Abbott, Charles, 45

Abbott, F. M., 45

abduction from law enforcement, 42, 73, 110; from jail, 30, 52, 8384, 99100, 11718, 124

Act 100 of 1909, 62

Act 151 of 1859, 93

Act 258 of 1909, 4, 4347, 5457, 59, 62, 6970

Act 320 of 1911, 134

Adams, Lena, 63

Akhavan, Payam, 154

Alexander, Michelle, 68

Allwhite, Louis, 67

Allwhite, Newton, 67

Anderson, Kjell, 75, 77

anonymous victims, 2829, 83

anti-miscegenation laws, 12829, 13033, 134

Appeal, The, 12122

Apperson, S. M., 99100

Arkansas Democrat, 40, 53, 8485, 11720 12324

Arkansas Gazette, 4445, 47, 76, 117, 13233; letters, 4849, 112, 11316

Arkansas Gazette lynching reports: Bailey, George, 30; Blakely, Joe, 54; Bays, Glenco, 109; Clarendon, Ark., 113; Coy, Edward, 14146; Davis, Lovett, 53; Dodd, Frank, 40; Formosa, 46; Hicks, Robert, 126; Hogan, John, 11112; Hot Springs, Ark., 63, 67; James, Henry, 9798, 99, 101; Jeffries, Oscar, 12425; Livingston, Frank, 109; Lowery, Henry, 7374; Marche, Ark., 29; Newport, Ark., 67; Pine Bluff, Ark., 53; St. Charles, Ark., 1415, 4142; Warren, Will, 31; Woodman, Joe, 124

