
If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Having healthy snacks on hand everywhere you go is critical in winning the war for your health. When people talk to me about “white-knuckling it” and using “willpower” and simply not eating the lousy food, I know it’s only a matter of time before they give in. It sounds exhausting just listening to them. Using willpower is the equivalent of setting a boat on autopilot and trying to manually turn the boat around, against the direction that the autopilot has been set. The second you let go, the boat will turn back around to what it was programmed for. You have to have a plan that takes your biology and psychology into account. Get your body working for you. Great health is about abundance. Save your energy for the real fight.

Brain Warriors do not engage in extreme calorie restriction programs that destroy their metabolism and set them up for failure. We don’t want you feeling hungry, having low blood sugar, and sabotaging your program with unhealthy bingeing because you “white-knuckle it” so long that you finally cave to temptation. We want you making healthy choices that will fuel your success. Having delicious, healthy snacks will dramatically improve your success and your satisfaction.