my thoughts. Maybe it’s because most girls say yes when I ask them out, but the hot doc, well, she stone cold turned me down. Or maybe it’s because there was something different about her, and I just can’t shake it.

“I know this place is paradise, Bray,” he says, “but don’t you want someone to share it with?”

“I do have someone to share it with. You.”

He laughs. “Yeah, I love you, too, bro, but—”

“You’re not what I want to wake up to each morning, either.”

“I grew up in a big family. I guess I want the same.”

“Not me,” I say quickly. I like kids, but I’m too damn afraid I don’t have what it takes to be a good dad, considering I didn’t have much of a role model at home. And what if I really do turn out like my father, dysfunctional and abusive, and end up driving away the woman willing to give her heart to me. Better off to never go down that road. “Sworn bachelor to the end for me,” I add when Ty gives me that look again. The one that says he’s knows exactly what’s going through my mind. I don’t know why I bother to hide my feelings. My best friend knows me better than I know myself.

“Yeah, so you don’t ever want to get serious?”

“No. I’m all about the uncomplicated sex.” Man, I would have given my ball sack to have a little no-strings fun with the doc. My cock twitches as I envision her sliding that white coat from her shoulders and baring her naked body to me. The image is fucking hot, and so was her sweet cotton-candy scent.

“Uh, maybe you should make that happen sooner rather than later, bro.”

“What?” Shit, I’d been so lost in thought, I forgot where I was. I glance at Tyler who has one hand up, blocking my hard-on from his view. “Make what happen?”

“You need to get laid, Bray. How fucking long has it been, anyway?”

I laugh and adjust my swollen cock inside my bathing suit. “Shit. Too long.”

“I ran into Becca earlier. She said that she registered a group of four girls into the villa. Pick one, and get fucked already.”

My mind goes to Becca, our property caretaker and cook. Thank God for her, because we couldn’t have run the place without her help. “Yeah, good plan.” I turn and walk toward the villa, in need of a cold shower before I meet our new guests and take them out to the salt marsh. I hurry inside and make my way to my room. After a quick rinse, I pull on a pair of long pants and a T-shirt, and hurry down to the main room of the villa to greet the vacationers who will be staying with us in our eight-bedroom home for the next week or so.

I find a middle-aged couple, as well as the four bubbly girls Tyler was talking about, all anxiously waiting for me. I take in everyone’s attire, having left instructions for them to wear long pants to ward off the jellyfish, and think about what Tyler said.

Pick one, and get fucked already.

“I’m Braydon, your guide for today,” I say as I look them over. The girls are all cute, with their long blond hair, and faces covered in makeup. In fact, every single one of them is my type—easy going, out for a good time. So why the fuck is the doc still popping into my brain? I fist my hands and crack my knuckles. Shit, I need to just block her from my damn mind and move on already. She’s in New York, and I’m here, with no plans to ever go back. I take in the girl who is eye-fucking me. Yeah, I should just go for it, and screw that doctor right out of my thoughts, once and for all.

I pick the clipboard up from the table and do a head count. “Looks like we’re waiting for one more. We’ll give it a few more minutes.”

A noise sounds behind me. “Sorry I’m late.”

The sweet scent of cotton candy hits like a punch, and I suck in a quick breath.

No. Fucking. Way.

“I forgot I had to wear long pants and needed to run back upstairs to change,” she says. “I hope I haven’t held you all up.”

I turn slowly, convinced my mind is playing tricks on me. I’m only conjuring up Doctor Davenport because I’d been thinking about her, right? But when I turn and meet honey-brown eyes that go wide when they clash with mine, it’s all I can do to keep my brain working and my cock from bursting through my pants.


My heart thunders, and I pinch my eyes shut, sure I’m seeing things, but when I open them again, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever set eyes on is still standing before me, checking me out. I have no idea what I did to deserve this, but goddammit, I’m not about to pass up a second chance with the doctor. She might or might not have been interested in more than a patient/doctor relationship before, but from the hot flush on her cheeks to the heated way her gaze is moving over my body, it’s clear she’s interested now.

Fuck, yeah.

“I…you…” she begins, equal measures of panic and shock on her face.

I can practically hear the wheels spinning inside her brain as she blinks up at me, a gamut of emotions in her eyes: surprise, curiosity…interest.

“Braydon’s the name,” I say, wanting her instantly, unequivocally. Truthfully, she’s the opposite of what I normally go for in a girl. Face devoid of makeup, hair wild and loose, a T-shirt and baggy pants, not out to impress anyone. That’s when it hits me—she’s not a girl, she’s all woman, and it has me wanting her in the worst fucking way. My gaze slides lower to take in her V-neck T-shirt and creamy cleavage. The doctor in a white coat is one thing, but seeing her here, her nipples poking through a lace bra that is doing jack-shit to hide her arousal, is something else altogether.

Flames flicker in her eyes when I meet them again, and it’s all I can do not to cancel the trip and take her straight to my bedroom to play doctor my way.

“Braydon,” she says on a breathless whisper, and the second I hear my name on her lips, the vision of her saying it when she’s coming hard for me flashes through my mind. Oh yeah, that’s definitely going to happen, sooner rather than later. My cock throbs in anticipation.

I watch the long sexy column of her throat as she swallows, then she darts a glance around the room like she’s still trying to make sense of it all. I take a small step toward her, and her chest rises and falls as I invade her personal space and hold out my hand. I lean toward her, my mouth close to her ear, and say, “I never did get your first name.”

She squares her shoulders, her wits back about her as she glances at the offered hand. “Alyssa,” she says, and when she slides her small palm into mine, I’m impressed at how quickly she’s recovered from the shock of meeting up with me again, here in Antigua, no less. I close my fingers around hers. Jesus Christ, her skin is so fucking soft, and that first sweet touch sends heat charging through me. My cock responds and presses harder against my unforgiving zipper.

“Alyssa,” I say, trying it out on my tongue, wondering how it will sound when I’m balls-deep inside her. “Aly,” I say.

“No one calls me that,” she answers quickly.

Good. It will be my own special name for her. “Even better. What brings you to Antigua?” I ask.

“I…I’m on vacation.” Her brows pull together, confusion dancing in her honey eyes as she looks at me. She opens her mouth, and I’m sure she’s going to ask the same of me, but she shuts it again when someone gives a bored huff from behind me.

“Can we go already?” one of the bubbly girls asks.

I hold Alyssa’s hand longer than necessary, then brush my thumb over her flesh as I slowly let her fingers slide from my grip. “Looks like we’re all set,” I say.

I step around her and guide the group outside, going through the door first so they don’t see my damn hard-on. I nod toward the van. “It’s open. Everyone climb in and buckle up.” The blonde who’d been eye-fucking me slides into the passenger seat, as I check the back to make sure Tyler put the buckets and nets back after his last trip to the marsh.

Once everyone is settled, I slip into the driver’s seat and adjust the mirror. I catch Alyssa flickering glances my way, and I can’t help but grin. My pulse picks up tempo, excited by this unexpected yet fan-fucking-tastic turn of events. Alyssa said she was on vacation, and I know this is a small island, but what are the odds she’d end up at my villa. Pretty goddamn slim, if you ask me. So, what’s really going on here? How did she wind up booked into my place? I’m not sure, but I damn well plan to find out—and take full advantage of it.

I exit the driveway, and when I see Mrs. Jackson on the deck of her beautiful house overlooking the ocean, I slow down. “Hey, Mrs. Jackson,” I call out. She’s been so lonely since she lost her husband last year. I can’t imagine what it must be like for her in that big old homestead alone. Her kids have moved away to the United States for their work, and though they visit, most of the time she’s alone. “How are you today?”

She smiles and waves me off, playfully, but I know she likes it when Ty or I stop in to visit her. “Stop fussing about me,” she says.

I laugh. “Come on, now. You know my day wouldn’t be the same without seeing you.”

“Sweet-talker, you.” She adjusts her broad-brimmed hat. “I’m fine. Now get on out of here and stop fussing.”

“We’re headed to the marsh. I’ll bring you back some cockles.”

A ghost of a smile plays on her mouth. “You’re a good man, Braydon.”

I put my finger to my lips. “Shh, don’t let that get out.”

One of the girls huffs impatiently, and I wave to Mrs. Jackson and start down the road. As I drive the short distance to the marsh and take a sharp corner, the blonde leans in to me. “I’m Josie,” she says.

“First time in Antigua? I ask.

I grab the stick shift, and she adjusts the radio, purposely brushing her breast against my arm. “Yes, I’m really looking forward to experiencing everything local,” she says, putting emphasis on that one word.

I smile and nod. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’m the local she wants to experience. I can’t believe that only ten minutes ago I was considering that. But now, well, I have more important things that need my attention—like getting the sexy doctor into my bed. I glance in the rearview mirror again, and when my gaze meets Alyssa’s, she quickly turns away. I can almost hear the wheels turning as she tries to figure this all out. If she’s anything like me, she doesn’t believe in coincidences.

I pull the van over near the marsh. “We’re here.”

I catch the confused frown on Alyssa’s face as she glances out her window toward the muddy salt marsh. Guess it’s not what she was expecting. It usually isn’t. I hop from my seat, and as everyone piles out, I grab buckets and nets from the back.

As the group of girls whispers—about me, judging from the glances they keep casting my way—Alyssa stands there looking puzzled. I step up to her, and her body stiffens when I dip my head and ask, “Everything okay?”

She blows a wispy strand of hair from her face, and desire twists inside me. “I…I thought we were going out on a boat.”

“Didn’t you read the brochure in your room?”

“No, actually, I didn’t.”

“Cockles are clams,” I explain. “We catch them in the marsh.”

“Oh.” Her mouth forms a perfect little O, and need surges through my veins. Great, I have a group of tourists waiting for me, and all I can think about is pushing sweet Aly to her knees and sliding my cock between those lush lips.

“We catch them with nets?” she asks, looking over the supplies I’m holding.

I clear my throat. “No, we catch them with our feet.”

Her honey-colored eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

“As serious as a heart attack,” I tease.

A blush moves across her cheeks. Is she thinking about the day in the hospital when I was high on happy pills and groaning with pleasure as she touched me? Was that why she never went out with me? She thought it was the drugs talking? Wait, shit. Maybe she never agreed to a date because she’s married. My glance darts to her ring finger to find it empty. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have someone special. If she does, could he be here on the island with her?

With that shitty thought racing through my brain, I say, “Okay, shoes off, everyone.”

I grab a plastic tote and gather up all the shoes and put them in the back of the van. When I see Alyssa’s pink-painted nails, my blood burns hotter. What is it about bare feet with painted nails that gets to me? Too bad cockle fishing is going to ruin her pedicure.

“Walking can be tricky, so you should pair up.” As Josie makes her way toward me, I reach for Alyssa’s hand. Josie scowls and folds her arm, but I know she’ll get over it—probably as soon as she sees Tyler. He says he’s getting played out, but he’d never turn down an opportunity with a girl like Josie. I make a mental note to text him about her later.

“I…uh…think she wanted to partner with you,” Alyssa says.

“Yeah,” is all I say, and I guide Alyssa to the marshy water. I’m used to women wanting me for one of two things. Back in Manhattan it was for what I had in my wallet. Here in paradise, it’s for what I have between my legs. I’m not complaining. Hey, I know the score, and I was happy to play along.


I mean, I am happy to play along. It’s just that right now I want to play along with Alyssa.

I set the buckets on the shore and take the net in with me. We slog through the slimy mud packed with clams, until we’re just above our knees. I turn and watch the older couple carefully to make sure they are steady on their feet, but they seem to be doing just fine.

“Okay, so we ferret the clams out with our feet. Like this.” I dig my toes through the marsh and pull out a clam. I bend to retrieve it and hold it up. “Simple really. Okay, everyone dig your toes in, put what you find in the buckets, or this net, and tonight when we get back, we’ll feast on clams, and I’ll teach you how to make cockle water.”

“Eww,” one of Josie’s friends says, “this is disgusting.” The three other girls join the chorus of revulsion, and it’s all I can do not to roll my eyes. Why, again, is it I go for girls like them? Oh right, for sex with no expectations. But that’s all I want with Alyssa, right? Unlike Tyler, I’m not getting played out or looking to settle down.

I glance at the sexy doctor, who is deep in concentration and not complaining at all. I grin, liking that about her. She might be a big-city doctor, but she certainly doesn’t shy away from getting dirty and trying new things.

Getting dirty and trying new things.

Fuck, I wish my mind hadn’t gone there. A sound catches in my throat as my cock thickens.

“Something funny?” she asks and wobbles a bit.

I slide my arm around her waist and hold her until she’s steady again. “Nope, nothing at all.”

“I can’t find any.”

I pull a few more out and hold them out for her to see. “There’s plenty.”

She arches one brow. “What are you, a clam whisperer or something?”

I laugh and feel another clam beneath my feet. “Put your foot here,” I say. Her toes slide over mine, and I move foot away, even though I’d love to play footsies a little longer.

Her eyes go wide. “I feel it.”

Yeah, me too.

She digs around and wobbles again, so I once again slide my arm around her waist to balance her. The contact fuels the need inside me. “It’s hard.”

No kidding.

“Harder than it looks.”

Oh, she has no idea.

“I…I got it,” she says excitedly and reaches below the water to pull out a clam. She holds it up like it’s a prized possession.

“See, not so hard.”

“Wait, I think I found another.” She ferrets another one out and holds it up, a big smile on her face. “I have no equal,” she teases, the tension ebbing from her body, and I fucking love seeing her like this. Back in the ER, she was so overworked she looked like she was ready to crash. Too bad she didn’t give me the opportunity to help ease that tension then. I had plenty of ideas. Still do.

She digs around for another cockle. Water and mud splash onto her face, but she ignores it and pulls out a third. With a fistful of cockles, she holds them up. “Take that, clam whisper.”

Grinning, I shake my head. “Looks like you’re going to have the big catch of the day.” I put my hand on her cheek to brush away the streak of mud. She sucks in a breath at my touch, and her flesh turn a pretty shade of pink. Damn that’s sexy.

“What…what are you doing?”

“You have a bit of mud on your face.” I swipe it away.

“Thanks.” I keep my hand on her face and stroke her soft skin, and she blinks up at me, desire reflecting in her eyes. Jesus, she’s feeling this thing between us every bit as much as I am.

“You do, too.” She goes up on her tiptoes and wipes a muddy hand across my face.

“Hey,” I say, and she laughs.

I capture her hand and brush my thumb over her flesh as I hold it a moment too long. “You’re going to pay for that, you know?”

Her laughter dies in her throat, and she puts her free hand on her hip. “Oh, yeah? How?”

Goddammit she’s pretty. “I can think of plenty of ways,” I say, my voice deeper than it was moments ago, and we both go still as our teasing banter turns sexual. It might have happened in the space of an instant, but the pull between us is as powerful as fuck, and I damn well need to do something about it. My gaze drops to her mouth as she wets it, like she’s preparing herself for me, and my heart nearly jackhammers out of my chest. I pull a deep breath into my lungs, and her throat makes a noise as she swallows.

“I…uh…” She holds her hand up, and shows me the cockles.

“Right.” I quickly get my shit together, even though my mind is preoccupied with those full lips of hers. “Here, let me open the net so you can drop them in.” I slide my hand from around her waist, and she loses her balance. We’re only in thigh deep water, but she slips and goes completely under. Shit. I reach for her and she comes out gasping, her long hair plastered to her face. She sputters and pushes her wet hair back, looking so goddamn adorable that equal measures of protectiveness and need steal over me as I hold her.

“Are you okay?”

She makes a strange wheezing sound and sputters some more.

I brush mud from her cheek, and as I take in her big brown eyes, a surge of lust shuts down all rational thought, my actions driven by need. As longing rips through me, I dip my head and close my mouth over hers. It’s too soon. I know it, but I can’t help myself. By rights, she should push me away. Better yet, kick me in the nuts. I expect her to do just that. But instead of ripping off my balls, she slackens against me, and man, that’s all the encouragement I need.

I’m about to slide my tongue between the soft seam of her mouth, but her lips part of her own accord and become pliable beneath mine. Addictive. I deepen the kiss and can’t fucking believe she tastes better than I ever could have imagined. I pull her tighter against my body, unable to get close enough, and she arches into me, every part of her seeking contact. Her drenched clothes soak mine, but I give zero shits about that right now.

Never having tasted anything so sweet, I explore her mouth and splay my fingers over the small of her back, pushing her against me, just a little. She shivers under my touch, so damn responsive it sends heat surging through my veins. I thought it would be a quick, hurried kiss, but the second my mouth touched hers, it escalated and lit something hot and uncontrollable inside me—something completely foreign that just might scare me a bit. When I finally break away, we’re both gasping for breath.

She touches her kiss-swollen lips. “What was that all about?”

“Mouth-to-mouth,” I say quickly. Yeah, she responded readily, but with the moment broken, I don’t want her pissed at me. “I thought you had water in your lungs.”

She plants one hand on her hip, her brow pulled together. “That’s not how you give mouth-to-mouth.”

“Says who?”

“I’m a doctor, remember.”

I brush my thumb over her cheek, and she visibly quivers. “Yeah, well, we don’t have too many of them around these parts, and sometimes we have to take matters in our own hands and give resuscitation the only way we know how.” When she continues to stare up at me like she can’t tell whether I’m teasing or not, I say, “I thought I was doing what was best, Aly.” Not a lie, kissing her was definitely the best.