Arkansas General Assembly, 47, 66

Arkansas House of Representatives, 46, 48

Arkansas National Guard, 38, 46, 55, 62, 63

Arkansas Senate, 44, 46, 48

Arkansas Supreme Court, 47, 6364, 129, 134

assassination, 8, 159

Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching (ASWPL), 1718, 158

Atkins, Jerry, 107

Bailey, Abe, 41

Bailey, George, 3031

Bailey, J. M., 87

Bailey, Ollie, 87

Baldwin, Mack, 41

Baldwin, Will, 41

Bays, Glenco, 1089

Bellamy, Alex J., 21

Bennett, Idelle, 61

Bennett, Dave, 61

Bethel African Methodist (AME) Church (Little Rock, Ark.), 38

Bettis, William “Son,” 5556, 64

Biscoe, Ark., 3031

Black Rock, Ark., 94

Blakely, Joe, 54

Blakely, Sam, 54

Bonanza, Ark., 9495

Bradley, John M., 13031

Brandywine Island, Ark., 13435

Breithaupt, Fritz, 4, 76, 79, 80

Briggs, Clinton, 8788

Broadway Street, Little Rock, Ark., 38

Brown, Michael, 138

Brundage, W. Fitzhugh, 18, 81

Bryant, Carolyn, 126

Buckelew, Richard, 113

burning of lynching victims, 74, 10610, 14245

Cain, Walter, 54

Calhoun County, Ark., 45, 89

capital punishment, 51, 55, 56, 6364, 74, 100

Card, Claudia, 2526, 34, 35, 59, 65, 75

Carroll, James, 156

Carter, John, 3641

Carter, Perry, 41

Castle, Manse, 113

Catcher, Ark., 55

Catcher Race Riot, 5556

Central Coal and Coke Company, 95

Central District Baptist Association, 127

Christ Recrucified, 155

Clarendon, Ark., 11213

Clay, John Henry, 5556

Colbert, Hess, 13435

collective violence, 18, 141

Collins, Ann V., 1920

Columbia County, Ark., 110

Cone, James H., 156

Cotham, Calvin T., 54

Cox, Thomas (Mrs.), 117

Coy, Edward, 135, 14146,

Craig, O. T., 7172, 81, 8687

Craig, Richard, 72

Crisis, The, 154

Crittenden County, Ark., 72

Cross County, Ark., 94

Cross and the Lynching Tree, The, 156

Crossett, Ark., 1089

Crucible, The, 152

Cullen, Countee, 15455

Cutler, James, 17

Daily Inter Ocean, 146

Das, Veena, 9, 34

Davis, Jeff, 12728

Davis, Lovett, 5253

dehumanization, 4, 7578, 82, 103, 106

Democratic Party, 130, 133

Dennett, Daniel C., 91

DeValls Bluff, Ark., 30

DeWitt, Ark., 1416, 4041, 83, 8485

Dickson, John W., 112, 115

disenfranchisement, political, 5960, 91, 95, 115, 134, 13839, 159

Dixon, Frank, 36

Dixon, Lonnie, 36

Dodd, Frank, 4041

Dodson v. State, 134

Donaghey, George Washington, 43, 46, 6263

Dover, Ark., 11112

Doxey, Maggie, 9798, 12122

Dray, Philip, 12829, 14344, 145

Drew County, Ark., 12325

Dumas, Ark., 12324

Dumouchel, Paul, 18, 56, 57, 62, 6970, 149

Dwyer, Philip G., 20

Eagle, James Phillip, 101

Eatman, Megan, 150, 161

economic marginalization, 5960

educators, assaults on, 60, 61, 95, 12425

El Dorado, Ark., 4546, 110

El Paso, Texas, 72

Elaine Massacre, 2

Ellison, Clyde, 61, 69

empathy, 76, 7881

end-of-lynching discourse, 15960

Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), 1, 3132

Evil and Human Agency, 141

executions, 8; See also capital punishment

Finley, Randy, 76, 89

First Presbyterian Church, Little Rock, Ark., 36

Fiske, Alan Page, 45, 1016

Fletcher, Henry Lewis, 99

Flint, Mich., 5859

Flood, Garrett, 41

Flood, Randall, 41

Floyd, George, 2

Formosa, Ark., 46

Forrest City, Ark., 11720

Fort Smith, Ark., 55

freedom suits, 2425

Galtung, Johan, 4, 5758

Garland County, Ark., 31

Garrels, Scott R., 136

genocide studies, 6, 141, 154

Genocide: A Normative Account, 22

Gilbert, G. M., 78

Gilligan, Chris, 15758

Girard, René, 5, 103, 13641, 149, 155

Givens, Ed, 143

Golash-Boza, Tanya Maria, 68

