abyss, rhetoric of
Adams, Carol
Agamben, Giorgio; animal language, view of; anthropocentrism of; anthropological machine, concept of; antihumanism of; bare life, concept of; coming community, concept of; Dasein, view of; exposition, concept of; infancy, concept of; unsavable life, concept of; Works: “The Face,”; Homo Sacer series; Infancy and History; Language and Death; L’aperto: L’uomo e l’animale (The Open: Man and Animal)
alterity: of animals; of Other
altruism: among nonhuman animals; biological analysis of; selfish-gene theory. See also animal ethics; ethics
Anglo-American philosophy
animal activists, as “domestic terrorists,”
animal ethics; environmental issues and; extent of; universal ethical consideration. See also altruism; ethics
animality; world, relationship to
Animal Liberation (Singer)
animal protection movement
animal rationale
animal rights philosophy
animal rights politics
animals: alterity of; altruism among; Being of, on animal’s terms; communication as fully linguistic; fascination for; gaze of; as humanized; living conditions of; plural singularity of; privileging of; resistance to subjection; singularity of; subjectivity of; “what is” and
animal studies
anthropocentrism: of Agamben; becoming-animalas challenge to; exclusionary practices; of Heidegger; of Levinas; limits of human knowledge; politics of; rupture in. See also metaphysical anthropocentrism
anthropological machine; Heidegger and; question of the animal and; tools for jamming
“as” structure
automatons, animals as
Badiou, Alain
Baker, Steve
bare life, concept of
Bataille, Georges
Being: of animals; of beings; of beings other than human; event of; truth of
Being and Time (Heidegger)
Benjamin, Walter
Bentham, Jeremy
Benveniste, Émile
Berger, Johnn.
biological continuism
biological sciences
Birch, Thomas
coming community, concept of
commonsense notions of world
communal cooperation, concept of
compassion toward animals
concentration camps
Continental philosophy; Heidegger’s influence on; silent on question of animal
“Cyborg Manifesto, A” (Haraway)
Darwin, Charles; The Descent of Man; “The Paradox of Morality,”
Dasein; Agamben’s view; being-toward-death; as Dasein-centric; existentia; finitude, modality of; human; proximity with animal life; transposed into other animals; world and
Dawkins, Richard
death, modes of
deconstructionism; vegetarianism linked with
Deleuze, Gillesn.
democracy, totalitarianism and
Derrida, Jacques; animal figures in works of; animals as subjects; animot; calling into question, in work of; carnophallogocentrism; compassion toward animals, view of; différance; ethicopolitical turn; general theoretical account of; Heidegger, view of; importance of question of the animal to; infrastructures; lack of scholarly attention to focus on animals; metaphysics of presence and; ontotheological humanism, view of; positive projects of; publication of binary oppositions; rigorous distinctions; suffering, view of; suffering of animals, view of; thinking at limits of philosophy; violence toward animals, view of; Works: “The Animal That Therefore I Am,”; “The Ends of Man,”; essay on Levinas (1964); “Geschlecht” articles; Glas; Of Grammatology
dialectic at a standstill
dogs, altruistic responses of
domestic animals, world of
Duino Elegíes (Rilke)
egoism: interruption of by Other; other calls into question; selfishness of genes
end of metaphysics
environmental issues
essentialism; critique of; of Heidegger; strategic; world relations of animals and
ethical vegetarianism
ethics: as agnostic; biological drives, suspension of; face of Other and; includes animals; moral considerability; proto-ethical dimension of animal question; responsivity and; universal ethical consideration. See also altruism; animal ethics
event of Being
evolutionary theory
existence; eksistence; modes of
face of animal Other; undeniable encounter with
face of Other
feminine, the
Fontenay, Elisabeth de
Francione, Gary
Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics, The (Heidegger); communal cooperation, concept of; dogmatism of; world, concept of
gaze, of animal
genocides, animal
Guattari, Félix
Haraway, Donna
Hebrew Bible, animal illustrations
Heidegger, Martin: Agamben’s view of; animal rationale, view of; anthropocentrism, reinforcement of; anthropocentrism of; anthropological machine and; commonsense notions, analysis of; communal cooperation, concept of; death, modes of; Derrida’s view of,; dogmatism of; ek-sistence, concept of; essentialism of; human-animal distinction, view of; humanitas and animalitas; influence on Continental philosophy; mechanized food industry remark; Nietzsche, analysis of; nonanthropocentric analysis of animal Being,; privative interpretation of animal life; world, concept of; Works: An Introduction to Metaphysics; “Letterson ‘Humanism,’” ; Parmenides lectures; “Plato’s Doctrine of Truth,” . See also Being and Time; Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics
homo humanus
human-animal distinction; as abyssal; altruism and; capacities of human and animals; Heidegger’s view; hierarchical versions of; historical and genealogical analysis of; human-animal homogeneity; impossibility of; no longer needed; philosophy and science, relationship between; postmetaphysical and; rupture in; as simplistic; strategic disruption of metaphysical anthropocentrism
humanism; anthropological machine and; Being and; complicity with dogmatic metaphysics; hyperhumanism; metaphysical. See also metaphysical humanism; ontotheological humanism
humans: animal rationale concept of; as animals having language; biologistic analysis of; Dasein,; as deprived of language; as ethical concept; limits of; marginalized
identity politics
incrementalist approach
infancy, concept of
inherent value
interests of animals
interruption; kinds of
Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (Bentham)
justice, deconstruction as
Kafka, Franz
knowledge, perspectival character of
Krell, David
Lacoue-Labarthe, Phillipe
language; animal communication as fully linguistic; conceptualization, resistance to; human as animal having; humans as deprived of; political and social life and; subjectivity constituted by; Voice and; zōn logon echon
left, fragmentation of
legal institutions, limits of
Levinas, Emmanuel; agnosticism of; animals incapable of ethical response; anthropocentrism of; Darwin, view of; Derrida’s essay on; dog in concentration camp story; face of the Other; politics and ethics in work of; universal consideration, concept of; Works: “Is Ontology Fundamental?”; “The Paradox of Morality,”; Totality and Infinity
linguistic idealism
marginalized humans
mechanized food industry
metaphysical anthropocentrism; of Levinas; from metaphysical humanism to; reversal of; strategic disruption of
metaphysical humanism; humanitas and animalitas
metaphysics of presence
metaphysics of subjectivity; will to power and See also subjectivity
missing link
modernity, subject of
moral considerability
“Moral Considerability and Universal Consideration” (Birch)
moral philosophy
moral standing of animals
nakedness, human cognizance of
Nancy, Jean-Luc
narcissism, human
natural selection
Nazis; Holocaust, comparison of animal slaughter with
Nietzsche, Friedrich; biological reading of; on infinite interpretations; reversal of human-animal distinction; will to power; Works: The Gay Science; “On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense,”
nonanthropocentric thought: in Agamben; in Derrida; in Heidegger; in Levinas
Oedipal animal
ontotheological humanism; anthropocentric dimensions of
open, the
Other: as always human; animal, gaze of; animal face of; being-for; calls egoism into question; ethical response to; face of; impossibility of nonviolent relation to; recognition, dialectic of; resistance to; Same-Other relation; universal consideration and
pack animal
philosophy: of animal rights; faced by animal; moral; role in animal studies; science, relationship with; thinking at limits of. See also Continental philosophy
political and legal institutions, anthropocentric constraints on
politics: of animal rights; exposition and; identity politics; language and; subjectivity and
Politics (Aristotle)
postphenomenological discourse
presence; metaphysics of; self-presence
presubjective thought
privative interpretation of animal life
pro-animal discourse, reliance on anthropocentric models
question of the animal; anthropological machine and; proto-ethical dimension of; as response to interactive encounter
recognition, dialectic of
Regan, Tom
rights approach
Rilke, Rainer Maria; reversal of human-animal distinction
Roudinesco, Elisabeth
Same-Other relation
science: accounts of animals; biological sciences; philosophy, relationship with
Searle, John
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins)
Singer, Peter
social instincts
State animal
strategic essentialism
struggle for existence
subjectivity; of animal; animal rationale and; carnophallogocentrism; human, focus on; politics and; presubjective conditions. See also metaphysics of subjectivity
suffering: as response to interruptive encounter; value hierarchies and; vulnerability
things, quasi-ethical presence
thinking, at limits of philosophy
Thorpe, William
thought, as thought of the event
totalitarianism, democracy and
transposition of Dasein
truth; of Being
Uexküll, Jakob von
universal ethical consideration
unsavable life, concept of
vegetarianismn; arguments against; deconstruction linked with
violence toward animals; carnophallogocentrism; causal factors behind; increase in; interventionist; Nazi Holocaust, comparison with
Waal, Frans de
welfarist approach
Wills, David
will to power
Wood, David
world, concept of; access to world
Žižek, Slavoj
zōon logon echon