“Yes, I know but—”

“It wasn’t good enough?” I ask, continuing to play with her.

“No, no, it was good,” she says quickly, clearly flustered.

“Just good? Maybe I need practice.” I run my wet hands through my hair. “Maybe you could teach me. Give lessons.”

“Mouth-to-mouth lessons?”

I glance over my shoulder to give a quick check on the others. They hadn’t seen the kiss. My body completely blocks Aly’s and what I was doing. “Yeah, sure. I think it’s a great idea. That way if this ever happens again, and a guest needs resuscitation, I’ll know what I’m doing.”

She frowns and looks down. When she sees her wet shirt, the way it clings to her body and how little it does to hide her pert nipples, she folds her arms across her chest. “I guess I could do that.”

I look her over, take in her mud-covered clothes. “Come on, I have clean water in the back of the truck. I can rinse you off.”

“Oh no!”

“What?” I ask, hoping like hell I hadn’t moved too fast with that kiss and she’s suddenly coming to her senses.

She holds up empty hands. “I dropped the clams.”

“No worries. There’s plenty more. Right now, we need to rinse you off.” I capture her hand and water sloshes around us as I guide her from the marsh. I stop when I reach the elderly couple. “You two good?” I ask, as they ferret clams and fill one of the buckets.

“Wonderful,” the man says and the woman smiles and nods as she pulls another clam with her toes.

“You two are a natural at this. Holler if you need me.”

The four girls follow us out, chattering endlessly as they strip down to their bikinis, and take up residence on the bank to sun themselves.

“Guess they didn’t enjoy it,” Alyssa says.

“Guess not.”

“Too bad. I mean, how many times in your life do you get to dig clams with your feet?”

“I have to say, I wasn’t too sure you’d like it.”

“I’m more adventurous than I look, and I’m willing to try anything once. I’m glad I tried this.” She waves her hands around her. “It was kind of neat, really, and relaxing.” She pulls sludge from her hair. “Until I ate mud.”

I laugh, and when she grins up at me, I entertain the idea of kissing her again. But right now, she needs to get cleaned up, and I’m afraid once I start kissing her I won’t be able to stop.



I open the back of the truck and pull out a jug of clean water. “Why are you really here?

“I told you. I’m here on vacation.” She eyes me. “Why are you here, Braydon?”

Ah, the question I’d been waiting for. “I inherited the villa and business. Gave up my job before I had a damn heart attack, and moved here.” I open the jug as my gaze moves over her pretty face. “Are you here by yourself?”


I resist the urge to do a fist pump.

“Why here? Why now? My villa?”

“That’s a lot of questions.”

“I know.”

“Okay, well, my friend sent me here for my twenty-fifth birthday. And as for why your villa, I have no idea.”

“Wow. Nice friend.”

She blinks rapidly, and I read her body language, a skill I learned in my former life as a stockbroker. “It was a pact.”

“A pact?” I ask, curious about that.

She gives a quick shake of her head, which intrigues me all the more. What is she hiding? What is it about this pact that she doesn’t want me to know?

“Nothing. Never mind, it’s complicated,” she says.

“Nothing is complicated here in Antigua.”

“I know, which makes this the perfect place to de-stress. I think that’s why she sent me here.” She crinkles her nose, and once again I can almost hear the wheels in her brain spinning. Damn, what I wouldn’t do to shut it down for a while. “Then again, maybe she knew you…” Her voice trails off as she gazes up at me, but from the widening of her eyes, it’s easy to see her mind is still racing.

“What did she know?”

She gives a quick shake of her head. “Nothing. Never mind.”

I grin and blatantly let my gaze slide down her body, registering every detail of the beautiful woman before me. Lucky for her, I know just how to help when it comes to de-stressing, and tonight after dark, it’s going to start with a little mouth-to-mouth, followed by a whole lot of un-dressing.

Chapter Two


Ohmigod. Ohmigod. Ohmigod.

I cannot believe for one second that the hottie from the ER is here in Antigua. I touch my mouth, my lips still tingling from that scorching kiss. A quiver moves through me as I picture his mouth on other parts of my body, kissing away my stress as he brings to me orgasm. I squeeze my legs tight, my entire being in hyperdrive just from thinking about it.


God, no one ever calls me that. I used to hate it, until I heard it on Braydon’s lips. I pace to the window and pull back my curtain to take in the dark night. The nearly full moon glistens on the water, and I exhale to calm my jittery nerves. Truthfully, I’m still a little shocked that of all the places in the entire world, I’m here with Braydon in Antigua, staying in his inherited villa, no less. Either it was a lucky coincidence, or whichever girlfriend drew my name on New Year’s Eve and, for my twenty-fifth birthday, had to sponsor an epic vacation—where “epic” and “sex” can be interchanged—did a whole lot of legwork to make this happen.

They all knew about the hottie in the ER who asked me out. Sure, I wanted to go, but with my crazy work schedule and a code of conduct between patient and doctor, I had to say no. But I’m not at work anymore, and he’s not my patient.

But no matter the circumstance that brought me to Antigua, I plan to take full advantage of the situation. The other girls who’d gone on their vacations all had crazy epic sex stories to share, and dammit, I want to go back with stories of my own. That’s what this vacation is all about, right?

Go for it, Alyssa.

With my body jittery, hyped up on hormones, I drop the curtain and walk to my bedroom door. I press my ear against it and listen for movement in the hall. The elderly couple went to bed early, and the four girls traveling together have gone into town for drinking and dancing. Earlier, as Braydon put out the fire from the clambake, I excused myself and dashed to my room to get ready for bed.

But I don’t want to go to bed—at least, not alone.

I glance at my open suitcase. Part of the New Year’s Eve pact was that our sponsors were to provide everything for our adventure—right down to the clothes we wore.

While my personal wardrobe is conservative, I’m not worried about finding something sexy to wear. Whichever girl packed my bag, she filled it with sexy clothes I wouldn’t normally put on—well, except for the white hospital coat, and I’m still scratching my head over that one. At first, I was upset by the skimpy wardrobe. Now, not so much.

Footsteps sound in the hall, and my heart leaps with a double dose of excitement and nervousness. I hurry to the door and look through the peephole. The hall is dark, but I catch a glimpse of Braydon’s wide back and broad shoulders before he goes into the room next to mine. When his door shuts, I dart to my suitcase. I push aside my medical bag—I know I’m on vacation, but I don’t go anywhere without it—and pull out a sexy lace bra and panty set. At the last minute, I grab my white coat. I dress and give myself a once over in the mirror. I examine my painted toenails—all part of my dossier, and now ruined from the clam-digging excursion—then slip into my coat.

I look through the peephole and bite back a breathy moan as my pulse races, but I’ll be damned if I allow nerves to stop me. I want this. Correction—I deserve this. Especially after working hard my whole life, skipping grades and completing med school at the young age of twenty-two. I pace the room, giving Braydon time to crawl into bed. Seconds turn to minutes, and when I no longer hear any noise coming from his room, I step into the hall, lock the door behind me, and put the key in my coat pocket.

I fix my hair, even though it’s dark, and put my hand on Braydon’s doorknob. I tap quietly and wait a moment, my nerves on fire. God, is he asleep already? I knock again, a little louder this time.

“Yeah,” a groggy voice says, and I wonder if I waited too long. Maybe he’s too tired for this. Maybe he doesn’t want me. My lips take that moment to tingle again, a reminder of the kiss. Oh yeah, he wants this as much as I do.

“Can I come in?”

A moment of silence and then, “Door’s unlocked.”

My heart races, and I work to pull myself together as I open the door. I see a big dark figure on the bed, and my body stirs to life as I examine Braydon’s outline. Forcing my wobbly legs to move, I step toward him and catch his scent: beach, sand, pure male.

“Hey,” he says, his voice deep, raspy from sleep—not that I can really hear him all that well with my heart thundering so hard in my ears.

Moonlight slants in through the crack in his curtain, and I stand before it, giving him a view of my coat.

“I was thinking,” I begin, my voice full of sensual invitation as I ache to indulge in his body. “Since there aren’t many doctors here in your small community, you should be taking advantage of the one you have sleeping under the same roof as you.”

His breathing changes, becomes harsher, and pleasure races through me. It excites me to know he’s as into this game as I am. With that knowledge, I slowly slide my coat from my shoulders to expose the sexy lace panty set beneath.

“We should probably start with a little mouth-to-mouth, then maybe we can move on to a deeper physical examination.” I walk toward him, and he runs a hand through his hair like he’d done a few times earlier today, a groan catching in his throat.

“I—” he begins, but I cut him off.

“Shh, you can’t talk during mouth-to-mouth,” I explain and crawl onto the bed with him. I’m about to straddle his hips, but strong hands grasp my shoulders and roll me until I’m captured beneath his large frame. I try to breathe but can hardly fill my lungs, partly because he’s pressing down on me and partly because he’s taking full possession of my body and it excites the hell out of me.

His lips close over mine, and I readily open for him. Unlike this afternoon, his kiss is harder, more demanding. I moan, and his hands go to my hair. He deepens the kiss as he pushes wispy strands from my face, and I squirm when his hard cock presses against my thigh.

He kisses me fiercely, his probing and thrusting tongue shutting down my mind and feeding the hunger building inside me. God, I want this…need this. He shifts, his cock pressing hard against my legs as his hands begin an exploration of my body. My flesh burns everywhere he touches and his lips sear my skin as they leave mine and go to my throat.

“Fuck,” he murmurs, his voice so hoarse I hardly recognize it. “You taste like candy.”

With my sex pulsing, I try to widen my legs so he can touch me where I need it the most, but he clamps his thighs around mine and squeezes, the action pinching my clit in the most glorious ways. Pleasure, so much pleasure. His fingers shape the underside of my breasts, and instead of removing my bra, he jerks it downward, freeing my aching nipples. His mouth closes over one taught bud, and I arch into him. He draws one nipple between his teeth and as his tongue swirls, I feel it all the way to my core. It’s oddly exciting to have my bra on while he licks at me. He nibbles, then clamps down. I gasp from the sharp yet stimulating pain. I had no idea Braydon would be such an animal in the bedroom. Rough and greedy, he eats at me, taking his fill as heat builds in my core.

I touch his hair, rake my hands through it as I hold him to me, and catching me by surprise he flips me over. I gasp again at his roughness, his demand for control.

“Hands above head, legs tucked underneath you,” he instructs in a deep, severe voice that sends shivers skittering through me. “I want your ass in the air.”

What, really? No man has ever made that demand before, which is, oh, I don’t know…awesome. Epic sex here I come. Literally.

I reach up and grab the headboard as I put my legs underneath me.

“So fucking nice,” he murmurs as his hand trails down my back to toy with the band on my panties.

“Please,” I cry out, unsure of what I’m begging for as I rock against him.

He repositions and slides his arm around my waist to lift me. With my hands above my head grasping the rails tightly, and my breasts crushed against his bed, my ass is completely on display. I should feel vulnerable, exposed, but I don’t. I’m a million miles away from home, with no one telling me what to do or how to live my life, or giving me disapproving glares because I want to work in the ER trenches. Right now, I plan to have some much-needed fun, goddammit. Braydon groans and gives my ass cheeks a squeeze, his callouses abrading my skin in mind-blowing ways.

Jesus, that’s insanely hot.

Lust burns low in my belly as he grips my hips and grinds against me, his cock rock hard, like a steel rod against my body. I’ve never felt anything like it, but I sure as hell can’t wait to.

My clit throbs, screams for attention when he slides his hands between my thighs and cups my mound. He lightly nudges my swollen cleft through my panties, and I moan as my need turns into a sweet ache of pleasure.

He gathers my panties and tugs upward, and they slide into the crevice between my cheeks. His moan of approval thrills me. He’s clearly an ass man—not that I’m an expert or anything, but he does seem rather focused on mine, and that’s an all-time first.

“Such a pretty, pretty ass,” he murmurs, his voice so deep and low it’s difficult to hear him. He tugs harder, and the thin material slides in deeper, the friction stroking my clit, and taking me higher and higher. His mouth touches my skin, and he peppers me with wet, searing kisses that burn my flesh as his tongue trails a path from my cheek to the small of my back.

As he devours me, I soar, and he runs his finger along my seam, then tugs my panties aside to expose my hot sex. “Now about that deeper examination,” he murmurs, as he thrusts a finger inside me. Dizzy with need, I moan and move against him, but his finger stills inside me and I almost cry. I’ve never been needier or more turned on in my entire freaking life. I wait, then quickly realize he’s waiting for me to move—like he thinks I know what I’m doing here. The guys I’ve been with sort of just went about their own business when in bed—I’ve always ended up finishing the job myself. When I push back, he shoves another finger inside me.

“Yes,” I cry out, so gloriously full from two thick fingers. He strokes deep, and I ripple with sensual bliss.

He leans forward and pulls my hair. My head lifts, and my scalp burns with pleasure as he tugs. Feeling bolder than ever, I shamelessly fuck his fingers like the seductive dirty girl I’m pretending to be. I close my eyes and ride him harder as sensations charge through me.

He pulls his fingers out, and my stomach clenches. I cry, unfulfilled, but that cry quickly turns into a moan of pleasure when he nudges my legs open wider, lies on his back, and slides beneath me, until his mouth is lined up with my hot sex.

He squeezes my ass again. “Ride my face. I want you to come in my mouth.”

I rock, rubbing my clit over his tongue as I stimulate my nipples on the bedding. Holy God, everything about this is crazy, intense. What I’ve been doing before…well, that was child’s play, a cone of vanilla ice cream compared to this. Braydon is one downright dirty, demanding, totally dominant guy. Pure animal. I totally love it.

I want to touch him, drag my nails over his gorgeous body, but my position doesn’t allow it. Not that I’m complaining. What he’s doing between my legs can only be described as magical. His tongue slides along my nether lips, his mouth sucking and kissing as he shoves his tongue inside me. I push down on him, and his hands grip my waist to control the depth and penetration.


His tongue picks up the tempo, driving inside me then striking my clit with precision. Hot sensations coil through me at the duel assault, and my womb clenches. I’m so freaking close to exploding, but I need this to continue almost as much as I need it to end.

“Yes,” I murmur, and he pulls me down, letting me grind against his face. “Oh, yes, like that.” He licks and strokes and nips my clit until I can’t take any more. “I’m…I’m coming,” I cry out, and he moans, the sound vibrating against my swollen nub as I tumble over the edge.

My sex pulses and squeezes, the mind-numbing sensations shutting down my ability to think as I come. I’d be embarrassed by my cries, and the way I’m rubbing against him like a purring cat, if it weren’t so damn good. Correction—great. I think I hear him curse as he laps at me, but I can’t be sure. I can’t hear anything over my own panting breaths.

He flattens his tongue, and his long, luxurious licks stretch out, become lighter as he circles my sensitive clit, coming close but not touching. He obviously knows how a woman’s body works, and there is no doubt I’ve won some kind of man lottery here. He lightly feathers his tongue over me, and when my spasms stop, he slides out from beneath me. While I’m sad to see him go, I’m anxious to finally touch his body. I’m about to speak, but his deep, hard—demanding—voice stops me.


I turn, anxious to see the silhouette of his hard body and race my hands over him, but before I can gaze at him in the thin stream of light slanting against the wall, he climbs up my body, his legs on either side of my head. With those big hands that just brought me so much pleasure braced on the wall behind me, he feeds me his cock. I take it to the back of my throat and slide my hands around to grip his firm ass.

“That’s it,” he growls. “Suck my cock, doc, and moan for me. Let me know how much you like it.”

I make another mewling sound, his dirty, raspy words making me so hot my sex is clenching without any penetration at all. That’s never happened before.


He growls, and my nipples harden as I become aroused all over again. I work my mouth over his cock, as he powers forward, hitting the back of my throat. I relax my muscles, wanting to take him deeper, but he’s too freaking big. No way, no how will I ever be able to take him all in. That doesn’t mean I won’t do my best.

“Fuck,” he cries out as he slides in a tiny bit more, and while I can’t breathe, my chest fills with pride that I can please him this way. He inches out, and I lick and swirl my tongue, completely engrossed in his cock and anxious for him to spurt his cum down my throat, when he pulls all the way out.

I reach for him, wanting him back, but he flips me over once again. He lies over my body, pressing down on me as he reaches into his nightstand. I hear foil crinkle, and my heart hammers. He’s going to fuck me now.

He’s going to fuck me now.

Heart racing, I turn my head and try to see his handsome face. But he quickly sheathes himself, slides his arm around my waist to lift me until my knees are beneath me, my breasts once again on the bed. He slides my panties down my legs, and the slowness nearly kills me.

“Please,” I beg, and he just chuckles, but I sense his urgency, the restraint in his body.

Panties gone, he grabs my ass cheeks and kneads them as his crown probes my sex. I try to push back, force him in just a little, and he just chuckles some more. Damn controlling bastard.

But you love it.

Yeah, I straight up do.

His hand fists in my hair and in one hard thrust he jerks forward to seat himself high inside me.

“Yes,” I hiss, as he fills me in a way I’ve never been filled before. My moan of consent seems to do something to him. He pulls almost all the way out and rams back into me, a new urgency about him. As he slams me into the bed, the sheets rasp my nipples, and the glorious ache racing through me brings on a full-body quake. I just about come again.

Behind me his breathing changes, a rapid succession of quick breaths as he pulls out only to drive back inside, over and over until I’m damn near delirious. The friction, oh God, the beautiful friction is doing the most glorious things to my overheated body. I move with him, and this time he lets me. He releases my hair, his big hands lifting me until I’m on all fours.