Grace, A. B., 5253, 67

Graham, D. A., 146

Graves, John Williams, 59

Green, Abe, 4647

Green, Steve, 72, 75

Grey, William H., 13132

Griffin, Henry, 1416, 41

Griffin, Walker, 1416, 41

Gross, Ariela J., 2425

group identity, 2128, 149

group violence, 34, 5, 1821, 2728, 102, 153, 162

Gupta, Akhil, 6061

Guy, Abby, 2425

Hall, Jacqueline Dowd, 76

Hampton, Ark., 4546

hanging of lynching victims, 2829, 41, 5253, 61, 83, 101, 119

Harp, Stephanie, 36, 37, 38

Harper, Bud, 54

Harris, Trudier, 149

hate, 8182, 15759

Hawdon, James, 18, 21, 26, 27

Hicks, Robert, 12526

Hill, Karlos, 7274

Hinton, Aaron, 41

Hogan, John, 11112

Hogan, Patrick Colm, 23, 51

Holmes, Amy, 52

Holocaust, 78, 154, 156

Horowitz, Donald L., 19

Hot Springs, Ark., 54, 6364

Hot Springs New Era, 31

Houston Jones, Kelly, 93, 107, 129

Hudgins, B. B., 46

humanistic violence, 4, 5, 162

humanization, 8287, 9296, 120, 150

implicated subject, 6466

International Labor Defense (ILD), 1718

Jacobs, Susie, 113

James, Henry, 97101, 11011, 12122

Jameson, Jordan, 110

Jeffries, Oscar, 12425

Jesus Christ, 15457

Jesus Christ in Georgia, 154

Jett, Babe, 13435

Jett, Will, 13435

Jewell, Henry, 14246

Jewell, Julia, 14246

Johnson, Charles R., 98101

Johnson, Kellis, 15, 41

Jones, Ina W., 12425

Jones, Kimberly, 2

Kamen, Henry, 75

Kansas City Southern Railroad, 94

Khanikar, Santana, 38

Krugler, David F., 89

Kyriakides, Christopher, 158

labor unions, 93

Lacey, Nathan, 11720

Lacotts, John, 40

Lake Village, Ark., 12526

Lang, Berel, 2223, 28, 7778

Latimer, Effie, 55

law enforcement, 38, 4344, 4748, 159

Lewis, George W., 107

liberation theology, 15556

Lindsay, Burrell, 94

linguistic identity, 23

Little Rock, Ark., 3541, 55, 63, 98101, 12122

Livingston, Frank, 10910

logic of generic attribution, 39, 40

Lonoke County, Ark., 61

love, 8182

Lowery, Henry, 7174, 79, 81, 8687

Lucey, John Michael, 4446, 4851, 6667, 6970, 112, 11315

lynching defined, 7, 910, 1621, 153

Lynching in America, 1, 3132

Madison, Will, 41

Magnolia, Ark., 110

Malleus Maleficarum, 151

Manne, Kate, 4, 7677, 8586, 88, 92, 9596, 137

Many Faces of Judge Lynch, The, 6

Marche, Ark., 2829

Markowitz, Jonathan, 157

Marshall, Ark., 46

Martin, Trayvon, 160

massacre, 2021, 96

Mathews, Donald G., 139

May, Larry, 2125

McCarthy, Joseph, 152

McDonald, Floella, 36

McGovern, James R., 7

McRae, Thomas, 73

Mechanics Institute of Little Rock, 93, 133

military veterans, 8790, 10910

Miller, Arthur, 152

mimetic desire, 13739

mimetic theory, 74, 13641

Mississippi County, Ark., 71, 7374

Monroe County, Ark., 11213

Morality of Groups, The, 22

Mosaic Templars of America, 38

mulattoes, 13132, 139

Myrdal, Gunnar, 19

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 1718

National Memorial for Peace and Justice, 1

Negro Boys Industrial school, Wrightsville, Ark., 6566, 68

Newport, Ark., 67

newspapers, 111

9th Street, Little Rock, Ark., 38, 3940

Norman, Will, 54

Nuremberg trials, 78

objective violence, 5767, 160

Oklahoma, 2

Oldham, Kie, 4748

Ore, Ersula J., 50, 158

Orr, John, 11213

Orr, Mabel, 11213

overstating harm, practice of, 154

Padgett, Knowlton, 52

Palaver, Wolfgang, 27, 74, 13638, 141, 145

Palmer, Paul C., 133

Paragould, Ark., 94

Patterson, Orlando, 148

Pennington (Mrs.), 9899

Perner, Josef, 91

Pfeifer, Michael J., 51

Phillips County, Ark., 2, 107

Philpot, C. M., 5253

Pickens, William, 60

Pickett, Henry, 4546

