atmosphere (AT-muhss-feer)—
the various gases that surround a planet or star
champion (CHAM-pee-uhn)—
someone who fights or speaks publicly in support of something
concentrates (CON-suhn-trayts)—
thinks about something or focuses on something specific
deafening (DEFF-uh-ning)—
extremely loud
interfering (in-ter-FEER-ing)—
stopping, slowing, or preventing someone or something
plummets (PLUHM-itz)—
falls suddenly straight down (usually from a very high place)
radiation (ray-dee-A-shuhn)—
energy that comes from a source in the form of waves or rays you cannot see. Radiation is often harmful.
recognize (REK-uhg-nize)—
to know or remember someone or something because of previous knowledge or experience
willpower (WILL-pow-er)—
the strong determination that allows you to do something difficult, or the ability to control yourself