“Up,” he growls.

As I brace on my hands and knees, he slides his arm around my body, the rough pads of his thumbs brushing over my aching nipples. I moan in bliss, and he grunts a response as he changes the speed and depth of penetration. Heat spreads inside me as my climax builds. I can tell he’s close by the swelling of his cock, filling me even more. He slams into me. Deeper. Faster. One hand leaves my breast, his breath hot on my back as he pants and stokes my swollen clit.

He applies more pressure, and the entire world ceases to exist. The only thing I can concentrate on is the pleasure coming to a peak between my legs. Sweet, sweet heaven. I let go and come all over him, my wet heat coating his cock.

A growl rips from his lungs as he releases high inside me. He falls over me, and I collapse onto the mattress, once again unable to breathe from his weight. I close my eyes and revel in it until he rolls and drags me with him. His breathing changes, becomes softer, and since I love being in his arms like this, I decide to briefly shut my eyes and enjoy this with him for one more moment before I sneak back to my room.

The early morning sun slants in through his curtains and pulls me awake. Groggy, I lie still and glance around. Where the hell am I? As soon as I see the Braydon asleep beside me, curled on his side with his back to me, memories from last night come rushing back. I touch my mouth and glance down at my body, used and bruised in the most glorious of ways.

My body aches in places I never knew existed, and as I think about that, I can’t help but smile. What a night! I look Braydon over, his broad back exposed as the sheet covers his lower torso. I want to touch him all over again—taste him everywhere. Seriously, the man knows his way around a woman’s body, and he brought me to orgasm unlike any other man ever could.

I glance at the door, but when I hear movement in the hall, I look for my panties and white coat. How will I ever make it back to my room without someone catching me? I’ll just have to wait them out while Braydon sleeps it off. Slipping out from between the sheets, I pad quietly to the bathroom, and glance at myself in the mirror. My lips curl when I take in the flush on my cheeks, the tumbled mess of my hair. God, I haven’t looked this sated or relaxed in…ever.

Since I’ve never had a one-night stand before, I’m not really sure how to act today, which is why I want to bail before Braydon wakes up. Last night was great, and I certainly don’t want to ruin it with any awkward morning-after talk. Then again, what’s the hurry? I’m here for two glorious weeks. Why not enjoy all Braydon has to offer while in paradise?

Who’s saying the morning has to be awkward? Maybe instead of hightailing it out of here, I can crawl back into bed with him. Pleasure crashes over me, and my libidinous body warms in all the right places as I consider the possibilities. Last night I woke him with a little mouth-to-mouth—why should this morning be any different? I’m not normally so brazen, but a night with him has woken a whole new, naughty side of me. With a plan in mind, I turn on the shower and soothe my muscles as I quickly rinse off.

I hear a noise in the other room. Is Braydon up? Hurrying so I can still catch him in bed, I wrap myself in a big fluffy towel and smooth my wet hair back. I give myself a quick once-over in the mirror then step into the other room. The smile falls from my face when my glance goes from the half-asleep man sitting up in the bed, to the wide-awake one looming in the doorway.

Ohmigod. What have I done?

Chapter Three


I stand in Tyler’s doorway, crushing disappointment settling in my gut as Alyssa’s gaze skitters from me to my best friend, who is on the bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

“I…I…Oh my God…” Alyssa stutters.

“Morning, Alyssa,” I say. Goddammit, I shouldn’t feel so crushed that she preferred Tyler to me. She’s not mine and can sleep with whoever she wants. Then why the fuck do I feel so gutted, like I’ve been hollowed out inside?

“What’s going on, Bray?” Ty asks.

Trying for casual, despite the storm brewing inside me, I say, “I couldn’t sleep and came to see if you wanted to go for a run.” I wouldn’t have barged into his room if I’d thought Alyssa was in here with him—a well-fucked Alyssa, judging by the flush on her cheeks. Last night I’d gone to her room, only to find it empty. Little did I think she was in bed with my best friend.

Fuck me.

“I… Oh my God,” she says again. A strangled noise crawls out of her throat. Face going pale, she clutches her chest, and her towel comes undone and falls to the floor, giving me an unobstructed view of her gorgeous body. When I see the panic, I make a move to retrieve the towel for her, but stop when she snatches it from the floor and holds it against her chest.

“I thought…” She pauses and once again looks from me to Tyler and back to me again. She points a shaky finger at me. “I thought you…”

As I take in her alarm, the way her gaze is darting back and forth, understanding hits like a slap to the face. Jesus Christ. She mixed us up. Talk about a fucked-up situation. Disappointment morphs to desire at that realization, but then my stomach squeezes when distress radiates from her body. I’ll have none of that. She’s here to de-stress, and I’d already vowed to do everything in my power to help with that.

“You thought Tyler was me,” I say quietly.

She nods, and I brace my hands on the doorframe over my head. Her gaze goes to my bare chest, and lust grabs me by the ball sack as I admire her from afar. I don’t miss the slow embers of desire dancing in her big doe’s eyes before she quickly jerks away at the sound of Tyler’s voice.

“What the fuck?” Tyler says. “You thought I was Bray?”


He grins and stretches out on the bed, not an ounce of modesty about him as his early morning boner tents the sheets. “Well, I hope you’re not too disappointed.”

“Why…why did you sleep with me?” she asks, her eyes wide and confused as they take in his erection. “You don’t even know me.”

“Come on. A hot woman comes into your room and wants to play doctor, you don’t question it. You go for it.” Tyler meets my gaze. “I got your text earlier about Josie, and actually thought Alyssa was her. Can’t say as I’m sorry for the mix-up.” His unapologetic grin widens as he turns back to Alyssa. “But the real question is, did you have fun?” he asks, breaking the tension before we all get too caught up in it.

Her gaze skirts back to me, and she scrapes her teeth over her bottom lip, a warm flush crawling up her neck. “I…did,” she croaks out, and I love her for her honesty.

“Then that’s all that matters,” my easy-going friend says, none the wiser as to how much I wanted this woman in my bed. I’ve not mentioned her over the last year, and Tyler’s right—if a hot woman comes into your room, you don’t question it.

She pulls her gaze away, then it flashes back to me, like she’s waiting for my response. “I’m glad you had a good time.” It’s true. I am glad. I’m also glad it was with Tyler. Judging from the sated look my best friend put on her face, she is well on her way to a relaxing vacation—her whole reason for being here. “I’m just sorry I wasn’t involved,” I say honestly and watch her face for a reaction. Is she still open to the idea of crawling in my bed? Or better yet…

She stands poker straight for a moment, like she doesn’t know what to make of that, then lowers her head, stares at her bare feet—Jesus, those painted toenails have my cock throbbing—and says, “I should go.”

I straighten, refusing to let her be embarrassed. She’s a woman with needs and should own her sexuality, play however and with whomever she likes. “Really? Because here I was thinking you should stay. We both should.”

Her fingers grip the towel tighter, and even from where I’m standing I can see her body vibrate. Is it from excitement or fear? Yeah, I want her, and I’m happy to share her with my friend during her stay, but I want her willing.

“I…I…” She glances at Tyler, and he shifts on the bed to make room for both of us.

“Bed could use a little warming up,” he says as he taps it. “You two get your asses over here and help me with that.”

“Oh. My. God,” she whispers. “What, what are you suggesting?”

I hover at the door and say, “That we finish what we never got to start.”

When her eyes glaze with desire, it’s all the encouragement I need. Moving with renewed purpose, I kick the door shut and walk toward her. Her mouth forms a perfect little O as she looks at Tyler then back at me. “You mean…”

“What I mean is”—I touch her cheek with the backs of my fingers—“you work hard, Aly, and you came here to relax, right?” She nods, and I continue, “Let us help you with that. Let us take care of you and show you that hard work deserves hard play.”

She hesitates for a long moment, and I wonder if I pushed her too far too fast. It’s clear she’s an innocent, and it probably took a lot of courage for her to seduce me—or rather, Tyler—last night. But the heat in her body, the intrigue in her eyes, tells me she wants to play—and dammit, I want to play with her.

She blinks up at me, a new air of mischievousness about her. My balls tighten as I take in the gleam in her eyes. She pokes my chest. “I guess I did promise you a little mouth-to-mouth lesson.”

As soon as the words spill from her lips, I push her against the wall, drag her hands over her head, and run my tongue over her bottom lip. Fuck, I’ve been dying for a taste of her since that first kiss in the salt marsh, dying to expand it and lick every sweet inch of her body.

“Maybe even a few anatomy lessons,” I add. I push my knee between her legs, and she lets out a little erotic sound when the knot in her towel slips. “Since Tyler and I own this place, you’d be helping us learn, and killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

“That’s very logical thinking,” she says.

“I thought so.” I brush against her, let her feel my hard cock. As I do, her towel falls to the floor.

“My towel,” she whispers into my mouth.

“Don’t need it,” I murmur and slide my leg deeper between hers, until her hot sex is riding my thigh. I rub back and forth, and heat crawls into her cheeks.

I hear a groan from behind and angle my head to see Tyler, who is watching the two of us closely and waiting to get in on the action. I meet his glance.

“Uh, this bed isn’t warming itself,” he teases. I’ve never seen him so eager before. The two must have had one hell of a night.

I pull her from the wall and walk backward, leading her to the bed. When my knees hit, I turn and guide her down until she’s lying sideways on the mattress. I step back and stare at her, giving her a blatant head-to-toe evaluation.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” I say.

A hot blush crawls up her cheeks, and she makes a move to cover herself. Christ, I’ve embarrassed her, but I won’t have any of that, either. “No,” I say harshly. “Hands to your sides.” Her breathing changes as I give a direct order, and I narrow my eyes, assessing her as my gaze moves over her face. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?”


Tyler curses. “Stupid bastards, every last one of them.” He leans over Alyssa and kisses her mouth upside down. “You’ve been with the wrong kind of guys.” I smile at Tyler. He always knows just what to say and when to say it. He balances on one elbow and runs his knuckles over the outside edge of her breasts. “Bray and I are going to make up for that. You’re in good hands now. We promise you that.” He flicks me glance. “Isn’t that right, Bray?”

“Damn right, Ty,” I say, my cock thickening at the way my friend is talking to Aly and easing her worries. He must sense her innocence, the trepidation in her body—despite her vocal consent—because he’s not normally so gentle and sensitive. Then again, a change has been coming over him, with talking about settling down and all.

Keeping a close eye on Alyssa, I widen her legs and fall over her, pressing her down with my weight. A small moan catches in her throat as my lips find hers. She softens beneath me, any discomfort she might have felt ebbing away as we exchange a hot kiss. Her lips widen, and I taste the depths of her. But it’s not nearly enough. I break the kiss and catch the way Tyler is watching again. I never really paid much attention before, but the guy definitely likes watching the two of us in action. I have to admit, I liked seeing his mouth on Alyssa’s, too. I love giving her this kind of pleasure, love that Tyler is here in the moment, with us.

Her entire body relaxes before my eyes, and when I catch the unmistakable hunger in her gaze, I smile down at her and inch away. Her hands go around my shoulders, and her hips cant forward as she tries to pull me back. Such a needy, needy girl. Damned if Ty and I aren’t going to make everything perfect for her.

“Don’t worry, Aly, we’re going to give you everything you need.” I run my thumb over her bottom lip, and her tension melts. “But first, I really, really need my cock in here.” I push my thumb into her mouth, and when her hot lips close around it, my teeth clash tight, and I nearly shoot off.

Get it together Bray.

I pull my thumb out, and she makes a hot, breathy bedroom noise as I push from the bed and pull her up with me so she’s seated on the edge of the mattress, her feet planted on the floor. I stand before her, my erection straining against my running shorts. Tyler slides in behind her, his feet on the floor beside hers. As his thighs hug hers, he braces her back with his chest.

I slide my shorts to my knees, and her eyes widen as I free my erection. I grasp it, and she watches intently, her mouth forming that sweet little O that drives me insane, as I stroke myself.

“Yeah, just like that, Aly. Keep your mouth just like that for me.”

I step up to her, and Tyler captures both her breasts and brushes his thumbs over her nipples as I tap her bottom lip with my crown. I’m so fucking hard, so eager to get in that hot wet mouth, I have to take a moment to get my shit together before I prematurely lose it. I breathe deeply as I rub myself again, and pre-cum pools on the end. I hear her swallow, and the next thing I know she’s leaning toward me—eager girl that she is—her soft pink tongue licking the juice from my head.

“Fuck, that is hot,” I say, and Tyler groans. She blinks up at me, and a moan of pleasure escapes her lips. I arch a brow. “You like the taste of me?”

“Yes,” she whispers.

“Does it make you hot?” She nods, and I meet Tyler’s glance. “Show me how hot it makes her.” Tyler slides his hands down her body, grips her knees, and spreads them wide, opening her completely to me. She gasps, her nipples tightening as her chest rises and falls.

I step back, and Tyler’s fingers go to her sweet pussy. He widens her lips, holding them open to give me such a pretty view of her pink sweetness. I drop to my knees, touch her lightly, run my thumb over her wet heat. She arches into my touch, but I pull back. She’s running so hot, she’s ready to go off, and there are just too many things we need to do first.

“Please,” she begs, setting loose her sensual side as she succumbs to her needs.

I stand and lick the pad of my thumb. Jesus H. Christ. I knew she’d be sweet, but fuck, come on. “Cotton candy,” I say.

“Yeah, she’s so fucking sweet,” Tyler says. “Make sure you save some for me.”

With her pussy lips still wide open, I lean into her and push my finger inside her hot sex. She’s so goddamn wet and eager, my entire body convulses. I finger fuck her for a second, pull out, then give Tyler a taste.

Desire burns in her eyes. “I…that’s…” she whispers, as Tyler licks her sweet nectar from my finger.

“You like that?” I ask. “You like Tyler tasting you from my finger?” When she doesn’t speak, I look at her. “Hey, Aly. Total honesty, okay, and no need to be embarrassed? We’re just having some fun, and it’s like this—what happens in Antigua, stays in Antigua.”

“It’s…it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” she says, her breath coming so fast, I fear she’s going to pass out, and I really will end up giving her mouth-to-mouth.

I put my lips to her ear and whisper, “Breathe, Aly. We’ve got so much more we want to do with you.”

She sucks in a huge breath and lets it out slowly, her honey-flecked eyes burning with desire—a deep-seated need I can’t wait to sate with Tyler’s help.

“Now, open that mouth again. Show me how you suck cock.”

She parts her lips, and Tyler’s hands go back to her sweet tits as I push my cock inside. She takes me deep, deeper than I would have thought, as one hand cups my sac and the other wraps around the base of my cock. Her small hands are so soft, massaging so gently, I clench down hard enough to break teeth.

I hold the back of her head and let her work her mouth over me. She licks, sucks, and strokes me until I’m so goddamn fucked up from need my hands are shaking. “You’re so good at that. Did you suck Tyler like this?”

She can’t talk since her mouth is full of my cock, so Tyler answers for her. “Yeah.” He pulls on her nipples, rolls them between his fingers, then presses his lips to her temple. He gives her a tender kiss and says, “She did really good.”

The vision of my best friend’s cock in her hot throat makes me impossibly harder. “You’re going to have to show me that, Aly.”

She makes a mewling sound, and from the way her tongue works harder, it’s clear she’s excited by the idea. Good, we’re all on the same page here. I jerk my hips forward, and she takes me deeper. Damned if the doctor doesn’t know a thing or two about relaxing her throat, putting all her clinical studies to work here.

Tyler steadies her from behind, supports her body with his as she sucks me off. “Yeah, sweet thing,” Ty says. “Take him nice and deep. Just like you did me.” My best friend groans, the sound full of agony as he slides a hand between Alyssa’s body and his own in search of relief. “She’s so fucking good at that. I can’t wait to get my cock back in that mouth.”

“I bet she wishes she could take both of us at the same time,” I manage to get out as my balls pull up into my body. I’m close, so fucking close. My hand tightens on her neck, signaling her to stop before I spurt down her throat. Not ready to come just yet, I inch out of her mouth, my cock like a fucking missile as it plops from her lips.

All three of us are in bad shape, but in my book—and in Tyler’s—it’s ladies first. I glance at her face, take in the pinkness on her cheeks, her quick, short breaths. “You need some relief, too, sweetness?” I ask. She nods, and I trail my hand down her body, sliding between her breasts until I’m lingering near her clit. She tries to move, but I grip her hips to still her. As much as I’d like to tie her down so she’s completely at my mercy, it’s too soon for that. I don’t want to scare her off. “I’m going to put my mouth on you. I’m going to eat you and fuck you with my fingers. Just when you’re ready to come, I’m going to slide my tongue inside you so I don’t miss a drop of your sweetness.” I brush my finger over her bottom lip. “Then I’m going to share the taste with you.”

“Jesus,” Tyler mumbles as his hand works his cock.

“You want that don’t you, Aly?”

“Yes,” she cries out.

“Good. I going to take total control of your body so I can give you what you need.” She nods in agreement, even though I’m not really asking, and her long, wet hair falls over her shoulders as her eyes drift close. “Spread nice and wide for me. Give me full access to your sweet pussy so Ty and I can make you feel really good.”

I drop to my knees and grip her spread thighs, my fingers biting into her skin as I widen her legs even more. With her hot sex on display, I dip my head and press a wet kiss to her clit. She quivers and writhes. “Hold her still,” I say to Tyler, and the command in my voice seems to thrill her.