Pickett, Wilson, 4546

Pierce, Michael, 93

Pine Bluff, Ark., 5253, 67, 95

Pine Bluff Daily Graphic, 84

Poe, Harry, 6364

Poinsett County, Ark., 94

political violence, 62, 64, 6970

Polk County, Ark., 94

poll tax, 59

Portland, Ark., 54

practical alienation, 23

Prairie County, Ark., 3031

property crimes, 148

Pudd’nhead Wilson, 25

Pulaski County, Ark., 6566

Pythian Hall, Little Rock, Ark., 101

race defined, 2425, 27

race riot, 1920, 38, 42

racial groups, 2425, 27

Rai, Tage Shakti, 45, 1016

rape trials, 133

Rast, Joe, 13435

Rast, John, 13435

Republic, 14546

Republican Party, 13033

Ricord, Dennis, 11213

Rives, Ark., 12324

Robb, Howard, 48

Robinson, Charles F., 12829

Rothberg, Michael, 6465

Ruck, Charles Spurgeon, 5556, 64

Rushdy, Ashraf H. A., 1718, 134, 14950, 15253, 15960

Ryan, John, 18, 21, 27

Ryan, Lyndall, 20

Salam, Ziya Us, 28

Sanders, Will, 113

scapegoat, 5, 13941, 14950, 153, 155, 162

Schillings, Sonja, 51

Schulman, Sarah, 154

Scott, W. B., 143

Searcy County, Ark., 46

Searcy, Jim, 1416

segregation, 60, 95, 134, 139

Separate Coach Law of 1891, 60

Sevier County, Ark., 12425

sharecropping, 61, 7172, 9091

side-taking, 79

Sidle, William Malcolm, 72

Simpson, Jesse G., 107

Simpson, Sarah K., 107

situational identification, 23

slaves, 1011, 93, 107, 129, 13132, 133

Small, J. S., 12324

Smångs, Mattias, 59, 13334, 146, 14849

Smith, Charley, 41

Smith, David Livingstone, 25, 77, 103

Smith, Jim, 41

Sommerville, Diane Miller, 12930, 148

spectacle lynchings, 8081, 14647

St. Charles, Ark., 1316, 4142

St. Francis County, Ark., 11819

Star City, Ark., 61, 8788

Stephens, J. D., 1089

Sternberg, Karin, 8182

Sternberg, Robert J., 8182

Stewart, B. E. (Mrs.), 3637

Stewart, Glennie, 3637

Stewart, Pamela J., 3334

Stockley, Grif, 6566

Strathern, Andrew, 3334

Streetcar Segregation Act of 1903, 60

structural racism, 6869, 153

structural violence, 4, 5, 6569, 77, 150, 160

Stuttgart, Ark., 8385, 116

Stuttgart Free Press, 8485

subjective violence, 5767, 160

systematic racism, 2

Tallahatchie River, Miss, 32

Taylor, Paul C., 25

temporary insanity, alleged, 11617, 159

terror, 3135, 84, 91, 105

terrorists, 80

Texarkana, Ark., 116, 135, 14247

theory of mind, 9192

theory of virtuous violence, 45, 9, 9798, 153, 162, 1026

Thorup, Mikkel, 67, 103

Till, Emmett, 32, 126, 160

Todd, Matt, 30

Toney, Hardin K., 44

Torres, Rodolfo, 158

torture, 7475, 78, 96, 108, 110

Tourgée, Albion Winegar, 146

Trump, Donald, 15254, 161

Tucker, Russ, 11112

Tulsa Race Riot, 2

Twain, Mark, 25

Tyner, James, 57, 69

Union County, Ark., 45, 107, 108, 10910

Van Buren, Ark., 55

Van Buren County, Ark., 94

Vandal, Gilles, 19

Vandiver, Margaret, 64

Vetlesen, Arne Johan, 28, 39, 40, 84, 111, 14041

Vinikas, Vincent, 1316, 20, 35

Violence and the Scared, 136

Voogd, Jan, 2728

Waldrep, Christopher, 17

Waldron, Christopher, 6, 15253

Warren, Thomas, 108

Warren, Will, 31

Watson, D. T., 61

Weaver, Lorilla, 11213

Webb, J. M., 46

Webb, Ura, 46

Wells, Ida B., 126, 135, 146, 160

Whip, The, 8788

White, Louis, 13435

whitecappers, 94, 13435

Whiten, Andrew, 91

Whittman, Ernest, 83

Wietz, Eric D., 76

Williamson, Joel, 13132

witch hunt, 15152

Wolfe, Patrick, 27

Wood, Amy Louise, 100, 110, 14647

Woodman, Joe, 12324, 125, 135

Woodruff, Nan Elizabeth, 8990

Wright, Thomas C., 35

Wrightsville, Ark., 6566, 68

Yerby, Henry, 107

Zimmerman, George, 16061

Žižek, Slavoj, 4, 57, 6869