Appendix 2

        Glossary of Naval Aviation Terms

Information for this appendix was drawn from the following sources: Hata and Izawa, Japanese Naval Aces, xiii–xiv; Lundstrom, First Team: Pacific Naval Air Combat, 183–86; and consultation with Osamu Tagaya.


Kansen (Kanjō sentōki):

Carrier fighter. Japanese romanized symbol: fc.

Kanbaku (Kanjō bakugekki):

Carrier bomber (usually meaning a dive bomber). Japanese romanized symbol: fb.

Kankō (Kanjō kōgekki):

Carrier attack bomber (sometimes employed as a torpedo bomber, sometimes as a horizontal attack aircraft). Japanese romanized symbol: fo.


Flying boat

Suitei (suijō teisatsuki):

Reconnaissance seaplane. Japanese romanized symbol: fsr.

Rikkō (rikujō kōgekki):

Medium land-based bomber. Japanese romanized symbol: f1o.


(See also app. 3 and app. 5.)

Kōkū kantai:

Air fleet (sea- or land-based)

Kōkū sentai:

Carrier division or land-based air flotilla


In the broadest terms, this could comprise both a flight element and a base element of a land-based air group. In terms of the flight element, it was generally composed of eighteen to twenty-seven aircraft (sometimes more) and took the name of the air base where it was originally formed. It could be either homogenous or composed of different types of aircraft.


A carrier flight echelon or the flight echelon of a land-based kōkūtai

Hikō buntai:

The smallest administrative unit of aviation personnel (as opposed to operational/tactical formations of aircraft)



A carrier aircraft echelon that took the name of the carrier on which it was embarked (and that was as much a part of the carrier’s complement as any of the crew) or the flight echelon of a land-based kōkūtai that took the name of the air base on which it was located


Eighteen to twenty-seven aircraft


Nine aircraft


Three aircraft



Executive officer; second in command of a ship or an air group


Air officer in charge of flight operations on a carrier or with a land-based kōkūtai. His was essentially a desk position, and he did not normally fly with his unit in combat.

Hikō buntaichō:

Sometimes called a buntaichō. Leader of a chūtai of around nine aircraft. Though buntai really has no appropriate English translation, for lack of any other accurate English term buntaichō has sometimes been translated as “division leader.”


Air group leader; the senior officer of an air group in combat


Maintenance officer of either a land-based kōkūtai or a carrier-based hikōkitai


Commander of a kōkūtai; the equivalent of the kanchō (captain) of a ship. Usually an aviator of some experience. As a rule he did not fly with the air group in combat.