‘I think I’m going to kill him,’ said Stilton. ‘The sly, two-faced git. D’ye remember what he said? He said he lived off “whatever I can pick up”. Even held up his hands to make it seem like it was almost literal. And what’s he doing? Flogging ration books to German spies. I’ll murder the little sod!’

‘Walter,’ Cal said. ‘Do you really think this changes anything?’

They were sitting in a café in Endell Street, just around the corner from Drury Lane and the home of the much-abused Fish Wally.

Stilton slurped at his tea. Cal tried – he found tea solved less than you’d think.

‘How do you mean?’

‘You said all along that the guy was kosher. Your Squadron Leader passed him. He’s lived here the best part of eighteen months without attracting suspicion. Maybe he works his little fiddles without knowing who’s working him.’

‘Oh – I get it. This network you were on about this morning.’

‘Wally doesn’t have to know he’s part of it to be part of it. The other side just need to know that he operates under the counter.’

‘Calvin, he’s not stupid. He’s a clever man, an educated man.’

‘He’s also half crazy. I think he’s just got known as a man who can fix you up with a room without too many questions. The ration book was a bonus. Wally had just acquired them, saw a potential customer in our Mr Robinson, and did the deal.’

‘Thing is, who else did he deal with? Has he still got the other book or did he flog that too?’

‘Only one way to find out.’

Stilton abandoned his tea and pushed it away from him. In Cal’s experience Stilton never abandoned anything, cold coffee, the crusts on toast, the scrapings in the bottom of the pan – any pan – he hoovered up the lot. From the look on his face Cal deduced he didn’t much relish what he had to say next.

‘I’ll have to pull him, feel his collar, you know that.’

‘Of course.’

‘Tek ‘im down the Yard and give ‘im the works.’

‘The works? I think this is where I came in.’

‘Aye – more’s the pity, it’s where you go out.’

‘What do you mean? You’re dumping me again? I thought we worked Forsyte pretty well back there. I felt we were a team for the first time.’

‘So did I. You’ve the makings of a good copper. But I’ve got to pull Wally by the book. Down the Yard, in an interrogation room. I can’t take you with me.’

‘Why? I mean, why not?’

‘Copper’s stuff. And you’re not a copper. Wally may be half crazy, you’re probably right. But I know Wally, he’ll not decide to talk because we pinch his sausages or bluff him with your driving licence. I’ll need to stick ‘im in a cell and sweat him. He really hates being locked up. You’re not on the force, lad . . . it wouldn’t be ... it wouldn’t be right. This is something I have to do with Dobbs, and believe me Calvin, if I could choose you instead of that dozy pillock I would.’

Cormack gave up on his tea, shoved his cup and saucer to clink against Stilton’s. A cheerless toast in brown scum that had tasted of shoe-leather.

‘How long?’

‘Overnight. Doubt it’d be longer. And I’ll tell you the minute we get a lead.’

‘Cross your heart and hope to die?’