Tyler lets go of his cock and presses his hands to her thighs to still her. Her eyes widen, and I grin as sweet doctor, Aly puts herself completely in our hands. The overworked doctor keeps her control close, so for her to give herself over to us like this is not only an honor, it’s a responsibility we plan to take seriously.

With that last thought in mind, I bury my face between her legs and lick the length of her. Her taste dances on my tongue as her hands rake through my hair.

“Yes,” she hisses, her hips moving slightly until Tyler holds her down harder, keeping her at my mercy. I push a finger inside her, and her tight walls clench around me. Fuck she is so hot and snug. How did Tyler ever get his cock in here? I glance at Tyler, and he grins, knowing exactly what I’m thinking.

I push my finger in and out and circle her swollen clit with the tip of my tongue. I indulge in her heat for a few minutes then drive another finger inside her. She gasps and her chest juts forward. A gritty sound catches in Tyler’s throat, and I know he’s hurting.

“Lay her back,” I say to Tyler, and pull my fingers from her wet sex. As Tyler lowers her to the mattress, I lather her lubrication over her breasts, making them nice and slippery for what I have in mind.

I meet Ty’s glance. “Straddle her. I want you to fuck those sweet tits.”

Aly sucks in a quick breath, and I glance at her. “Still with us, sweetness?” She nods, her eyes wide, eager. She might be an innocent, but there is nothing in her expression to say she’s opposed to the idea. “I take it you never had your breasts and pussy fucked at the same time.”

“No, never,” she says breathlessly.

“Sounds like fun, though, right?”

She nods excitedly, and I love her enthusiasm. “Yes.”

I grin. The good doctor is all about trying new things—at least once. I learned that at the salt marsh yesterday. She moves restlessly, and my blood turns molten as Tyler climbs over her, rubbing his cock between her lush breasts. I angle for a better look, and with each forward movement she takes him into her mouth.

Talk about a fast learner. “Fuck, that is nice,” I say, tantalized by the sight.

“You have no fucking idea,” Tyler growls.

“Next time we’ll switch positions. That looks like a hell of a lot of fun.”

Raw hunger takes hold, and I pick up the pace between her legs, brushing her clit with my tongue and thumb as I ravage her sweet pussy with my fingers. Her moans of ecstasy echo in my head as her body grows tight with the approach of her orgasm.

Ty rides her tits and mouth, his grunting sounds letting me know just how close he is.

“Fuck, that’s good,” he growls. I match his movements, synchronizing my fingers to his rhythm, and Aly’s body clenches as she lets out a loud cry. Her muscles squeeze around my fingers, drawing them in deep, and my cock throbs, desperate to be inside.

I stay inside until her muscles stop clenching. As I lick her, I put my hand on Ty’s back, joining us all as one. Ty lets out a growl, and his muscles bunch beneath my palm. He’s so fucking close.

“Not yet,” I say to him, and he slows down.

“You’re killing me, bro.”

I chuckle softly, even though he’s not the only one in agony. “Slide over.”

He slides off Aly and settles in beside her. He rolls to his side and goes up on one elbow to run his fingers over her nipples, triggering a deeper desire in me. Damn, that’s hot. I swallow, desperately needing my mouth on them. I climb up her body, take one hard nub into my mouth, and suck until little hollows form in my cheeks.

Her hands go to my hair. “Bray,” she whispers. I let go and shift until my mouth is over hers. “Now, about that taste I promised.”

She moans as my lips crash over hers, giving her a taste of her sweetness. I kiss her hard and deep, pushing her hair from her face and angling for a more thorough taste. Ty shifts beside me and opens his nightstand. I break the kiss and inch back. Ty grins as he tosses me a condom. I tear into it and slide it on. I lift Aly’s legs, bending until her knees are at her sides, and position my cock at her opening. Teasing her, I give her only an inch, and meet Ty’s glance. I want his mouth on her nipples. I’m about to tell him that, but we’re so in tune, he instinctively knows what I want.

My cock pulses when he draws her taut nipple into his mouth, and the look of pure bliss on Aly’s face squeezes my chest. Ty and I have hooked up with other girls, but the three of us being together like this feels different…right. I could totally get used to this long term. What the fuck? Where did that thought come from? Ty is the one looking to settle, not me. I grip her hips and toy with her until she’s squirming in frustration.

“You need this?” I ask and rotate my hips to circler her tight opening as Ty makes slow, skilled passes with his tongue. “You need my cock inside you?” Oddly enough, I need to hear her say it, need her to tell me she’s hurting for me.

“I do,” she says, her sexual frustration shimmering through me. Jesus, she’s so responsive, so needy, I want to make sure I do right by her.

“Trade spots, Ty,” I say, and she grumbles in annoyance, but there are so many ways I want us to take her, so many anatomy lessons I want to give her. I shift until I’m on the bed, and looking unsure of what she’s supposed to do, Aly’s glance goes back and forth between Ty and me. When I catch her confused look, a flash of protectiveness hits me, and my heart jumps a beat. This is a hookup, but no matter what happens here, the most important thing is that Tyler and I take good care of her. Truthfully, I’m glad she’s with us and not some random guy or guys who would manhandle her. She deserves better.

“I want you to ride me,” I explain.

Bewilderment morphs to lust as she starts to throw a leg over me to straddle my hips, but Ty, understanding exactly what I want, grips her by the waist and turns her so her back is to me.

She casts a glance over her shoulder. “I thought—” she begins.

I touch her back, run my fingers along the sexy length. “This way you’ll get to fuck Ty with your mouth while I fuck your hot pussy.”

A hard quake racks her body and vibrates through me. Heat zaps my balls and fires my blood.

“I want you to swallow his cum, Aly. And don’t worry, he’s clean. We both are. I promise you that.”

“I am, too,” she says, and I chuckle, having no doubt about that.

Ty stands, positions his cock at her mouth and holds her shoulders as I lift her over my cock. I let her drop an inch, and she squirms, trying to sink my entire length inside her.

I hold her and control the depth and penetration, as Ty rubs his cock inches from her mouth. She’s so goddamn tight, my cock is aching, and it takes every ounce of restraint I have not to pull her down hard and seat myself high inside. Moving with purpose, I slowly give her inch after inch until she’s squirming, her hair falling over her shoulders as she rocks against me.

“More,” she cries out, and when I hear the need in her voice, it snaps the last vestige of my control.

My body breaks out in a sweat, and my heart crashes as I piston upward. I grab her shoulders and push her down. In one quick thrust, I’m all the way inside her, going so far and deep, I’m sure I’ll be lost in her forever. Yeah, losing myself in her forever would be damn sweet.

Wait, wait, wait. Once again, I’m forced to remind myself Ty is the one looking for forever, not me.

She rides me, and as pleasure grips my balls, I lose my train of thought. “Fuck, yes,” I cry out as her hot heat singes me. I slam deep and fast as flames surge through me. With her bottom cushioned against my pelvis, I lift her again, pushing her forward slightly, and with each movement she takes Ty’s cock into her mouth.

“You feel so good, Aly,” I whisper, and Ty and I groan at the same time. “Do you like sucking Ty’s cock while I fuck you with mine?”

She writhes on top of me, her head bobbing in answer to my question. I exchange a look with Ty, and he holds the back of her head to balance her. I love the way he takes care of her as I drive harder, faster. But despite my depth of penetration, I still can’t seem to get deep enough. Her entire body shudders around my cock, her hot release burning my balls.

I pinch my eyes and struggle to hang on as Ty gives warning, “Alyssa, I’m there.”

Her head bobs, and Ty curses as he shoots off into Aly’s mouth, and as he lets go, her sweet cunt tightens even more around my cock. Tension builds, comes to a peak, and a growl I have no control over rumbles from the depths of my throat.

Tyler drops to his knees, and sweet Aly glances at me over her shoulder, her hot mouth wet from Ty’s release. The desire reflected in her eyes becomes my undoing. I bury myself deep in her hot, silky heat, throw my head back and let go. A tremble racks my body at the onslaught of pleasure.

As I release high inside her, one of her hands goes to Ty’s head, holding him to her, and the other hand goes behind her to touch my stomach. While the joining is physical, the connection is emotional. Her soft, intimate touch sweeps through me, and I note the strange shift inside me. I glance at Ty. Judging by the way he’s looking at Aly, he feels it, too.

What the hell just happened?

Chapter Four


As my body and brain come back to earth, I look to the left then to the right to take in the warm bodies brushing against me as they snore softly. I stretch, every muscle from the top of my head to the tips of my toes reminding me of the incredible night with Tyler, and the mind-blowing morning with him and Bray. I’ve always lived life by the straight and narrow, but with these guys, I was anything but. Heck, I was twisted and turned, and put into back-bending positions that gave me pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

I shake my head, incredulous at this turn of events and the way these two men were able to put me at ease. Seriously, though, I can’t freaking believe I just slept with two men—two men who’ve obviously shared women before, judging by the comfort they have with each other and how naturally they fell in time together.

Honest to God, if that’s not epic, I have no idea what is. As I look at the two men, it’s no wonder I made the mistake of thinking Tyler was Braydon. They have the same haircut, mannerisms, and identical, athletic frames. But when the sunshine had slanted across the wall during our play, I could see that Tyler’s eyes were dark chocolate while Braydon’s were ocean blue.

Am I upset for going into the wrong room? Honestly, I can’t say that I am, even though this is so not like me. I should be embarrassed on some level, but I’m not. What would the girls back home think—that I’m a dirty girl, or one hell of a lucky one? I’m going with the latter, and if I have it my way, I’ll go with the latter for my entire two-week vacation, providing these men want me again. That thought gives me pause, and a moment of self-doubt.

Most guys see me as a white coat and stethoscope, not a woman—probably because I’m married to my job. Although, I must say I’m tired of the bureaucracy crap at work—management wanting us to move patients through like a Starbucks drive-through. And then there are my folks, who guided me toward a medical degree because my father is a surgeon, my older brother Jacob a specialist with a private practice in Manhattan, and my mother a hospital administrator with a plush corner office. They can’t accept that I want to be in the emergency room trenches.

When are you going to do something more with your life?

Oh, but I just did.

I grin as I glance at my two guys.

My two guys?

Well, today they are, anyway.

What will happen when they awake? Will there be awkwardness between us? Will they want to do this again, or was I just their catch of the day, so to speak? The truth is the men I have been with rarely stayed around long, leading me to believe they see me as a hit it and quit it kind of girl. Nervousness trickles through my veins, and my heart beats a bit faster. Should I leave now before they awake? As I mull that over, I fidget and toy with the bedsheets.

“What is going through that pretty head of yours?” Braydon asks, and I nearly jump six feet in the air at the sound of his voice. “Hey,” he says, a new tenderness in his tone as he goes up on one elbow and brushes my hair from my face. His hands are so soft and caring that my throat tightens. No one has ever touched me with such care, but Bray and Ty…well, it’s a little insane what their worshipping touch does to me. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is an affair, and I should not be letting myself feel or think there is more going on here. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

My racing heart slows. “I’m always jumpy.”

“Last night and this morning didn’t help?” he asks. At first, I think he’s teasing me, but I don’t see a trace of humor on his handsome face. And why is there such concern in his eyes if this is just about sex? Dammit, there I go overthinking everything again.

This is sex, Alyssa. Don’t lose your way and think it’s more.

“It helped. A lot,” I say, my entire body buzzing to life as he continues to touch me.

“Good.” He runs his knuckles along my chin and down my arm. As my body responds physically to his touch, I try to remain detached, a difficult task considering the attentive way he’s gazing at me and showing such concern.

“You have the most beautiful body,” he says.

“So do you.” I slide my hand across the mattress and touch the hot male still asleep—needing the connection with him, too “So does Ty.”

My nipples tighten painfully, and I can’t believe there isn’t an ounce of awkwardness between us. How can I be so comfortable with this man and his friend? “You need to find a way to relax, Alyssa. Shut that brain off for a while, and don’t think, just feel.”

“You’re right. I overthink everything.”

“Believe me, I know where you’re coming from,” he says, and I nod in total understanding. After all, I was the attending physician that day he was rushed to the hospital. “Tell you what—while you’re here, how about no thinking. Just having fun.”

“Fun is good.”

A grin full of sensual promise spreads across his handsome face. “Tyler and I will be happy to help with that.”

“Happy to help with what?” a sleepy Tyler asks from beside me.

“To show Alyssa how to relax and have some fun. Show her what she’s been missing out on.” Blue eyes full of gentle concern move over my face. Jeez, when he looks at me like that, it makes my heart trip up. Careful girl, don’t go and do something stupid like fall for one of these guys.

Lord, that’s two times in as many minutes that I’ve had to lecture myself. I could be in real trouble. “Let us take care of you while you’re here.”

“And wouldn’t you know it.” Tyler throws his sheets off to expose his erection, a huge grin on his face. I love his playfulness, and get that he’s the joker of the two. “I’m totally equipped to help with that.” He shimmies closer until his erection is pressing against me.

“Oh,” I say, my body warming all over again.

Tyler laughs, and in a move I’m growing familiar with, pushes his mussed hair from his forehead. “Oh? That’s all I get?” he asks.

Braydon and I laugh with him. “That’s all you get,” Braydon says, a crooked smile softening his features. “Time to nourish the sweet doctor.” Braydon looks past my shoulder and zeroes in on Ty. “It’s Becca’s day off and your turn to cook.”

“I’m on it,” Tyler says and kicks the blankets to his feet. I stare at his gorgeous body as he rises and moves about the room without a hint of modesty. He tugs on a pair of jeans and foregoes the shirt.

I let my gaze roam over him, appreciating him like he’s a fine piece of art, and with his body and finely tuned muscles, he’s so much better than any sculpture I’ve ever seen. My fingers tingle as I take him in, and when he turns and catches me admiring his frame, he gives me a big smile and sinks to the bed beside me.

He touches my face softly, and my heart misses a beat. “What do you like for breakfast?”

“I…anything is fine.”

“How about pancakes?”


“Try not to burn them this time,” Braydon says.

“Don’t listen to him.” Tyler shoots me a cocky grin. “He’s just jealous because I can do everything better than he can.”

“Fuck off,” Braydon shoots back.

Loving the teasing camaraderie between these two, I poke Tyler’s chest and say, “I wouldn’t say you’re better at everything.” Braydon laughs, and when Tyler feigns hurt, I add, “I’d say you’re equally as good.” It’s true—they were completely on par in the bedroom, and both had given me the best, hottest sex of my life.

“Okay, I’ll take it,” Tyler says, and catching me by surprise, kisses me deeply. “You’re incredible, Alyssa,” he says, his voice so goddamn soft and tender, my heart trips up.

When he jumps from the bed and leaves, I turn and catch the way Braydon is watching me, those blue eyes of his moving over my face like he can see deep into my soul.

“So, it was me you wanted to fuck last night, huh?” I look down as a wave of embarrassment moves through me. He slides a finger under my chin and nudges it up until my eyes are locked on his. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. Not with me, or Ty. Here on this island, you can let go, be whoever you want, and do whatever you want. I love that you own your sexuality, and you should never be ashamed of your needs.”

I nod, and as I let his words sink in, I say, “I was waiting for you to put the fire out last night. I watched you, or rather Tyler, slip into this room.” I stare into his eyes. What is it about this man—these men—that makes me feel so at ease that I’m able to tell them anything? Must be their laid back, easy going vibe. Moving here was obviously the best thing for them. Going for full disclosure, I add, “I wanted to go out with you last year when you asked. I was just so busy.”

“I thought you weren’t interested.”

“I was. My job, you know. It eats up all my time. Plus, you were my patient.”

“I’m not anymore,” he says with a grin.

“I know.”

His smile fades. “If you don’t like something, you should change it.”

“That’s just it. I do like what I do. Just pressures from administration, family.”

“Ah, I know all about pressure from the job.”

I think about his trip to the ER. “Yeah, I know you do.”

“What about your family?” he asks.

I let loose a sigh, not wanting to ruin the moment by digging into that can of worms. “Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure, how about we discuss how much you wanted me,” he says, and I sense that he’s trying to lighten my mood.

“Want, not wanted,” I tease in return.

“And Ty?”

“Want,” I say again. He grins. “Can I tell you something?”

He brushes his hand over my chin. “Anything.”

“I think I might have been sent here to your villa on purpose.”

His brow pulls together. “Really?” He looks down like he’s deep in thought. “Does it have something to do with that pact you didn’t want to talk about?”

“Yeah. You see, my friends and I all put our names in a hat on New Year’s Eve two years ago. We drew, keeping it a secret, and on the month of our twenty-fifth birthday, we receive a dossier with all the things needed for an epic adventure.”

“Explain ‘epic.’”

Leave it to Braydon to pick up on that. The guy is astute, that much is for sure.

“Sex,” I say. “We’re not supposed to come home until we’ve have epic sex.”

He gives a low slow whistle, his head going from side to side. “Talk about pressure.”

I run the bedding through my fingers. “Yeah, I know. I never even thought I—”

He cuts me off. “Not for you, sweetness. For Ty and me.”

I laugh, loving how he calls me sweetness and Ty calls me sweet thing. “Ah, I think we’ve already achieved epic, Bray.”

He frowns. “When is your birthday?”

“Tomorrow, actually.”

His head comes back with a start. “Yeah?”

I nod. “Yup.”

He goes quiet again, and I poke his chest. “What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” I ask, shooting his words back at him.

“You’ll see,” he says, a wicked, mischievous grin on his face.

