The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- absolute income
- ACTN3 protein test kits
- adventure. See call to adventure
- adversity
- and (dis)advantages
- and the examined life
- and feelings
- and needs
- paying it forward
- and service
- Airbnb
- Albany Movement
- Alger, Horatio
- Ali, Muhammad
- Amazon
- American dream
- Anchors
- anxiety
- during COVID-19 pandemic
- openness about
- parenting in age of
- performance anxiety
- as societal stronghold
- statistics
- in youth
- Apple
- Ashe, Arthur
- Association of American Colleges & Universities
- baby boom generation
- Bear That Wasn’t, The (Tashlin)
- Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, A (film)
- belonging, sense of
- Berra, Yogi
- big five needs
- community needs
- just society needs
- personal needs
- physical needs
- universal needs
- boomer generation
- Boston College
- Boys and Girls Club
- Brackett, Marc
- Brady, Tom
- Bridges
- Brown, Brené
- Builder
- and company life cycle
- definition of
- organizational roles
- quiz
- and strategic values
- Builder organizations
- call to adventure
- answering
- being tested
- and failure
- fear of
- low points and turning points
- rewards of
- role-modeling
- sparks
- See also hero/ines; Seeker’s Journey
- Campbell, Joseph
- capital
- brand capital
- guide to growing your capital
- human capital
- social capital
- Career Certificates (Google)
- #Caremongering movement
- Carnegie, Dale
- Carter, Maverick
- Champion
- and company life cycle
- definition of
- organizational roles
- quiz
- and strategic values
- Champion organizations
- college divisions
- college-blind hiring process
- Collins, Suzanne
- community needs
- core values
- Cotter Club
- Cottom, Tressie McMillan
- COVID-19 pandemic
- and adolescent decision-making
- altruism during
- “Covid Hoarding”
- fear and uncertainty during
- gratitude during
- impact on college enrollment
- impact on K-12 education
- impact on labor market
- and importance of college degree
- mental health during
- misinformation
- and purpose mindset
- and pyramid societies
- “tend and befriend response” to
- creative destruction
- Creator
- critical consciousness (CC)
- community needs
- critical action
- critical motivation
- critical reflection
- definition of
- environmental needs
- just society needs
- personal needs
- physical needs
- universal needs
- Dalai Lama
- Darwin, Charles
- David (Michelangelo)
- decision-making
- affirmation of
- and brand capital
- of children and adolescents
- and core values
- for evaluating music
- and expectations
- and fear
- and growth games
- and identities
- and maximizers
- neuroscience of
- process versus outcome
- and purpose mindset
- and values
- Dell, Michael
- Deloitte
- Deming, David
- depression
- and core values
- during COVID-19 pandemic
- and family dinner
- and fulfillers
- and gratitude
- and maximizing
- openness about
- and passion mindset
- and performance mindset
- statistics
- and volunteering
- Discord
- Doe, Kelvin
- doom scrolling
- Drake
- Drexel University
- Driver
- Duckworth, Angela
- Duncan, Tim
- Dweck, Carol
- eBay
- 80/20 Purpose Ratio
- 80/20 rule
- emotional security
- environmental needs
- examined life, the
- extrinsic motivation
- Facebook
- Facilitator
- failure
- and advocacy versus snowplow parenting
- and call to adventure
- in the examined life
- “failing fast”
- fear of
- flopping forward from
- and growth versus fixed games
- and growth versus fixed mindset
- and mentors
- reframing
- and Seeker’s Journey
- fear
- in age of anxiety
- of asking for help
- and authentic self
- of the call
- and core values
- and COVID-19 pandemic
- and decision-making
- and deliberate rumination
- of emotions
- and existential crisis
- of failure
- of the future
- of helicopter parents
- and hero/ine’s journey
- of loneliness
- of not belonging
- and parenting
- and performance mindset
- in pyramid societies
- as societal stronghold
- of surviving in the “real world”
- of underperforming
- worst fear of Gen Z
- See also uncertainty
- “fear detector” of students
- fearlessness
- feelings
- first-generation immigrants
- first-generation students
- five purpose principles. See also big five needs; Builder; Champion; Creator; Driver; Facilitator; growth games; Guardian; purpose mindset; Trailblazer
- fixed games
- Fortnite
- Freud, Sigmund
- Fu, Ping
- Fuller, Richard Buckminster
- game nights
- games
- definition of
- definition of fixed games
