Chapter 86
As soon as we pulled in front of my aunt Lucy’s house, I could see her peeking through the front window. My stomach tensed up, and I hesitated momentarily. “Come on and get it over with,” Rhythm urged while taking out her gold teeth.
“I’m coming,” I said while simultaneously exiting the car and swatting one of those biting flies at the same time. The South was notorious for those fuckers!
“Gucci Robinson, is that you or are my eyes deceiving me?” Aunt Lucy met us at the door of the enclosed add-on porch that was connected to the rear of her house. She was wearing an expression that I couldn’t quite get a read on.
“If you’re in a good mood, then yes, it’s me. If you’re not in a good mood, then it’s someone else.” I smiled.
“Oh, child, hush!” Aunt Lucy smiled. “I’m always in a good mood when my kinfolk come to visit, even if it has been forever since they been here.” She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
“I know it’s been a long time, but you know how life is,” I said while hugging her back. Regardless of how long it had been since I’d seen my cousin and aunt, it was still a good feeling to be in the presence of family.
“I was just fixing to clean us some chitterlings for supper. Come on in and tell me what mess you done got yourself into now.”
“I hate chitterlings. Do you have some chicken?” I frowned while following her inside the small two-bedroom house. It still looked the way it did back in the day.
“You eat what you get, and you don’t throw a fit!” Aunt Lucy recited her saying from when we were kids. “Anyway, what happened up there in Detroit that sent you hightailing it down here?”
“I got into a situation with my husband.” I danced around the truth.
“What kind of a situation?” Aunt Lucy wanted details. Lucky for me, her phone started ringing and she got distracted.
“Come on.” Rhythm pulled me to the back where her room was. “I have to be at work in a few. You can come with me or you can stay here,” she said as she switched into a work shirt with her name on it.
“Where do you work?”
“At the general store down the road,” Rhythm replied, and I frowned.
“Nah, I’m good.” Staying with Aunt Lucy and her chitterlings was much better than sitting outside in the Alabama heat waiting for Rhythm’s shift to be over. Besides, what the fuck was a general store anyway?
“Suit yourself. I’ll cash your check on my way to work and bring the money back tonight.” Just then Rhythm’s phone started ringing. “I think this 313 phone number is for you.” She handed me the phone.
“Nikki?” I said, knowing she was the only person I’d called. However, the number on the screen was unfamiliar.
“Hey, Gucci.” She sounded drained. “I just got your messages off my old phone. Lock this new number in.”
“Okay, I will, but why did you get a new number?”
“I think the DEA might’ve tapped the other one,” she responded nonchalantly. “Did you make it to your destination?
“Yeah, I’m in Alabama with my aunt and cousin. How are things your way?” I could tell something was wrong.
“Someone ran us off the road after I dropped you off. It was that white car in the parking lot of your hotel. They tried to kill us, Gucci.”
“Is everyone okay?” I wanted to specifically ask about Maria, but that would have been selfish.
“I’m banged up, but I’ll survive. Junior had some glass in his arm, but Maria is all good, not a scratch on her.”
“Thank God!” I sighed. “Thank you, Nikki, for being there for my daughter.”
“She’s family.” Nikki sighed. “As much as I hate to admit it, you are family too, Gucci! We are in this together.”
“You’re right.” I nodded as if she could see me. Nikki and I had almost always had an underlying beef with one another since day one, but that was dead now. How could I hate the woman who was caring for my daughter? “Have you spoken to Mario?”
“Briefly. He’s still locked up. They have an arraignment on Monday. Hopefully, he makes bail.” In the background Maria started to cry. Nikki put me on hold to comfort her, then returned shortly thereafter. “Say something to her, Gucci, so she can hear your voice.”
“Hey, mama. I love you. Mommy will be home soon, I promise.” With a grin I wiped my eyes. I missed my baby girl tremendously.
“Okay, let me put her down for a nap. You stay safe out there, and I’ll be in touch, all right?”
“Later,” I said, then handed the cell back to Rhythm.