“Um, should I be scared?”

The blue of his eyes deepens. “Never of me,” he says quietly, and my heart misses a beat. “Or Tyler.”

“Okay,” I say. While I might not have known the men long, this morning’s shared intimacies, and the way they both took such great care with my body, created a trusting bond between us. And that’s a bit terrifying for me because it’s going to make walking away a whole lot harder.

“Come on. Let’s get a shower then head down to eat. Tyler should have the pancakes done by then.”

He captures my hand and leads me to the shower. We both climb in like being naked under the hot spray together is something we do all the time, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. It might not be, but it’s damn nice, and I plan to enjoy every second of it. Broken heart be damned.

Bray positions me under the spray and grabs the soap. He lathers his hands and places them on my body. “Sore?” he asked.

“Yeah, a bit.”

He cringes. “Were we too rough?”

“Nope. It was perfect, Bray.” My heart thuds, the closeness, the connection I feel to him in such a short time, a little hard to comprehend. Bewildering or not, it’s still there, tugging at me. Lacking any sort of inhibition, I go up on my toes and place a soft kiss on his mouth. His breath seems to stall as his eyes meet mine.

“What was that for?” he asks softly as he spins me around, securing my back to his stomach as one soapy hands goes to my stomach.


“Never mind,” he says, his other hand going to my shoulder to pull my hair back. He presses his mouth to the sensitive spot on my neck. “You don’t need a reason to kiss me. Let’s make that a rule. Kissing whenever we want.”

“I like that rule.” His hands slide slower, and one glides between my legs. “How about touching when and where we like, too?”

The vision of Braydon and Ty touching me in public for all to see races through my mind. Why the hell does that idea excite me so much? I used to be straight-laced, but in only a few short hours I’ve gone and done a complete about-face. Damned if I don’t like it. But what on earth would my family think if they knew I was here sleeping with two guys? But it’s so sexy. So forbidden. I feel a moment of panic, and my body stiffens.

Stop letting them control your life.

“You’re overthinking again aren’t you, Aly?” he asks.

I nod then shake my head to clear it. “I know.”

“Let’s get your mind on something else.” His fingers part my sex, and he lightly strokes my clit. “Too sore for this?”

“No,” I whisper and let my head fall back on his shoulder. “Never.”

He strokes gently, petting me softly, a feathery light brush over my clit. My breathing changes as I give myself over to the sensations he’s arousing in me.

“So nice,” I murmur.

He bends and puts his mouth near my ear. “Good,” he whispers, his warm breath racing over the shell of my lobe and eliciting a shiver from deep within.

He gently slides a finger inside me, and I close my eyes against the flood of pleasure. From behind, his cock grows against my back, and I wiggle my ass, wanting to tease him.

“Go ahead. Poke the bear, Aly, and see what it gets you.”

I grin at the way I get to him. There’s a heady power in knowing I can arouse this strong man, bring him to his breaking point.

Bray adjusts my feet, widens them, and pushes another thick finger inside me.

“Oh, yes, just like that,” I say without thinking.

“This is how you like it?”

“Yes,” I moan.

“Good, because for the next two weeks, this is how you’re going to get it. Every day, all day, whenever we want, wherever we want.”

His fingers stroke deep, and my legs weaken. Bray slides an arm around my waist and practically holds me up as he drives his fingers in and out of me. I sway slightly and he holds me tighter.

“That’s it, Aly. Just feel.”

As he stirs desires deep inside me, I move against his hand, the hot spray running over my breasts and stimulating my nipples. My eyes slip shut as his fingers slide in and out of me, his movements slow, deliberate, taking me higher and higher. My breasts grow swollen, hot, and I exhale a raspy breath as pleasure pools between my legs.

“You have the sweetest pussy,” Bray says. “I can’t wait to get my mouth on it again.”

“Yes,” I hiss.

“You like that, too, Aly? My mouth on you again, eating at you until you come?”

Oh, God, his dirty words alone are enough to push me over the edge. I rock against his hand, reaching behind me to grip his head as I come all over his fingers.

“Fuck, yeah.” His hot breath rushes over my neck, and I clench twice as hard. When my body stops trembling, someone clears their throat and we both turn to see Ty there, rubbing his swollen cock through his jeans. “If you two or done, breakfast is ready. If not, push over. I want in.”

“We’re done,” Bray says, and I give him a look.


I steal a glance at his hard cock. “But I didn’t…you didn’t—”

“Don’t worry; you can make up to me later.” He grins at Ty. “Both of us.”

My body convulses as I visualize myself naked with them again, hands on their cocks, taking turns with them in my mouth. “Can’t wait,” I say, shocking myself with my boldness.

He gives me a little slap on the ass to set me into motion, and Ty holds a towel out for me when I exit the shower. He wraps me in it, and I snuggle in close as he guides me to the door.

“Let’s get you dressed.”

I nod as he handles me with kid gloves. God, these guys are both uber-alpha-males but so damn sweet to me. A girl could really get used to this kind of treatment.

“My key is in my coat,” I say, and when I glance at the white coat on the floor, Ty grins and picks it up.

“I’ll meet you two down there,” Bray says, giving Ty and me some more time alone. The bond of trust between these two men is something I’ve never seen before, and for the first time in…ever…I feel like I belong to something very special.

Tyler whisks me back to my room, and from the hall I hear voices in the downstairs living room. It’s late morning and everyone is already up and about. “Ty,” I whisper. “Do you think the whole villa heard us? Oh my God, I’d be mortified.”

“Why?” he asks, his shoulder shrugging easily. “What’s the big deal? We’re consenting adults doing what consenting adults do.”

“But most consenting adults only have one partner.”

He shrugs again, like he doesn’t have a care in the world, and I like that so much about him. His easy demeanor is contagious. “Maybe, maybe not. I don’t really know, and what other people do doesn’t concern me.” He brushes my hair, and drops a kiss onto my mouth. “What we do, though, does.”

I take a moment to mull that over. I’m not in New York, with my every move under the microscope of my boss or my parents. Here in Antigua, what I do is none of anyone’s business. These two men aren’t judging me. In fact, they’re encouraging me, and I’d be a fool to give a rat’s ass about what anyone else thinks.

“You’re right,” I say.

He winks at me. “Of course I’m right.” Ty opens my door and ushers me in. He pulls the towel away, and as I stand there naked, he gives a low whistle. “Jesus, I’m glad you came into my room last night.”

I laugh. “Me, too.”

One brow arches. “No regrets?”


He pulls me into his arms, and his eyes soften as they move over my face. “Bray and I never had a woman like you in our life before.”

“This is all new to me, too.”

He leans in and kisses me softly, taking his time to taste and savored me. As he kisses me breathless, desire sparks inside me. When he breaks the kiss, I touch his face, trace his lip—lips that brought me so much pleasure. My chest squeezes with need, and my body trembles. How is it these guys are still single?

He pinches my ass to set me into motion. “While I’d like to stay here with you for the rest of the day, Bray is waiting for us, and I don’t want your pancakes to get cold.”

With much reluctance, I step away, immediately missing his heat and touch, and root around inside my suitcase until I find my sundress. My itinerary for today is shopping in town then relaxing on the beach. Dress in hand, I turn to Ty, and suddenly I don’t want to go—not if he and Bray won’t be there. Cripes, I shouldn’t allow myself to get attached so quickly.

“What are you and Bray doing today?”

He gazes at me like he knows what’s going on inside my head. “Taking the guests to town for shopping,” he explains.

I smile, excitement welling up inside me as I grab my brush from my dresser and run it through my hair. “I can’t wait to meet the locals and pick up a few souvenirs,” I say, a new excitement building up inside me.


I turn at the seriousness I hear in his voice. Ty is always playful—Bray is the more serious of the two—so his tone takes me by surprise. He rakes a hand through his hair, a look of agony on his face. Something is wrong. My heart stills. Is he having second thoughts about carrying on with this affair? Was once enough for him?

His gaze travels the length of my still-naked body. “Uh, you really need to get dressed, or we’re never going to make it downstairs.”

My insides flutter, a bubble of happy laughter bursting from my throat as I hurry into my dress, mentally scolding myself for overthinking everything and always going straight for the worst. I make a move to tie my hair back, but he reaches out to stop me.

He takes my hands and puts them at my sides, then pushes my hair from my shoulders. “Just like this,” he says and drops the softest, sweetest kiss onto my mouth.

I stand there breathless for a second, as something warm and intimate passes between us. “Okay,” I finally manage to say, and wonder if this is a dangerous game I’m playing. Maybe I should put a stop to it now, before I get in too deep. But when Ty captures my hand and ushers me from my room, need overshadows logic, and I let him guide me, willing to follow him and his friend anywhere they want to take me.

Chapter Five


The warm afternoon sun shines down on us as I stand back with Ty while our guests mill about, going from shop to shop to buy local merchandise and pick up souvenirs. Josie flicks her hair over her shoulder and locks arms with one of her friends. At least she’s given up on trying to get me in her bed. She hit on Ty during our short drive to the shops, but he was less than interested. Normally he’d go for it, but he did say he was getting played out. Although, he’s ready and eager to play with Alyssa. Actually, he really seems to like her. Not that I can blame him. She’s fun, spontaneous, brilliant, and game for anything—definitely the kind of girl he could fall for.

The kind of girl I could fall for.

Whoa, what the hell?

I consider that as a group of kids play soccer in the streets, their shrieks of laughter cutting through the quiet of day. I shove my hands into my pockets, and Ty nudges me.

“You okay?” he asks, always looking out for me. That’s one thing that has never changed from our childhood.

“Yeah, why?” I ask, even though I know what he’s picking up on. Shit, I haven’t felt so alive in a long time. Yeah, sex was getting mundane, life routine, but a morning in bed with Aly and Ty felt right—personal—and that’s throwing me off a little. Okay, a lot.

It’s just sex, dude. Get over it.

Ty grins and puts his hand on my shoulder. “She’s something, huh?”

“You remember her, right? The doctor from the clinic.”

“Yeah, I remember. You really liked her. Called dibs on asking her out,” Ty reminds me.

I grin. “Yeah. I did call dibs, didn’t I?”

Ty laughs. “You thought you were having a heart attack and still found it in you to call dibs.”

I angle my head to see my best friend. “So, you would have asked if I didn’t?”

“Fucking right, I would have.” He grins. “But you were under stress, so I threw you a bone.”

Aly comes out of a store holding up a local scarf she bought to show us, and my fucking heart leaps. She waves, the big smile on her face doing mind-fucking things to me. Shit, man, I’m in trouble here.

Just then a soccer ball misses its mark and hits her in the gut—hard. Her eyes go wide, and she bends forward, the air leaving her lungs in a loud whoosh.

“Shit,” Ty says, and we make a run for her as she collapses to the ground.

I drop to my knees and cradle her in my arms, and Ty pushes her hair back to see her face. “Hey, you okay?” I ask. Her eyes, glassy and dazed, tell me she’s not. What the fuck do I do? Panicked, I turn to Ty for help. He sits her up straighter to expand her lungs.

She clutches her stomach, and the group of young boys who’d been playing come running over. A couple of them are Becca’s boys—the kids we tutor once week.

“Thomas,” I say. “You need to be careful, bud.”

“Sorry, lady,” the eight-year-old boy says and drops to his knees in front of Aly. He angles his head sideways to see her, putting his face right in front of hers. It would have been funny if she weren’t hurt. “You okay, lady?” he asks.

She sucks in a shaky breath and says, “You have three seconds.”

The boy stiffens and glances at me, worry dancing in his big brown eyes. “Three seconds. Why do I have three seconds?” Thomas asks, his voice quivering slightly.

“To form a defense,” she says. “Because Braydon, Tyler, and I are going to score on your team if you don’t.”

She jumps up and drops the ball, holding it with her foot as the kids squeal and rush down the street to the makeshift net put together with sticks and fishing line. Relief washes through me. Ty and I exchange a look, and in that instant my chest swells, consumed with need for this fun, loving woman, and I don’t think I’m the only one.

“You sure?” I ask Alyssa as she refills her lungs.

“Yeah. Let’s show them how it’s done.”

She kicks the ball to me, and the three of us pass the ball back and forth as we close the distance. The boys are jumping with excitement and waving their hands to distract us. Thomas protects the net, darting from one side to the other. A few of the locals come from the stores to see what the ruckus is all about.

Since Ty and I played on the varsity team in college, we easily kick the ball back and forth, and I can’t stop grinning. Ty makes a run for it, and the kids hurry to catch up. I kick it to him, and he slides it in the net. Alyssa claps, and the boys grumble.

“More,” one of the boys says.

“Switch places,” I say. “Ty, you get in the net.”

I kick the ball a distance away, and the boys run after it as the three of us position up. The big grin on Aly’s face is like a punch to the gut. I stand there and stare at her for a moment, my heart pounding against my rib cage as I think about the possibilities, but when one of the kids circles her, and she picks him up and spins him around to stop him from scoring, my whole world shifts.


As Aly and the boy laugh, her eyes bright with childlike enthusiasm, the sweet sound of her voice triggers something foreign inside me. I need to be with her again, to touch her all over and give her pleasure. I turn and look at Ty, life as I know it changing before my eyes. Amazing. Terrifying. As we exchange a look, I get it. I totally fucking get what Ty was talking about that morning on the beach. I look back at Aly, and visions of coaching the soccer team, the little league team, race through my mind.

Get your shit together, dude.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head. What the fuck is going on with me? Aly is here for two short weeks—on a vacation for epic sex for Christ’s sake—and that’s all that’s between us. Sex. So why the hell am I thinking about soccer teams and little league and long-fucking-term with her?

“Bray,” Aly screams as the boy wiggles free.

I snap out of it and steal the ball from the kid. He rushes around me, and I toy with him as I do tricks with the ball.

“Nice moves,” Aly calls out.

“I could teach you, if you like.”

A blush forms on her face because, yeah, we’re not really talking about soccer here.

I eventually let the boy take the ball from me, and he kicks it to his friend who is lined up at the net. Ty fakes a play, and the ball goes in. The boys start cheering. On the sidewalk, I see Becca with her youngest son, Cecil.

“Boys, it’s time to head home,” she says, waving for them to come over.

“Hey, Becca,” I say and walk toward her as the boys groan and complain about leaving. She looks worried, and my stomach tightens. So far, her pregnancy has been going well, and I hope she’s not ill. “Everything okay?” My gaze goes to Cecil, who has a bright red rash on his face. “Cecil okay?”

“He hasn’t been feeling well.”

“What are his symptoms?” Alyssa asks, coming up beside me.

“Becca, this is Alyssa. I’m sure you remember checking her in,” I say, “but did you know she was a doctor?”

Becca’s eyes go wide as Alyssa drops to her knees. “Hey, Cecil,” she says softly. “How are you feeling?” My throat tightens with pride as I watch her slip into doctor mode.

“Bad,” he says and snuggles in close to his mother’s leg.

Becca rubs his damp hair. “It started a couple days ago with a mild fever, now he has a rash. I went to the clinic, but the doctor is not in.”

Alyssa climbs to her feet. “Mind if I take a closer look at him?”

Becca’s eyes light. “You’re on vacation. I can’t ask—”

“It’s no problem,” Aly says.

“No problem at all,” I add and slide my hand around Aly’s back, just wanting to touch her.

“As long as it’s not too much trouble,” Becca says.

“No trouble at all.”

“Then please.” She gestures with a nod. “I live just up there. I’ll make tea.”

We walk with Becca back to her place. Ty kicks the ball back and forth with the boys as they lag behind, keeping them occupied so Alyssa can do her job. He’s such a good fucking guy, always able to read a situation. I love him so goddamn much.

“Is he okay?” I ask Aly as I brush the small of her back with my thumb.

“I think it’s fifth disease, but I want to check him out just to be sure.”

Once inside her small house, Becca takes her boy to one of the back bedrooms so Alyssa can examine him. I follow as Ty continues to distract Thomas and his brother Vin. He leads them to the table where their books are spread out. Apparently, Thomas and Vin are in for an impromptu math lesson. Probably a good thing, since I plan on giving them a surprise test when it’s my night to tutor.

I stand in the doorway and watch Alyssa work, a new kind of need burning low in my stomach. She is so in her element as she checks the little boy over, and my heart pinches as I watch her. Her caring ways and sweet bedside manner have put both Becca and Cecil at ease.

She covers little Cecil up with a light sheet and brushes his hair back. As his eyes close from exhaustion, she gestures with a nod to the hall. Becca holds her hands over her very big belly as we all convene outside the child’s bedroom.

“It’s fifth disease,” she says quietly. Becca frowns in worry, and Alyssa places a hand on her shoulder. “It’s a common childhood disease. Nothing to get too worked up about.” She reaches into her purse and pulls out some Tylenol. “You can give him this for his aches and pains, and to help reduce his fever. One pill every four hours, until he’s better. The rash will go away.” Alyssa narrows her eyes. “You need to take care of yourself. I’d be more worried if you were in your first trimester, but by the look of things you’re in your third.”

“I’m due next week,” she says. “Doctor Malcolm will be at the clinic, and he’ll be delivering.”

“Good, glad to hear that. There is a risk of transmission. Usually it’s spread before the rash appears, but just to be safe, keep your other boys separated for a few days. You should also make sure Cecil stays hydrated. Lots of water.”

Aly turns to me. The smile on her mouth slips, and she narrows her eyes as I stand there staring at her in awe. “What?” she asks.