- definition of growth games
- fixed games
- Fortunately, Unfortunately
- goals, rules, and feedback in fixed games
- goals, rules, and feedback in growth games
- growth games
- Hand Cricket
- history of
- as metaphors for life
- musical chairs
- obsession with fixed games
- open versus closed play
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- and strengths
- talent games
- video games
- Gates, Bill
- Gen Z
- Georgia Tech University
- Giannulli, Mossimo
- Giannulli, Olivia Jade
- Gibran, Kahlil
- gig economy
- Ginsberg, Ruth Bader
- Giridharadas, Anand
- Goldman Sachs
- Google
- Gorman, Amanda
- Gottman ratio
- Grant, Adam
- great recession of 2008
- Growth and Fixed Mindset Theory
- growth games
- growth versus stability values
- Guardian
- and company life cycle
- definition of
- organizational roles
- quiz
- and strategic values
- Guardian organizations
- Guides
- happiness
- and income
- and intrinsic motivation
- and opportunity
- overvaluing happiness
- and passion mindset
- purpose versus happiness
- spark versus happiness
- and status
- Harvard Business School
- Harvard University
- healthcare
- helicopter parents. See also snowplow parents
- hero/ines. See also call to adventure; Seeker’s Journey
- Heroine’s Journey
- Hero’s Journey
- Heydlauff, Rachel
- higher education
- and brand capital
- and capital
- and growing your capital
- and human capital
- and relationships
- and social capital
- high-impact practices (HIPs)
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Hunger Games, The (Collins)
- Ibarra, Herminia
- identity
- affirming expressions of
- and anxiety
- digital identities
- formation
- and job choice
- and life advantages
- marginalized identities
- narrow sense of
- and pathway education
- and self-reflection
- sense of one’s own
- and service
- and social capital
- and stereotypes
- and strengths
- inequality
- Instagram
- intrinsic motivation
- intrinsic purpose
- intrinsic values
- James, LeBron
- Jobs, Steve
- Julia C. Lathrop Homes (Chicago public housing development)
- just society needs
- Kaepernick, Colin
- Kármán line
- Kaufman, Scott
- Khepra, RaSia
- Kickstarter
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Klein, Tim
- Kondo, Marie
- Koren, Marina
- Korn, Melissa
- Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
- Kwaje, Nelson
- Lepper, Mark
- Levitz, Jennifer
- Lewis, John
- Liang, Chu-yu
- LinkedIn
- long game, playing the
- Loughlin, Lori
- Make School
- Margulis, Lynn
- mastery
- behaviors
- role-modeling
- and self-care
- McGhee, Heather
- Medium
- mental health
- and core values
- during COVID-19 pandemic
- destigmatization of disorders
- example of Michael Phelps
- and external motivation
- and fixed games
- mistaken for absence of negative emotions
- openness about
- and passion mindset
- and performance mindset
- and social media
- and socioeconomics
- statistics
- youth crisis
- See also anxiety; depression
- mentoring, characteristics of good
- advocate and collaborate
- affirmation
- challenge
- mentors and mentoring
- characteristics of good mentoring
- moments that matter
- Michelangelo
- millennials
- Minecraft
- Mitchell, Edgar
- motivation
- extrinsic motivation
- intrinsic motivation
- Muir, William
- multiculturalism
- Murthy, Vivek
- Musk, Elon
- needs. See big five needs
- Nike Vaporfly
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Northeastern University
- Odeo
- Oklahoma State University
- opportunity hoarding
- Originals (Grant)
- Overbeck, Carla
- oxytocin
- Palmer, Parker
- pandemic. See COVID-19 pandemic
- Paradise Built in Hell, A (Solnit)
- Pareto principle
- Parks, Rosa
- passion mindset
- Patel, Neil
- Patreon
- PayPal
- performance anxiety
- performance mindset
- backfiring of
- definition of
- and end destination versus stepping-stone goals
- example of Michael Phelps
- and helicopter parents
- and mentors
- passion mindset versus
- promoted by school
- purpose mindset versus
- and pyramid societies
- and service
- and snowplow parents
- and zero-sum thinking
- personal needs
- Phelps, Michael
- physical needs
- PlayStation 5
- policy-makers
- post-traumatic growth (PTG)
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- power skills. See universal human skills
- problem-solving
- Project Aristotle
- purpose mindset
- purpose principles
- pyramid societies
- Railton, Peter
- RBTC (routine-biased technological change)
- recovery and resilience
- Reeves, Richard V.
