Home at Last
And so I stood alone, watching both the nurse and the police officer shoot a quick glance in my direction. By now a few more officers had entered the building, forming a small crowd around the main desk. The first officer said something to the others. Now they were all staring at me, including the other patients. Feeling my cheeks grow warm, I looked away.
After more talking, one of them broke away from the group and walked toward me. He appeared to be in his early twenties, younger than the rest. I guessed he was chosen because of my own obvious youth. They believed that he would be able to get more out of me since we were closer in age. I noticed one of the badges on his chest read Officer Hunter Davis.
Once he had reached me, he removed his hat, revealing floppy brown hair.
He smiled, showing me that he meant no harm. “Hello there. What’s your name?”
“Lily,” I answered quietly, wondering what I was gioing to tell him.
Deciding to break the ice, he continued with more polite questions about my age, where I was from, and if someone had contacted my parents. Then he started in with the tricky stuff.
“Could you tell me how you got here?” he asked softly.
“I…I . . .” My mind was running a total blank. I had no idea how to explain to him what had happened. It was an unbelievable story. Besides, I didn’t want to give Dustin away.
“Lily!” I heard a familiar voice shout.
I turned my attention away from the young officer to see my mother running toward me.
“I can’t believe it. You’re alive!” she cried, pulling me into a tight hug. I stood up to hug her back and buried my face into her shirt, breathing in her scent. She smelled like flowers and a pinch of cinnamon. Mom held me at arm’s length to study me.
I was only slightly aware of the officer standing to the side, watching us.
“You’ve grown taller!” she marveled, tears still streaming down her cheeks. She was right. I was nearly her height now.
My mother gave me the once-over. “Where are your glasses?”
I laughed, explaining that I had gotten contacts.
She cocked her head to one side, eyebrows raised. “Hmm . . .”
I laughed again. “It’s a long story. Where’s the rest of the family?”
Mom smiled. “They’re at home waiting for you. Let’s get out of here.”
At this time, Officer Davis stepped in front of us. “Ma’am, I assume that you are this girl’s mother.”
Mom nodded. “That’s right. I’d like to take her home, if that’s all right with you.”
“I understand, but we’re trying to figure out what happened here, and it appears that your daughter has a great deal to do with it. I’m going to need her statement.”
My mother wrapped a protective arm around my waist. “Not without a lawyer. Look, we will do whatever you ask of us, but obviously my daughter has been through a lot tonight and needs some rest before she gives any kind of statement. Now, you have my word that we will be back first thing in the morning and then you can ask all the questions you want.”
Officer Hunter looked thoughtful for a second, gears turning in his head. “That sounds reasonable, but I’ll have to ask my chief first.”
He made his way back to the first officer, who was now speaking with the parents of one of the mutated children. The two men talked a little and I thought I saw the chief give a small nod. The young police officer came back.
“You’re free to go, but we’ll need you back at this hospital by ten o’clock tomorrow morning to help us figure this thing out. Have a nice night.”
My mother flashed him one of her most dazzling smiles. “Thank you, Officer.”
We exited without a backwards glance.
When we arrived home, I was eager to see my dad, and yes, my siblings too. It was dead silent inside the house. I turned to Mom in alarm.
She got a funny look on her face, like she was trying hard not to laugh. “That’s weird. Maybe they’ll be in the dining room.”
I couldn’t figure out why they would be in the dining room, since it was only for special occasions, but I followed her into the room.
“Welcome home!” everyone yelled.
The whole room laughed at my shock. Our dining room was filled with family members and friends. There were streamers and balloons. A big banner read Welcome Home Lily!!! The dining room had been loaded with chips, cookies, cakes, pies, and other treats.
Malerie, Asialie, Amanda, and Ella ran up to hug me. Chase and Louis were close behind. Tears ran down my face in streams. I had missed them all so much. The girls were crying too. The guys hung back a little, not sure what to do. Laughing, I pulled them into a hug. They both hugged me back with ferocity. And was it me or were their eyes kind of wet too?
When the group hug broke, I eagerly searched for my dad, brothers, and sister. Once I had found them, I momentarily forgot about my friends and ran to my family.
I smacked into Dad at full speed, nearly knocking the wind right out of him. He stumbled back a little. Then he snatched me up into a bear hug. I curled up in his arms. He cradled me and held me close, just like he used to when I was little and kissed my forehead. I took a good look at him. His eyes glistened with tears. Everyone seemed to be crying because of me. Oh well. At least they were happy tears.
Aaron and Eric hopped around us, yelling my name. My sister was calmer than the crazy boys, but she still seemed ecstatic to see me. I left my father’s strong arms to hug them. They were all talking to me at once, asking me questions and giving me the scoop on what had gone on in my absence.
Grandma Imani came to greet me. (I later learned that she had been there for a few weeks to support my mother.) There were more hugs and tears.
So I spent the rest of the night laughing and eating with my family and friends, happier than I had been in a very long time.