As my heart crashes, I put my hand on her face. “Thanks,” I say.

Her small palm closes over mine and lingers there. “My pleasure.”

A loud laugh comes from the other room, and we turn toward the sound. “What’s going on in there?” she asks.

“I’ll show you.” I capture her hand and lead her into the kitchen where Tyler is sitting with Thomas and Vin.

As Becca pours a glass of water and takes it to Cecil, I lower my voice and say, “This is one of the ways we pay Becca for all she does for us. She only takes a small salary, because she wants her boys educated. They have school here, but we take things up a notch.”

Aly steps away from me and leans over Ty, her hand on his shoulders, her hair falling forward as she gazes at the books in front of him. “Math,” she groans. “Not my favorite.”

“It’s my favorite,” Thomas says. “When I grow up, I’m going to be an astronaut.”

“You sure are,” Ty says, “and I want tons of pictures from space.” Ty turns and drops a soft, quick kiss on Aly’s cheek. “Thanks,” he says quickly. Like me, Ty really cares about this family, and words can’t say how happy we are that Aly was eager to help while on vacation.

Both boys say, “Eww…” and we all grin.

“How is he?” Ty asks.

Aly gives Ty a reassuring smile. “He’s going to be just fine.”

Vin, who is two years Thomas’s junior, plants his elbows on the table and holds his face up with his palms. “I don’t want to go into space.”

“What do you want to do?” Alyssa asks.

“I’m going to be a doctor. Mama says we need doctors.”

“Really?” Alyssa says. “Did you know I’m a doctor?”

“You are?” Vin’s hands fall, and his face lights up.

“I am.”

“Is that why you were checking Cecil?”

“Yes, and he’s going to be fine.”

“So, you’re my doctor now, too?”

Alyssa straightens. “Well, if you need me when I’m here, then yes, I’ll be your doctor.”

Ty closes the book in front of him. “Okay, guys. Get to work on your homework, and Bray will be back next week to test you.”

“Are you not staying for tea?” Becca asks as she comes back.

“Thanks, but we have to get home,” I say.


Aly fits so easily into our lives, and when she’s inside the villa, it suddenly feels like a real home—one I never had growing up, never thought I could have, yet I always craved.

Becca takes Aly’s hands into hers. “Thank you so much.”


“We need more good doctors like you around here.”

“Thank you,” I say as the boys grab their pencils. Ty stands, and we all follow him outside. The sun shines down on us as Ty asks about Cecil. Aly explains while we walk back to the center of town to gather the others.

As we stroll down the street, Alyssa points to a store. “I want to make a quick stop in there before we head back. I saw a cute purse I want to pick up for my friend.”

“Sure,” we say in unison, and as she steps away, a female voice behind us catches us by surprise.

“Hey, strangers.”

“Jennie,” Ty says.

She puts her hands on his shoulders, flashes her lashes at me, then looks back at Ty. “Long time no see,” she says, her gaze straying to Alyssa. “You guys haven’t been around in a while.”

Ty casually removes her hands from around his neck. “Been busy.”

“With her?” she asks, a dark spark of jealousy in her eyes.

I catch a glimpse of Alyssa in my peripheral vision. Her steps have slowed, and her eyes are narrow as she takes in the way Jennie is touching Ty. My pulse jumps in my throat. Jesus, if I didn’t know better, I’d say the girl I’m trying hard not to fall for is looking at my best friend the same way Jennie is—with total and utter ownership.

Chapter Six


“Morning, birthday girl.”

“Morning.” I scramble to sit up when I see that now familiar grin on Ty’s face. He’s in play mode, and I love it. “What’s going on?” I pull the blankets over my naked body, my mind going back to last night and all the amazing things I did between these sheets, up against the wall, in the shower… Yesterday, after our shopping excursion, tending to Becca’s son, and soaking up the sun, I spent the rest of the night in bed with these two incredible men who continue to teach me that playtime is just as important as work time. Truthfully, though, they both make me feel special, and that’s not something I’ve ever really felt before. How on earth am I expected to go back to normal after time in their arms?

“Twenty-five years old today,” Ty says, his smile spreading.

I eye him skeptically. “Are you planning on giving me twenty-five spankings or something?”

Before he can answer, Bray comes in with a cup of coffee for me. I accept it and take a much-needed sip.

“Don’t tell me you don’t like that idea,” Bray says, his sexy grin doing the most ridiculous things to my body.

I blush, thinking about the way I squirmed when he gave me a hard slap last night, then lift my head to feign innocence. “What makes you say that?”

He laughs, and Ty joins him. “Oh, maybe the way your nipples are puckering.”

I glance down and see the bed sheet has fallen, exposing my pert nubs. “I…I…” Oh, hell, what was the point in lying? These two could see through it, anyway. “Maybe I do like that idea,” I say boldly.

“Don’t worry. You’ll get your spankings,” Ty says.

“But that’s not epic enough for a twenty-fifth birthday,” Bray adds.

“Bray—” I begin, a warning in my voice. What are these two planning?

He holds his hands up. “You trust me, right?”

I look at the two men who have been taking care of me, and feel an inherent trust that affects both my body and my heart. My pulse kicks up a notch as everything inside me flutters.

Careful, Alyssa.

“Yes,” I say.

“So, while you were sleeping, we came up with an epic idea.”

I take another sip of coffee; I’m pretty damn sure I’m going to need it before he tells me what they’ve been concocting. “Go on.”

Ty leans in to me, presses his lips to mine for a soft kiss. My heart thumps at the tenderness in his touch. “Twenty-five orgasms,” he whispers into my mouth.

My hands shake, and Bray removes my coffee cup, a huge grin on his face.

“I…can’t have twenty-five orgasms in a day. No one can.”

Oh, but I’m willing to try.

“No, of course not. We’re going to spread them out.” He jabs his thumb into his chest. “But we plan to give them to you whenever and wherever we want.”

Excitement coils through me. “You have got to be kidding me.”

Please don’t let them be kidding me.

“We never kid about orgasms,” Ty says, his face deadpan.

“Never,” Bray agrees.

Bray grabs my ankles and gives a slight tug, so I’m flat on my back again. “Are you ready for number one?” He’s about to climb over me when someone starts pounding on the front door of the villa. Then we hear voices. Young voices. We all freeze, and an uneasy feeling closes in on me.

“Becca’s boys,” Bray says, the lust in his eyes flashing to worry.

All humor fades from Ty’s face. “Shit.”

The two guys hurry to the front door as I scramble into a sundress. I tie my hair back and rush down after them. When I see Thomas and Vin, panic dancing over their little faces, my heart picks up tempo, fearing Cecil has worsened.

Vin grabs my hand. “Mama’s having her baby.”

Going straight into doctor mode, I turn to Tyler, “Get the vehicle started. I’ll grab my bag.”

A minute later we’re all piled in the van, and Bray speeds to the village a short distance away as I ask the boys questions, none of which they can really answer.

We make it to the village fast, and we all rush inside. I’m quickly introduced to Becca’s husband, Thomas senior, and he hurries me to the bedroom.

“Becca,” I say, and take in the sheen on her face. She looks calm—way calmer than I would have expected, probably because this is her fourth baby. Do I dare tell her it’s only my second delivery? “How far apart are the contractions?” I ask, struggling to present calm.

“Two minutes.”

I place my bag on her dresser. “Good thing your boys thought to come and get me. How is Cecil?” I ask as I open my bag and pull out my stethoscope.

“He’s feeling better.” She sucks in deep panting breaths as I look her over and take her vitals. When she lets out a moan, I step to the foot of the bed to assess her progress.

“Okay, let me have a look,” I say, praying there are no complications. I have no idea how far the hospital is, but with her contractions so close, I’m sure she’ll deliver before we even get there.

I pull the sheet up over her bent legs, and see the baby is already crowing. “We’re close.” I look to her husband, who has gone pale. “Can you bring me fresh towels and water in a bowl please?” I ask.

A hand touches my shoulder. “What do you need, Aly?” Bray says softly. I glance up into a pair of the kindest blue eyes, and my heart falters.

“I’m okay, Bray. Maybe someone can distract the boys.”

“Ty’s outside with them, playing soccer.”

My heart thuds harder, and I smile. “Of course he is.” Once again I wonder how it’s possible that these two guys are still single. They are incredible men, who care a great deal about the people in their community and always know just what to do. Becca bears down again, and my thoughts return to her. “I need to work now,” I say.

He drops a soft kiss onto my forehead. “I’ll check on Cecil, and then I’ll be hanging in the hall. Holler if you need anything.”

Thomas senior comes back with the supplies, and I place the fresh towels on the bed. “Just sit with her and talk to her,” I say. He takes Becca’s hand in his and uses the other to brush her hair from her forehead.

I pull on my sterile gloves, open a clean cloth and place my equipment on it. “Breath with me,” I say to Becca when another contraction hits.

She cries and bears down again. “Let’s get this baby out.” Thomas rubs her hands, and breathes with her.

“If you have another boy, you’ll soon be able to start your own soccer team,” I say.

Becca grins. “We’re hoping for a girl.” She cries out as a sharp pain hits.

“Push,” I say and count to ten. “Okay, stop.”

“You’re doing great,” Thomas says. Then he says something in Creole that I don’t understand. It brings a smile to her face, and that makes me happy.

I give her a moment of reprieve, then say, “I need you to push again.”

Tears pool in her eyes as she holds her bent legs and clenches down. “That’s it, Becca.” I count to ten again as the boys play in the street, their sounds reaching my ears.

The room grows warm, and I wipe my brow on my arm as the minutes tick by. We continue with the push and count to ten pattern for a long time, until Becca is nearing exhaustion. I fear if we don’t get this baby out soon, she’s going to give up on me. I check the time and exchange a look with her husband. He nods in understanding.

It’s time to really push Becca into getting this baby out.

“Becca,” Thomas says, then he finishes his sentence in their native tongue. She nods and clamps her teeth together.

“Okay, Becca, the hardest push you have. We’re almost here.”

She cries and pushes with everything she has in her. This time I don’t let up. “Push again,” I say. “Push, push, push.”

The head comes out, and I quickly clear the mouth and airways of fluid. After another big push, the baby’s shoulders slide through. I capture the little body in my hands, and my heart squeezes as she lets out a loud cry. I set her on the towels for a quick examination.

“It’s a girl,” I announce and reach for my scissors to cut the cord. Both Becca and Thomas start crying and speaking to each other in Creole. I glance at Bray, who is hovering in the doorway, watching me carefully. “We share the same birthday.”

Bray blinks, and for a second, I think I see water in his eyes. It turns my heart inside out. “Give me ten minutes, then the boys can come meet their sister.”

Bray heads out, and I quickly clean the baby up and place her on Becca’s chest as I tend to the placenta. Once I have her cleaned up. I remove my gloves and stand back, totally spent. Bray returns and wraps his arms around me, holding me to him, as we watch mother, father, and baby bond. My knees wobble slightly because at that moment, it hits me. I want this. I want this kind of love and happiness. My entire body quivers, and Bray must take it as exhaustion. He holds me tight, and I accept his support.

“You did great,” he whispers into my ear.

“How far is the hospital?” I ask.

“Thirty minutes. I’ll take her.” His big arms go around my waist, and I press my hands to his.

“I’d like to stay with her, just to make sure she’s okay.”

Bray nods as the boys all come running in to see their mother. With them is another woman, who introduces herself as Cheri, Becca’s sister. She looks frantic, and I quickly calm her down. As the house buzzes with the birth of the little girl, we load mom, dad, and baby into the van, while Cheri stays to take care of the boys.

An hour later, while seated in the front of the van between Ty and Bray, a wave of exhaustion comes over me. I let loose a yawn, and Tyler pulls me to him. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just coming down from the adrenaline rush. Plus, I didn’t get all that much sleep,” I add, grinning. I go quiet and think about these two men, the way they are with Becca’s boys. Playing with them, protecting them, teaching them. I want to ask why they don’t have their own families, but really, it’s none of my business. This is just a two-week affair, and I’m not supposed to get close.

Too late for that, Alyssa.

“You were incredible back there, Aly,” Bray says. “Just like you were with Cecil last night.”

“I love what I do, Bray. I love being able to help like that.”

“I’m sorry you had to work on your birthday,” Ty says.

I grin. “It’s not work if you love what you do.”

“True,” he says. “Every day here is like a vacation, too.”

“I’m just really glad I was here for her.” I fold my hands on my lap, and think about the doctor shortage in this community. “What would she have done?”

“Probably deliver in the backseat on the way to the hospital,” Ty says.

I shiver at that. “That would have been horrible for her.”

Bray’s hand slides across the seat and captures mine. He gives a little squeeze, and when I glance at him, his expression goes so soft. My heart misses a beat when I take in the warmth and tenderness in his eyes as his gaze slides over my face.

“How come you guys aren’t married?” I blurt out without thinking. When I realize what I’ve done, I try to get the words back. Heck, it’s none of my business. But Bray turns it around and asks the same of me.

“I guess I’ve just been so busy with school, work, trying to please my parents.” I don’t bother telling them that men see me as a white coat and stethoscope, not a woman—and if they do, it’s as nothing more than a hit it and quit it kind of girl.

He slides me a look when I bring up my parents again. “They put a lot of pressure on me.” I shrug like it’s nothing, but clearly he can see right through that.

“What kind of pressure?” Ty asks.

“I love what I do, but it’s not good enough for them. They want me to specialize.” I let loose an exaggerated sigh. “They think they know what is best for me.”

“Do they?” Ty asks.


“Sounds to me like they care deeply about you and only want what is best,” Bray says. “All I ever wanted was a family who love me, Aly.”

“My family is your family, Bray,” Ty says. “What’s mine is yours, you know that.”

My heart thunders. Did Bray not have anyone? “I know they care. But I’d like to make my own decisions.”

“Tell them to back off,” Ty says.

“Easier said than done. You don’t know my parents.”

Ty touches my face softly as Bray continues to squeeze my hand.

“True, but there comes a time when a person has to take the reins, shut out all the voices, and do what is best for them,” Bray says. “Life is short. As a doctor, you know that better than anyone. You should be happy, do what makes you happy. That’s why Ty and I moved here. Back in New York, we weren’t living; we were just surviving.”

“Best decision,” Ty agrees.

“I know you’re right. My whole life has been about responsibilities. My upbringing was very conservative, and I toe the line, walk the straight and narrow. I’ve never really done anything just for myself.”

“Until now,” Bray says.

“Until now,” I agree. Unease moves through me at the thought of going back home. Sooner or later I fear I’ll cave and go the specialization route, even though it’s not what I really want at the moment. Later maybe, but not right now. “I could always be an obstetrician.” Not that my hospital needs another. Here in Antigua, though, sure looks like they could use an extra.

Bray slides me a glance. “Is that something you’d like, or is that something to make your parents happy?”

“Both, I guess.” A beat passes between us, then I ask, “What are your parents like?”

“Mine were great,” Ty says. “Pretty functional.” He casts Bray a glance, concern in his eyes. “Bray didn’t have it so easy.”

“My father was a bastard. Beat the shit out of me just for fun,” Bray says. “If it wasn’t for Ty and his family, I’d probably be on the streets somewhere.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, my heart squeezing for the abused boy, as I grasp a better understanding of the relationship these two men have. I’d never want to do anything to come between them.

“My biggest fear is that I’ll end up like him.”

“Not going to happen,” I say. “You’re a good man, Bray.”

When they go quiet, everyone lost in their own thoughts, I turn the subject back to them. “So why aren’t you guys married?” Beneath the hard bodies and bedroom antics, these two are good men. Correction—great men. “Becca’s kids adore you both, and I see how much you care about everyone in this town, as well as everyone who stays at your villa.”

“Shh, keep that to yourself, or you’ll ruin our reputation,” Ty teases.

“So, you’re not interested in marriage or having a family?” I ask, as my mind trips back to our shopping excursion and the way that pretty girl had touched Ty with ownership. Unease and possessiveness races through me as I picture them with anyone but me. I swallow it down. I seriously have no right to feel so possessive. We’re not committed, and these guys can be with whoever they want. They’re not mine.

“We were waiting for the right girl,” Ty says and from the warm way he’s looking at me I can’t help but wonder if he’s saying I’m the right girl. My heart gives a little jump at that thought, then I quickly push that ludicrous idea aside. This is sex. We’re having fun. Besides, how unorthodox would a trio for life be? Talk about complicated.

Nothing is complicated in Antigua.

Bray and Ty exchange a look, then Bray says, “Sometimes you don’t know what you want until it’s right there in front of you.” He pulls into his parking spot at the villa, and kills the ignition. Bray looks at Tyler again. “Why don’t you head upstairs. Run Aly a bath, and I’ll make us all something to eat and bring it up.”

I make a move to go, and Bray captures my arm. He puts his mouth close to my ear and says, “Don’t think we’ve forgotten about the twenty-five orgasms.”

Heat moves through me at the sexy reminder, and teasing back, I say, “Oh, don’t worry. I would have reminded you if you had.”

His laughter goes through me, and my heart swells. God, I love when he laughs like that—in fact I love a lot of things about him.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

We slip inside the quiet house. The guests are out, doing their own thing for the morning, and Ty takes me upstairs as Bray goes to the kitchen. He crouches, turns on the bath water, checks the temperature, and crooks his finger.

“Come here.”

I step up to him, and he grips the hem of my dress. He stands, and in one quick move, he peels the material over my head. A growl catches in my throat as I stand before him in nothing but my bra and panties. God, when he looks at me like that, it makes me feel so beautiful and wanted. Like he doesn’t want to just hit it and quit it.

