Thank you for reading this book! It’s delivered a lot of information, and no doubt you’ll take the parts you need and use them to create your Innovation Mandate, capture the sparks of innovation, and turn them into profits.

Before we go, here’s a handy top ten list of things you absolutely must understand and put into action. If you can check off every one of these, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an innovation superstar.

Here they are:


            1.    Know why your organization needs to innovate.

            2.    Be personally ready to innovate, and ensure your people are ready and willing.

            3.    Identify areas you could target for innovation.

            4.    Formulate your innovation mission.

            5.    Appoint an innovation champion or team.

            6.    Build your innovation operating system.

            7.    Create your innovation pipeline.

            8.    Provide adequate funding and resources.

            9.    Sustain the effort over time and in every area of your organization.

          10.    Review and evaluate the results on a regular basis.

Over the course of thousands of years of human history, we’ve made our lives better by figuring out new ways to perform work, enjoy life, manage our institutions, and save lives. The process of turning new ideas into reality has always been, and still is, the cornerstone of progress.

Only humans have the spark of innovation. It’s at the very core of who we are. It makes life interesting and fun. It helps each generation live better than the previous one.

From a business perspective, innovation—in all its many forms—is the key to profits. If you stay the same, you fall behind. The only way to keep moving forward and keep the profits coming is to innovate.

Thank you for reading this book. Now go and start working on your next innovation!