You Can’t Bug the Bugs

We tend to ignore bugs, or run squealing if we see one! But they are hugely important for the ecosystem. If mankind disappeared overnight the bugs wouldn’t notice. If they were to vanish we would be in big trouble. All very admirable, but…well…some of them keep their eyes on stalks, travel on a trail of slime, bite, sting, and other weird stuff.

We might not be able to live without them, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a laugh at them. If they wouldn’t notice us disappearing they’re not gonna be too “bugged” if we crack a few jokes!

Maybe They Don’t Understand the Rules

Q: Why is it better to be a grasshopper than a cricket?

A: Because grasshoppers can play cricket but crickets can’t play grasshopper.

This Is a No-Fly Zone

Q: What do you call a fly with no wings?

A: A walk.

…And Cleopatrant?

Q: What do you call an ant with five pairs of eyes?

A: Anteneye.

Sum Body Has to Do It!

The bees’ honey business was going great! They were flying honey all over the country and making a lot of money. Eventually they decided they needed someone to add up all that cash. Who did they ask to do the job? The account-ant.

Do You Have an Appointment?

The little ant was not feeling too well, so it went to a doctor. The doctor examined the ant, decided it just had a little infection—and prescribed it some ant-ibiotics.

That Ant’s Older Than My Grandma!

Q: What do you call a one hundred-year-old ant?

A: An ant-ique.

A Healthy Diet Is When You Have to Work Hard to Catch Your Food

The anteater was generally considered the healthiest creature in the woods. One day a tortoise asked it the secret to its good health.

“Oh, it ain’t no secret,” said the anteater. “It’s just that I’m so chock-full of ant-ibodies!”

Attack of the Enormous Insects

Q: What is the biggest ant in the world?

A: An eleph-ant.

Q: And what’s even bigger than an eleph-ant?

A: A gi-ant.

It’s Only a Small Place

Q: How many ants are needed to fill an apartment?

A: Ten ants.

How Many Legs on Those Pants?

Q: What do you call a smartly dressed ant?

A: Eleg-ant.

An Order of Aphids to Go, Please!

Q: Where do ants go to eat?

A: At a restaur-ant.

In the Department of the Ant-erior, Perhaps?

Q: What do you call an ant that works for the government?

A: Import-ant.

It’ll Get a Punishm-ant

Q: What do you call an ant that skips school?

A: A tru-ant.

Bugs United

Q: What do you get if you cross some ants with some tics?

A: All sorts of antics.

Catch a Buzz

Q: What do bees do if they want to use public transportation?

A: They wait at the buzz stop.

Your Majezzzzty!

Q: What does a queen bee do when she burps?

A: She issues a royal pardon.

Just Let That Bee Be

Q: What’s more dangerous than being with a fool?

A: Fooling with a bee.

Don’t Make Me Sting You!

Q: What did the mommy bee say to her kids?

A: Beehive yourself.

Bees Ain’t Always So Busy

Q: What buzzes, is black and yellow, and goes along the bottom of the sea?

A: A bee in a submarine.

Q: What is black and yellow and buzzes along at 30,000 feet?

A: A bee in an airplane.

Bee Charming

Q: What did the smooth-talking bee say to the pretty flower?

A: Hello, honey!


Q: What’s a bee’s favorite flower?

A: A bee-gonia.

Have You Ever Seen One at the Doc’s?

Q: Which bee is good for your health?

A: Vitamin bee.

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Q: What goes zzub, zzub?

A: A bee flying backward.

Happy Buzz-day to You

Q: What do you call a bee born in May?

A: A maybe.

Open Your Mouth When You Buzz

Q: What kind of bee can’t be understood?

A: A mumble bee.

Take Off Those Stripy Sweaters

Two bees were sitting in a sauna. One turned to the other and said, “‘Swarm in here, isn’t it?”

They Sit on Their Lazee-Bees

Q: What TV station do bees watch?

A: A Bee See.

Join the Buzz-sters

Q: Why did the bees go on strike?

A: Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers.

Who Needs Hair Gel?

Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?

A: Because of the honeycombs.

You Can Be the Bugs-Maid

Q: What did the spider say to the fly?

A: I’m getting married. Do you want to come to the webbing?

If It Bites You, You Have a “Hot-Spot”

Q: How do you spot a modern spider?

A: It doesn’t have a web, it has a website.

Catch Me If You Can!

There was a spider who really didn’t like humans. How do I know? Well, it told me they drive it up the wall.

Putting Its Best Feet Forward

Humans have the Super Bowl, but the animal kingdom has a big sporting event as well. In a bit of an uneven match, the big animals took on the little animals in football. After the first half the little animals, not surprisingly, were being pretty well beaten, so the coach made a passionate speech to rally the little ones.