“I’m glad you came into the wrong room,” he says again, and drops back down onto the edge of the tub. I run my fingers through his hair as he pulls me to him and presses his head to my stomach. He just holds me like that for a long time, then when the bath fills, I remove my bra and panties, and he helps me in.

“Feels so nice,” I say as I slide into the hot water. Ty grabs a cloth, dips it into the tub, and runs it over my body. “A girl could get used to this,” I say and close my eyes as I lean back.

“Here’s hoping,” he says quietly, and my lids flicker open. My gaze darts to his, but he’s looking down, washing my body, so I can’t read him. I’m about to ask him what he means. Does he want me to get used to this? If so, why? He knows I’m leaving in a week. Why would he want me to get used to it, unless…?

“Thought you’d like to have a cup of coffee,” Bray says, coming into the room and scattering my thoughts.


Ty takes it from him, helps himself to a small sip, then hands it to me. I breathe in the delicious scent and take a much-needed drink to clear my head. Obviously, he meant nothing by “here’s hoping,”’ and I need to clear all foolish, girly thoughts from my brain. This is sex. Not love. Besides it’s not like I could continue a relationship with both these guys.

“I made some grilled cheese,” Bray says, his look sheepish. “I’m kind of limited in the kitchen. Which is why we have Becca.”

“I love grilled cheese.” I think about Becca being off work for a while. “Since you boys need more than pancakes and grilled cheese to get you through the day, I’d love to help in the kitchen until I leave. I actually like cooking. It’s a creative outlet for me.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth the atmosphere in the room changes. Both men go stiff. “Um, did I say something wrong?”

“No,” Bray says quickly—too quickly. “You’re on vacation, and you’re not cooking.”

“I really want to. I want to take care of you guys.”

Ty slides Bray a look I don’t understand, and I wonder if I overstepped my boundaries.

“Don’t want to get used to your fine cooking. We’ll only miss it when you’re gone,” Bray says.

What if I don’t want to go?

“Let’s get you out of there and feed you,” Ty says. He rubs his stomach. “I know I’m starving.”

I stand, and he throws a big towel around me and guides me to the bedroom. We all climb onto the bed, sit crossed-legged, and Bray grabs the tray full of grilled cheese from the nightstand and places in front of us.

I take a big bite and cheese oozes from the bread. “Oh. My. God. This is delicious.”

Bray laughs. “That’s only because you’re starving.”

I look at Bray then at Ty. “Um, why is it I’m the only one undressed?”

“You’re not undressed. You have a towel on.”

“Not for long, though,” Bray says, so casually it surprises me.

I laugh. “I want you both naked, now.”

“Pretty bossy,” Ty says as he reaches behind his back to tug off his T-shirt. I let my gaze move over his hard body, acknowledge the flare of desire between my legs, then turn to Bray, waiting for him to strip. He tugs his shirt off, and when he tosses it, I resist the urge to pinch myself. How did I ever get so lucky to end up with these two amazing men?

I point downward. “And your pants.”

“You see how drippy these sandwiches are?” Bray says, pulling the bread from his mouth as a string of cheese stretches with it.

“Yeah.” I take another big bite and chew.

“If any of this hot cheese lands on my dick, it’s going to put me out of commission.”

I cover my mouth to stop a chuckle.

“You think that’s funny?”

“A little.”

“You’ve got a sick fucking sense of humor,” Ty says, laughing.

“That’s because she’s been hanging around you too long,” Bray says.

I start to laugh harder, and I don’t know why. Exhaustion probably. Or maybe it’s because I’m having the best time of my life. The guys look at me like I’ve grown a second head.

“Fine, if you want me naked and risk getting cheese on my dick, then I’ll get naked.” Bray stands and rips off his pants. He kicks them away and turns to me and when I see his erection, hard and ready, it doesn’t seem so funny anymore.

“Tell you what,” I say, the room charging with sexual energy. “If you burn yourself, I can kiss it better.”

Ty groans. “When you say things like that, it makes me want to fuck that grilled cheese sandwich.” I laugh, but it’s edgy and full of need.

Feeling naughty and playful, I wipe the crumbs from my finger and go up on my hands and knees. “I could show you how I’d make you feel all better.”

Bray’s rigid stomach muscles flex as he takes his cock into his hands, and my mouth waters, wanting a taste. His palm skates over his shaft, and his head darkens and swells.

“You got a mouth made for sin, sweetness.” The deepness in his voice curls my toes. He steps up to the side of the bed, and positions his cock near my mouth. The fire in his eyes licks me from head to toe, and my temperature jumps to inferno level. “Show me what you can do with it,” he says, his voice dropping an octave as he goes from playful to intense in seconds flat. I flick my tongue out to taste him, and from behind, Ty removes my towel. His hands slide around my body and cup my breasts. I moan and arch into his touch as I lean forward and pull Bray into my mouth.

Bray’s big hands go to my hair, and he pulls it back to watch the way I take him. I lick and suck, and he swells so nicely beneath my ministrations. Pre-cum pools on the end, and I moan in delight when I lick it. The sound seems to do something to Bray.

“I want to fuck your mouth, sweetness,” he grunts out, a new, fierce intensity about him. “I want all my cum inside you.”

As my insides flutter, amazed at how crazy I can make these men, Ty sheds his pants and reaches into his nightstand. Foil crinkles, then he moans. I don’t need to turn around to know he’s sheathing himself, getting ready to take me from behind. He strokes my ass, his pleasure resonating through me. He caresses my cheeks softly, and I lean forward, taking Bray so deep into my throat, I nearly choke. But I don’t care. I want him deep, want to choke. Want every goddamn inch of him—both these men—inside me.

Ty teases my opening with his cock, then slaps it against my ass. I move against him, but he grabs my hips to hold me, letting me know he’s the one in control here. That thought makes me wetter, hotter.

I breathe in the warm scent of Bray’s skin as I run my tongue over the tip of his cock. He throbs against me and gives a little tug on my hair as he rocks into me. Delirious with pleasure, my body trembles, and I’m sure I’ve died and gone to heaven.

Ty gives me another spanking, and tension rises in me. I glance at him over my shoulder, take in his sexy yet mischievous grin.

“You want something?” he asks.

“Please…” I cry my voice full of want.

“You begging for my cock?”

“Yes,” I whimper and take Bray back into my mouth.

“You just keep sucking Bray real good like that, and I’ll feed you my big cock.”

I make a noise, and it vibrates around Bray’s cock. He swells even more, his veins racing with hot blood. I greedily draw him into my mouth, relishing the width, taste, and texture.

God, these two men, so easy to be with, so fun to play with. If I could have it my way, I’d stay here with them forever. But that’s a silly thought, because I have a life to get back to. Good God, what would my conservative parents think if I moved in permanently with two men, not that they’re asking for long term.

That thought evaporates when Ty’s fingers bite into my hips and shoves his huge cock all the way inside me. My sex tightens and contracts as he seats himself in deep, making me feel so gloriously full.

“Oh, yes,” I cry out around Bray’s cock as Ty reaches around my body to stroke my aching clit.

“Fuck, Aly,” Bray says. “You’ve got me right there.”

I moan and balance on one hand as I cup his balls and gently massage. They pull up into his body, and I lift my head to see him.

“I want all your cum inside me,” I whisper with effort, my approaching orgasm messing with my ability to speak.

His eyes darken, and his nostrils flare at my brazen words. “Don’t move a fucking muscle,” he says. “Stay just like that, and keep that dirty mouth open for me.”

As I comply, he tugs my hair, forcing my mouth open wider, then jerks forward, fucking my mouth and taking what he needs.

Yes, just like that. Use me. Take it all.

“You keep sucking like that, sweetness. I’ll give you all my cum. I’ll fill you up with it.”

I nod, but remain still as he ravages my mouth, and from behind Ty rides me furiously. He applies pressure to my clit and a violent shudder overtakes me.

“Fuck, yeah,” Ty says. “Come all over my cock. Show me just how much you like us fucking you like this.”

His words turn me on even more, and just as my body begins to tighten and ripple, Bray grabs my head to hold it still and spurts down my throat. I drink him in, my vibrating body shattering completely. I milk him with my mouth as I come around Ty’s cock, my sex muscles squeezing his orgasm right out of him. Ty growls, and we all hold each other, everything about what the three of us are doing feeling so intimate, so right. God, I’m falling so hard for these two men who touch me and pleasure me with worshipping hands. A cry catches in my throat, and I swallow it down, berating myself for feeling more than lust.

Ty pulls out of me, discards the condom, and grabs my hips to settle me in beside him. I swallow against a scratchy throat, and Bray hands me a glass of water.

“Drink,” he says. I take a sip then hand it to Ty. He drinks and gives it to Bray. I snuggle down between them, and both men place a soft kiss on my forehead as they tuck me in. The affectionate gestures—not physical but emotional—have my heart beating double time. God when they touch me like that, caring for me so deeply, it has me wondering if we could have something more permanent between us. Is it possible? Do I dare hope?

Ty puts his mouth close to my ear. “One orgasm down, twenty-four more to go,” he teases.

My lids slide shut, and a quiver moves through me as I think about being with these two men over and over again.

“Don’t even think about slipping from this bed while we sleep. We start again as soon as your eyes open,” Bray whispers, like he can’t get enough of me, like he wants to keep me in this bed forever.

That would be so nice.

But it isn’t possible.

Chapter Seven


The late-day sun pours over me as I pound the last nail into the new back deck I’ve been building. Once done, I glance at Ty and Aly as they jump the surf in the distance. I grin. This trip is just what she needed. It’s hard to believe one full week has passed since we took Alyssa under our care. But it’s not just the incredible sex that has me all twisted up inside. It’s the way she’s so open and loving, and how she cares so deeply for others. When she brought Becca’s baby into the world, I thought my heart was going to explode. She’s different from every other woman I’ve been with, and I know this started out as sex, but she sees Ty and me for the men we really are inside. No other woman has ever bothered to look.

A laugh reaches my ears as my best bud picks her up and spins her, pretending to toss her into the water. I grin as she shrieks and wraps her arms around him to hold on tighter. Thunderous roars reach my ears. It’s been a long time since I heard him laugh like that. I sit on the deck and wipe the moisture from my forehead, my pulse pounding as I watch them. I’ve never seen Ty look at a woman the way he looks at Aly.

Dragging her in close, Ty drops a kiss onto her mouth. Being with her feels different. Not just for me but for Ty, too. It’s pretty easy to see my best friend is falling for her—hard. I feel a moment of possessiveness. I’d backed off when I thought Jennie wanted Ty to herself—I owe that man so much. But this time. Well, this time I’m pretty fucking certain I can’t step back. The truth is, I want her, too.

What’s mine is yours.

While that’s always been true, neither of us has been in love before. Would those rules still apply, or would this tear us apart? Who’s to say Aly would want both or either of us long term, anyway. She has a life to get back to, and a family who truly cares about her, even if they are trying to run her life, and I wouldn’t want to do anything to come between them. Family is the only thing I ever wanted in life but never thought I could really have. I never want to end up like my father, or hurt those I care about.

“Not going to happen… You’re a good man, Bray.”

I think about Aly’s words. I guess at twenty-nine, if I haven’t turned out like him by now, I’m not going to.

I shake my head. What the fuck ever happened to just having a good time? Tyler was the one looking to settle down. Not me. Not until Alyssa.


They race up the beach toward me, and I shake my head to get it on right. Aly grabs my hand when she reaches me.

“Come on, Bray. You’ve been working too hard.”

“Shit, Aly, I’m dressed.”

“Then get undressed.”

I hop and try to kick off my boots as she drags me to the water. I manage to get them off by the time she hauls me into the surf, but not my jeans. The cold water feels good against my skin, but not nearly as nice as Aly does. I pull her to me, and her pert nipples rub my bare chest as I toy with the string on her bikini.

“Get in here Ty,” she says.

As Ty wades out, I glance around. The beach is fairly quiet this time of the day, just a few couples lying on their towels, and from the look in Aly’s eyes I know she’s got something sexy on her mind.

Her hand cups my cock through my pants, and I swell. “Jesus, Aly.”

Ty grins when he reaches us, and Aly slides her hand into his swimming shorts.

“Fuck, yeah,” he says, so open to anything and everything.

I pop open my button to give her access, and when her small palm closes over my bare flesh, I nearly shoot off.

She moans. “You like that, bad girl. You like doing us both out here where we could get caught.”

Her eyes widen in delight as she glances around. “Maybe.”

Ty and I grin, and I brush her hair from her face. “We’ve corrupted you.”

“Thank God,” she says. “All week I’ve wanted both cocks in my hands, but all you guys can think about is getting inside me. Now is my turn to just touch you.”

Ty places his hand on her face, a loving gesture. “But we like touching you, putting our cocks in all your hot, tight places.”

She moans at that and works her hands over our shafts. The water isn’t ideal for lubrication, but Aly doesn’t seem to be having a problem.

“I wish I could take you both into my mouth right now.”

“You can,” I say. “Follow me and don’t even think about taking your hand off my dick.”

She smiles, and I lead her to a spot where there are rocks jutting out of the water. We go behind them for a modicum of privacy, and I press on her shoulder until she’s on her knees before us.

“Suck my cock, Aly. Please, fuck. I need to feel that sweet mouth wrapped around me.”

I need it so much it’s fucking frightening.

Ty groans and gathers her hair as she takes my cock into her mouth first. Her hand still works Tyler’s, and his hips jerk forward to meet each stroke.

“So good. So, fucking good.”

I steal a glance at my best friend, take in the look on his face as he watches Aly. Bliss, and something else… Something that looks an awful lot like love fills his expression.

Fuck me.

She turns her attention to Ty’s dick and takes him in deep. I rock against her hand, pleasure zapping my balls. For the next few minutes, she works that sweet mouth over our cocks, taking turns with each of us until were teetering on the edge. The second her mouth closes over my crown, I let go and shoot my cum down her throat. Ty moans, and I know he’s holding tight for his turn. She licks me clean then treats Ty to the same pleasure.

When she finishes, we reach for her and help her to her feet. I pull her to me, and Ty puts his arms around her, all three of us holding each other. I look at my friend. Does he know I’m in love with her, too? If so, what the hell are we going to do about this?

As the sun sets on the horizon, I inch back. “Come on. Let’s go get dressed. We’re going out tonight.”

“I thought we’d stay in,” she says, and we don’t miss the meaning.

“Oh, don’t worry, we’re going to be in,” I say and exchange a look with Ty. He grins, knowing exactly what I have in mind.

We hurry back to the house, empty now that last week’s guests have checked out, and next week’s aren’t coming in until tomorrow. With Becca still home caring for her newborn, Aly helped us wash all the linens and get everything ready for the new arrivals. She’s also been cooking for us, and yeah, we’re getting too goddamn used to having her around.

I follow Aly into her bedroom. She hasn’t been sleeping in there since that first night, but she’s yet to move her suitcase. Maybe that’s her way of keeping a modicum of distance—a reminder that this is an affair.

I want more, goddammit.

“Where are we going?” she asks and puts her hands on her hips.

“To Pearls.”


“Night club.”

“Oh. What should I wear?”

I glance into her suitcase and pull out a dress. “This and nothing else.”

Her eyes go wide. “You can’t be serious.”

“As serious as a heart attack,” I say, and her face flushes. I push her hair back and put my mouth near her ear. “We still owe you a few more orgasms, and like I said, anywhere, anytime.” Her entire body trembles, and I grin as I drop a kiss onto her mouth. “You got to touch us today. Tonight, it’s our turn. Anything we want.”

I leave her to dress and go to my room to pull on a T-shirt and a dry pair of jeans. When I come back out, I find Ty with his arm around her, leading her downstairs. We hop in the van, and I slow and wave as we pass Mrs. Jackson. A few minutes later, I park and we make our way into the dimly lit club, packed with locals and tourists alike.

I put my mouth near Aly’s ear and ask, “Drink?” She nods. “Local beer?”

“I love anything local,” she says and flashes her lashes at me the same way Josie had that day in the van.

I grin and look at Ty. “Grab us a booth if you can find one.”

I watch them disappear into the crowd and push through the throng to make my way to the bar. I spot Jennie, who is glaring at Ty.

She comes up to me. “Who is she, anyway?”

“A girl I knew back in Manhattan,” I say and gesture the bartender for three beers. Not really a lie. I did meet her back in Manhattan.

She pouts. “Ty seems to really like her.”

We both do.

“Yeah,” is all I say as my throat goes tight.

“When does she go back?”

Never. Or at least I hope never.

I slide my money across the bar when the bartender hands me three bottles of beer. “Why all the questions, Jennie?”

“Just wondering when I’m going to have you guys back in my bed.”

“We had some fun Jennie, but I’m out. You know that.”

“And Ty?”

“I guess that’s a question for him.”

I turn and walk to the booth Ty had secured. He’s so focused on Aly, there’s no way he could have seen the exchange between Jennie and me. “Try this,” I say to Aly.

She puts the bottle to her mouth and takes a long pull. Her eyes light up. “This is so good.”

“It’s made here in Antigua.”

She takes another drink, and I swallow half the contents of mine in one gulp. The music blares around us, the smell of perfumes lingering in the air, and all I can think about is holding her against my body. Fuck, I was prepared to have sex with her, sate a long-time need, but I wasn’t prepared for her, or what she’d do to Tyler and me.

“Dance?” I ask.

