What Is The Dukan Diet?

With there being so many diets being developed each day, you may wonder whether there is any specific diet that will best help you to lose weight. While some diets may require you to only take fluids within a certain period and others requiring you to fast several days, you can be overwhelmed with all the restrictions. However, who said losing weight has to be too restrictive. It is still possible to eat the foods you love but in moderation.

The Dukan diet is simply a lifestyle meal plan designed to help you lose weight in a quick and healthy way. This diet usually comprises of high proteins, low carbs and moderate fats. Since the diet is low in carbohydrates, your body is forced to start burning fats when it does not get enough carbohydrates for energy.

There are four phases of the Dukan Diet namely the attack phase, the cruise phase, the consolidation phase, and the stabilization phase.

The Attack Phase

The attack phase is largely intake of protein for up to seven days. As such, you will mostly encounter fat free dairy products, lean meats, tofu, seitan and eggs with little carbohydrates but with adequate fats.

The Cruise Phase

The cruise phase on the other hand incorporates non-starchy veggies with proteins, with at least thirty minutes of exercise every day, and two tablespoons of oat bran.

The Consolidation Phase

This phase is a little longer than the second phase, and has one protein day during the week, with all the others blended in a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, and some fruits except grapes, bananas, dried fruits or cherries. You may add some carbohydrates in the consolidation phase once you have lost some pounds.

The Stabilization Phase

The stabilization phase is basically a guideline for what you are supposed to eat and do for the rest of your life. You can decide to make Thursdays your all protein day, take three teaspoons of oat bran every day, and avoid escalators or elevators.

Sticking to the Dukan diet can help you lose weight fast and avoid certain diseases associated with being overweight and obese. Such diseases include hypertension, diabetes and heart attack. In addition, this diet helps you lose significant weight in a short time, which gives you more confidence to follow through. Moreover, it is a lifelong program that is very easy to follow.