- rewards
- in call to adventure
- in pathway education
- and punishments
- and ventral striatum (VS)
- Rogers, Fred
- Russell, Bill
- Salesforce
- scarcity mentality
- scholarships
- athletic
- Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars Program
- Schwartz, Shalom
- Seeker’s Journey
- self-care
- self-knowledge
- self-preoccupation
- service
- service, being of
- short-term goals and successes. See also stepping-stone goals
- Siddiqi, Ayesha
- Silicon Valley
- Singer, William “Rick”
- Skillman, Peter
- skills and skill-building
- and creative destruction
- Creator role
- Driver role
- Facilitator role
- mastery of
- and technology
- universal human skills (soft skills)
- Slack
- Sloane, Devin
- Sloane, Matteo
- snowplow parents
- advocacy versus
- and performance mindset
- social and emotional learning (SEL)
- social comparison
- social media
- Facebook
- Instagram
- and mental health
- opportunities of
- TikTok
- Twitter
- soft skills. See universal human skills
- Solnit, Rebecca
- S&P 500
- sparks
- Spencer, Kyle
- STEM fields
- Stengel, Jim
- stepping-stone goals
- end destination versus
- as end destinations
- and performance mindset
- and purpose mindset
- Strayed, Cheryl
- superhero
- superpowers
- Tashlin, Frank
- technology
- and automation
- and creative destruction
- and routine
- STEM fields
- See also social media
- Thompson, Derek
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Thunberg, Greta
- Tiananmen Square
- TikTok
- Trailblazer
- and company life cycle
- definition of
- organizational roles
- quiz
- and strategic values
- Trailblazer organizations
- Twitch
- Twitter
- Uber
- uncertainty
- about belonging
- Anchors in times of
- and call to adventure
- in COVID-19 pandemic
- and crossroads
- and passion mindset
- and “path forward” education metaphor
- performance mindset as response to
- and prioritizing intentions over outcomes
- purpose in a world of
- and Seekers
- as societal stronghold
- in super-successful students
- tolerating
- and vulnerability
- See also fear
- universal human skills (soft skills)
- universal needs
- University of Chicago
- University of Massachusetts Lowell
- University of Michigan
- University of Southern California
- Urban, Tim
- value archetypes
- and core values
- quiz
- types of
- See also Builder; Champion; Guardian; Trailblazer
- Varsity Blues scandal
- ventral striatum (VS)
- VIA Institute
- Virgin Money
- Walker, Candice
- Walker, Rob
- Walker, Sam
- Wilkerson, Isabel
- Wilson, David Sloan
- Winfrey, Oprah
- Wooden, John
- Yaden, David
- Yale University
- Yousafzai, Malala
- YouTube
- zero-sum thinking
- Zip2
- Zoom
- Zuckerberg, Mark