At the start of the second half, the big animals had the ball. The first play, the elephant got stopped for no gain. The second play, the rhino was stopped for no gain. On third down, the hippo was thrown for a five yard loss.

The defense huddled around the coach and he asked excitedly, “Who stopped the elephant?”

“I did,” said the centipede.

“Who stopped the rhino?”

“Uh, that was me, too,” said the centipede.

“And how about the hippo? Who hit him for a five yard loss?”

“Well, that was me as well,” said the centipede. “So where were you during the first half?” demanded the coach.

“Well,” said the centipede, “I was having my ankles taped.”

Both Will Keep You Awake at Night

Q: What is the difference between a flea and a wolf?

A: One prowls on the hairy and the other howls on the prairie.

Where to, Honey?

Q: How do bees travel when they’re tired?

A: They take the buzz.


Q: What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?

A: Finding half a worm in your apple.

What a L-ark!

Q: Why didn’t the worms go into Noah’s ark in an apple?

A: Because he said they had to go in pears.

A Bright Idea

Q: Why do gardeners plant bulbs?

A: So worms can see when they’re burrowing underground.

That Doesn’t Add Up

Q: What do bugs learn in school?

A: Moth-a-matics.

Who Wants to Be a Milli-ant-aire?

Q: What did the impatient waiter ask the greedy aardvark?

A: Is that your final ant, sir?

The Whole Basket’s Moving!

Everybody knows ants are supposed to be some of the hardest working and busiest creatures in the world. So, how come they always have time to show up at picnics?

The Original Mobile Home

Q: Which animal is the strongest, an elephant or a snail?

A: The snail, of course. It carries its whole house wherever it goes. An elephant just carries its trunk.

How Rom-ant-ic!

There once was an ant that fell madly in love with an ant from another anthill. Its parents didn’t approve, so it left the anthill and they both ran away to get married.

The next morning the newspaper in the anthill had a one-word banner headline—ANTELOPES.

I Found It on the Web

Q: Why did the fly fly?

A: Because the spider spied her.

Get in Step

Q: What is the longest insect in the world?

A: A centipede. Its body covers a hundred feet.

Escar Go—but Not Very Quickly

A couple was having a party at their house. An hour before the party the woman found out that she still needed escargots (snails). So she sent her husband out to get some.

He decided to walk to the market, figuring he had plenty of time. Then he bumped into an old friend he hadn’t seen in a while, and they started shooting the breeze.

An hour and a half later, he looked at his watch and realized that the party had already started. He quickly ran to the market, bought the snails, and ran home. He tried to sneak in the back door without his wife seeing him, but at that moment she walked into the kitchen. He quickly dropped the snails on the path and shouted, “Come on guys! We’re almost there!”

Giddy-Up, Tortoise!

Q: What did the snail say when it hitched a ride on the tortoise?

A: Wheeeee!

One Big Bouncing Bug

A Texan farmer went to Australia for a vacation. There he met an Aussie farmer and got to talking. The Aussie showed of the huge wheat field surrounding his farmhouse, and the Texan said, “They ain’t nothin’! We have wheat fields ten times that size.”

Then they drove an hour to the pasture area where the Aussie showed of his herd of cattle. The Texan immediately said, “They ain’t nothin’! We have longhorns that are twice as large as your cows.”

The Aussie farmer was getting a little tired of the Texan farmer’s bragging, and the conversation died down a little. Just then a kangaroo came bouncing through the fields.

“What are those?” the Texan gasped.

“Oh,” said the Aussie, seeing his chance. “Don’t you have grasshoppers in Texas?”

It Hops Because They Left the Fire On

Q: What is green, sooty, and whistles as it rubs its back legs together?

A: Chimney Cricket.

Put a Key down Its Back

Q: What is green and can jump a mile in a minute?

A: A grasshopper with hiccups.

As He Squeezes You!

Q: Where do you find giant snails?

A: At the end of a giant’s fingers.

Let’s Race around This Guy’s Neck and down His Shirt

Q: Two silk worms were in a race. What was the result?

A: A tie.


Two caterpillars looked up as a butterfly flew overhead.

One of them shuddered and said, “Oh man, those thrill seekers! You’ll never get me to go up in one of those things!”

High Beam

Q: What do you get if you cross a moth with a firefly?

A: A bug that can find its way around in a dark closet.

Would You Park It— or Take It in to Show the Doc?

Jack: Imagine if tarantulas were as big as horses!

Jill: Yeah, if one bit you, you could ride it to hospital.

They Should Go Play with the Cheetah

Q: Why can’t ladybugs play hide-and-seek?

A: Because they’re always spotted.