Even in the dim light I catch the flush on her cheeks. She nods, eager to try anything once with us. Damned if I don’t love that about her.

The dance floor is crowded, bodies pressing against bodies. I sway with her for a moment then back her up until she’s pressed against the wall in the hallway near the storage closet. Her breathing is deep, choppy.

“Bray,” she whispers.

“Yeah, sweetness?”

“What are you doing?”

Ty steps in behind me. “Trust us?”

“Absolutely,” she says without hesitation, and my heart swells at the trust this woman has put in our hands. How the fuck can I let her walk away from here, from us. But how can there be a long-term us, especially if Ty wants her all to himself?

I hike her skirt up a bit and slide a hand between her legs. When I find her wet, so fucking wet, it nearly shuts my brain down. “Look at you. You can’t wait for me to fuck you against this wall, can you?”

“No,” she says honestly, and I press my lips to hers for a deep kiss. “It’s all I’ve been able to think about.”

I unzip my pants just enough to get my dick out, slide on a condom, and position myself between her legs. “Hang on,” I whisper. As her hands go around my neck, I piston forward and drive all the way inside her. Ty stands in the empty hallway with his back to mine. Yeah, we want to take her in public—something that clearly turns her on—but we also want to protect her, too.

I pound into her, long hard thrusts that slam her against the wall. She scratches at me, bites at my neck as I own her, possess her completely. She gives a small cry, her hot juice singeing my cock as I bring her to orgasm. Hunger urging me on, I seat myself high inside but can’t seem to get deep enough. Ty’s back touches mine, and my heart slams with the things I feel for him, for Aly. I love them both so fucking much. I breathe deep and struggle to get control over myself. She presses her lips to my neck, her hot breath fragmenting my thoughts until I can only feel. My dick throbs, my balls draw up, and I let go high inside her.

“Fuck,” I whisper and find her mouth. I hold her to me for a long time, never wanting to let her go, but when I feel Ty moving, I fix her dress and drop a soft kiss onto her mouth. “You good?”

“Yes,” she says. “That was amazing.”


“Yes, please.”

I tuck my dick back into my pants, condom still intact. I’ll get rid of it in the bathroom when we’re done here. I switch positions with Ty, and when I look down the hall and glimpse Jennie on the dance floor looking in all directions—for Ty, no doubt—my stomach clenches, coils tight, and my heart crashes against my rib cage, making it harder and harder for me to breathe. Ty doesn’t want her. He wants Aly. By rights—because I want them both happy—I need to back the fuck off already.


Chapter Eight


In less than twenty-four hours I’ll be boarding a plane back to New York. My glorious time with these two men is almost over. Not that I’ve seen a whole lot of them over the last two days. Yes, they have new vacationers to attend to, but in my gut, I know there is more going on here. Are they distancing themselves because it’s their way of breaking the connection? Their way of telling me it’s over?

I’ve grown so much as a person, learned so much about myself and my needs and what I want in life. The truth is I’m so far from home but I’ve never felt such a sense of belonging. No matter what choices I make, in my parents’ eyes I can’t do anything right. But with Bray and Ty, I can’t do anything wrong. They encourage me to be me, do what makes me happy.

I finish putting the last of the dishes away and glance out the kitchen window. When it comes right down to it, I want to set up a practice here, in a place where I feel like I can make a difference. Maybe I should talk to the guys, see if perhaps we could have something more permanent. The truth is I’m in love with them. I know we’ve all grown close, but is it possible they feel the same way about me? I know a trio is unorthodox, but, well…who really cares?

Maybe they do?

Why else would they be pulling away from me? Unease moves through my veins once again, and I turn when I hear a noise at the door. My heart drops into my stomach when I see the pretty brunette who’d been all over Ty the other day.

“Have you been having fun playing house?” she asks as she saunters in and pulls a chair out, like she’s very comfortable in the villa.

I press my back against the counter. “Excuse me?”

The girl laughs and says, “I’m Jennie by the way. The girl they used to play with before you, and will again when you leave.”


“What?” she says, laughing. “Did you think you were the first girl they shared?”


“You’re not the first, and you certainly won’t be the last.” She waves her hand. “They do this kind of thing with their guests all the time.”

I look down. While I suspected they had shared women in the past, it didn’t seem like something they did on a regular basis. Actually, I thought we had something special growing between us, a deeper bond than just sex. Was I totally wrong?

You’re a hit it and quit it kind of girl.

A knot clogs my throat, making it near impossible to talk.

“Oh, sweetie,” she says. “I hope you didn’t go and fall for them. Those two, they’re not looking for long term.”

As her words ping around inside my brain, all my insecurities come rushing to the surface. God, what a fool I’ve been to think they might want me around longer, might want to invest in something deeper.

Jennie snaps her fingers. “As soon as you step out that door, they’ll be back in my bed, or with the next flavor of the month that rents a room.”

Apprehension surges inside me, but I quickly pull myself together, refusing to let Jennie see me come undone.

“Where are they, anyway?” she asks.

They’ve been making themselves scarce.

As she glances around, I take in the nervous look in her eyes, the way her lashes are blinking rapidly, her chest rising and falling. Oh my God. Jennie isn’t here looking for the guys. She’s here because she’s threatened by me. Why?

I take a moment to chew on that. Maybe the guys do want me around longer. Maybe she senses that, and is trying to scare me off.

“Well, I’m not gone yet,” I say. “So, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go find my men and see what kind of trouble we can all get ourselves into.”

Jennie’s mouth drops open, and I walk past her, pretending to be much more confident than I feel. I need to know where I stand, and I need to know before I get on a plane and it’s too late. This started out as a two-week fling. I knew the score going in and wasn’t supposed to fall for these incredible men. I pray to God they want more, but if not, then I have to find a way to be happy with the two weeks I did have, and the way I changed beneath their caring hands.

I make my way upstairs, my legs trembling as I approach Ty’s bedroom. Curse words reach my ears as I close the distance. I stop outside the slightly ajar door and go still when I hear my name. I look through the crack to see Bray pacing the floor and running his hands through his hair. Oh, God! They’re fighting because of me. The last thing I ever wanted to do was come between friends. I listen as they talk, their voices deep, insistent. My heart thunders, and I’m about to burst in when something Bray says stops me.

“I see the way she looks at you,” Bray says. “It’s you she wants, so that’s why I’ve been backing off.”

“No, Bray. It’s you. That’s why I’ve been backing off. Christ, even if it were me she wanted, you know what’s mine is yours, right?”

“Same, Ty, but we can’t keep living as a trio. She’s the kind of girl who will want a family, kids. This will all just get complicated.”

“Then we’ll uncomplicate it, and she can have what she wants with both of us,” he says, his voice rising.

I’ve never seen Ty so adamant.

“I don’t think that’s what she’d want long term. Besides, she comes from a strict family. I can’t imagine they would ever go for that.”

“Fuck her family.”

“Ty, it’s not that easy for her.” Bray paces the floor and fists his hair. “I want her to be happy, and I know you’ll make her happy.”

“You fucking love her, too, Bray. You think I’m just going to keep her all to myself when I know how you feel? Not fucking likely.”

“I can’t keep her to myself, either, knowing how you feel.”

“Then we’re a trio. Simple as that,” he states, like it’s the end of the discussion.

“Fuck, Ty. It’s not as simple as that. We have her reputation to think about, and I wouldn’t want to do anything to come between her and her family. You know what family means to me.”

I push the door open hard. It hits the wall with a loud bang, and two sets of eyes turn my way. I plant my hands on my hips, enraged at what I’ve heard—but so freaking happy, I feel like I could soar to the moon.

“Aly,” Bray says, coming toward me, but I hold my hand up to stop him.


“Listen, we didn’t—” Ty begins, but when I turn my glare on him he clamps his mouth shut.

“What makes you both think you know what’s best for me?” When neither speaks, I narrow my eyes and glare at Bray. “Didn’t you once tell me that I should make my own decisions? Do what makes me happy?”

“Yes, but—”

“Then why are you two arguing over who I should wake up to each morning? Shouldn’t that be my decision?”

Bray lets loose a long, tortured breath. “I just want you to be happy, Aly.”

My heart thunders, and while I love them for what they’re trying to do, I’ve learned that I’m a big girl who can make her own decisions. It’s time they knew it, and time my family back home understood as well.

“And you think that is waking up to Ty each morning?” I ask Bray.


“Well, you’re right about that,” I say. “I do want to wake up to Ty each morning.”

He nods and tears his gaze away, but not before I see the love and hurt shining in his eyes. God, I love him so much. He’s a kind, sweet man so full of integrity he is willing to back off for the woman and man he loves. I don’t know any other man who’d be willing to sacrifice his own happiness for another.

I turn to Ty, who is tugging on his hair. “Aly,” he begins clearly fighting an internal war. He loves Bray as much as he loves me, and wouldn’t do anything to hurt his best friend. I love him so much for that.

I look back at Bray. “But I also want to wake up to you to, Bray,” I say, my voice softening. “I want you both.”

Bray’s throat works as he swallow, the tension in his face melting as his gaze meets mine. “Aly,” he whispers, his voice a little rough, raspy with emotion.

“I love you both.”

“What about your family? Believe me, I know how precious family is. Yours put pressure on you because they care. I grew up with a shitty father and would have given everything to have someone care about me like that. I wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize your relationship with your parents or your brother.”

My heart squeezes so tight, it’s impossible to breathe. “I love that you’re worried about that, Bray. I really do. But I’m in control of my life, not them. You boys taught me that.” I hold my hand out to him. “You know what else?” He shakes his head. “You’re going to finally have that family of your own. Me and Ty. We love you and care about you. We’re going to be the family you always wanted.” I look at Ty. “And you’re right, Ty. If it gets complicated, we’ll uncomplicate it.” My gaze slides to Bray, and I say the words he once used on me. “Then again, nothing in Antigua is complicated, right?”

Bray closes the distance between us. He grips my chin and brushes his thumb over my bottom lip. “Aly,” he chokes out, his voice gruff. “Jesus, Aly, I love you. You have no idea what this means to me.”

It’s all I can do to hold my own against him as my entire body weakens, wanting to be possess by him—by them both.

“You can show me later,” I tease. His warm eyes move over my face, and I go up on my toes to kiss him. “I want to stay here with you both, and I want to set up a practice where I’m needed.”

I hold my hand out to Ty. He rises from the bed and comes to us. “Sorry, Aly. We shouldn’t have been making any decisions for you. You’re right—you are in control of your own life. And just for the record, I love the fuck out of you, too.” He swallows, and warmth enters his eyes. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you want to stay with us both. We promise to always make you happy, let you make your own decisions.”

“Well, not really,” Bray says, and I take in his teasing grin. “Some decisions we’ll make for you.”

“Excuse me?” I say.

The blue in his eyes deepens. “When it comes to the bedroom, control is ours.”

“Yeah,” Ty says, playing along with Bray—as always—while he moves in behind me, his hot mouth going to my neck. “When you’re between those sheets, we do what we want, when we want, how we want. Now, tell us you’re ours. I want to hear it again.”

“I’m yours. You’re both who I want to fall into bed with each night and wake up to each morning.”

Ty glances at the light shining through the open curtains. “It’s not quite night time, but I’m good with getting an early start on things.”

Bray picks me up, carries me to the bed, and sets me down gently. I take in the intensity on his face, all playfulness gone.

“Hands and knees. Now,” he orders. My insides take flight, never happier in my life as I look at the man in front of me. Bray might be all gorgeous muscle, a carnal predator, and while we may play hard in the bedroom, deep inside, these are gentle men who take great care with my body. “I want that pretty mouth of yours to own my cock.”

“I want that too,” I say, his dirty words urging me on, and he groans in delight. I flip over, and as I assume the position he wants me in, I look at these two amazing men who will fight and sacrifice for each other, all in the quest of making me happy. As I take them in, I know I’ve won the man lottery, the big catch of the day. Not once, but twice.


Six months later…

“Be sure to say ‘hi’ to Jacob for me. Hopefully he’ll be around next time we Skype,” I say to Mom and Dad before I hit the disconnect button. I stare at my computer screen, happiness welling up inside me that Mom and Dad have finally come to accept me for who I am and what I really want to do in life. It wasn’t easy at first—in fact they were mortified to learn I wasn’t coming back and had moved in with two men who I love and who love me back just as fiercely. But with Bray and Ty by my side, I stood my ground and held my own, and they eventually softened. They’re even talking about coming to visit us in a few months.

I glance at the clock and stretch after a very long day treating patients who truly need my care. But I’m so happy here that what I’m doing doesn’t feel like work. I push from my chair and step into the main foyer.

“Heading home, doc?” my receptionist Dani asks as she puts the last of the files away.


My heart fills as I think about home and the two men I share it with. We’re all still living in the villa, and the new guests arrive tomorrow. I frown at that. I like having the place to ourselves between guests. We’ve been searching for a house, one big enough to accommodate Ty’s family when they visit, and my parents and brother when they do, but we’ve yet to find something suitable.

“Heading home,” I say. I hike my purse up higher. “Have a great weekend.” I give a little finger wave. “See you Monday.” I make my way outside as the sun sets, the sky beautifully bruised with pinks and purples. It was a busy week, but a rewarding one. Here I get to practice the way I want to and take my time with the patients, who truly appreciate having a full-time doctor in the village.

I slide into the driver’s seat of the little car I bought and make my way home to Bray and Tyler. But on the way, I spot their van outside Mrs. Jackson’s place. I catch Bray lounging in the doorway, excitement on his face. Eager to know what’s going on, I slow and ease my car in beside the van.

“Hey, what’s up?” I ask as I close the car door and head toward him.

“We have a surprise,” Bray says.

“Oh, and what might that be?” I ask and angle my head.

What are my two favorite guys up to now?

Ty comes around the corner of the house, and my heart melts when I see him. “Well, you know how you wanted to get a place just for us, away from the villa so we could have more freedom,” Ty begins then casts a glance Bray’s way.

“And?” I ask, a bubble of excitement welling up inside me as Ty ushers me up the stairs.

“Well, we think we found the perfect place,” Bray finishes for Ty when we reach the stoop.

“Really? Where?”

Bray waves his hand. “Right here.”

I gasp. I’ve always loved this home, admired it when we all visited Mrs. Jackson. But it was never for sale.

I look left at Bray then right at Tyler. “What’s going on?” My heart sinks. “Has something happened to Mrs. Jackson?” She has been a patient of mine, but at seventy she has been as fit and healthy as a thirty-year-old.

“No, no,” Ty says quickly. “She’s moving in with her daughter in Arizona. She’s there now, getting herself settled, and we’re going to pack the place up for her.”

I exhale a relieved breath. “Really?”

“She knows how much you love it, Aly, so she wanted to give us the first chance at it.”

My heart beats faster. “Oh my God. You’re kidding me. I love it. I’ve always wanted to live here.”

“Then it’s yours,” Bray says.

“It’s ours,” Ty says. “My family can visit and your family can visit. All at the same time if they want.” Bray reaches for my hand to guide me inside, but I plant my feet and stop. Worry mars Bray’s features as he assesses me.

“Are you okay?” Ty asks, his brown eyes moving over my face with concern. God, I love how sweet and caring he is.

“Aly, what is it?” Bray asks and puts his arm around me.

“Well, this house…it’s so big, with so many rooms. It’s too big for just the three of us.”

“You think so?” Ty asks.

“Yeah, I do, which is why…”

“Why what?” Bray says, worry in his tone.

“Why I think we need to fill it with a few kids someday.” I touch Bray’s face. “And give you the family you’ve always wanted.”

Tears form in Bray’s eyes, and I know how happy I’ve just made him. He stands perfectly still as Ty picks me up, plants a warm kiss on my lips, and spins me around.

“A few,” Ty begins. “Or seven or eight or more.”

“Slow down, Ty,” I say laughing. “Just one or two at a time.”

He laughs and sets me down. I turn to Bray, and his chest is rising and falling erratically. “Thank you,” he says. “Thank you for giving me everything I’ve always wanted.”

He pulls me into his arms for a tight hug. “I love you,” I whisper. From behind Ty hugs me, the love we all have unlike anything I’ve ever known. I eventually found out it was Reese who sent me here, and why. After much research, she found out the stockbroker, my hot patient from the hospital, slowed his pace and moved to Antigua to become a bed and breakfast owner and cockle fisherman with his best friend. She set this whole thing up with a plan in mind, and I got way more than I ever bargained for. “And thank you both, for giving me…everything.”

Bray breaks the hug, his grin devilish. “I think it’s time to christen all the rooms.”


Ty picks me up again, and Bray kicks the door closed behind us.

“Yep,” Bray says and races toward the stairs. “I’m damn well ready to get started on that.”

Ty and I laugh. “I love that guy,” Ty says as Bray takes the stairs two at a time.

“He’s quite the catch,” I say and give Ty a loving kiss. “So are you.”

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About the Author

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cathryn Fox is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie), pizza, and red wine. Cathryn has two teenagers who keep her busy and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. When not writing, Cathryn can be found laughing over lunch with friends, hanging out with her kids, or watching a big action flick with her husband.

Don’t miss the rest of the Dossier series

Brazilian Fantasy

Improper Proposal

Also by Cathryn Fox

Learning Curves

Hands On

Body Contact

Full Exposure

Slow Ride

Wild Ride

Sweet Ride

Hold Me Down Hard

Tie Me Down Tight

Bonding Games

Betting on the Wrong Brother

The Penthouse Pact

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